Little Town in Ireland

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Terriana sighed in defeat, "All right, I guess you two can come too but please take it easy." She practically begged looking between Dom and Aidan, she didn't want anyone to get more hurt than they had to. "And while we're up there you can get your board and cutlass back." She added happily. When Caitlin came back she smiled, "I guess we're all going then. After you guys." She said, motioning for everyone else to go first.
Aidan stood and he felt fine his head was still humming but he was use to being in a bad way and still take care of himself. "I never thought being in so many fights would of helped me in real life" he said as he looked at everyone else in the room. When his eye caught Terri's he smiled "Look see I'am fine you have no need to worry about me"with that he walked of to the stairs and turned looking at Dom "After you" he said he wanted to make Sure Dom got up the stairs in one piece.
Dom smirked "I didn't think falling off my skateboard so many times would of helped me in real life". When Aidan told him to go first he did so and with ease and quickness maybe a little too quick to show off he made it up the stairs. He shouted down "Told you no need to worry bout me I kick ass with these crutches". Dom started swinging around feeling better in himself.
With a smile at Dom he laughed "Glad you made it up there because if you had fallen back down I wouldn't of been able to stop my self from laughing" he said and then turned his head to see Terri and Caitlin. Aidan looked at the with a serious look "Now after you, please don't argue with me." Aidan stood his ground and waited to watch Terri and Caitlin go up the steps.
Caitlin approached the steps and climbed up pretty quickly. She wasn't talking much at the moment and felt a bit nervous. She wanted to get home, putting aside all the thoughts of her dream, and wanted to see her family. Thinking about the time she already knew she was going to be late for dinner. Her mother wouldn't appreciate that at all, she would probably make Cailin stay home for a day or two since she didn't stick to the curfew. Her father, well he would probably be very upset and give her a lecture on how she shouldn't be leaving all the time anyways. As she waited for the others she got a bit lost in thought.
As Caitlin went up the stairs, Terriana looked back at Aidan, curious as to why he wanted to be last to go up the steps. "What's up with you?" She asked quietly but had a small smile on her face but she still walked up the stairs after the younger girl no matter how much she would've preferred to stay down there and challenge Aidan. She didn't stay down there because she didn't want to keep the others waiting and waste precious daylight. Once she reached the top she walked to the back door and peered outside for any signs of a creature.
As Terri asked her question a smirk grow on Aidan's face oh if only you knew he thought as he watched her walking up the stairs, with his head bent to one side he smiled as he watched the lower part of her body oh very nice very nice indeed he thought but quickly took the steps two at a time so he didn't get caught checking out her ass.

Once upstairs he walked up to Terri "So Captain whats the next move?" he asked with a wink knowing she could take it in two ways.
Terriana looked back at Aidan with a raised eyebrow because he never answered her question but decided to answer his first but addressed everyone as she spoke. "Well right now I'm checking it any creature are nearby but since I don't see any, we're going to go take Caitlin home because her family is probably wondering where she is. After that, if no one else has to do something around town, we'll decide our next move. I-if that's alright with everyone." She added, unsure of herself. She wasn't very good at being a leader, never wanting any roles like that previously so she wasn't sure if anyone else might want to do something else. Terri then looked back at Aidan and narrowed her eyes, "And you never answered my question before. Why'd you want to be the last one up?" She asked again.
Aidan smiled as Terri spoke and looked around at the little group we may not be much but together we will kick hells ass I'm sure of it he thought. Still being in a world of his own but listening to everything Terri had said he smiled that sound's like a good idea to me, what about you Dom what about your Dad's do you need to get in contact with them and you hun what about your folks?" he asked thinking about his own dad he realised there was no one in the world for him to let know he was safe.

With a slight sigh he put his brave face back on before to many questions were asked, as Terri spoke Aidan smirked "Oh you don't want to know, you may think bad of me." He knew she may guess what he was on about but that was fine.
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Dom answered Aidan"My Dads will be alright they probably think I'm hiding in my bunker it can wait till tomorrow before sunset before they start worrying". As Terri was trying to get Aidan to confess why Dom smirked at Aidan and knew the reason why he did it, all the way through school Dom even had the mirrors on shoe job at one point. He thought to himself *It's been a while since I was a really nasty pervert but least I was a sneaky pervert*. At least Dom's grown up now it turned from girls to working hard over the years but every now and again he has his glances. He is male after all.
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Terriana shrugged, should she check in with her family? "Yeah I should probably tell my parents I'm fine too. It has been a couple days since I've gone back..." She said thoughtfully. When he still refused to answer her question she looked at him suspiciously but decided that it would probably be best to just leave it.

