Magical Vending Machine

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You receive a Director's Cut of the film Sunshine.

I insert a Sedimentary rock.
The machine coughs out sand.

I insert an ice cream stick
You get paper.

I insert a terribly written and designed Mary Sue.
You get your most recent OC.

I insert animal rights.
You get PETA.

I insert Pokemon.
You get the cheesey PETA Pokemon parody game. Which is sad because they completely missed the point.
Seriously, PETA are idiots/terrible.

I insert my resume.
You get the cheesey PETA Pokemon parody game. Which is sad because they completely missed the point.
Seriously, PETA are idiots/terrible.

I insert my resume.

You get a 9-5 job where you sit in a cubicle all day. Forever.

I insert a copy of Final Fantasy IV.
The machine spits the peanut butter back out, followed by a stream of happy dogs.

I insert temmie.
You get cereal. A lot of it.

I insert synthetic flavouring.
You get all natural flavors.

I insert the island of Taiwan.
You get greedy Chinese child.

I insert candy.
You get 75 Cents.

I insert a 4Kids dubbed anime.
You get poison suction cups, which I promptly ram down the machine's insert opening because they're just that terrible.
You get poison suction cups, which I promptly ram down the machine's insert opening because they're just that terrible.

You get the 4Kids anime.

I insert $500,000 worth of Yen.
You get a shit ton of second hand SNES games.

I insert Etihw.
You get siht ekoj si diputs, pots ti neS.

I insert all of my tired.
You get all of your energy back!

I insert Kcalb.
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