Material Transformation First School [OOC] [Closed]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Alright~ I'm closing signups now! I don't think I can handle anymore characters... I might just lose my sanity at this point... :S
I'll have another post up soon. I've just been busy.
As will I~ And I'm looking forward to reading your post! :)
I'm looking forward to meeting my roommate.
What's worse? Being stalked and annotated about or being sucked into a black hole-like thing?
Oh my bad. I just realized I put room 8 in my post instead of room 9.
~notes down preference for black hole~ XD

Oh, and that's totally fine, Kimsim. You were originally assigned to room 8. But your post says room 9 <.< lol
Did someone say "black hole"? -Proceeds to blow up a star-
Now Sakuya can get her wish. You're such a nice guy.
I am nothing if not a gentleman.
Harsh, Bro. Lady Bro. Whatever. Poor Ace.
I will accept a hug.
-Accepts the hug-
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