She glanced out the window once more then opened the door and walked out, still keeping an eye out for any creatures. "Come on, let's get going." She said to the others and started off toward Caitlin's house
Aidan walked out and up to Terri keeping his eyes out for any trouble with a quick look behind him he smiled at Dom knowing full well that Dom knew why Aidan had wanted to be last. As he caught up he whispered to Terri "I was checking out your backside, and I have to say it was very nice to watch you walking up the stairs" as she hadn't guessed why he had wanted to be last up he thought he may as well tell and deal with what ever she did whether it would be a slap or a blush who know.
When Aidan walked over she looked to him curiously but once he spoke she gasped, her eyes widening and she glances back to the others to see if they had heard him then looked back at him. Her cheeks were bright red, "What-what the heck?!" She whisper yelled the reached up and just slapped him before storming off in embarrassment ahead of everyone.
Dom laughed out loud when Aidan got slapped "Dude your such a rookie your not meant to tell the girls your checking them out" he paused for a moment and thought about it "Unless your actually dating the said woman". As he swung/walk to the window to also look through the window it just dawned on him "You wanted to get slapped didn't you?" he said with a smirk.
Aidan smiled as Terri slapped him and he raised his hand to the spot she had got, watching her walk away was harder then he thought it would be. As Dom came up to him and spoke Aidan laughed "I'm no rookie kid that I can promise you and yeah I was expecting to get slapped, I'm use to pain and I feel something for her I didn't want to lie to her, it didn't seam fair." He said with a smile as he still watched Terri walking away.
"Come on dude we better catch up" with that he started to walk a little faster knowing Dom would be able to catch him up in no time.
Dom easily caught up with Aidan and whispered so only he could hear "You sly old dog , all the best though for ya dude". In normal circumstance he would of playfully punched his arm but with his hands a little occupied he couldn't do so.
Terriana had her arms wrapped around herself as she quickly walked ahead of the others and ignored them all, her cheeks still bright red. She truly wasn't all that angry at Aidan, she was more embarrassed that anything else. No one had ever said or mentioned something like that to her before nor had anyone done it. All through high school she was one of the crowd, never talking too much or sticking out so of course no guys would take notice of her. She really only slapped him because she wasn't sure what else to do and she was in shock at what he had told her. That was why he was last? She couldn't believe it, even though it was how Aidan acted most of the time with his flirting and all. Terriana kept her head down as she thought through all this. She was pretty far ahead of everyone and that was what she tried to to, she didn't want anyone too see how bright her cheeks are at the moment and this was the best way.
Aidan could still see Terri but he was starting to worry about how far away from everyone she was getting, he understood why she slapped him but she didn't have to walk of like that not with all the demons running around. Turning around to Dom and Caitlin he smiled listen you to keep an eye out as we walk I'm gonna go see if Terri is alright."

With that said he almost jogged his way to her, his leg was still sore but nothing compared to his head ache, Once he got closer he smiled to himself more then anything and tried to behave himself as he spoke "Ammm Terri I know I'm the last person you wish to see so you don't have to turn around but your pulling away from the rest of us and I was worried." Keeping pace he stayed a few steps behind just in case she thought she hadn't hit him hard enough the first time.
Terriana jumped slightly at the sudden sound of Aidan's voice and looked back to see him but quickly avoided making eye contact due to embarrassment and bowed her head a little so her hair will hide her blush. "Oh… S-sorry..." She stopped walking so the others would catch up but she would only look at the ground. Her face was burning due to her blush and she couldn't stand to even look at him because it would make her feel even more awkward- she had no idea how to act in this situation. As she thought more about her initial reaction of slapping him, she started to feel bad about it. A slap was kind of over-doing it she thought.
Dom nodded as Aidan ran up to catch up with Terri. He looked over to Caitlin and motioned with his hands to slow down so they can chat.
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