Maybe Love Will Blind Em?

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"WOW. wow, okay, so this is it? Two years of friendahip and love and you're willing to end it all because I'm a trans woman? I thought uou loved me..."
"I'm sorry, okay? How many times I have to say that?"

"Now you know how I felt." Colby mumbled, having been up and seeing her messages. Grimacing at her, he sat up, and got out of bed. "You were ready to leave me, after five years for him. Someone who really didn't love you at all."
"But you're NOT sorry, are you? You know what you're doing, dumping me because of my past. I thought you were a nice, loving person. You helped me through so much shit and I hope I did the same for you, but this one thing irks you enough to drop all of that." She typed ferociously, tesrs in her eyes as she held her phone and her cat simultaneously.
Phil didn't answer after that, probably feeling bad. Colby was getting dressed and grabbed his own bags and packing it
"... I'd like to see that home, that you want us to share." Admitted Barbie, her cheeks rosy. "I don't... I don't want to go home tonight. I don't think I can."
"You talked to him,why? Did you lie when you said you wanted to get back with me?" He asked, his eyes slowly getting wet.
"I wanted to hear the truth from him, Colby..." She admitted, lips pursed tight in a thin line. "I mean, he's my best friend
"I told you I was your best friend." He grumbled, and looked at her. "And if he hadn't said any of it? Would you still be with me,or him."
"I'm... Not sure." She admitted, before running her hand through her messy pastel hair. "Can you please lay down?"
Glaring at her, he shook his head. "No, I think I'm going to leave. Like you would have if Phil wanted you. But he doesn't give a jack shit about you."
"But I'm here now! And... And now that you've moved closer, and I can still go to school, I don't have any regrets leaving Phil. I was going to leave no matter what, but now that he doesn't want to be friends with me? I... don't feel bad ."
Running her hand down her own naked body, she heavily sighed and nesled into the pillow
The next month the two were living happily together. Colby was still making sure ever thing for their baby girl.
Rolling awake in their surprisingly cozy penthouse, something that was rare to find in New York City, and sighed. She had finally gotten in somewhat of a routine by now, but it always irked her that she had to keep the large glass windows of their bedroom closed with curtains to avoid paparazzi- there was something empowering about being able to stand in front of a large window, naked, taking in the sights of the city below from their fifty story home. Pushing her now mint green bangs from her face she gave Houdini his typical pet on his belly before offering a kiss and getting to her feet to head straight to the bath
And who was already in the bath? Colby. He was sitting in the water, eyes closed, having dozed off from the warmness.
Slipping in with a purr, she sat across from him to take in the steamy room. "... So when are you going to tell the news we're getting married. You said you would, but..."
"We have an interview tomorrow to come out about us getting married and whatnot I told you this." He mumbled sleepily, opening his euesnto look st her with a smile.
She frowned, the idea of her being in front of a crowd of noisy paparazzi absolutely terrifying to her. Pushing her bangs out of her face, she moved to shimmy onto Colby's lap. "... Do I have to say anything? B-Because I really don't want to."
"I'll talk for you if you want." He mumbled and wrapped his arms around her.
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