Lyle and Kit

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"Oh, I see. Thank you." Lyle replied. It seemed he'd finally hit the point where he simply couldn't process anything more. The wedding, the honeymoon, the tiara, everything else that needed to be planned, the stress of seeing Kit hurt, and now an enormous home to learn the way around and a right hand man to be chosen. It all made his head spin a little. His expression did relax somewhat when Kit's face lit up and she expressed excitement over their welcoming meal. His stomach growled loudly and he realized he hadn't eaten anything all day. "Well I'm certain the chef's efforts will be well appreciated tonight." He chuckled quietly as they kept walking up the stairs. "Hardly, my love. Don't worry." He wasn't a particularly muscular man. While his days of reading and practicing various instruments didn't lend themselves to much in the way of strength, he had also taken to fencing and swordplay practice as well as hunting and horseback riding. These at least gave him endurance, which is what this climb up the stairs was testing.

At last they made it to the top of the stairs and Lyle breathed heavily. "Indeed." His voice was a bit haggard as he caught his breath. He waited a little while until her breathing returned to normal and asked. "Which room is yours? For that matter, which is mine? If I can find it easily enough myself, I would feel much better for Lucy to stay with you, dear." Turning his head, he looked back at Lucy as he spoke. "Is it far, Lucy?"
Lucy nodded her head, "Other end, the last door on the end. It's a half circle like floor, because this is where it starts to cone into the middle of three towers. There are two more stairwells to the left and right below. We will give you a map tomorrow. Alls you need to do is follow the C until you hit the end. There will be a wall with a picture of ex-Master on it at the very end of the hall, a small half table with alcohol of sorts on it- which you are very much welcome to. Then there are two doors almost across from eachother. The only difference is the one on the right will be much closer to the wall than the one on the left. This is because the inner of the C has less room than the outer, but there is the same number of rooms across from eachother. So in order to make room there is more space between the doors on the inner half." Lucy tried to explain, when she spoke she used hand movements. "It shouldn't be hard to remember closest to the wall on the end. To the right. Your suitcase is there too, yes."

Kit was just touching the walls that felt familiar but looked so different. No more was her sight black. She wondered if she'd ever get used to it. If it became too much over-load for her she might just put on a blindfold for awhile, she decided. "And this is Kit's room. Third to the left after the stairway." She said, pointing to a place where the wall started to curve. Because of the circular structure, the walls in the rooms were ever so slightly curved in, which was almost interesting and cool. Well, to her father it was anyway. "I've gotta change." Kit said, walking down the hall with sudden urge to scrape off the dried blood. It was starting to really irritate her now. Her room was gorgeous when she opened it. She absolutely loved the light and bright colors, the huge window on one side overlooking the people. Soft see-through dyed clothes hanging from the canopy of her bed and acting as a curtian over the window. Everything was open and beautiful. She stood in awe of it for a moment. It would be nothing like Lyles room, which was where her father used to sleep. It still smelled lightly of alcohol and it was very dark purple and gold, much more elegant and interesting, there was a mirror over the bed with gold trimmings, dark wooden floors and velvets and black silks everywhere. It was interesting how soon they got rid of the kings stuff, as if they had known it for months.
"Follow the C to the end, last door on the right. Got it." Lyle nodded back and walked with Kit to her door. "Right, and I'll get out of these pajamas." He put his arms around her waist, giving her a smile and a kiss. Turning down the hall, he followed the directions Lucy had given him and managed to find the room with little difficulty. There was a sigh as he opened the door, as if he half expected the room to be decorated in black and crimson with some theme of death present. As it was, the room was strikingly plain and straightforward for the bedchamber of a former tyrant. Kit's father, he gathered, was a man who prized function and scorned form. There was a simple but comfortable looking bed in the corner, a fireplace with no mantle directly opposite the door, a desk that held only a candle and some boring papers, and a somewhat large but otherwise unremarkable chair between the door and the fireplace with a small table beside it carrying the previously mentioned alcohol.

