Medieval Times: Ventorum [CLOSED]

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"... You forgot about me already, huh.."

"Zerachi" Equinox
The Personification of Balance
The Killer
The Saviour

She has lived for too many years to keep track of, however, she appears to be in the form of a 17 year old woman.

120 lbs

Fallen Goddess
Zerachi is a silent woman, preferring to stay around isolated areas and such. Though, she is generally kind hearted, she doesn't like the presence of other people, and prefers animals. She, however, isn't going to hesitate should she kill a man, nor will she hold remorse. She can be rather cold and calculating, however towards children and animals, she is much more warmer and caring. Zerachi also seems to overreact at times when someone is able to see her, even if she may come off as cool and collected afterwords. She is not, however, bipolar oddly enough.

Zerachi enjoys the company of animals and plants, and likes things that are put in an orderly fashion. She feels that it's easier if one were to lay everything out and sort out issues neatly, so that it's easier to navigate through them and accomplish them effectively. She does seem to have a sweet tooth though, as whenever she goes to a kingdom, she buys some sweets and pastries as a snack when she leaves back into the forest. Well, she doesn't technically buy them, she sort of steals them by turning into animals, or she just walks in and takes one, but what's the fun in that?

If anything, she hates people who pick on the weak, and people who believe that all evil will prevail. Her, being balanced however, also makes it that she isn't fond of the idea of perfect peace either. She dislikes wars, as there are too many soldiers losing lives and such that rulers are all too blind. There may be a better way of showcasing how dumb it is, however, she choses a mean where she kills almost all the soldiers on both sides should she be attacked, forcing both kingdoms to retreat. She dislikes the idea of losing lives, but she doesn't seem to mind slaughtering. Hence the nicknames 'saviour' and 'killer'.

Talking to animals
Talking to Children


Boundary Manipulator


Yin-Yang locket
The locket is the medium that holds the main part of her soul, or whatever soul she may have left. Should the white and black mix to turn into grey, she would have completely disappeared from existence. Should she remove this locket, she would be gradually weakened over time and, if she were nearing death when not in possession of the locket, she will disappear from existence. However, if anyone else were to wear the locket, they are to be void of all emotion in them. All emotion, and all thoughts. This does not apply to herself, as she is already perfectly balanced. If the wearer lacked a perfect balance, the locket will force the wearer to showcase it, in one way, or another.

Equinism - Disbanded and Forgotten - Faith

Former Goddess/Goddess

Manipulation of Balance (Usually Active)
A branch of Boundary Manipulation that she specializes in. This allows her to balance out the power between two fighters, as well as the pain and etc. This power could also be used to spread a disease out equally between others if she wanted to, but she rather not interact with people. This ability is also the core reason why she is a true neutral, as she has a perfect balance of good and bad residing inside of her. This manipulation of balance also allows her to control complete opposites, branching mainly into Yin-Yang manipulation and separation. She is able to control the good and the evil in items, people, and animals alike as long as there is both good and evil in them. A truly fearful ability, knowing that she could turn everything dark if she truly wished for it to happen. Finally, her separation. As she is basically 'the personification of balance', it is possible for her to split herself in two. One being pure good, and the other being pure evil. She is also able to do that with objects and people. With this, however, it is impossible for her to merge the two back together. It is also impossible for her to control the two entities. She is also unable to control anything that does not have it's other opposite, such that she cannot control something that has no evil in it, nor vise-versa. This ability, otherwise, is not harmful if there is nothing to balance.

Manipulation of Boundaries (Constantly Active)
This is the sole reason she had not aged. The manipulation over boundaries allows one to control absolutely anything, and everything. However, her boundary manipulation is not as advanced as her balance manipulation, as she is only able to grant a person absolute immortality, including herself. This also allows her to shift her appearance, so she can appear as anything she wanted to, really. As most of the branches of her boundary manipulation is cut off due to when she turned into a fallen god, the only thing that this ability would be good for in combat is if she were to use it physically. Otherwise, she is unable to harm someone with this ability on it's own, and she is limited to certain borders. Also, despite how this ability may appear limitless, without proper management and caution, the user is vulnerable as well. Even with this, the boundaries always have two or more sides to them, meaning that they cannot rid of 'one side'. If the user is careless, it is possible that paradoxes may occur. In her case, however, she will be trapped between the boundaries of non-existance and existence, where she must live in a world where she never existed in the first place, and she can't do anything about it.

