Maples Hill School

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misty's eye widen, "so where stuck in here?!" she asked panicking a little she softly bit the corner of her lip trying to think of a new way out, but kept drawing blanks
Rain had turned but the water stayed now as big as she wanted to try the next. She saw the boulders. "We can find a way out I'm sure." She stated sounding hopeful but at the same time distracted. Once more she looked at the ball of water and breathed. 'Come on can I get darkness to? Or maybe latter?' She wondered to herself.

Storm turned to see the entrance. He hadn't tried anything so it couldn't have been him. He listened to the others. "I'm not sure." He answered then looked to Misty. "Will be fine like Rain said there has to be another way out." He said confidently.
Misty smiled timidly her only issue being is that she cant stay in one room for to long without freaking out, "m-maybe we could try hitting it with Rain's water and the red head's fire." she suggested unaware that with her panicking her hands had little lightening bolts shooting off of them though not very far just a few centimeters off her hands as she started to feel enclosed.
"... Shit!" He blurted out, without a second thought. If their powers were more developed, they could easily blast away the rubble, but he highly doubted that they had enough power at the moment. Even if they did, they would have to make sure they were in control or else they'd end up killing or seriously injuring someone. That's when it hit him. "Chimera! I'm assuming you have space..." He paused for a moment, and flipped through the book, looking and then finding the symbol for space. It was, in fact, a star. The same star that was in the iris, so it wasn't time. "Try drawing a straight line down in the air in front of the rubble." He suggested, and Chimera paused for a bit.

"Um.. Alright.." She mumbled, holding her hand up, and then slashing it down. After that slash, it looked like something in the air had ripped open, and she opened it up. It looked like... A hole to the hallway! Chimera was amazed at what she had just done. "Aegeus! Look at what I did!" She smiled brightly, holding the hole out. It was just as Aegeus had suspected. "Everyone! Go through the hole that Chimera created! She created a rift in space, and it's not good if she holds it for too long!" He grabbed Chimera's wrist, pointing at the large hole that was slowly shrinking. "Pick up the pace!"
Storm looked at Misty then felt a shock. He had listened to her words and nodded but the shock made him jump a bit. "Um...maybe and are you alright?" He asked and looked to where his hand was shocked seeing the lighting bots.

Rain grinned. "Maybe ice would be a better try?" She offered then instead of trying the darkness began to try ice which she had better luck with. "Ice can make cracks expand and fire perhaps can push it." She offered. Then she saw that her idea had been beaten to and frowned. "Never mind." She said the ice falling as water once more.
Misty looked storm and gave him a weary smile, "y-yea im ok." then looked at her hands jumping at the sight, "So, u-um what about lightening?" she suggested to the group before looking at Storm nervousness bubbled to the surface of her eyes, "is this what ours does?" she asked him unaware of the hole.
Storm shrugged. "Maybe and perhaps like Rain thinks water. Being it look is like a storm cloud but it may just be the lighting." He replied.

Rain seemed to frown that she had been beaten to an idea then looked to Kalynn who had been quiet. "Umm... Did you get a mark on your hand?" She asked curious.

"Oh for the love of--!"

The male had noticed that Chimera's energy was draining, and as it was draining, the rip was fading. If she passed out, that wouldn't be good, and they weren't powerful enough to break those hard boulders. Without a choice, he put Chimera on his back, grabbing the wrists of Misty and Rain, as Chimera had grabbed the wrist of Kaylnn. "We go. Now." He hissed, noticing how much weaker Chimera had appeared. Without giving them a time to react, he threw the three girls to the other side of the rubble though the hole, and then intended to get Storm as well. The hole was just about as large as a man's back. "Move now, questions later!"
Has her curiosity took over her panic the lightening slowly decreased, confused she remarked, "Maybe we have the power of a storm." she giggled at her little pun she made smiling up at him then noticed the hole in the wall, "Hey guys the red head's girl made a hole we should leave!" she whined a little see that they had already crawled out.
((We haven't already climbed out.. Aegeus has been trying to get your attentions for the past 10 minutes xDDDD))
Strom watched seeing his sister pushed through he went to move after seeing so where the others except him. He was basically alone but then Aegeus. He did have a second thought and grabbed the book then jumped through when the hole had shrunk. His shoe lost on the other side for it had fallen off.

Rain couldn't say anything. She was going to tell Aegeus to let her go not liking that he grabbed her hand. She didn't care to be near him honestly. For he just hadn't gotten to where she was okay with him around again but then seeing his reason she was quiet and glad her brother made it. Her eyes wide at the book in his hands. "That's why you were almost stuck?" She questioned sounding shocked more than anything.
Misty crawled out picking up storms shoe and got a little stuck in the hole thanks to her curves. When she freed herself she fell and rolled at the base of rain and storms feet. giving a shy giggle she held up storms shoe she smiled, "Missing something dork." she handed his shoe and saw he had the book, "thank god someone grabbed it!" she smiled and watched the hole waiting for the others to come out.
(I thought everyone was out LOL Umm if not my bad)

Rain looked at Storm then Misty she smiled. "I'm glad to cause we know will need it." She stated.

Storm stood. "Thanks for my shoe." He replied and grinned. "Yeah I figured we would want to keep it." He stated.
(kalynn the redhead and his girl are still in there i think unless they made it out and i missed it?!?)
misty smiled up at him and giggled, "i just hope we're able to read it eventually." still on the ground she went to lean back against the hallway but ended up leaning against storms leans without realizing it.
(I thought it said that the red haired girl was on his back. Kalynn was grabbed like us and pushed out... Man I feel my dyslexia has kicked in or something then... Maybe I'm getting tired my grandma woke me up earlier than normal)

Storm nodded. "Me too." He replied then felt Misty lean on him he was quiet for he didn't mind and also didn't want o bring attention to Rain.

Rain gave a nod "Yeah" She replied simply.
Aegeus hopped out from the hole, and stepped onto his skateboard. The hole had completely disappeared at this point, and Kaylnn had been tossed out before the others as well.
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( i must of misread a lot haha and im hijacking Kalynn again for a moment))
Kalynn through the hole commotion was to busy staring at her mark trying to understand what it meant. There were so many things a sun, cross, and an eye with a black iris could mean. When the door had collapsed and the red head man from earlier had pushed her out she was a bit irritated but decided to deal with it later. Though she remained quite for a moment longer as she could feel her body start to feel strange like a cage of butterflies had been released inside her chest. Though seeing misty leaned against storms legs she snickered a bit thinking back to Rains taunts about them being soulmates and smiled. She wasn't one to really believe in all this magical stuff before today so she was in a bit of shock.

Misty looked around at everyone and realized she was the only one sitting, "Did everyone make it out alright? no injuries?" she asked.
Rain nodded. "I'm fine." She replied looking down at Misty then realized she was leaning on her brother another smirk appeared but she was quiet this time.

Storm nodded. "Yes and you managed to recover my shoe." He replied with a smile.
Misty saw rain smirk and looked up to see she was leaning against storm. Blushing massively she jumped up and started stuttering again, "I-i-im sorry i t-though i was against the wall and..and.. and" she stood there blushing massively looking somewhat innocent.

Kalynn watched and tried her best to hold back from laughing as misty started stuttering and making a little scene about it. she looked to rain and shared a smile with her.
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