Picking up the glass with his thumb and forefinger, Lyle sniffed the alcohol and grimaced. He could never understand why someone would willingly partake of such a caustic beverage. Early in his life he'd been exposed to it at family dinners, but found that it made his reflexes sluggish. In one singular incident which led to his swearing off any similar drinks, he had attempted to practice his violin the morning after having consumed alcohol only to find that the gentle singing of his instrument had been twisted into a hateful screeching that pounded against his head. His baggage, he noticed, was sitting at the foot of the bed. Closing the door, he quickly walked over to his suitcases and pulled out a nice and simple white silk shirt and pants. He changed out of his pajamas and into more suitable clothing, chuckling to himself as he thought of how soon he'd be changing back into pajamas. Once he was properly dressed, he left the room and followed the hallway back to Kit's room. Standing by the door, he knocked softly to let Kit and Lucy know he was there.
Kit smiled kindly, her eyes open when he gave her small kiss. It was weird, to see him up close, the color of his eyes and the thin skin of his eyelids. Right down to every singular lash. It wasn't until after she had a thought that maybe it was very strange to kiss with your eyes open, she had never known anything different because she had never been able to see anyway. It had never been something to think about. But maybe... She would ask him later? She watched him when he walked away, looking him up and down in his PJ's. She had seen a few guys now, and he did look different. Royal-like and composed, he would be fit for king she decided warmly. The people would take well to him she figured, his warmth and kind heart was obvious, but right down to his looks which weren't to majorly different. Hyleians were no racist- but somewhat of purist when it came to their kings, as normally a ball is held for the children to get married and they must marry someone in the kingdom to keep the race pure. But Titiana's request was a death sentence if not completed, so Kit had no choice. Many men were disappointed, although Kit not. Many of the peasants wanted money more than her.

Slipping into her room Lucy followed behind, on her bed laid a simple white silk gown with lilac purple lace detailing. Nothing too big or heavy. Slowly Kit let Lucy undress her, lifting her arms and taking deep breaths. Naked and pale she sat on the edge of the bed, as Lucy softly cleaned the dried blood away with a cloth. There was a determination on Kit's face, not to whimper or seem weak. This is what she got for murder, although the gods did not seem too angry, as her sight was returned. The injury would remind Kit that pain happens when you kill, and not to go around doing it for no definite reason, or even for little things. As the ways of the deities were mysterious but right, and would help her in the long run. When Kit's stomach was clean, Lucy dressed Kit. A knock on the door curiously made Kit think of her father. "Come in." Kit said with a soft voice, already walking to the door.
Lyle heard Kit call for him to enter and opened the door slowly. He saw her approaching in an elegantly simple white and lilac gown and smiled. "You look lovely, Princess Kit." A quick glimpse of the room had managed to pass his eyes before they locked on Kit. What he did take notice of definitely seemed her style. Vibrant colors everywhere. The place practically radiated energy and life. Stepping forward, he took her hands and interlaced his fingers with hers. He took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. "Well... y- our people are waiting. Shall we, dear?"

His body tensed up slightly as he thought of all the people they passed on the way to the castle. Every one of them would be listening to what the two of them had to say. They would all be listening to what he had to say. He'd never given a speech before, unless you counted speaking in front of a small group of other young nobles with no title or position to inherit. This was different from talking to a bunch of fellow troublemaking kids. The words he planned to say ran through his mind again as he took another breath.
Kit laughed happily, "Yes! Our people." She said, warmth radiated in her voice, joy filled her body. In her head she whispered silent prayers of thanks to the gods and goddesses who gave her back her sight and gave her a man that so kindly tended to her. She rocked on her little black ballet flats right onto her tippy toes and untangled her hands with his to throw her arms around his neck and kiss his cheek and hold him tight. Her injury gave an ache that made her bite her lip a second. But Lyle couldn't see this. "We shall be the rulers our people deserve." She whispered, "We shall be rulers our people wants." Her mouth went down to kiss under his ear. "Our people need."

