Little Town in Ireland

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Terriana's blush flared, making itself obviously known the minute Aidan began to speak. She bit her lip at the height he lifted his shirt but quickly looked away, hoping he didn't notice how it caught her attention. She took the belt, still refusing to look at him. "Uh thanks." When he mentioned the offer of the pillows or his shirt she knew what she would have preferred but also knew he was teasing her (and it worked; her blush, which had faded just a little, came back full force). She looked up at him and laughed lightly, "The pillows will be fine, thank you."
Aidan could see the look in Terri's eyes and smiled so you like what you saw did you he thought but he looked at her with a grin "I see, I will go get the pillows" but before he walked away he leaned in closer and whispered "You can always have the shirt, when ever you wish, just keep that in mind Ok" he said as he turned to walk up the stairs and get what was needed.

While Aidan was upstairs he couldn't help but think of Terri he liked her a lot and her blushing just made him like her more, the way she bit her lip when she saw me lift my top he thought with an internal high five at himself. He had always had a soft spot for her and now that they where being thrown together he started to like her just that bit more.

Once he had the pillows he could find he walked back down with all six of them "I hope this is enough" he said as he walked up to Terri and Dom, He couldn't keep the smile from his face.
Terriana was worried by the grin on his face that he had noticed her reaction but when he simply said he would go get the pillows, she thought she was in the clear. She was wrong. When he spoke next, her face turned bright red and she bit her lip almost painfully and bowed her head down so her hair would cover her face and hide the blush. Once he went up the stairs she turned around to face Dom and the table she had set the plank, trying to get her blush to fade by distracting herself with mentally trying the see how the wood will work out. By the time Aidan got back with the pillows she was able to get her blush to at least fade a bit. She took the pillows from him and set them beside the other supplies. "Thanks, it should be more than enough." She told him, avoiding all eye contact with him.

With that she took Dom's ankle and carefully but tightly wrapped 2 pillows around it. She then placed the boards on either side of his leg, preventing his ankle from moving to one side of the other, one end of them reaching the bottom of his heel so it would be just above or touching the ground when he walked and the other reached about mid-calf. She wrapped Aidan's belt around the boards to keep them in place. Once she finished this she inspected her handiwork, gently grabbing Dom's foot and seeing if it would move in a way that would harm his ankle. When she was pleased with that she smiled and backed up, "Ok Dom, you're all good now. Want to try it out?" She was obviously trying not to look at Aidan, knowing she might just blush bright red again.
When Terri mentioned about Dom's skateboard and cutlass Dom just said "Honestly don't worry about it but thank you I'm in no state to use either anyway". He was a little upset about it but it was true he won't be able to use them and it's not worth our lives just to retrieve them.

Dom smiled as things were going back to normal especially with the flirtatious atmosphere between Terri and Aidan, he was a little jealous but it was nice to see normal things happening without the demons. He thought to himself that he will try and give them some space when he can.

When Terri finished his leg he went to get up but made sure he didn't put too much pressure on "That's brilliant thanks Terri and you Aidan". He was pleased with Terri's work and hopefully that will stop him landing on his face every bloody minute.
Terriana sighed, she still felt bad for leaving Dom's things but she would go get them soon for him. Even though he may not be able to use them, she knew how it felt to no longer have a weapon after keeping one with you at all times and that was a feeling that no one ever enjoys. When he was able to stand and not hurt himself any further she smiled widely, "Yay! I'm glad it's working but you still should refrain from using that leg every chance you get, got it?" She told him warningly but still had a smile on her face.
"Yea no worries" Dom replied "I'll try and rest it". Dom hobbled over to the sofa to lie down and reached for a book and started reading. He looked up at the others and mentioned "You know one of these books might actually help us, most of it seems bullshit but there is some which looks right. You never know we might find something". Dom was hoping to find something, it wasn't looking good for them at the moment and they needed something to fight back with.
Aidan smiled as he watched Dom moving around slightly stiff but it was better then watching him falling on his all the time. "Hey look at you" he said with a smile and turned his attention back to Terri "My you are truly a wonderful nurse, you know that" he said with a wink.

When Dom sat on the sofa to read Aidan looked over at him as he spoke "You know what you may just be on to something" Aidan could feel his blood levels getting low he had been doing to much with to many injurys and as he stood up he almost fell back down "Whoo, that was close" he said as he tried to walk towards where Dom was. But he didn't quite make it and fell to the floor. The last thing he saw was the look on Terri's face before the blackness took hold of him.
Terriana began moving the supplies she didn't need off of the table with a smile as Dom walked away, glad he was listening to her and was going to rest his ankle. "Really? That's great! Maybe if the creatures were allowed into our world because of some chant or something, we can get rid of them the same way!" She said happily, hoping this was the case. When Aidan spoke, she looked over to him, a slight blush coming onto her cheeks but she ignored it, keeping a small smile on her face, "Oh, uh, thanks." She replied shyly.

