Love Sometimes Works in Strange Ways (OOC/Sign-ups)(Accepting)

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oui, keep it down. i'm tryin' to work here.

casper isn't confident, he really isn't. y'all expected a flustered scene, nah, you just got a depressing point of view from my boy. i also think he's a little interested in karou - not in a particularly romantic way, but just interested in him.

my boy hates confrontations - and personal questions. you give those kinds of questions, you'll get some deep responses, man.

"Tsk. What a depressing guy. My respect for you has just gone down pass zero. Good thing none of the girls--and Nori, are here to hear it. You're worst in killing the mood than I am." -Takumi to Casper

Oh, Casper. He seriously needs character development more than Takumi. But I am sure the "man" in Casper will start to emerge when needed then he'll revert back to shy happy Casper. But then again, if Takumi starts abusing his buttons he might end up like this:


I'll risk it!! But @ClaireRae should reply first. Maybe Kaoru can help Casper more than Takumi.
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"Tsk. What a depressing guy. My respect for you has just gone down pass zero. Good thing none of the girls--and Nori, are here to hear it. You're worst in killing the mood than I am." -Takumi to Casper

Oh, Casper. He seriously needs character development more than Takumi. But I am sure the "man" in Casper will start to emerge when needed then he'll revert back to shy happy Casper. But then again, if Takumi starts abusing his buttons he might end up like this:


I'll risk it!! But @ClaireRae should reply first. Maybe Kaoru can help Casper more than Takumi.

i never aim for my characters to be developed at the start - yeah, casper definitely is gonna need some work and support to get his self-esteem and everything up. that was my aim.

i love my babies, but none of them are perfect by any means at the beginning.

but hey, that's what friends are there for, right? casper will surely overcome his demons at some point. he has some good people in his life to help him out.
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"Good thing none of the girls--and Nori, are here to hear it."

"...and Nori..."

I just—

Anywho, Casper's reply really did make me sad ;~; Reminded me of me. I do hope that he becomes somewhat more confident as the roleplay drags on.
Because I am sure Nori would cry if he heard that. Nori doesn't like negativity trippin' his adorable awesomeness.

And yeah, Casper deserves a hug. But Takumi or Kaoru need to set him straight. :3
And yeah, Casper deserves a hug. But Takumi or Kaoru need to set him straight. :3

i'm not quite aiming to make casper 'more masculine' or anything. the idea behind casper as a character is that you can be the strongest looking, toughest looking guy out there, but you can be the most sensitive person around - and that should be okay. my aim for his development is for him to learn to accept himself the way he is, instead of constantly aching over the fact that he isn't what the world calls 'masculine' on the inside, and trying to become 'tougher'. you gotta learn to accept yourself, no matter what society tells you you have to be because of appearance or gender. i'm hoping the characters can help him learn to accept himself, alongside the other little side-plots we have going.

i'm sorry for going on rants here, i write a lot even in out-of-character. ( ~ ~)

"Good thing none of the girls--and Nori, are here to hear it."

"...and Nori..."

I just—

Anywho, Casper's reply really did make me sad ;~; Reminded me of me. I do hope that he becomes somewhat more confident as the roleplay drags on.

ah, i hope so too. ( ^ ^) i think nori could really help him, honestly. he's such a happy character, it'd be sweet for nori and casper to be friends, i believe.
There's so much planned character development, aaahh! I hope we'll be able to see it all be roleplayed out.

Maybe certain situations will come up and cause Nori and Casper to interact more~ And @un coin de soleil you're completely right about Nori crying. He doesn't take negativity all that well.
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i'm not quite aiming to make casper 'more masculine' or anything. the idea behind casper as a character is that you can be the strongest looking, toughest looking guy out there, but you can be the most sensitive person around - and that should be okay. my aim for his development is for him to learn to accept himself the way he is, instead of constantly aching over the fact that he isn't what the world calls 'masculine' on the inside, and trying to become 'tougher'. you gotta learn to accept yourself, no matter what society tells you you have to be because of appearance or gender. i'm hoping the characters can help him learn to accept himself, alongside the other little side-plots we have going.

i'm sorry for going on rants here, i write a lot even in out-of-character. ( ~ ~)

Oh! I wasn't actually aiming for masculinity in Casper. Like you said, I want Casper to be able to accept himself and see more of the positive rather than the negative. Well, after Claire's reply, you'll see what I mean. :3
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Haha, yes! I think Kaoru can help him out in this situation. I feel like Kaoru rides a fine line between femininity and masculinity, but I don't think he's really aware of where he stands in that spectrum, so I he can kinda relate. I also feel like he's also got some self-confidence issues, but since he just kinda shuts the idea that he does down, he can't really fix it. I'll write up a post when I'm done eating dinner!
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"At least you can save kittens from trees pretty easily. Girls love stuff like that."

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Ahahahahaha!! Or something along that line.

I can see Casper being the strong capable seme while Takumi is the unreasonable childish uke... And Lacey... Well.. Ahaha!
I love how you're finding parts of Maid-sama that work out perfectly for everything you say.
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Oh, it just so happens that there is one part that fits the scene. Ahaha!
It could be because Kaoru came in and it distracted him.
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Now I have to figure out what to do for Cadence and Lacey but mostly Cadence because Lacey is going to have her misunderstanding about Casper and his relationships between Takumi and I guess maybe Kaoru now too.
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