Letting him go she slipped her thin, cool hand into his and pulled him along, Lucy leading the way. Lucy was quiet as she lead them up another flight of stairs, and around a full circular hall this time. Two large glass doors let in a bit of light that was shining from outside. But the castle was pretty dark with the many towering trees overhead. As Lucy slide open the doors Kit straightened herself up, holding tighter onto Lyle. Her eyes were careful on the people as she stepped strongly out to the empty balcony, a railing of dark metal keeping them in. As she went she surveyed the many people, her head held high and as she reached the metal railing everyone in the crowds fingers interlocked and raised in unity. Kit returned it bowing her head.
Lyle chuckled back cheerfully. He could feel the happiness in her voice and it brought warmth to his heart. As she pushed up onto her tiptoes he put his arms around her, mindful not to touch the wound in doing so. Kissing her cheek, he nodded when she whispered into his ear. One hand came up to run through her hair softly. A quiet sigh escaped his lips as she kissed under his ear. "Yes. We shall make their lives so much better." He took her hand and followed her and Lucy out of the room and down the hall. Thinking of everything that had passed since they met, he was struck by what a strong person Kit was in spite of it all. There was no one he'd rather have beside him as queen.

They walked along the curved hallways and past a few windows that let in some light from outside. Lyle could hardly believe there was any light out there at all. It felt to him like it was well into the night already, although that could have been the stress of the day and the hunger making him drowsy. As they reached the balcony and Lucy opened the door, he felt Kit cling closer to him and he looked over at her with a smile. Leaning in, he gave her another kiss on the cheek before they approached the railing and he gave the interlocked fingers gesture as well with a bow of the head.
When Kit's head raised many of the people had their heads bowed. They would not raise them until she spoke. Giving her throat a quiet clearing and licking her lips, she surveyed her people. It was her first time over-looking thousands, crowded around the castle, on the streets, all around in a half circle. They didn't look like tiny dots, but they did look much smaller. "Hyleians." She began, her voice loud. This was something not often heard by Kit, if at all. In fact, this was her first time giving a public speech in front of all who were not ill or disabled. "Today, I am here to tell you my father, your king, the ruler of Hylei has died!" Her eyes flitted across many of the faces, and after a brief period of silence, she continued. "With his blood on my hands!" And with that, the crowd roared, it cheered, and clapped. The voices of men almost drowned out the women and children's happy calls. Almost. But Kit shook her head and held up her hand single in the sky. It took a few seconds for the cheering to stop, for the clapping to slow.

"What ales you people!? Do not dance! Do not cheer! Do not yell in your happiness that another of your kind is dead! We are Hylei, we are one! And our brother, our friend, our leader is dead!" The scowl on her face quickly disappeared, confusion in the crowd made a few people clap and others look around slowly. "Don't get me wrong. It needed to be done. This, is a lesson to all that you reap what you sew! So I, the daughter of Kai, the daughter of a king, a leader, the only daughter still in this land will sew seeds of succulent fruits and large berry! I have come before you to say the deities have taken the soul of my father and set a fire under mine to create change in this broken kingdom!" Cheers. Clapping. Basic hoorays. This time Kit waited for the voices to calm on their own. "They," She pointed upwards "Have given me my sight back! To see where I am leading this country! Though I was blind, I promise you even if our enemies gouge out my eyes I will never be as blind as my father!" And as the people yelled and little boys waved around colored cloth, Kit continues over the voices. Her soft voice beginning to feel hoarse.

"Me and my fiancee, Lyle, soon to be your new king, will lead this country to greatness in all wealth, health, safety, and most importantly unity." She grabbed his hand and held it tightly, looking at him. "So remember this day, and thank the gods for a new leader that wants happiness for our country! And weep for the fallen who strayed away!" Kit had to clear her throat. "Say something to your new country." She whispered, trying to hold back the tears in her eyes. Her father was dead, and her sister far away. Loneliness pinged in the pit of her stomach even though Lyle stood right beside her. Alls she ever wanted was happiness and peace. Hopefully this would be the start of that new era.
Her words were stirring even for Lyle who had known her only a mere two days and this country less than one. The people responded with wild enthusiasm as she spoke. Soon they would have the lives they deserved. Happy and free. He saw the tears welling up in her eyes as she turned to him, struggling to hold them back. Wrapping his arms around her gently he held her close and stroked her hair, standing there in silence for a minute before kissing her head and turning to the people. He cleared his throat.

