MASKED RIDER GENERATIONS - Legacy of the Hunted (Gohan & TreasureSniper)

Smart Brain Headquarters was thought to have been long abandoned after it went out of business. But Kaito knew otherwise. As he made it through the supposedly abandoned HQ, security cameras were watching the Jet Sliger and the three summoned Riders move through the facility.

"Who are they, ma'am?" someone in the security room asked. "I don't know but I guess we know where that Jet Sliger went. It isn't Takumi Inui, It seems. Should we go down to greet them?" Smart Lady said with a smile. "Tell Leo and the Riotroopers to meet me down there." she said as she left the room.

Smart Lady, Leo, and 13 Riotroopers converged together on Kaito's location. "Hi!~ you're Rider, right? I'm afraid this is where your journey ends. This place is for Orphnochs only. Leo, take care of things, OK?" she said, striding off with a smirk.

Leo stepped up. "I'm glad you came. I've been waiting for someone to try out the Psyga gear on." he said, opening the phone and dialing 3-1-5. "Standing by." it said. "Henshin!" he said, inserting it into the belt. "Complete." the Psyga armor materialized onto him. Leo made a throat cutting motion. The Riotroopers and Leo slowly approached Kaito.
"14 against 3? I like those odds. But.." Kaito jumps off jetsliger, and snaps his fingers, prompting the other riders to react. Abyss tosses Kaito one his swords and slots in his two advent card, summoning his two advent beast, AbyssSlasher and AbyssHammer. Meanwhile, Yuuki throws out a handful of tops, they briefly spin in place before transforming into Imagins. "Let the game begin." Kaito said, pointing his sword at Psyga's direction, causing the horde of Imagins to get into a frenzy and attack the Riotroopers. Gaoh and Yuuki join the attack on the Riotroopers while Abyss and his contract beast engage focus on Psyga.

Kaito alongside, Abyss and AbyssSlasher, dash towards Psyga attacking him with slashes while AbyssHammer back and prepares to shoot should he decide to use his jetpack. Kaito's fighting style was dirty and unfair, only ever attacking when his opponents back was turned towards him. "It's either you or me!" He taunted the rider, shooting a burst from his Diend Driver. "Surrender the Orga belt and I'll leave, its as easy as that. Make your choice Orphnoch!"
Leo chuckled as Abyss and AbyssSlasher attacked him. "You assume I don't fight as dirty as you do." he activated his jetpack and picked up a Riotrooper, avoiding Kaito's shot. He tossed the Riotrooper towards AbyssHammer to block his line of sight. The rest of the Riotroopers fended off Gaoh, Yuuki, and the Imagin with their limited arsenal.

"Nothing personal, but it's you or me." he said to the Riotrooper, having no remorse. "Anyway, you were talking about the Emperor's belt? Well, that belongs to us. Our King is resting in the same location, so we can't have you disturbing his slumber." He fired off several shots into the crowd with his jetpack's guns, not caring who he hit.
"Wheres you sense of comradery among your orphnoch brethren?" Kaito questioned while hiding behind an imagin. The imagine blocked all of shots headed towards his direction before turning to dust. Despite, killing nearly half of the summoned imagins, Kaito's forces are still able to press on the advantage against the less well equipped riotroopers.

"ATTACK RIDE: MACH!" Kaito speed and agility were increased exponentialy. Kaito returns the sword back to Abyss before getting into a sprinters positon. Using his newly acquired speed. The cyan rider runs up a wall near him and launches himself onto psyga's back, grabbing him by the neck with his free arm while jamming his gun barrel into the jetpack. " Time to clip your wings" he taunted the Leo before pulling the trigger multiple times. Kaito had hoped that this attack will force his opponent to crash land back onto the ground. "If you won't tell me where the King is then perhaps your lady friend will."
Leo tried to keep control of the damaged jetpack, attempting to shake off Kaito. It was clear he couldn't keep it steady, so he disengaged it, shaking him off and equipping his beam tonfas. Leo did a roll upon impact.

