MASKED RIDER GENERATIONS - Legacy of the Hunted (Gohan & TreasureSniper)

"Aaaand we're back!" the announcer said, after five minutes had passed. "Both contestants have entered the ring. Contestant Diend looks ready to roll, and Contestant Raia is looking confident. Ok, ready?" the crowd cheered. "Three, two, one, Rider Fight!" a buzzer beeped, showing the match had begun.

Raia uncrossed his arms and slotted a card. "Swing Vent." it announced, and his Evildiver flew by, giving him the Evil Whip. "Let us begin!" he exclaimed. He swung his Evil Whip at the Diendriver, aiming to get it away from him and take the advantage.
Poseidon intercepts Raia attack, allowing the whip to wrap around the harpoon. Mean Aqua closes the distance with a flying kick, trying to push him away from his opponent and perhaps force him to abandon his weapon. "Sorry, but I'm no greenhorn." Kaito confidently told his opponent while unleashing a barrage of shots before giving him a left hook. Poseidon follows up this attack with downward slash from behind Raia.
Raia dropped his weapon, abandoning his current strategy. He took Aqua's flying kick, but grabbed Kaito's hand, blocking his punch, but allowing himself to be open to Poseidon's attack. "Don't think you can beat me in an instant!" he said, getting up.

"Hmph, if you summoned them by cards, in that case.." Raia slotted a card. "Confine Vent." his visor announced, sealing away Poseidon for a turn or two. "Hah, how do you like that?" Raia retrieved his Evil Whip from the ground, swinging it at his opponents.
"Not bad." Kaito complimented his opponent, block the whip with his free hand causing sparks to fly. Kaito, seeing an opportunity for a counter attack, spins his free arm around the whip, causing it to wrap around it. "But not good enough. " He pulled the pink rider in and slammed his diend driver into his chest, pulling the trigger a few times to fire shots at point blank range. In the meantime Aqua had approached Raia from behind to grab his other arm to restrain it while kicking him behind his knees to weaken his footing.
Raia gasped out in pain from the point blank fire, then fell to his knees, one hand restrained by Aqua. The announcer raised his microphone to speak. "Raia is on the ground! is this it!? is this the end, folks!?" he questioned. The audience was silent, glued to the intense battle with whispering in the crowd.

He pulled a card out of his Advent Deck with his only free hand. "I told you.." he slotted the card. "Advent." Evildiver came flying in, crashing into Aqua to save it's master. "..don't think it's that easy!" Raia slotted another card. "Final Vent." he leaped into the air, jumping onto Evildiver and riding straight towards Kaito. "Go! Uooaaaah!!" he yelled.
Kaito was somewhat surprised the Raia was able to break free from Aqua. While the Raia's final vent was speeding towards him, he could see that his opponent's whip was still on the ground, giving him an idea. He slotted a card and prepared to execute his counter attack. " ATTACK RIDE: MACH." Instead of running away, Kaito sprinted towards his pink opponent, quickly grabbing the whip as he passed by it. Seconds before Kaito made contact with the Advent beast, he shifted his body downwards, causing him to slide on the floor, right under the final vent, avoiding the attack. Right after that, Kaito swung the whip towards one of Raia's leg, trying to pull him off the contract beast. If he does succeed, he will attempt to pin him onto the ground while holding one of his arms backwards to force him to submit.
Raia did a double take, noticing Kaito avoided his Final Vent. "Hurry, turn aro-uwaaaah!" Raia's leg was grabbed by the whip, pulling him off Evildiver and cancelling the Final Vent. He fell onto the ground in front of Kaito, de-transforming as his suit had taken the impact.

The crowd cheered. "And that's all she wrote folks! the first intense battle has concluded with Diend as the winner. Raia did well, but the match has got to end sometime." the crowd cheered Diend's name as Raia's user got up. "That was a good fight, though I can clearly see that you are years more experienced then me. I predict you will go far, though I'll warn your back, something is wrong with this year's tournament, I can feel it in my bones." he said mysteriously.

"Contestant Tezuka, please return your Advent Deck. Thank you for participating." the announcer said. "Remember what I said." Tezuka turned around, walking off to return the deck.
"Hmm. Thanks for heads-up. Better luck next time." Kaito was not sure about what to make about his opponents cryptic warning. But one thing he is sure of is things will only get harder from here. His summoned riders disappear as he stood there, temporarily enjoying his victory while surveying the area for anything strange. Although he was worried how his friends were doing, he refocused his attention and prepared himself for his next opponents.
"Contestant Diend, please return to your room. Folks, we'll be right back after commercials." the announcer said. Meanwhile, from the organizer's office on the top floor of the stadium, people had been watching the results.

"That's the Rider from another world you mentioned?" Shiro asked. "Correct. Daiki Kaito, Kamen Rider Diend. We must wipe out him and the two new contestants." replied a representative of the Rider Hunters.

The man smirked. "We have our own man to dispose of the opposition. But those three will climb the ranks. When the time comes, make sure Ryuga and Odin are ready." he walked to a window, hands behind his back. "Remember, we have your sister Yui as collateral." Shiro looked down. "I understand." he gave a half-hearted reply. (Yui..what am I going to do?) he wondered.
Kaito returned to his room and detransformed. He turned his attention to the television nearby to see if there was any ongoing matches. While he was confident he can beat the other contestants, Odin might be a problem if he didn't play his cards right. If he can't beat him he'll likely just steal the survive cards and leave the arena. "I wonder how the others are or doing."
At the moment there were only commercials playing on the TV. "Walking three dogs at once can be overly complicated, but it shouldn't have to be.." after 15 minutes, the next match began. "OK folks, let's see who the randomizer picks next!" the announcer exclaimed. "Kamen Rider Kuuga versus.." the second name stopped on Tiger. "..Kamen Rider Tiger! contestants, you can come out immediately for the next exciting match." Yusuke pumped his fist, running out of his room into the stadium.
"Geez what's up with all these commercials" Kaito complained while sorting his cards. After noticing the announcement , Kaito grinned in anticipation of the battle. "Let's see if you're as good my Kuuga."