Mana Manipulation (Barely Active)
Unlike most mages, she is able to harness the raw power of mana before it is to take any attributes what so ever, allowing her to cause devastating attacks and damage when combined with her boundary and balance manipulation. She is able to take her raw magical power and form it into all different things, almost anything as long as it is within the borders. Mana manipulation is a fairly basic skill to beginning mages, who first learn how to control their magical power. However, she branches even deeper into this skill, and so this magic has no weaknesses. However, this magic also has no resistances, nor do they have any advantages attribute wise, as it focuses mainly on how it is used. Advanced Mana Manipulation can be used in numerous ways, such that it could be used to turn into a fog, into wings, and etc. Any other mage would go crazy for this power however, she rather not use it.

Other Abilities
Limited Invisibility (Always active)
Well, this pretty much speaks for itself. However, this ability does not apply to certain individuals. Certain people, who believe that there is a certain balance to the world, and believe that it's possible that someone may be controlling it, have the ability to see her, as they believe in her one way or another. Those who do not, are unable to see her, and will phase right through her as though she did not exist. This is due to the imbalance of belief in her, as more people don't know her in comparison to those who do believe in such a god. She is able to use her magic on those who do not believe in her, however, she cannot use them in a way to tell someone that she exists.

Boundary between Existence, and Non-Existence (Always active)
She sits on something like a boundary between non-existence and existence. This is one of the boundaries that she, herself, is unable to manipulate. Those who believe that she exists, or at least the concept of balance and boundaries, are able to see her. The ones who do not, are unable to see her. However, there is an exception. If the ruthless and evil, along with the light and the peace were able to make amends and acknowledge that neither could be there without the other, and are able to acknowledge that there are, in fact, boundaries to what one can do and what one cannot, they will too be able to see her.

As for hearing her, that is a complete different story. Young children can hear her, and sometimes even see her if they are to inherit supernatural abilities that allow them to see more spiritual beings such as herself. Older adults on the other hand, will only hear her in a dream or if she were to whisper something whilst passing by. However, most usually pass it off as hearing things, and pass children off as though they are imagining things and speaking to some sort of imaginary friend.

*She can, however, be seen if she were to transform into an animal. She cannot communicate though.

A complete mystery, this one. Ever since she could recall, she was always wandering around, going from kingdom to kingdom. She has seen people live, die, slaughter, and be slaughtered. She had seen kingdoms rise, and fall, and she had seen faiths disperse, and reunite. No one remembers nor do they know who she is. Most people can't even see her, much to her own horror. It all started eras ago, where she was known as the goddess of balance and boundaries. She was worshipped and people believed in her, prompting her to do good for people. Those who got bad marks and always worked, she balanced it out by giving them better results. Those being scolded all the time, had less scoldings and more fun. She was in charge of handling balance throughout mortals, and she was also responsible for giving everything boundaries. Humans had a certain lifespan, all the same as animals and such. However, one day, she was attacked by an unbelieving faith, whom had Hades standing by them. They stopped her from performing her tasks for a few thousand years. This gradually weakened her from lack of believers, soon, she no longer had enough power to sustain herself as a god. One day, as she was about to rot, she finally found an opening to the mortal world, and fled through there. As she expected Hades to pursue her, he claimed that she was far too weak, and there was no way that she would recover. He was confident that she would die in the mortal world. He was right. On a freezing winter day, the once goddess Equinox, disappeared. All that remained was a pendant, with black and white liquid floating around in the locket. The liquid, oddly, did not mix together.