He cracked his neck as he stood. "So you want Smart Lady? forget it." Leo connected to the security room via his suit. "Security, Leo. Wall us off and increase security around the King's location. The intruder is extremely dangerous." he explained.

From behind Kaito, an enormous door started closing, walling them off from the Riotroopers and Kaito's summons. Leo ran towards Kaito, swinging his tonfas at him.
Kaito jumped off the damaged jetpack and rolled onto the ground as he landed. He got back up to his feet, confidently turning his back away from his adversary to witness the area being closed off. "Why do you people always wanna make things harder for me?" he complained, seemingly ignoring the impending attack.

Just before his tonfas were able to touch the cyan rider, Yuuki' had flicked its onto Psyga direction, causing it to wrap around his neck for a secure grip. Yuuki tugged his whip, pulling him further away from Kaito. Gaoh rushed towards the trapped rider, slashing him in the back before turning around to deliver a flurry of slashes to the front side. "Your troops did not satisfy my hunger, perhaps you will! HAHAAHHA!" The bronze rider laughed maniacally, delivering another onslaught of slashes with his Gaoh Gasher. The rest of the riotroopers were either defeated or pinned down onto the ground by the imagins.

Gaoh stopped his attack for a short moment, allowing Abyss to shoot a high-pressure stream of water with the Abyssmash gauntlet before punching him in the stomach with it. "My offer still stands, "Leo". Take me to the Orga gear and I'll leave. Don't you think enough of your brothers have already died today?" Kaito taunted the rider once before turning around and pointing his diend driver at him. "Come on Smart Lady, you're not gonna let your prized champion die like this are you?" Kaito looked into the camera hoping to get a reaction.
Leo slowly pulled himself up with his tonfas, trying to recover. "..Fine. You want the Emperor's belt so badly? then come take it." Leo turned his head towards the camera. "Let's up this game's stakes a bit." he said, smirking to himself.

Smart Lady watched from the security room. "OK, send them out." she said to the others in the room. Moments later, Orga along with a compliment of four Riotroopers came around the corner. "You know, making things harder is just the way I like it." Leo quipped.

He stood up, pressing enter on his Psyga Phone. "Exceed Charge." it announced, making the beam tonfas extra lethal. Leo ran at Gaoh, swinging his beam tonfas at him for a kill.

Meanwhile, Orga did the same.
"Exceed Charge." the Orga Belt announced, as a jet of photon blood surrounded their blade, making it larger. Orga swung it downwards towards Kaito, aiming to capture him in the stream's flow and then instantly kill him.
Gaoh had little time to react to Psyga's sudden attack. He immediately threw one of the imagins in front him to slowdown the attacker while arming his own weapon. "FULL CHARGE"Right as the imagin in front him turns to dust Gaoh charges in for his killing stroke. The two riders dash pass each other , Gaoh holding his sword tightly before dropping it to the ground. "I won't be the only one devoured by time.. hahahahahah!" he laughed one last time, before turning to dust, confident that his opponent will share the same fate.​
Kaito upon seeing the large photon stream headed slotted in a card and pulled the trigger. "ATTACK RIDE: BARRIER" An energy barrier forms in front of the barrell of the diend driver. Kaito points it upwards to block the incoming attack. The impact of the attack was so great that cracks were forming beneath Kaito's feet. He could feel the Diend Barrier cracking underneath the sheer power of the energy blade. Kaito rolls away from the impact zone just before the barrier shatters. Seeing Gaohgasher on the floor covered with sand, he grabs with his freehand and moves forward.​
"This is why I always bring a spare." He quipped to himself while inserting a ridercard. "KAMEN RIDE: NEGA DEN-O" A purple rider with tribal markings joins his charge towards Orga. Meanwhile Abyss and Abysshammer were launching projectiles at Orga direction, hoping to take out the remaining riotroopers while disorienting Orga long enough for the others to get closer. Yuuki upon seeing the arrival of new enemies, throws a handful of explosive tops at them before wrapping his whip around Orga's Stlanzer to prevent him from swinging it. "So your highness finally decides to show himself!" Kaito shouted while swinging the gaohgasher.​
As Leo started turning to dust from Gaoh's attack, he laughed. "Well, shit. Guess I lost the game.." Leo's voice faded away as he crumbled into a pile of dust. Smart Lady watched from the security room, biting her lip. "Okay, you win this round intruder. I hate to admit it, but we don't have the time or manpower to spend on you anymore. Saeko, I order you to give him the Orga Belt." Orga stopped her attack and turned to face the camera. "But, we just lost Leo, and the Orga Gear is a critical piece for our defense of the King!" she protested.

