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Magic Returns (OOC)

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4. This is where you'd want to know someone good with runes. In the case of most vessels, the magic will either disperse or react violently. This'll depend both on the affinity and amount of magic. However, with the right runes, a vessel can be indestructible until all magic is drained from it, though it will also lose energy whenever it is hit in a way that will normally damage it. If the vessel is destroyed at this point, the fragments would only contain traces of magic if the runes were made with that in mind.
Well.... Leto would probably crush Fern's flowers to see her cry.... Just to keep up appearances you see~

Markus "Drevis" Autumns


Magical Affinity:
Markus's magical affinity is towards earth and water, a combination of the two forming into the element of Wood. Being mobile yet durable like it two parent elements, however less stronger than its parent elements in terms of its individual strength compared to them. The Wood element allows him to strike swiftly and maneuver around objects while with force. The Wood element is a delicate element, like Earth being durable and hard but under the right circumstances easily crumbles, while like water always adapting changing to fit it surroundings, however ripples when disturbed greatly. The Wood element is a element one has to be careful with as it is also the element of the broken, the confused and lost, requiring the user to always be around people to not become separated.

Markus always have been a popular and naive kid, who gone through life being friends with everyone he meets. Being a really good social butterfly, although he does prefer a certain group of people to hang out with, he doesn't mind the company of other people. However to other people who dont really get him, he can seem to be obnoxious and confusing at times, but they just accept it. He also been very naive about people who try to make fun of Markus or try to make him feel stupid as he doesn't really know what they are saying much before his brother Dante usually comes around to kick their butts!

(Traits: Social, Naive, Active, Random and Cute)

[][--^ -][]

Dante "Solas" Autumns


Magical Affinity:
Dante like his brother has the water element however has the air element instead of earth, to create the ice element. Being swift and agile like water and air, while sharp and precise like air. An element refined to be swift, agile and graceful while still being deadly, the element Ice does that perfectly while keep cool. Ice is an element of creativity and can do many things it user wish of it, as it is malleable like water and free like the air. However Ice is also the element for the unpredictable, the misunderstood and the ones who wish for revenge making it a element of both beauty and death in its own respective way. It requires careful guidance of another for the Ice Element not to fall from grace as it is easily shattered from the inside just the same as if it was shattered from the outside.

Personality Traits:
Not as popular as his other brother Markus, Dante has the reputation of being his brother's protector and is most of the time with him, whenever he isn't hanging out with his friends. Dante is usually depicted as a kid who excels in academics and one or two sports. Many people dont mess with him, but their is a rumor that when he was younger he used to get bullied a lot until the bullies got brutally beat up. It was only a matter of time before they got it, and everyone knew that it was going on, they just didn't do anything to stop the fuse before it blew up. After that, Dante wasn't a person to be fooled around with anymore, his cheerful and shy persona was gone that day, and with it a cold and hard judgmental person in its place.

(Traits: Cold, Protective, Attentive, Intimidating and Smart)​


The two brothers were mostly ordinary people who lived regular lives. They had parents who love them and provided them everything that they needed. They lived modestly as they didnt really need much, well at least Dante didn't need much as all his money was used up by Markus really most of the time. The two were always close since they were kids and grew up being in the same school, class and everything basically. Whatever one did, the other was soon to follow as they were never separable.

As they grew up to be fine teenagers, there grew a distinct rift in between the two siblings as Dante grew apart and drifted away, while Markus found company with other friends besides Dante, with him only protecting him from bullies. They did have their tiny moments of laughter and smiles between the two, but it grew rarer as they slowly edge apart. The two boys had their fields of specialty, if you could call it that, as Dante was Academically and Physically better than Markus, while on the other hand Markus, was more social and successful in making friends, including the teachers as he didnt mind being called a teacher's pet.

However in their Sophomore year of High School, near the end of their school year the two brothers were dared to go to a nearby crystal that was near the school. It had been recently discovered by the Security Guards at school and reported. Now there were scientist and everything surronding the crystal. However security was heavy as since the last event of the one college student had put everyone on edge. But this was no ordinary dare, as it was more of a blackmail of the two's secrets that they wanted to be hidden. So they preformed the dare, heading to the crystal that night sneaking to the metal fence that surrounded it. It wasn't hard to snip through the gate, with bolt cutters, a heavy thing that Dante had carried from their house. It was an awkward way of getting through the fence but it would be the quietest and before they knew it, they were in.