On the morning of July 17th, XXXX, a young boy and girl were walking through a meadow, soon coming across a pretty necklace. The girl seemed to like it, but she told the boy that she shouldn't touch it, since it might be someone else's. The boy, disappointed, left it alone. However, as the girl left, he quickly snatched the valuable piece of jewelry, hiding it in his pocket. A few years later, as they had turned into adults, the male proposed to the girl with the said necklace. The girl was overjoyed, accepting the proposal and putting the locket around her neck. Everything seemed joyful and nice. At least, until there came a few after effects. A few days of wearing the necklace, and the male realized that his lover, was changing. She was not the bubbly, clumsy woman he knew and love. The girl slowly was turning monotoned, as though she were void of all emotion. The boy, panicked at the thought that his lover will no longer love him, stole the locket and attempted to break it. However, the locket refused to break, not even a dent was made into it, causing the man to fall into an even unhealthier state of panic. He quickly put the locket on sale, and a kind old woman took the locket. The man sighed with relief, however, a few days after when the girl recovered, she questioned where the locket was. The man told her that someone stole it while she was asleep, and she didn't seem too happy with that, and called off the wedding as he had lied to her.

Now, this locket was passed from generation to generation, coming off as an 'evil spirit'. All were forbidden to wear it, as they feared the power or curse that would be bestowed onto them. They were unable to get rid of it without giving it away, but even then, their lives would be thrown off balance. It was soon stored away, deep at the back of a mage's abandoned house. One day, a curious mage in training stumbled upon the rumoured haunted mansion, and found that the locket, oddly, had not gathered any dust, and took it home to study on it. Finding no leads, they returned to the mansion, and found some papers that the wise sorcerer had recorded. That is where they learnt about the balance, and how the locket was tied to it. No one was able to mix the white and black together, and no one was able to open the locket to see the contents of inside. Intrigued, the mage brought it back to their house, performing more research. As they grew older, however, they became more and more obsessed over the locket, soon finding that it held large amounts of magical power. They tried to extract it, only to fail and try other means, all to fail. The man died of old age, surrounded by his papers and theories. Crazed till death.

This cycle went on for a long, long time. All who attained the locket and researched it became obsessed. All the writings about it all told that no one must wear the locket, as they will never willingly take it off. It was also recorded by a man that the locket offered immense magical power to the wearer, and many more theories sprung up. Finally, an old man who was a priest came to the locket, picking it up. He rushed home quickly, in order to look through an old diary of old writings from the Equinox Era. Though the writing was faded, torn, and burnt, it was still slightly readable. It mentioned how the goddess always had a locket that mustn't be opened, and should the black and white mix, her existence will go grey. He soon realized that the locket was the real deal, and was worn by the goddess herself. Just when he began believing in her, the locket opened back up, releasing something that looked like a black and white spirit. The spirit took the form of a young woman, who thanked the old man. Before he was able to reply, the locket disappeared. That night, the man died peacefully in his bed. Cause of death was unknown.

After the locket had disappeared, many people and adventurers began to sought it out, as it soon became an invaluable treasure to guilds. Many of the rich have heard about it's stunning beauty, merchants have heard of others willing to pay millions, and mages have heard about the vast magical power it offered. All guilds had been sent out, however, all returned empty handed. Eventually, a male explorer who devoted his life to locating things began to investigate, and soon found insane magical stats in the mirage forest. He quickly began to investigate, however, the moment he stepped on even a twig, he was sent to the other side of the forest. He tried again, and again, and again. However, he was only able to continuously end up in that cycle. This intrigued him, and soon he found a mage that was able to read different spells, decode them, and dispel them. This spell was one that was used when one did not want others to enter, and a fairly complex one at that. She dispelled it effortlessly, however, the moment the spell was lifted, the entire forest disappeared, and there were no more magical readings from where the forest once was.