Smart Lady crossed her arms. "We don't have the time to argue. It's either that, or this whole place comes down." Saeko reluctantly reverted back to her Lobster form, kicking the Orga Belt over to Kaito. "Now get the hell out of here." Saeko said bitterly.
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"Thank you! See? I knew you guys could be reasonable." Kaito grabbed the belt and gave them a bow before turning to his jetsliger. He tossed the Orga gear into the vehicle and leap inside. "As long as you guys don't cause any threat to humanity I am sure the other riders will let you live. I'll even let you keep the psyga belt as a gesture of goodwill." He warned them, feeling slightly sorry for these "people". "Well ladies, it's been fun. Let's hope we don't see each other again." Kaito bid the orphnoch farewell as he left the facility. There was still a few hours left before the portal opens so he decided to rest in an abandoned warehouse. After returning to his human form, Kaito sat down inside to rest for a bit. It's been a long day for him. He was slowly dozing off into a slumber.
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After Kaito took off with the belt, the survivors took stock of the damage and reported to Smart Lady. "What do we do now? we've lost Leo and the Orga Belt, with little to show for it." Saeko asked Smart Lady, crossing her arms. "We still have the Psyga Gear, but other than that, all of our other Rider Gears are just prototypes or incomplete compared to Psyga and the Orga Gear." Smart Lady said as she went over the damage reports.

"We used up the Delta gear to create the Psyga and Orga Gear completed models, and the Kaixa gear was destroyed during the King's awakening. With them gone, the only formidable security forces we have left to field is Psyga, besides the basic Riotrooper. And I don't know anyone especially skilled to replace Leo." she remarked.

She turned around, keeping her trademark composure. "All in all, things aren't looking good." Saeko slammed her fist against the wall. "Damn it! We should have just killed that human..we've fallen from where we once were. Smart Brain is out of business, so we've lost our financial connections. And now this."

One of the security techs took notice of something. There was a clanking sound, like footsteps, coming from the battle-torn entrance Kaito had carved out. Shadow Moon marched inside, looking around as he did.

"Humph. So, that Rider did this? I can see why you caved to him, tail behind your legs like scared, whimpering dogs." Shadow Moon cackled. "Who are you supposed to be?" Smart Lady asked from the camera. "I am the leader of Gorgom and your salvation, Shadow Moon."

As Kaito dozed off, the leader from earlier emerged through a dimensional portal. "Well then, I see you survived not only your encounter with those dirty vermin at Smart Brain, but with the brainwashed Riders I had you fight. If you want something done right do it yourself." he raised his transformation device, intending to fight him, but suddenly a laser blast shot it out of his hand. "What?" he exclaimed.

"I knew I would find you, Kaito. I even roped Yusuke back into helping find you after he found his bike." Takumi said, spinning the Faiz phone in Blaster Mode. "I don't like these odds..until next time, Riders!" the unnamed Rider Hunter said, picking up his transformation belt and running away into a dimensional wall. "Not very courageous, is he?" Yusuke quipped.

