Memories of the Monsoon

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Original poster
Aileen Abarrane-_Three Star_ Teleportation, (Electric){Rank A}. _One Star_ Electricity Manipulation {Rank C} (The teleportation is powered by electricity, which she channels into her body from outside sources. When she lands, the electricity used to power the teleportation dispels around her. Can use this as an attack by skipping the teleportation part of the process. Average electricity manipulation.)
Adrian Lamont- _Four Star_ Nullification{Rank B}. _Three Star_ Mild Precognition{Rank D}. (Can render abilities null, to a point. Can see results up to two seconds into the future)
Rovino Építek- _Five Star_ Machinary (Merging){Rank A}. _One Star_ Electricity Generation{Rank C}. _One Star_ Empath {Rank E} (Can fuse with a machine. Average ability to generate electricity.)

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Meanwhile, Rev found Aileen's family at the bottom of the mountain and assessed the situation. So, to summarize, a storm is rampaging around the world, superhuman abilities are being revealed in nearly everyone, a plane crashed near where Aileen is now, and I can absorb machines. Hmmm... While deep in thought, reclining in a car found nearby. He was considering borrowing it to go see Aileen to see if she was okay... He slowly passed into the car, becoming one with it. He was not sure if this was possible at first, but believed it might as well be possible if the opposite works. It reminded him of a reversible reaction in chemistry. In the midst of his thoughts, knowledge of his new body flooded into his mind, teaching him more than any driver's education class ever could. He accelerated, heading up the mountain knowing he won't be able to get all the way up. He will just have to try his best, but hopefully his stuff he put in the car will help.
To say that she saw death in this moment would not be an dramatization, because in all reality most people would indeed be falling to it in her current situation. To her great luck, however, a storm happened to be starting. If she had known more about this power of hers, she would've known that was where she got the energy to get that high in the air anyway.
Aileen felt the pressure and the pull again and pop, she was on the ground again, albeit about 15 feet away from her starting point.
"What the literal fuck." These words would be repeated many times by her and others throughout the near future.

Starting the count now.
Adrian struggled to put together a viable explanation for what just happened.
Quickly coming to the conclusion that she had just moved and he hadn't noticed, he slowly realised she looked just as bewildered as him.
"You doing alright over there?" he asked with a tentative smile.

A short pling came from his back pocket, and Adrian produced his phone, breathing a sigh of relief.
"Data's kicked back in," he muttered. "That means signal. Where are we and who should I call?"
Aileen blinked a couple of times, "Uhm, uh."
Her mom? Yeah, her mom could help.
Shit, she couldn't remember the number. She couldn't remember anyone's number, except for her dad's... who was... somewhere. Not dead. Shit, Katherine. Where is she. Should've looked when in the air. Should go back up. Raining now. Mud getting bad. Katherine. Gotta get out. Katherine. Air. Out. Rain. Mud. Freaking out.

A large drop to the face grounded her a little. They needed to get out, but she can't leave her sister behind. Adrian is not from around here, can't leave him, he probably had no idea where to go.

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As Aileen and Adrian tried to think of someone to call, Rev pulled up in his borrowed car. Luckily, it had remained undamaged during his drive up here. Honestly, he was surprised at how easily it was to control a vehicle he had practically possessed.
After reemerging in the driver's seat, he waved at Aileen from a distance, unable to get too close due to debris lying all over the place. That, and the vehicle was not meant for off road driving.
He shouted to ensure they heard him, "Hey! Are you okay?! Who is he?!"
Aileen's head perked up, "Rev? Is that you?"

She believed it was, and looked over at Adrian. She had to take him with her, it'd be a crime to deny him access to a way to get out of here.
"Hey, that's my friend over there. I don't know where he got a car, but it's a good thing to have right now!" She paused, "We can take you with us, if that's okay?"
Adrian considered his options for a minute, and then shrugged.
"Gotta get help for the survivors, right?" he decided. "Not sure what I think about that car of his, but..."
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