They went in closer to the center of the camp, where the Crystal stood... It was nothing like they heard in the TV about the Crystals. The one that they were facing were two next to each other, energy jumping from one to another like a Tesla coil almost. But then the alarms rang, "Code Red" was what they heard before gun fire could be heard in the air swirling pass their heads. Unsure what to do, the two brother ran towards the crystal, hiding close to it but not touching it and began to wait until the firing stopped. It continued and continued but the orange-ish red light were still swirling.

But what happened was so fast for the two, a flurry of bullets hit the two mostly missing them except for several of them. Missing the vital areas thankfully, however what options they had? They were going to be shot to death now, by the military... In a split second Dante had made a decision and threw his brother Markus's hand onto one of the crystal before doing the same, before the crystals were stained red... however with the boys missing... only leaving tiny puddles of water and mist around where they where.
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I shall restore the balance and make my second character female....Kind of....?

Love them both by the way!


Name: A. 'Amos' Ronstrom

Age: 17

Gender: Not what it seems.

Magical Affinity: Pyrrhic warfare:
A pyrrhic victory is one in which the victor's losses are as great as those of the defeated. Otherwise known as a 'hollow victory'. This is not an elemental magic. Amos has no connections to any elemental affinity. Instead, Amos has a magic geared towards the arcane- the purest magycks. Amos can learn any magic she sees or experiences and use it against her enemies. But in return, Amos feels the pain resultant the other would feel and her recovery time is doubled after battle. Upon her death, she can link herself to her killer and take them down with her.

Personality Traits: Amos is surly and often taciturn, lacking a great deal of respect for strangers and even most of those she knows. She doesn't like people, period. She finds them annoying and treacherous and refuses to trust most of them. She has been judged all her life, for things both in and out of her power to change. So she just refuses to be flustered or bothered anymore, just letting other's harsh or kind words roll off her like water on moss.



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@WanderingSpirit accepted both characters! I'm interested to see how wood holds up against some of the stronger enemies in store.

@Quiet Souris what happens if Amos loses? Or gets killed, does the enemy die too? What if Amos has to kill someone? Accepted and anticipating!

1. If she loses... Then she loses. She would either be injured by her enemy or killed. She'd feel the effects of her own magic plus those of her enemy's magic.
2.If she was killed, she would die. Simple as that I suppose. There is no 'two-way' connection... Though that would real cool if I could slip it in there as a last resort.

Perhaps she can take someone with her into death, like a bee with it's stinger, death for her and her enemy? It wouldn't be too op either... Considering she'd be dead as well.
3.If she had to kill someone, she wouldn't die herself but she'd of course feel the pain associated with the other person's death.
I was assuming that if she lost she would be considered the loser and the enemy the victor, but it makes sense if it only works one way too I guess, your choice.

Also, thumbs up for trap girls :)
Would you mind if I used the idea of taking her opponent with her? It's not too op... I don't think. It would fit in well with the idea of the Pyrrhic victory.
Well... If she ends up dying (my hunch so far), then I hope she ends up acting as a factor to drive them forward. :3
Well that is a nice thing to come back to, haha. I'll probably be making a secondary character here shortly
I've never done something like this before so let's see how this goes for me.

Name: Luke Brady

Age: 17

Magical Affinity: Fire

Appearance: Short at 4'10" Typical semi-active body, not skinny or large just, average. His hair fell about halfway to his shoulders, when it did fall that is, the stuff refused to bow down to any attempts at brushing it.

Personality Traits: His temper matches his height, that is, short (Don't mention his height unless it's a compliment...) Loud about anything that gets more than mild emotion out of him, sometimes even then. Extremely competitive without really realizing when to calm down. He may seem aggressive and may threaten anyone who beats him, but he sees it as all in good times. Always tries to lighten the mood when something serious comes up, because serious talk means quieter talk and that's no fun. In general, he's your neighborhood hothead shorty with a competitive edge.

History: He lives with just his mother who runs a bakery (although Luke's never shown interest in baking, or cooking at all.) His father was shot dead when some punk teen thought to rob a bakery of all places. Worse part was this happened the day Luke was celebrating his 8th birthday with his mother at an amusement park cross town. Shitty birthday present huh? The next few weeks were the quietest the Brady bakery has ever been. Although since then Luke seems to have only gotten more rowdy and ends up avoided by others a lot of the time.
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