Takumi walked up to Kaito, hands on his hips. "Now then, Kaito. It's not good to steal from the homeless, you know? I have nowhere to go and you took the Faiz Blaster from me. That should be a fair price for saving your butt from yet another battle."
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"Whats that suppose to mean? I did most of the heavy lifting during the previous battle." Kaito said while aiming his gun at them. "I have a better idea. I'm sure by now you must know these hunters will stop at nothing to hunt us riders down even if it means getting civilians involve. As much as I love my treasures, stealing them while seeing innocent people die ruins it for me." Kaito says lowering his gun and taking the faiz blaster suitcase from jetsliger. " So... here is my offer to both of you, come travel with me to the other worlds, the longer we survive, the more people we can help and the more treasures I can take." He said winking while tossing Takumi his Faiz blaster. Suddenly a dimensional portal opens up behind Kaito into a large train interior. A couple of imagins come out of it and gave a respectful bow to Kaito. " Ah just in time, bring the jetsliger in as well, it might prove to be useful." He said, directing his imagin crew. " So what do you say, Takumi, Yusuke? I guarantee you living in my train will be a lot better than being homeless." Kaito was hoping, they would accept his offer since it's been awhile since he travelled with other riders.
Takumi caught the case and turned to Yusuke. "Senpai, what do you think?" he asked. Yusuke put his hand on his chin, thinking it over. "Well, I love to travel. I've never been to another world before. As much as I love this world, a change of scenery could be nice." he gave a thumbs up, smirking. "OK Kaito, deal. Maybe we can keep you out of trouble as well." Takumi joked.

"You can have your crew move our bikes and the Faiz Blaster into the train's storage as well, since they're the only things we have." Takumi stretched. "OK, let's get a move on then. Living on a train will beat living in hotels or on the streets."
Kaito smiled upon hearing their their approval. "Great! Trust me you won't regret this. Why are you calling him senpai? You heard them crew! Get everything in." Upon entering the train, the two riders were greeted by a few more friendly imagins. The interior of train was about twice the size of the den liner since it was made from a stolen kingliner. There was a bar and cafe in the midsection where some imagins are gathered. A group portrait of Kaito, Tsukasa, Natsumi and Yusuke (Onodera) could been seen hanging on the wall. Kaito made his way to the bar and greeted the bar tender. "Gimme three of the usual." Kaito while putting down two rider passes. They had the diend logo instead of den-o. " You two are gonna need these." He said gesturing towards the passes. "Please, join me for a drink, to comemorate our newfound alliance." Kaito slid the glasses to them and extended his own glass for a preparing to clink his with them.

A few hours later, a large screen on the ceiling showed the ryuki logo, indicating that they have arrived at their next destination. "Looks like we're here, this is a ryuki world. Famous for its rider wars. Don't trust anyone. Especially you Takumi. You're way too naive for your own good!" Kaito gave them both a stern warning before exiting the train. "Alright boys, keep your eyes peeled." Kaito said to them, examining the area.
~World of Rider Fight~
As the trio walked around the alternate Japan, a boy and his father walked by. "Come on dad! the Rider Fight is starting soon! we didn't get to go last year." the little boy said excitedly. The father chuckled. "OK, son. The stadium is just up ahead."

Takumi cocked an eyebrow. "Rider Fight? a tournament?" he wondered. "So it's not a war. Well, that sounds less depressing." Yusuke beamed. Noticing a flyer drifting by, he grabbed it out of the air.

"The Rider Fight is a gladiator battle between armored warriors of exceptional combat skill. Each contestant wins a Rider deck during the drawing, chosen at random through entrants who wish to claim one. The winners then have several months to train with their arsenal before the tournament begins." Yusuke paused before continuing.

"Whoever defeats every challenger, must then fight the mysterious Rider known as Odin. If the remaining challenger defeats Odin, the organizer will grant them three wishes, though this part is undisclosed. The tournament's winner and the runner-up can keep their Deck until next year, where the winner must defend their title as champion, and the runner-up must make it to the same status as last year. If you have a Rider System outside of the Decks, you may enter but if you lose we bar you from the tournament for a year to make things fair." Yusuke concluded.

Takumi nodded. "Well, a tournament at least keeps the Riders of this world from using their powers for evil. I think we know where to get your next treasure, Kaito."