"Many of you have already seen me. As I made my way to the doctor's station this morning, I passed by you in the street and I saw grief in your eyes. The same grief I felt before Princess Kit finally opened her eyes again. Though we had never met, I knew we shared a common bond. You all love your princess deeply, just as I do. With that as our guidepost. That love. That compassion. That understanding. How can we go astray? Your princess loves each and every one of you, and so do I. Together, with the will of the gods and goddesses in our hearts, we will strive to give each Hyleian what they deserve. A life of peace, joy, and freedom."

It was relatively short and to the point, but apparently he'd been on the mark as the people erupted into cheers and applause when he'd finished and turned to smile at Kit.
Kit bowed her head lightly, and the wilding cheering and happy yells were suddenly mixed with a music that came from down below. A large band of lowly servants with musical talents beat their drums and played their pan flutes and mandolins to a happy beat. Although the men continued to cheer, the women and children, oh especially those short bright eyed children danced. Kit would have one of those, one day. A child to raise, a new heir to the throne. A single child so no one would argue over it, so that Kit could put all her time and energy and attention into a child. That is what she wanted. Kit smiled back at Lyle and turned around, grabbing his hand. You could almost hear the clench of fingers as the people signed their appreciation and thanks back to the countries Queen and soon to be King.

Stepping off the patio and back into the castle, she caught a glimpse of the orange sky. It was becoming sundown. As the glass door closed behind her, the noises from outside were muted if only slightly. "The sky is changing color." She whispered, then turned to Lily. Her throat hurt, it hurt quite a bit. "Is welcoming dinner ready yet?" She asked, Lucy shrugged, "I shall go see. Maybe in the meantime you can show Lyle the gardens and I shall meet you there?" Kit looked at Lyle expectingly. "Would you like to see the Gardens? Or maybe we can just wait in the dining room until dinner?"
The sounds of music made their way up to the balcony where Lyle and Kit stood together. It flowed through him and left him feeling at peace. Everyone in the courtyard and beyond enjoyed the same sense of calm. The people danced as the musicians played and Lyle knew that they had accepted him as one of their own. Kit took his hand and his smile widened. They walked back into the castle hand in hand and Lucy was waiting there for them. She and Kit exchanged a few words regarding dinner and Kit turned to him. Her father didn't seem like the type to care about gardens, so whatever this place was Lyle figured Kit was probably the one who designed and tended it. Taking a nice, leisurely stroll through a garden of her own making sounded absolutely wonderful to him.

"I would love to see the gardens, my love." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and thought of their lives together once they were married. Having a nice garden to wander through would make for quite the romantic getaway when they couldn't take a longer trip, especially so since it was her garden. He wondered for a moment whether or not he'd even be ready to eat if they decided to see the gardens, or if he'd be too busy appreciating her little natural sanctuary. A thought occurred to him. "Would it be possible to make the welcoming dinner into a picnic, or would it be too much hassle to do that?"
"Ah... We could. It'd be harder on the servants part." Kit laughed, "But, uh, they are getting paid so." smiling, Kit tightened her grip on his warm hand and sighed. She was content, happy. A slight evil in the back of her mind told her otherwise, her father was dead and she a murderer. But Kit knew better, she knew this eventually be her fate all along. Especially after Kat had left. Her sister probably dead somewhere too. She shook her head and the thought away. "This way," She said, leading him down the stairs, all the way back to the entrance area. Luckily out back would be completely empty free of workers because the little street party. "Lucy make it a picnic and bring us our food, Kay?" She called back