Tiger entered the stadium with axe in hand. "If I beat you, I'll be closer to becoming a hero." the rider told his opponent. "It's nothing personal." And with that, he tightened his grip around his axe, waiting for the battle to start.
"Huh? well..being a hero, it's something you earn, from the smiles of others." Yusuke put up his fists. The announcer began the countdown. "Ready folks? three, two, one..Rider Fight!" the buzzer went off, signaling the beginning of the match.

He kept his stance, waiting for his opponent to make a move. (I'm limited in what I can use here, so I'll have to to plan carefully.) he thought, planning carefully.
"RAGH" the boy yelled while throwing his axe at his opponent to catch him by off guard. On impact, the axe would fly back to its owner, like a boomerang. The feline rider ran towards Kuuga, catching his axe mid air and began swinging it wildly. " I am willing to sacrifice everything to be a hero! Can you say the same?!" The boy questioned while slotting in his card. "ADVENT" Destwilder appears right in front of Kuuga through the reflection of his eyes. The beast grabs the rider and throws him up in the air. Tiger follows up on this by quickly hopping on top of Destwilder shoulders to slash at Kuuga while he was falling. While this boy seemed young, he clearly has the zeal and energy to fight.
Yusuke dodged the young man's wild and unfocused slashes, but was flung into the air by Destwilder. "I won't sacrifice anything to get ahead. Because I don't want to see the sad faces of others!" He spun himself into a ball, launching into the Rising Mighty Kick. Though it was a finisher, it was the only attack he had access to in Rising Mighty form.
Tiger was knocked onto the ground by the kick. It was clear that the attack hurt him, it didn't seem to be able to keep him them down though. "Then you're not really a hero..." He was breathing much heavier than before, struggling to hold back the pain. He inserted a card and pulled his axe down. "STRIKE VENT" With his pair of claws, he charged towards Kuuga. With the help of Destwilder, it was much harder to dodge his attacks. The beast would enter the many reflection's present in the arena and reemerged in Kuuga's blindspots for powerful singular strikes. Tiger's attacks were wild and unorthodox, making them difficult to predict. What the boy lacked in experience, he made up for in creativity in coordinating with his beast.
(This boy is troubled..) Yusuke mused to himself. (Maybe I can set him right..) Yusuke looked around for something to use as a weapon. "Is that right? well, I don't know what a hero is to you, but I'll show you.." he spotted a rusted pipe laying just on a wall near one of the exits. He grabbed it. "..what a hero is to me! Chou Henshin!" He spun the pipe, turning into Rising Dragon.

He held the rod defensively, aiming to counter the charging Tiger and Destwilder both.
"Shut up and fight!" The boy shouted, sending a flurry of slashes before retreating into a reflection. "FREEZE VENT" The air around Kuuga began cool rapidly, seconds later, almost the whole battle ground was frozen. At this point Kuuga's feet would be frozen onto the ground. A thick mist was starting to form around the arena, making it difficult for anyone to see the action. Claws would emerge from the mist to strike Kuuga from multiple angles, and return into the reflections formed by the frozen ground. The attacks had stopped for some reason but the mist still covered the majority of the arena. "Fake heroes like you don't deserve to win.." he uttered coldly to his opponent. "FINAL VENT" the sound of claw scratching against the ground could be heard coming closer and closer towards to Kuuga, yet the mist reveals little movement. The seemed to be coming in front of Kuuga. Sure enough, Destwilder makes a split second appearance in front of Kuuga revealing that he was in fact coming from in front of him. The monster raised its right claw only to disappeared and reappear behind Kuuga, driving its claws into Kuuga's back. Destwilder proceeds to drag to Kuuga across the floor face down. The mist slowly clears up revealing where he was being dragged to, into the claws of kamen rider tiger. The boy stood there ready to whatever it takes to win.​
"Nghhh.." Yusuke felt himself being dragged along the ice. "Is this the end for Kuuga!?" the announcer exclaimed. (Concentrate.. I have to focus my power into this spear..) He gripped it before launching his attack, slamming into Destwilder performing the Rising Splash Dragon and knocking the contract monster away with an enormous explosion.

Yusuke stood up, spinning his spear. (If I beat this kid, it'll crush him. But if I fail, that's one less person in the race to gain this world's treasure and save the worlds. What do I do?) he wondered. "Listen. This tournament? it's small time stuff. So let's talk." he said, trying to reason with Tiger.

"We finish this in a single stroke. If I win, you become my student and I'll show you that your way of thinking is wrong, and give you a chance to be a genuine hero. If you win? You take your chances on the tournament, see if it gives you what you want. That's my offer." He readied his spear, concluding his explanation. "You lose nothing, you stand to gain everything."
"Small stuff... you..... BASTARD! ARGHHHHH" The screamed in frustration and rage, his voice echoing through arena. Tiger abandons his claws and resummons his axe, charging towards Kuuga for his victory . The rider struck pass each other, both of them stood still behind each other. "No..." the boy said to himself as he drops his axe and returns to his human form. His advent deck falls to ground as collapsed next to it. His body was fully exhausted, he was completely knocked out.

"Well, that lasted longer than I thought." Kaito said to himself. Considering the large power gap, he would have thought Yusuke would win sooner, but he was likely holding back. "That kid needs some serious help..." Kaito was commenting on the kids mental state which seemed to be twisted. But now is not the time to think about that since at any moment he could be called for his next match.