Unbeknownst to others, a woman was always sitting in the centre of the forest, on a tree that did not change with the seasons. She stood there for a long, long time. She didn't need to eat, sleep, or speak. She always stared up at the sky as though she were dead, yet had the energy to stay up and be alive. At least, it was like this for a while until a war broke out between Vestoria, and another named kingdom. Both sides had found the forest, and began to use the forest as a place where they would rest in the war, and fight in it. Now, she was never fond of wars however, one man had found her standing in front of the never aging tree, and attempted to attack her when she refused to move. As though she were like a ghost, the sword phased through her, and a smile appeared on her face, the same one that she showed when she found that a human was being bad, or trying to extend their boundaries. One that said: I'm sorry, but I'll have to show you the consequences.

On that day, many people died. Both sides of Vestoria and the other kingdom, almost all of the troops were wiped out after they were continuously sent by the idiotic rulers. From that day on, the other kingdoms, and rulers, never dared to set foot near the forest ever again.

Other Things
Her true form is that as shown above. However, she is able to take multiple forms if needed. Even if she takes these forms, that others are able to see, she is unable to speak and communicate with them in any way. Also, any interaction with her in any form will cause their memory to be wiped afterwords.
The forest is known to be 'moving' from place to place. At times it may be near Alatum Hastam, sometimes it appears near Vestoria. Sometimes it can be by the abandoned kingdom, and sometimes it can be found by the border of Regnum Daemoniorum. Never the less, it is never on it's own in the wild and seems to always just hang by the borders of different kingdoms.
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*Cries in the corner*
Tell me if there is anything I need to change as I finish her character sheet ouo
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I posted and I'm really trying to become part of this roleplay I AM

I'm near the place where the dragon issss I think ;y;
I posted and I'm really trying to become part of this roleplay I AM

I'm near the place where the dragon issss I think ;y;
Yea you are, Although my character is about to head over to the entrance to the dungeon that the little girl appointed him to.
Yea you are, Although my character is about to head over to the entrance to the dungeon that the little girl appointed him to.

Maybe my character could follow yours into the dungeon?
Woop! I'll add her in the role play ouo
PS. I'll reply as Esta once the two generals reach the area.
A lot of stuff happened here. Glad to see we got more peeps to join us.
Well, Zerachi is more of a wanderer, so she'll be stealing from various kingdoms. Be prepared for a thief report :P
I read your post. Idk how exactly to respond to that as it is a very broad post and no-one has joined my kingdom other than Crim, who has taken the role of the demi-god of the faith I created. So do not be surprised that I won't have anything happen.
Sorry to those who are waiting for me to post. I am currently working on my post and thereafter i will work on updating the cast list.
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The capture of Queen Esta is just one of the requirement for the main plot to start? Or has your character already capture the queen and moving on towards the Kingdom?

Queen Clarity
7 inches
15 pounds
Descriptive Appearance
Clarity is seen as most other races as tiny. Standing at 7 inches tall, the tallest of all fairies she has golden hair which she usually wears up in a ponytail. Her golden eyes are beautiful and others fall in love with them. The snow white complexion compliments her nicely, as she has transparent wings that spread from her back.

Job(If any):

Sword of Light |as pictured above|

Celestia | Celebic
Elemental Magic - The ability to control the 4 elements and many sub elements.
Light Magic - The ability to use light magic as a weapon and to heal others.
Dark Magic - The ability to use dark magic, one of few fairies who can.
Portal Magic - Can open portals from one place to another with flowers.


Other Things:

Faith Group Sheet
Faith Group Created by(Type Username):
Faith Group Co-Leader''Demi''(Username of the demi god):
God's Name
God's Appearance:
Demi-God Name:
Demi-God Appearance:
Faith Name:
Faith Motto:
Faith Realm(Where the god and your demi god live):
Faith Belief:
Faith No Go's(What your faith members dislike):
Faith Accessories(Do your members wear specific items to display faith?):
Faith Logo:
Faith Members:


Kingdom/Group Creator
Kingdom/Group Name
Kingdom/Group Motto
Small but Strong
Kingdom/Group Residence Location
In the southern forest
Kingdom/Group Laws
Do not hurt anyone else
Do not use black magic
Do not