Pulling him out the back double doors, everything was relatively quiet until they hit outside. They could hear the traditional music once again, with a drum keeping beat and high pitched bells ringing aside low flutes. It was interesting noise for dancing, you could imagine people dancing around a fire at night with it. Pulling him lightly she took him deeper into the woods, along a slightly beaten but not really marked path. Nothing too bad, as her father killed beauty and she wouldn't want him to see it, even though she couldn't either. Through small opening through, she slowed, walking into the light. The sun was streaked orange and pink, and the flowers bloomed all around in shades of purple and orange, petals spread wide. It was a beautiful almost tropical looking place, with vines everywhere and deep grass to sit in.
Lyle chuckled. "Well as long as it won't be too much extra trouble." He felt her hand tighten around his and smiled. It had been a big day, but they'd made it through. Hopefully a quiet, relaxing dinner together in her garden would help take her mind off the more somber parts. She'd been remarkably strong through it all. She deserved a nice break. Lyle nodded and followed her lead through the curved hallways and stairwells down and out the back entrance. As they passed through the large doors the sound of music gently floated through the air to them again. Lyle closed his eyes briefly and took a slow breath. There was something about Hyleian traditional music that he quite liked.

They walked along a dirt path that had bits of grass and other plant life sprouting up in patches. Tall vine-covered trees rose up around them, the somewhat worn path leading them to a clearing filled with flowers of orange and purple. Lyle suddenly remembered that this would be the first time she was seeing this as well. He leaned his head against hers and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" The scent of the flowers wafted around them, hanging heavy in the air without being overpowering. This would be a perfect place to relax and unwind.
Kit stood gracefully in the woods, listening to the soft noises of the song between crickets and owls which played in summer nights. The night had not gone as she had planned. A bear had taken part of her castle, her sister had cracked her head open, and Kit had lost her cool and very possibly started a war with Titaia and a Lord. Not to mention the suicide in her backyard and some of the gardens had been broken and picked over. With her uninjured hand she took off the heels on her feet, they hurt badly, they ached in the core. She couldn't help it though, because Lyle was much taller than her and in order to look like a 'smoother' couple as Lucy had put it, she had to wear them. Walking across the soft grassy was easy except for the occasional rock. The stars were dull and a unsettling feeling was in the core of Kit's stomach. This... This was her wedding night. The first night they were married. Shaking the thought out of her head as she got to the stone steps splattered with her blood she came in. Candles burned in every window, for the castle was still lit up for a party.

When she came in she saw servants and maids bustling around, cleaning and catering to broken stone and wood as the bear had broken some of it, she walked smoothly across the floor into the ball room where many were taking down decorations and such. No one said anything or even gave Kit a sidewards glance, the blood here in the ballroom was that of Kat's, and Kat was now gone. She figured with Mez, who had apparently known and come with her. After a few seconds she turned around and padded back to the entrance way where the carpeted stairs were, swinging heels in hand. The beaded dress she wore with a feather bottom was ridiculous, she felt ridiculous and looked ridiculous and just wanted everything to be over. Finding her room she opened the door quietly, it had been a long day.
Lyle was lying in bed trying to sleep, but sleep would not come. There was too much frustration and too many thoughts running through his mind demanding to be processed before his brain would relax. A few guests had come and turned their wedding day into some playground for their personal amusement. A bear though? Running wild through the halls of the castle, destroying property, and nearly killing his sister-in-law... and yet it was his wife's justified slapping of the pampered woman-child who brought it that was a declaration of war? He'd lost a lot of respect for the Lord Commander after that. Deep down some people are just petty and impulsive though, perhaps that was why he got along so well with the childish queen. There was nothing to be gained dwelling on a few people bent on causing trouble though, especially not when the majority of the guests were amiable enough. He would have to be sure to write letters which conveyed deepest apologies for the chaos and gratitude for understanding to those who did not add to the mess.

Faireheart and Aspen would get personal apologies. Lyle had gotten a bit snippy with them in the heat of things, but they had proven good friends in the end. He hadn't been able to greet Clive properly before the chaos ensued, but the fact that he had kept to himself rather than making things worse as some had done did not escape Lyle's notice. Hell even Alidr, whose purpose in life seemed to be to pull rude pranks on Lyle, had stayed back and - presumably - just "enjoyed the show." Hopefully Messorem and Kat would be back before too long. As he began to drift off to sleep Lyle felt regret that their wedding day, which was a once in a lifetime event, had turned out this way. He'd done his best to keep things under control, but it was still hardly what anyone would have wanted for their wedding. How he would make it up to Kit was beyond him.

