Medieval Times: Ventorum [CLOSED]

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Sure, why not? I'm perfectly open to people joining, ranging from nobles to peasants. Perfectly fine with that even if you didn't ask <3
Though as far as I'm concerned, I just draw the line at royal family.



Queen Clarity
7 inches
15 pounds
Descriptive Appearance
Clarity is seen as most other races as tiny. Standing at 7 inches tall, the tallest of all fairies she has golden hair which she usually wears up in a ponytail. Her golden eyes are beautiful and others fall in love with them. The snow white complexion compliments her nicely, as she has transparent wings that spread from her back.

Job(If any):

Sword of Light |as pictured above|

Celestia | Celebic
Elemental Magic - The ability to control the 4 elements and many sub elements.
Light Magic - The ability to use light magic as a weapon and to heal others.
Dark Magic - The ability to use dark magic, one of few fairies who can.
Portal Magic - Can open portals from one place to another with flowers.


Other Things:

Faith Group Sheet
Faith Group Created by(Type Username):
Faith Group Co-Leader''Demi''(Username of the demi god):
God's Name
God's Appearance:
Demi-God Name:
Demi-God Appearance:
Faith Name:
Faith Motto:
Faith Realm(Where the god and your demi god live):
Faith Belief:
Faith No Go's(What your faith members dislike):
Faith Accessories(Do your members wear specific items to display faith?):
Faith Logo:
Faith Members:


Kingdom/Group Creator
Kingdom/Group Name
Kingdom/Group Motto
Small but Strong
Kingdom/Group Residence Location
In the southern forest
Kingdom/Group Laws
Do not hurt anyone else
Do not use black magic
Do not

Kingdom/Group Wear
Queen Clarity's Outfit in above CS.
Kingdom/Group Flag

Celestia was created by Queen Clarity after the great fairy war, when the good conquered the dark fairies, she created a safe haven for all fairies. It soon became where almost all fairies lived, dark and light.
Kingdom/Group Members and Roles
Queen Clarity
I'll try to shorten down my post guys so that it would be easier to digest. Also it's not fun being a guard there's always that one guy that always get the drop on you.
There's no need to since he hasn't taken any shots to the knee yet so he can still travel after quitting. :D
Class(Knight,Mage,Rogue, Other):


"Every Rose has its thorns."

5 foot 2
120 lbs

:Descriptive Appearance:
Silica is very lithe in appearance. She likes to compare herself to a cat, quick and lean. She stands at a little five foot four and weighs only around 120 lbs. She has pitch black hair, which often comes out looking like a midnight blue. Her nicknames partly derives from the hue her hair color takes on when she is in the light. Her clothing, she likes to come off brash and unnoticed. Scarves, belts, ropes, and a mask to cover half of her face.


Silica has often been compared to a rose. She appears sweet and innocent, but quickly thought about different when her thorns come into place. She is brash and brutally honest. However, despite her prickly personality, to those who she loves, she is indeed sweet. She is playful to those who know her. Strangers, on the other hand, will have a much harder time getting to know her. She has barriers, and troubles trusting others. Silica finds it hard to open up to other people, and will hardly do so.
  • Training​
  • Weapons​
  • Her family​
  • Hunting​
  • Running​
  • Exploring​
  • Reading​
  • Night​
  • Stars​
  • Water​
  • Quiet​
  • Loud noises​
  • Day time​
  • Crowds​
  • No time​
Silica enjoys collecting rocks from the different places she has visited.
Silica hunts for the local blacksmith.
Silica's primary weapon is a bow.(Picture listed in appearance.)
However, she uses a series of melee weapons forged from wood and a substance for the blade unknown to her.

Uses the tools used forged from her father.
(Shown above)


Currently undecided
Currently undecided
Silica has the power of the elements. They are sparce, however. She can only harness them within the time of the night. And, she must be at full energy. Her main form is water to ice. Wind, earth, and fire are very limited as she has not learned them quite yet.
:Other Abilities:
Silica has the ability to flash step. It is a series of movements in which the user is to be appeared 'teleporting'. It is limited in its use since it requires a lot of energy to use.


To be revealed.
accepted, Medieval Times: Ventorum [IC] |


Queen Clarity
7 inches
15 pounds
Descriptive Appearance
Clarity is seen as most other races as tiny. Standing at 7 inches tall, the tallest of all fairies she has golden hair which she usually wears up in a ponytail. Her golden eyes are beautiful and others fall in love with them. The snow white complexion compliments her nicely, as she has transparent wings that spread from her back.

