Memories of the Monsoon

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Original poster
Aileen Abarrane-_Three Star_ Teleportation, (Electric){Rank A}. _One Star_ Electricity Manipulation {Rank C} (The teleportation is powered by electricity, which she channels into her body from outside sources. When she lands, the electricity used to power the teleportation dispels around her. Can use this as an attack by skipping the teleportation part of the process. Average electricity manipulation.)
Adrian Lamont- _Four Star_ Nullification{Rank B}. _Three Star_ Mild Precognition{Rank D}. (Can render abilities null, to a point. Can see results up to two seconds into the future)
Rovino Építek- _Five Star_ Machinary (Merging){Rank A}. _One Star_ Electricity Generation{Rank C}. _One Star_ Empath {Rank E} (Can fuse with a machine. Average ability to generate electricity.)

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Aileen gasped to herself as she stood up out of the mud. There had been a mudslide due to the storm, and it took out most of her house and neighbors. She had been knocked out because of a stray pipe, and her family was no where to be seen.

What was strange though, was she swore she had been somewhere else during the slide. And not in a "I got pushed to the bottom of the mountain by mud," way, an "I'm further up the mountain than I was originally," way. A lot further, like Aileen doesn't even know if the mudslide even hit this area.

After processing, at least partially, her surroundings, she notices smoke billowing about a mile away...
"Sophie?! Where are you, Sophie?!"
"Bring the injured here, I'm a doctor!"
"Someone help!"

Adrian never thought he'd be longing for jet lag.
As one of the least injured, he made his way around the side of the twisted metal wreck.
He found what he was looking for.
The source of that unmistakable sound was somehow mostly unharmed, if covered in part by rubble.

He knelt down, doing his best to shove off the debris and lift the object of his search from its little chair.
"Hey," he told the baby softly over its cries. "Hey, hey. You're okay. You've got a blanket right there. More than I've got, eh, kiddo? Shhshshshsh... Let's go find your mum, shall we?"
Ha. Easier said than done.
This thing was hard enough to climb without a baby in hand.
Mountain, he guessed? It was hard to say for certain.
His sleeves were already covered in mud as he was from the trek down, so to get back up one-handed... It wasn't impossible, sure. But it was cold, wet, and a pain in the ass.
"Don't suppose you had little baby climbing boots with you, huh?" he asked the still-crying infant.

Well, at least the search party would hear them, at any rate.
Maybe the smoke was her family! Maybe they're trying to find her!
Aileen couldn't lose her sister. She needed to get her and get to their mom's house somehow. Their mom would know what to do.
This was a game plan for now. Something to focus on. So, on unsteady legs, she walked in the direction of the smoke. It occurred to her that this could be a bad idea, it could be something on fire just from the damage to the houses on the mountain, it could be poisonous gasses, but it was her only lead.
Aileen noticed the scorched trees around her, and wondered if lighting had struck. That still didn't make any sense though, because it was in a strangely uniform circle around her.
Dead trees were better than nothing, Adrian concluded.
A branch broke off just as he reached out and grabbed another, hauling himself up.
That was close, but it was at least obvious.

Obvious why?

Subconsciously noticing the signs, he guessed, moving on.
These things were weird though. He didn't recall seeing any lightning.
Finding a particularly sturdy trunk, he climbed up around it and leaned against the side, finally catching his breath.

This was going to be a long fucking day.

He leaned his head back against the tree, letting the branches drop some cold dew on his forehead, and groaned.
"Sorry, smol-bean. We're halfway there," he assured the child.
He looked around at the other trees. They wouldn't get him much further, but...

He looked at the mud-covered girl in the middle of them with interest.
Not that she was any of his business.
"Don't bother trying to go down if you plan on going back up," he called over. Though, judging from the looks of her, she probably already figured that one out.
She looked up to find the source of the sound, gazing over the trees for a moment until she saw a guy holding a baby.
"I need to go down there. I have to find my sister," Aileen said, maybe more to herself than him.
Maybe he had a good idea though, climbing the trees. A couple more steps through the mud indeed confirmed the previous thought, and she pulled herself up into one.
Adrian sighed.
"Okay, okay, wait where you are for a minute or so," he told her firmly. "I've gotta get rid of this baby."
He was silent.
"That sounded better in my head. Come on, kiddo."
He made his way further up the trees towards the crash site.
Blame it on the probable concussion and confusion, but Aileen listened. She didn't really want to be alone right now anyway.
Unfortunately, sitting still made her anxiety kick in fully, and she had a mild breakdown.
Her dad and her sister were gone, she somehow is okay, there's this dude here that she doesn't have any idea who he is, she has no way of communicating with anyone outside of the reckage, she was alone, and she can barely remember what happened. Not to mention her head is KILLING her.
Yep, she's crying and biting her lip until it bleeds. Yep, she's digging her fingernails into her skin. Yep, she can hardly breathe. No, this isn't a good place to have a panic attack.
A hand on her head.