There was a knock at the door. Lyle didn't get up but only groaned from the bed. "Yeah?" The door handle jiggled and his father's voice came through. "Lyle? Your mother and I wanted to talk to you." "Just a minute." His legs slowly swung over the edge of the bed and he pushed himself to his feet, walking over to the door and opening it. The two of them entered the room as Lyle shut the door behind them. Father spoke again, his face and tone sympathetic. "We know things didn't turn out the way you and Kit planned. We've talked it over and we could ask Lord Dalton for his luxury yacht for a few days to take you and Kit for a private ceremony at sea." His mother looked at him with a gentle sternness. "We'll go tell her the plan and get everything taken care of. You just worry about making sure you have a nice clean set of clothes packed when the time comes, ok?" Lyle nodded, his eyes welling up with tears. He ran forward to his parents and they all hugged tightly. "It's all going to be alright, Lyle. Don't you worry." His mother reassured him, patting his hair softly. They let go after a while and he looked between the two of them. He was grateful to have parents like them, so grateful he couldn't even find the words. They could see it on his face though, and nodded. "Get some sleep. Heavens know you need it after what you've been through." His father patted his shoulder and the two of them left.

Not long after that, there was a knock at Kit's bedroom door.
Sitting along the bed Kit threw her shoes in the corner, slipping off those uncomfortable nylons and getting out of the stiff dress and letting it fall on the floor too. She simply didn't care right now. It wasn't worth it to clean, and often she didn't make the maids clean her room, but this time she'd just have to ask. They'd do it with pleasure too, Kit knew, but she couldn't help but feel guilty sometimes for overloading them with work. It didn't help that they were already stuck with the job of cleaning up the wedding mess either. Running her clean hand through her hair she sighed. The braids had been tight and left her scalp aching. Her hair a wavy soft halo around her face. It felt so good to rip off her corset and let her chest free. It was almost like being binded, her entire body trying to fit the shape it was supposed to be according to how a princess should look. How worthless she thought to herself.

It wasn't long before Kit heard a knock a the door, she was wrapping her oozing hand. The water woman had just left after healing her side wound too. She couldn't be too far off though, after all she had stayed for the ceremony herself. Kit slipped on a silk white nightgown with it's V neck and gems along the edge. This had been passed down from her mother too. It was her wedding night, and injured or not she had to go to Lyle's room. According to Lucy anyway, it wouldn't be long. "Come in." Kit said softly, expecting Lucy more than anyone. Lucy would come brush her hair and wash her face, and get her ready normally. So she was surprised when Lyle opened the door. But customs were not the same in his country as here.
It was actually Lyle's mother who entered the room tentatively when Kit answered. She was about the same height as Lyle and had the same white hair, although hers was kept in a long single braid that stretched almost to her waist. There was a definite resemblance between Lyle and her. She stepped in and closed the door behind her, walking over to Kit and giving her a gentle hug complete with hair patting. "Oh dear, I am so sorry that happened on your wedding night." Letting go, she took a short step back and looked down into Kit's eyes. "Don't you worry about a thing, little Kit." She blinked for a minute and took another step back, holding a hand up to her face. "Oh, but where are my manners? I'm the Duchess of Strudwick. You can call me Rosaline, or Rose for short. Now my husband and I had a talk about your situation and we would just feel awful if you didn't let us make this better for you." Holding her hand up for silence, she continued. "We're good friends with Lord Dalton of Newbury, maybe you've heard of him? Anyway, he has this yacht that'd just be perfect for a little private ceremony at sea."