Job(If any):

Sword of Light |as pictured above|

Celestia | Celebic
Elemental Magic - The ability to control the 4 elements and many sub elements.
Light Magic - The ability to use light magic as a weapon and to heal others.
Dark Magic - The ability to use dark magic, one of few fairies who can.
Portal Magic - Can open portals from one place to another with flowers.


Other Things:

Faith Group Sheet
Faith Group Created by(Type Username):
Faith Group Co-Leader''Demi''(Username of the demi god):
God's Name
God's Appearance:
Demi-God Name:
Demi-God Appearance:
Faith Name:
Faith Motto:
Faith Realm(Where the god and your demi god live):
Faith Belief:
Faith No Go's(What your faith members dislike):
Faith Accessories(Do your members wear specific items to display faith?):
Faith Logo:
Faith Members:


Kingdom/Group Creator
Kingdom/Group Name
Kingdom/Group Motto
Small but Strong
Kingdom/Group Residence Location
In the southern forest
Kingdom/Group Laws
Do not hurt anyone else
Do not use black magic
Do not

Kingdom/Group Wear
Queen Clarity's Outfit in above CS.
Kingdom/Group Flag

Celestia was created by Queen Clarity after the great fairy war, when the good conquered the dark fairies, she created a safe haven for all fairies. It soon became where almost all fairies lived, dark and light.
Kingdom/Group Members and Roles
Queen Clarity
accepted, Medieval Times: Ventorum [IC] |
Name: Evangel Rayius
Nickname: The Green Knight, The might of Vestoria
Age: 30
Height: 7 ft ,2 inches
Weight: 155 kg
Race: Human


Descriptive Appearance:
Personality: Stern with his training, Precise and logical with his strategies with little room for doubt. He cares a lot for the soldiers in his brigade. He always tries to improve the performance of his soldiers through rigorous training. He remembers all the faces of the soldiers that have enlisted (Although he occasionally gets their names mixed up). He is the man that seeks atonement for his failure to protect the ones that held his highest respects, and hopes that he may one day earn the forgiveness of the current Queen.
Likes: To train his man, to see them grow and improve under his leadership. Good food. To fight for the brighter future of his kingdom.
Dislikes: People who attack the weak.
Hobby(optional): Sparring with his soldiers to see how much they have improved.
Job(If any): General of the 4th division A.K.A The Vanguard. Mostly made out of normal people with slightly above average strength with a few magic users.
Class(Knight,Mage,Rogue, Other): Grand Knight (Sub-division of a Knight)
(Main) Weapon: An above average sized blade (Extremely unwieldy to most other knights for its length( 5 ft 1 inch)) with a clean blade finely crafted by the master blacksmith of the kingdom specifically for him. It is called Great Zweihander.
(Secondary) Weapon: A slightly shorter sword compared to his other blade (4ft that has been enchanted with magic which. When swung , a slash of light fires from his towards its target. Its maximum range is only 7 feet. Any further than that and slash of light will disappear. The sword can also create a barrier of light that surrounds its user when it is stabbed into the ground. The size of the barrier can be adjusted by the user to protect more individuals.It is called Light Brand.
Warp Stone:
A stone that allows the user to teleport great distances. It can only be used 3 times a day before requiring 1 day to recharge.
-For long distance teleportation, it has a noticeable delay
-For Short distance teleportation, it is nearly instant
Associations(Faith,Kingdom,Guilds,Groups,Cults, Other): The Kingdom of Vestoria (The council of Grand Knights)
Position(Role in said ''group''): General
Power: Mastery over the light brand. Allowing him to use an enhance version of the slashes of light. From time to time.
Other Abilities:
-Immunity to low and some mid tier spells.
-Able to resist or negate some higher tier spells with sheer willpower.
History: A knight who failed to defend the King and Queen in the past. He swore to his life that he will never let another member of the royal family die in his guard even if it means he has to disobey the orders of the royal family. After the death of the King and Queen, he dedicated his life to ensuring that his strength and those under him will never again waver when defending the Kingdom. Through his determination he climbed the ranks of the knight quickly claimed the highest attainable rank of the army. Grand Knight.
Other Things:
- Because of his unrivaled strength, he usually wields his blades (Both the Light Brand and the Great Zweihander) with one hand.
- He is ambidextrous. This allows him to wield both of his blades at the same time when needed.
- Occasionally he does use both hands to swings his blade to perform much more powerful strikes.
- He is never seen without his armor and only removes it when no one is able to see him to hide his shame.
- In battles where speed is more valuable than durability, He may cast off his pauldrons and sideskirts to increase his speed in exchange for some durability.
- His great resistance towards magic comes from a magical brand given to him when he was promoted to a Grand Knight.
Religious Views:
He believes that are many Gods which are outside the realms of mortal imaginations and he has a hard time picking one. Because of this, he thinks it is simpler to just acknowledge that all Gods are real and respect all of them.
Last edited:
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Gabriel Heartache
Name: Evangel Rayius
Nickname: The Black Knight
Age: 30
Height: 6 ft ,3 inches
Weight: 140 kg
Race: Human