The same hand extended to help her up.

"You can't break down here. How are we gonna find your sister that way?"

A bottle of water.

"Here. This'll help. Wash your face too if it works for you."

Adrian sighed. "It's a pain trekking about in the mud, but we've got something important to do."
Aileen nodded, knowing that if she holds it off, it will be worse later, but hopefully she can afford to do so later, in the safety of her mother's care.
Some more of those little scorch marks were on the tree she was in now, almost unnoticeable. What kind of freak storm was this?

With her voice wavering and out of breath, she asked "Hey, what's your name?"
"Just Adrian. Nothing special," he introduced himself. "I'm from the crash site up there. They can probably handle themselves, so let's focus on you for now."

He looked down the mountain, trying to roughly gauge how high up they were. "What's the last place you remember seeing your sister?"
"Uh," when was the last time she saw her sister?
"I think..." she started, "I think down the mountain...My dad's house. I still don't know how I got up here."

This was all getting very overwhelming, but Adrian was right, she needed to find her sister.
"Her name is Katherine, by the way. She's ten. She has blue hair."
Adrian was silent for a moment.

The reason she was most likely up here was some geological interference courtesy of the storm.
So it was unlikely this girl had been singled out.
In other words, this Katherine they were searching for could be either up or down.

"So in other words," he summarised his train of thought, "we don't have any clues to indicate which direction she's even in, huh? That's a real pain. Were you on the surface or under the mud first thing you remember up here?"
"...I don't think I was anywhere near the slide when I woke up... I'm covered in mud though, so maybe I was under it at some point..." Aileen was perfectly aware that she was not being helpful, but this was all she could come up with.
A single grim possibility passed through Adrian's head for a moment, but he didn't speak out. It would probably be fine.
"Well, she's most likely to be around either this level or at the base," he concluded. "We'll need to find her quickest if she's up here. See if we can get full circle around the hill."
Yeah, hill, he muttered silently. Ever the optimist, aren't we?
Oh, fuck off,
he told himself.
She nodded, gazing around. "Where is it?"
They had walked down far enough, her house should be here. Sure, she was expecting it to be heavily damaged, but it couldn't be gone, could it?
The Earth exploded. Or, it might as well have, for how Rev perceived the situation when a plane crashed into the mountain one of his best friends was staying at while a storm ravaged the planet, homes were being ripped from the ground, and his phone of all things went inside him. He loved technology, he really did, but that was going a bit far.

As Rev stopped to consider where Aileen was and realized how he should search for everyone, his thoughts were broadcasted through phones all across town, sending a wave of pain through his head as the message popped up: [Is Aileen okay? Where is she? I should probably find Katherine...] He begins to search the building, stuffing his possessions in his bag while calling out to them, not noticing his hair spark and crackle with electricity, turning electric blue for a moment. "Alexandra! Where are you?!" He thinks to himself as he searches, I am glad my bag is waterproof...
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Aileen walked to what looked like her front door, torn from its hinges and laying alone like a life boat in this sea of mud.
She heard a faint buzzing somewhere. The wind was softly blowing. She stretched her hands out, a common response to stress for her. Her hands sparked.
Wait what?
She flexed her hand again and sparks started dancing on her hand, growing in intensity until she relaxed the muscles. The electricity discharged.
Adrian stared at the wreckage before him.
It wasn't his house, but he could guess how Aileen must have felt.
"They'll be around somewhere," he assured her. "If you survived without injuries, then they'll be abou--"

His mind's eye interrupted him.
A dreamlike vision was, for a moment, just as real as what was in front of him.
Sparks leapt from Aileen's hands.
He could only assume that was part of the true reality.
In his false reality, all he saw were thousands of ethereal threads.
"Did you see that?"
Aileen was almost in a trance as she flexed and relaxed her hands over and over, the electricity bursting like tiny fireworks.
"Wait," she said, "What if I..."
In some part of her, she felt something. It was like trying to remember something, and it was also like flexing her hand... but in her whole body.
There was also something that felt almost like a map, except the coordinates were jumbled up.
When she released the pressure in her body, she was no longer on the door. She was falling from the sky.
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