She turned and started pacing, giving up the illusion that Kit had any say in the matter as she went on explaining her plans. "Now I've already talked to the rest of the family and they're all happy to chip in for the different roles we'll need done. Curtis, that little troublemaker, will carry the tiara to Lyle. Stephanie will carry the crown to you. The brothers and sisters will be bridesmaids and groomsmen. His aunts and uncles will be doing a quartet for the music..." Rose stopped and tapped her foot, looking around. "Was that it? I think so." Shrugging, she turned back to Kit and smiled. "You're a Strudwick now, Kit. You need anything at all, you let me know ok?"
Kit was surprised when she saw a face she had recognized, but it wasn't Lyle. A little embarrassed at her dress and newly dirtied room Kit attempted to give the light haired woman a smile, which awkwardly hung from Kit's lips. She hugged the woman back, surprised at her hight and also surprised she was in Kit's room late at night. The ceremony had gone awry, that was for sure. It had been pretty awful, right from the quick ceremony that titaia had interrupted, to the bear that came down that was also Titaia's doing. Running her tongue over her lips she watched Lyle's mother, surprised at her sudden decision. To make it better for her, opening her mouth, the queenly female raised her hand and Kit shushed herself. Letting the woman speak, although Kit had yet to be able to say a word except 'come in'.

"Yes thank you... But that cannot be done. It is so kind for you to think of me and Lyle, but customs here are much different than your own kingdom. I have to politely decline your offer. My people would be in riots. They would consider that a... Sneaky action, conspiracies and such you know. I understand my wedding was less than pleasurable but..." Kit thought about the tiring events of the day and shook her head, "That is what will go down in our books. The second Queen's psychotic wedding. That'll be partly what I'm known for, the kids will be amused with the little story eventually when it blows over. Not to mention Lyle and his servant has made honey moon decisions and we have to leave tomorrow for the next week. As this is what it is known for. Also when I get back and while I am gone I must think now of war because of tonight." Kit thought about everything and glanced away from the woman. "I simply don't have the time or wish for another wedding. You cannot do over these things, as it goes, it's not realistic or well for my people. The gods wanted this for some reason, maybe to humble myself, maybe because they are protecting my kingdom from trading with other countries that would unfairly do mine. As they work in mysterious ways. But it is very noble for you to think of us and I do thank you."
Rosaline's eyes went a little wider for a second and then she frowned. "Tomorrow? That boy doesn't tell me hardly anything without a fight..." She sighed and shrugged, putting her hands on her hips. "Well that's that, I suppose. I'm sure your honeymoon'll go much better. Lyle tries to act all clever and aloof, but he's a big softie and good at reading people." With a smile, she reached back for the door while still facing Kit. "Goodnight Kit, and remember if you need anything at all just ask." The door opened behind her and she stepped out of the room, closing it quietly behind herself. Her soft footsteps could be heard down the hallway until they faded to silence.
When they finally faded into silence, Kit looked about and stood. She needed to get Lucy, but almost as she thought it she came in the room. Holding a bowl full of warm water with a small towel soaked inside she smiled. "Are you okay?" She asked Kit, tilting her head to the side. Kit nodded, sitting up straighter and putting on a tough face. Lucy smiled and came forward, setting the bowl on the bed table and ringing out the cloth before wiping at Kit's face, around her mouth and eyes where makeup had been strategically placed. Without makeup, Kit looked a little more like Kit. Letting Lucy softly brush her hair out and braid it to one side she sighed. Neither exchanged words, nor did they need to. When Lucy finished she took her bowl and left with a slight nod and curtsy. Kit laid down gently on her bed and stared at the wall for a few moments. A warm feeling in her stomach.

After awhile she got up and stretched lightly, a blush of heat settled across her pale face as she realized. Looking to the floor she padded off barefoot in her silk and diamond nightgown down the hall. She knew it was late by the sound of the maids checking out and switching in down stairs. Nighttime maids rotated with Daytime maids at a late hour, and yawning softly she hoped she'd catch Lyle at a good time. She didn't know what Lyle's customs were but she hoped he didn't think it was selfish for her to do it her people's way, after all he was becoming part of her community. She didn't know how well the people would take it if it were more mixed. As she stood in front of the door, she gripped the cool metal handle tightly before entering. She didn't bother to knock, and she had been quiet outside the door. It was supposed to be a surprise, a surprise that surely every lover knew about on their wedding night. When she entered the room she leaned lightly against the door frame looking in, her injured hand by her side.
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