lonely doesn't last forevern (rp with Lewi)

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"I live alone because of an incident that happened" Kira said. "I ended up...loosing someone because of the incident...I really don't want to talk about it" Kira said
"Im so sorry that was rude of me...forgive me." She spoke and she led him into town. She got some things she needed here and there.
"It's okay...I am just no used to talking about it...and the memory pains me" Kira said
She didn't mention it again. If he wanted to talk about it he could. She headed back to her home and took him inside putting things away.
"You have a nice home" Kira said looking around the inside of the house.
"Thank you so much. You can have a seat if you'd like." She had a lot of cooking utensils and such signaling that was probably her livelihood.
"Do you...cook to make a living here" Kira asked. "Because you have a lot of cooking utensils" Kira said
"I do actually. People will ask me to bake a lot so that's why I require so much flour and stuff."
" Oh...that's pretty neat" Kira said. "Meaning you must get a lot if people coming by now and then right" Kira asked
"Usually around lunch is my busiest time." She said to him and sat once the things were in place.
"During lunch...I can help you if you need the help" Kira said
She smiled happily. "You would? It would be a wonderful help."
"Yes I would be glad to help you out" Kira said smiling. "I got nothing better to do at home anyways"
She smiled at him and spoke. "I'd appreciate it."
Kira helped Kieara with preperation and everything.
"You know Kira you're a real sweetheart. I just think you're adorable." She admitted with a smile.
"T-thanks" Kira said blushing a bit "You're p-pretty sweet yourself Kieara" Kira said
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