Maybe Love Will Blind Em?

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"I mean, I don't want to say something wrong, you know?" She whispered, her lips trailing along his neck absently. "I mean, I've got a reputation to hold up at the college, I can't say something and end up fucking up my chance of really getting a solid position."
"Fine... But don't say anything silly, okay?" She whispered in return, before nestling into him, her breasts pressed against his,chest
Wrapping his muscled arms around her waist, he sighed as he took in her scent. "So..Baby names....I want to name her Beautiful. What about you?"
"No, no... It needs to be more subtle, like Rose, or Lily." She whispered, her hands running down the man's back.
"But she is going to be beautiful. It's only right if we name her on what she is." Hr smiled.
"Hm... Can we at least go with Belle? It's beauty in French, and I think THAT sounds at least a bit nicer."
"Hmm...Belle is nice. Alright, her name is Belle." Smiled the man as hr cuddled close.
"... Hm... I should start heading out..." She whispered, pursing her lips tight before casually moving out of the bath. "I need something in my tummy, goodness."
Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her back down into his lap with a smile. "Come on, don't leave just yet."
Letting out a surprised squeak, she burst into nervous giggles while adjusting her hips
"I have work, Colby..." She reminded, though offered a smile nonetheless. "I can't be late again."
Pouting at that, he let her go, though not without a goodbye kiss. "Maybe I should come t your lunch?" He smirked. Last time he came to have 'lunch' with her, they didn't even eat.
"I-I mean, if you'd like..." She stammered, giggling. "But it'll have to be quick.";
"Last time, my professor yelled at me." She reminded, before slipping into her usual jeans and white button up- mandatory, along with a lab coat
"Well, maybe you shouldn't be loud like last time." He smirked, staying in the warm bath.
"You kept insisting I said your nAme!" Sh countered, huffing bitterly
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