Lovely Made

"The harsh reality of marriage is that some are only in it for the good times, and it's never only that. As any real couple would know." Shen could see her passion for her work. He found it very admirable. And he began to wonder about another thing as well. "A woman with a love doesn't stick around alone at a bar in the late evening, yet... I find it hard to believe that such a pleasant woman can be lonely, if it's in my place to say..."
Kia looked at Shen. She had heard that before. Not in the exact words but the meaning was all the same. "Im not with anyone . i just think im ment to be alone. Maybe im the giver not the reciever". Everytime Kia thought about it it made her sad. She laid her head on his shoulder. She didn't realize what she was doing but the little alcohol she did have didnt help either. She stopped talking and just went into a daze. Kia had been alone for a while actually believing she wasnt ment to be alone. "For two years i loved him unconditionally and he left for a music contract, I wasnt mad because i wanted him to follow his dreams but i just felt like..what about me? you know"
Shen was a little surprised at the sudden contact. He figured Kia must be really broken up about losing her special someone. He couldn't explain how he felt sad for her, despite her being a stranger, yet at the same time he was sort of glad to be sharing this moment with her. He whispered, "What are your​ dreams?"
"This may sound funny but I really don't know" Kia couldn't believe she was telling a stranger all of this but having someone to tell was comforting. The best thing about was he wasn't judging her. Well at least not out loud. Kia stop dancing and placed her hand on Shen shirt lightly dusting any makeup she may left on it. "I'm sorry but I must leave I have to be up very early" Kia started to walk back to the Booth
Shen was left standing on the "dance floor". He watched her walking away for a moment before he followed her. "Hey! You know, I really need someone to show me around this place, so I was wondering if you might be interested in taking me out on a tour... you know, to let me get better acquainted with the area." Shen gave her a hopeful smile. He was starting to enjoy her company.
Kia stopped at the Booth. She started getting her things together. She really was going to be busy tomorrow and having a tag along would probably be a bad idea but it wasn't like Shen was a problem. "I have work tomorrow but you can come along if you would like. See how its done be my plus one for the wedding". Kia waited for his answer.
Shen did a quick calculation in his mind. He had intended it to be a one on one affair, but Kia apparently didn't mind having Shen as a part of her social circle. This pleased him a lot. Who needs university classes anyway? "I'd love that. Do you have a way home?"
Kia smiled. This would be fun having someone to come along she thought. Kia waved her keys to her Jeep. "I do...." Kia looked at Shen and smiled again. "You have done thank you for my drink and the conversation". Kia gave Shen a kiss on the cheek. Kia laughed.Shen was so young but it was like Kia had forgotten all about that but in the morning she would remember it all. Maybe that was a good thing. Maybe not but only time would tell. "Meet me at my house at 8 in the morning" Kia said holding out a piece of paper with her number an address on it.
Shen took it with a small bow of his head and a cool grin. "I'll be there." He would attempt to walk her to her jeep and wait until she was gone before heading out himself.
~Next day~

Kia woke up and looked at the time on her phone. She had an hour to get ready before Shen would arrive. "Good an hour...maybe Shen wouldnt mind waiting for me to get ready". Kia walked to her kitchen and started the coffee maker. She turned on her radio and turned the volume up. The sound of John Mayer came through the speakers. KIa bopped around her apartment getting papers ready and getting out her clothes. Today was going to be crazy. All the guest and celebritys floating around would be fun.
Shen decided to walk again today. It was just something he had always done. He did learn how to drive when he was 16, but sitting still in a seat full of levers and gauges just wasn't his kind of transportation.
The address was pretty far from his own apartment in the university campus, so he set out a little before seven in the morning to give himself time to enjoy the sights.
7:54 showed brightly on his watch. This was the street. He found her door and wondered for a moment if 6 minutes early is too early. He decided to knock.
Kia opened the door with her cup of coffee in her hand. She smiled "Come Come...Forgive me i havent gotten ready yet". Kia still had on her blue fitted nighty with any make up on. She thought she looked like a mess. "Come sit in my living room and i can turn the music down if its to loud for you..I know some people sont really like loud things in the morning"

Shen stepped in, taking the opportunity to glance at Kia's morning look. She still had the flush of sleep in her cheek, and Shen thought she had a glowing look about her. "Thanks for having me." He had to resist removing his shoes as he was accustomed to when entering homes. "You're house is lovely! Did you do this all yourself?"
Kia walked into the kitchen "Yeah i did..pretty good for a low budget huh". Kia lowered the volume on the radio "You can help yourself in the kitchen if you would liken i have to get ready anyway". Kia walked back to the living room "Watch tv or something feel free to do whatever..i dont think you'll steal...or would you" Kia laughed and walked to her bedroom upstairs to get ready


There's only one thing here that interests me, and she's already invited me over.​ "I won't." He chuckled. He took a seat on the couch and waited. Meanwhile, he took out a small pad of paper in his pocket and decided to do some origami while he waited. He had restless hands and had to always be doing something. He folded a simple swan. Then he made a box, then he made a tiger. He decided to make Kia a paper hat as a joke. He was pretty sure she'd look good in it anyway.
Kia came down stairs and was dressed in a casual outfit. Her hair was in a ponytail with curls. She seen Shen's creations "You were that bored huh" Kia laughed as she picked the swan up "i never knew how to make one of theses....i mean it took me 3 years to learn how to eat with chop sticks" Kia put it down and checked to make sure everything was ready to go.
Shen gathered together his little paper creations and tucked them away. "I might teach you sometime. It's quite easy."
He couldn't help but let his eyes wander up and down, taking her in. "You look lovely... Are you ready?"
"Thank you" Kia walked to the door. How could Shen say "sometime"like they were going to see each other again. Kia really didnt think much of the time she spent with guys anyway. They just go away after a while right? well at least it seemed that way to kia but the company he was giving was great.
Shen opened the door for her. He put his fingers in his pocket, thumbs sticking out. "So where are we eating? I really don't know the places here." He hoped he wasn't staring, but Kia's hair was really beautiful.
Kia checked the emails on her phone as she unclocked the car "Ummm i dont know i really eat coffee in the morning" She laughed. Kia got in the car and started it up. She loved her jeep even though it was a gift from her now famous ex boyfriend. "What are you in the mood for?"