Kingdom/Group Wear
Queen Clarity's Outfit in above CS.
Kingdom/Group Flag

Celestia was created by Queen Clarity after the great fairy war, when the good conquered the dark fairies, she created a safe haven for all fairies. It soon became where almost all fairies lived, dark and light.
Kingdom/Group Members and Roles
Queen Clarity
I just noticed that your kingdom flag colors is the same as mine, Yea sorry but you need to change that. LOL
God's Name
Amon, The Dark Voice

God's Appearance as was seen by the harbingers of Amon

Amon takes the form of whatever he wishes but usually appears as a shadow with two glowing red eyes. As his true form would turn any living being even some of the lesser Gods insane. His voice also changes just as the amount of souls he had taken the number of voices increases. He was borne from the desires of man and Gods eventually becoming equal to all the major Gods. However he is unable to materialized in the mortal world until a suitable host is found a host with great affinity with Darkness until then he may tear open the fabric of reality on sites that shows great affinity with darkness (Sites of mass murder, Wars where thousands are killed) summoning voidlings. Creatures that Amon had taken within himself, they appear with red outlines and darkness within but you can say they are just illusions from a distant future or past as they disappear only after a few minutes but make no mistake their sword, magic or claw are real but they are easily defeated with a few strikes that is if you can beat the shadows of masters from before or after your time.

Faith Name
The worshipers of Amon

Faith Motto
"Let Amon release you from the bindings of suffering."

Faith Realm:
The void, where there should be nothing but instead holds the universe's greatest secrets.

Faith Belief
Death is the highest point of ascension and everything and everyone must be ascended. There is nothing greater than dying in service to the Dark Voice. Everyone will worship Amon whether they do it willingly or not. There are no heretics only those that had not embrace Amon yet.

Faith No Go's
As long as you are following Amon's will everything is permitted but killing fellow harbingers are not encourage.

Faith Accessories
The scar on their torso showing their absolute obedience as they had given their souls to Amon.

Faith Logo
Two floating Red eyes amidst black

Created by the war of the Gods and the war by the humans, Amon is a hybrid of both mortal desires and Jealousy of Gods. His solely exist only for the ascension of the whole universe, a savior he and his followers think he be but to other he is an ancient horror that fell Gods caused Kingdoms to attack one another to the brink of human extinction. At the height of his power and having found a host to enter the human realm after finding a loophole in the law that prevents Gods being able to enter the mortal realm. He was mortal but with powers of a God of his status and still have his connection with the Void. He was nigh impossible to stop but the surviving kingdoms soon stop bickering with each other and tried every possible way to stop Amon even the Gods tried to intervene but none was able to stop him. This was called the 'End War' but this was forgotten by history and set aside as another myth or children tale just like all tales he was defeated by a group. the heroes of light killing Amon and ending the End War the war to end everything. His followers soon were routed as well ending the Dark Voice's connection to the mortal realm for the moment in time.

Current Standing
Amon had only just recovered from 'Death'. Does not have followers as he was forgotten.There are still some shrines dedicated to the God but they are in location where one usually does not travel to. Unable to enter the human realm but some people with affinity to the dark are beginning to hear voices of the beyond tell them infinite power is within their reach. As such holds no bearing in the mortal world yet.

Faith Members
None as of right now

The Dark Voice will find you in your time of needs and gives you a helping hand just for the low price of your soul. However you can give your soul to him as well but for him to turn you into a slave you must give up your own soul, Amon cannot take your soul from you unless you are dead.

The Dark Voice's grasp
Being able to whisper to anyone who is desperate enough to ask for Amon's help.

Harbingers of Amon
Those who sold their souls will be granted the power of a ascended, a connection as well as a leash with the void an endless stream of dark energy as it is a world created by such. Their appearance will change slightly depending on how deep they have in-tuned with the void but they will always have glowing red eyes. Those who have entirely succumbed to the void will have sickly pale skin, and red outlines.​
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