Love above Darkness and Light

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her wounds wer trying to heal by themselves consuming most of her bital energy her breath getting slower and her heart slowing down too
He saw a figure from the distance and immediately knew it was her. He got off his horse and teleported to her location. "Angelique! oh my God, you idiot what have you done?" he said looking at her wounds and held her close to his chest.
she was already unconcious and her body was moving like she was a cold puppet her skin even paler than normal
He placed his fiery skin on her wounds absorbing the water out and closing the bleeding flesh. His skin began to turn into a crisp again but it didn't matter to him, it didn't even hurt, he just wanted to save her. "Wake up, please wake up, if i lose you...if i lose you, it will take over me..please come on. Who will bandage my knees for me now?" he screamed at the top of his lungs with her in his arms.
she was still unconcious and her body was still cold but her wound started to heal completely and her tail disapeared showing her pale hurted legs
He hugged her tightly and as their foreheads touched. "Please, you're my whole world. I don't even care about ruling this land, i just want you...please, If you wake up, i will tell you my secrets, and why i look like this now." he said childishly.
she kept being unconcious but her breath got a bit normal and her heart started to beat faster and her skin started to shiver as her body gained sense again
He sat there with her in his arms and fell asleep waiting for her to wake up. His body had become numb, and his skin, covered in white spots.
she woke up woth a lpud moan shivering hard as looked around and as she saw him she whimpered loud scared and started to shake him " roy... hey roooy!" she started to yell
He woke up slowly. "What...what?" he said looking around in a funny way and smiled when he saw she had waken up. He hugged her and closed his eyes with joy.
she blushed and wrappped the blabket toghter around her as she was naked underneath and cuddled in his arms togjt " what are you doing here ? how did you dind me "
"Angelique, i used to play hide and seek with you, i think i know very well how to find you." he said with a smile and carried her in his arms after wrapping the blanket around her.
she blushed and cuddled to him tight closing her eyes for half as she was still feeling tired and weak . soon she fell asleep again in his arms as she was swinged
An arrow came flying at a high speed and went through his visible ribs stabbing his golden heart. His vision turned blurry as he dropped to his knees, still holding Angelique out of sheer will power.
angelique woke up scared and whimpered loud sustained him unwrapping his hands from around her and looked around fast and tried to grow the shield around them at the same time taking out the arrow from his chest " roy!!!" she yelled and started to cry as the shield was fully grown around them
"Heh..I'm fine, this is nothing" he said as his eyes turned devilishly cold. He raised his hand and pulled the perpetrator towards him. It was one of Alfred's men. Roy looked at him mercilessly with cold evil eyes and a scary smile, and closed his fist causing the man's organs to splatter everywhere around them. Roy then smiled and settled down.
she yelled loud covering her head with her hands and got up fast ready to run away in fear as her beart as getting ready to get out her chest and the blajket almost falling from her shoulders
Blood caused the monster inside him to wake up. He raised his other hand ,grabbed Angelique in midair and pulled her towards him. This time his eyes were dead, no life, no mercy, and no humanity resided in them.
she yelled loud scared and sruggled to free hersslf crying " let me go ! let me go !!!" she yelled loud on the sane time tryong to keep her body covered with the blanket
The smile on his face showed pure evil. It wasn't something Roy would do, no. That wasn't Roy, it was something else that came over him, and it was so strong that even his heart healed. He stood up and raised her higher in the air. " smell nice...i might have some fun with you" he said in a voice that was in no way similar to his original voice.
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