~World of Masked Riders~

Shadow Moon observed the surgery closely from the outside. "And you're sure this will work?" Smart Lady questioned. "Of course. Though I am separated from my world at the moment, Gorgom has knowledge of Cyborg surgery. This surgery will strengthen him further than his Orphoch abilities, making him a Cyber-Orphnoch, and prevent him from dying as easily as the last Psyga did." Shadow Moon explained. "That reminds me, is it ready yet?" he asked.

Smart Lady smiled. "Nearly, sir. the Phaze project is in the prototype stage." Shadow Moon grunted. "See to it that your development team finishes production soon. After that, begin production on the Sigma project based on the data I provided." He ordered. "Yes sir!" she said, walking off.

Shadow Moon cackled. "Forget just one world. Why not have them all?"
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"You would think so wouldn't you takumi" Kaito replied "Well, I guess that makes thing easier. I don't know about you guys. But I'll be entering the tournament. And if we happen to meet... I won't go easy on you." Kaito pointed at the two with a finger gun. Shortly after this, Kaito transformed and entered the registration booth. " Hello there, I would like to enter as kamen rider Diend." the cyan rider spoke while twirling his gun.
Takumi turned his head to Yusuke. "OK senpai, let's go." The two turned into Kuuga and Faiz, walking up to the registration booth. "We're entering as Kuuga and Faiz." The man at the booth nodded. "OK, we've registered you into our database."

The man cleared his throat. "This is a winner takes all single elimination battle, so if you lose that's it. No killing or cheating of any kind. Your opponent loses when they either give up or de-transform from battle stress. You'll be in separate rooms before the match to prevent unauthorized alliances." the man concluded. "Please follow the attendants to your rooms." he said.

"Alright! let's have a fair fight, everyone. See you soon!" Yusuke said, going to his room. "..what he said. Later, Kaito." Takumi said, going to his room.
"Good luck everyone" Kaito said to his friends before entering his assigned room. He took out a few cards and spreaded them onto a table. He was planning on which cards to use based on who he would meet in battle. Since it was ryuki's world, he was mainly preparing against some of the notable riders. His biggest worry was to not accidentally kill his opppnents since a lot of his finishers are fatal. He pondered over these thoughts as he waited his name to be called.
As the contestants each waited in their room, the announcer was getting the introduction started. There were TVs in each contestants room so they could watch the event while waiting. "Welcome, to the fifth annual Rider Fight! that's right, just five years ago, the mysterious organizer Shiro Kanzaki established the Rider Fight. And since then we've had many additions and challengers." the announcer pointed his microphone towards an enormous screen, where Ryuga was shown.

"For over two years, Shinichi Kido has held the title of Champion as the Rider known as Ryuga! but will he be able to hold his title for a third year?" he said to the audience who cheered in response. "On to business! We will choose our contestant matches at random. Let's see who the randomizer chooses!" everyone turned their attention towards the screen again.

The first name scrolled past all the entries until it landed on one. "Kamen Rider Diend, versus..Kamen Rider Raia! contestants you have five minutes to get ready! we'll be right back folks, after this commercial break." the announcer exclaimed. The TV then switched to a commercial. "Are you tired of having debilitating constipation? well, now you can mitigate it with Laxative Ultra Strength." Yusuke started doing exercises as he waited. Meanwhile, Takumi was brooding.
Kaito entered the fighting ring with a confident stride, he knew he had what it takes to win this tournament, especially given his abilities. "May the best rider win." He said to his opponent while slotting in two cards, keeping his finger on the trigger. He was waiting for the match to start.

As soon as the announcer gave the word, Kaito would pull the trigger, summoning two riders. "KAMEN RIDE: AQUA, POSEIDON." When summoned, poseidon and aqua would rush raia aiming to use their numbers advantage to tired him out enough or inflict enough damage to force him out of his transformation. Kaito of course would stick to his tried and true method of keeping his distance and supporting the summoned riders with his ranged attacks. Kaito aims to conserve as much as energy as possible while letting his opponents exhaust themselves against his riders. While he is no slouch in hand to hand combat, he prefers to stack his odds.