Descriptive Appearance:
Personality: Stern with his training, Precise and logical with his strategies with little room for doubt. He cares a lot for the soldiers in his brigade. He always tries to improve the performance of his soldiers through rigorous training. He remembers all the faces of the soldiers that have enlisted (Although he occasionally gets their names mixed up). He is the man that seeks atonement for his failure to protect the ones that held his highest respects, and hopes that he may one day earn the forgiveness of the current Queen.
Likes: To train his man, to see them grow and improve under his leadership. Good food. To fight for the brighter future of his kingdom.
Dislikes: People who attack the weak.
Hobby(optional): Sparring with his soldiers to see how much they have improved.
Job(If any): General of the 4th division A.K.A The Vanguard. Mostly made out of normal people with slightly above average strength with a few magic users.
Class(Knight,Mage,Rogue, Other): Grand Knight (Sub-division of a Knight)
(Main) Weapon: An above average sized blade (Extremely unwieldy to most other knights for its length( 5 ft 1 inch)) with a clean blade finely crafted by the master blacksmith of the kingdom specifically for him. It is called Great Zweihander.
(Secondary) Weapon: A slightly shorter sword compared to his other blade (4ft that has been enchanted with magic which. When swung , a slash of light fires from his towards its target. Its maximum range is only 7 feet. Any further than that and slash of light will disappear. It is called Light Brand.
Associations(Faith,Kingdom,Guilds,Groups,Cults, Other): The Kingdom of Vestoria (The council of Grand Knights)
Position(Role in said ''group''): General
Power: Mastery over the light brand. Allowing him to use an enhance version of the slashes of light. From time to time
Other Abilities:
-Immunity to low and some mid tier spells.
-Able to resist or negate some higher tier spells with sheer willpower.
History: A knight who failed to defend the King and Queen in the past. He swore to his life that he will never let another member of the royal family die in his guard even if it means he has to disobey the orders of the royal family. After the death of the King and Queen, he dedicated his life to ensuring that his strength and those under him will never again waver when defending the Kingdom. Through his determination he climbed the ranks of the knight quickly claimed the highest attainable rank of the army. Grand Knight.
Other Things:
- Because of his unrivaled strength, he usually wields his blades (Both the Light Brand and the Great Zweihander) with one hand.
- He is ambidextrous. This allows him to wield both of his blades at the same time when needed.
- Occasionally he does use both hands to swings his blade to perform much more powerful strikes.
- He is never seen without his armor and only removes it when no one is able to see him to hide his shame.

Religious Views:
He believes that are many Gods which are outside the realms of mortal imaginations and he has a hard time picking one. Because of this, he thinks it is simpler to just acknowledge that all Gods are real and respect all of them.
This looks good, however your character is wearing Alatum Hastam colors so you might wanna change your appearance a little bit.
Got room for one more?
I hope my first post was okay ;u;
Ed, I'm most likely going to make two other characters, one for your kingdom and my little son, is that okay? I was hoping I could be of some kind of importance to the king, If not I'll just make a Lord?
I have zero idea for Clarity to start, can I also be apart if the treaty thingy? Because Clarity is the Queen of Celestia?
Got room for one more?
Yes we do, Welcome to the fold! :D

Ed, I'm most likely going to make two other characters, one for your kingdom and my little son, is that okay? I was hoping I could be of some kind of importance to the king, If not I'll just make a Lord?
Sounds good to me, Welcome to the red kingdom, brother.

I have zero idea for Clarity to start, can I also be apart if the treaty thingy? Because Clarity is the Queen of Celestia?
Yea you can.
This looks good, however your character is wearing Alatum Hastam colors so you might wanna change your appearance a little bit.
Oh well.... So much for being the "Black Knight". I've edited the bio. Would that be more suitable?
I have no idea what to do with my character lmao
I have no idea what to do with my character lmao
You can travel to latrosalus where three of us are, If you feel like it you can help henry fight the dragon his looking for.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Ayla
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