As he walked off however, it was clear that there was something wrong with him because he almost fell and not from an inured leg, there was something else wrong and she had a pretty good idea what it could be. "Aidan? Are feeling alright?" She asked worriedly as he stood up. Terri left what she was doing and started walking over to him when fell again. She gasped and ran over to him, worry and concern covering her face, "Aidan!" She yelled then kneeled beside the now unconscious man and pulled his head to her lap and lightly touched his forehead and cheeks with the back of her hand, her suspicions being confirmed by his clammy skin. "He has blood loss, dammit I knew I should have stitched him up sooner." She muttered to herself, that short of language not being customary for her thus showing her seriously she felt about it.

Terriana took a deep breath and glanced to Dom, "Um, Dom could you grab something to prop his feet up with? They need to be about a foot above the rest of his for best blood flow." She asked softly, immediately going to work on how to help him. She shoved her hand in her pocket and pulled out the seeing kit she grabbed from the other shop. She grabbed the hem of her shirt and dabbed at his head wound, getting all the blood she could off of it then quickly ran back to the table Caitlin was on earlier and grabbed the wet cloth she used to keep her face cool. It was still damp enough to be used so she cleaned the wound with that also. Once the blood was gone Terri threaded the needle and began to stitch Aidan's wound.
Dom was busy reading and trying not to pay attention to Aidan and Terri until he heard a thump. He looked up and saw Aidan on the floor with Terri quickly going over to him. "Dude" he shouted. He threw the book on the floor and grabbed his crutches. As he was getting up Terri asked him to find something to prop his feet up. He looked around trying to find something suitable and he managed to just see a small fold up stool hiding next to a bookshelf. He quickly got to the stool with help of his two crutches.

He threw one of the crutches to the floor and picked the stool up with his free hand and hobbled over to Aidan. As he got to Aidan's fet he carefully got down, unfolded the stool and lifted his legs up. Dom stayed on the floor knowing it's going to be a pain to get up but will will do so when Terri needed something. He looked how far his other crutch was and he could roll over there to grab it when he's ready and get back on his feet. Well his good foot anyway.
Aidan was aware of people around him before his eyes even opened, having spent a big time of this life in fights he had got use to being knocked unconscious, He could feel someones gentle touch on his head it stung what ever they were doing but it wasn't as bad as the thumping in his head. Without opening his eyes he spoke "Holy hell, what happened?" he asked and then opened his eyes and looked straight up into Terri's eyes, awww that's what I can feel he thought as he saw her sewing his head up, must be worse then I realised he thought as he smiled and took a deep breath.
"You know you only had to ask if you wanted my head in your lap I would of obliged." he said with a smirk. He could tell Dom was close to "Hey mate cheers for helping my girl here" Aidan closed his eyes to try and shift the head ache while Terri finished what she was doing.
Terriana glanced over to Dom when he set Aidan's feet up on the stool and smiled in gratitude, "Thanks Dom." She then continued with Aidan's stitching. She jumped slightly when she suddenly heard a new voice speak but quickly relaxed breathed a sigh of relief when she realized it was just Aidan and he was fine. She smiled, glad he was awake again because that meant it wasn't too serious. And the fact that he was fine enough to still flirt with her was always a good sign she thought as she tried not to blush at his comment as she finished the stitching. When she was done she snapped the thread and made sure it wouldn't unstitch itself before leaning back but didn't move away. "You uh, you passed out from blood loss. Why didn't you tell me your head was bleeding that badly? I would've stitched you up sooner." She said, looking at him with narrowed eyes but you could tell she wasn't truly mad at him by the slight smile on her face.
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"Awww babe i'am sorry but everyone else needed you before i could take your time and have you all to myself" he said with a smile his head still hurt so he kept his eyes closed but could feel that Terri hadn't moved away and for that he was grateful and extremely happy. "By the way Thanks I hope my tattoos still look good" He said with a slight laugh.
"Don't worry about it dude, we all have to stick together if we are going to get through this" Dom replied. Dom looked over at the other crutch and tried to nudge it towards himself using the crutch he has nearby. Eventually he managed to get it close enough for him to reach it.

Dom managed to get up with no problem and as he went over to the sofa to carry on reading he said with a smirk "Well Aidan sounds like you're doing better, I'll leave you two with your flirting while I'll look through some books". A slight giggle escaped his mouth after he said it. Before he got settled on the sofa he grabbed a few more books and placed them around the sofa so he didn't have to get up. He settled down and opened the book he was reading before Aidan blacked out.
Terriana laughed and shook her head at him, of course that would be his concern: his tattoos. She rolled her eyes, "Well of course they do." She thought but it ended up being said out loud instead without her realizing it. When Dom spoke she looked up at him and when he mentioned their flirting she blushed and looked away. She saw Caitlin out of the corner of her eye and bit her lip. The poor girl hadn't said much at all since she woke, she was probably still thinking about that dream she had. Terri quickly checked her watch, they still had a couple hours before the sun set which cause her to smile a little. With that she gently moved Aidan head from her lap and stood, walking over to the youngest of their group. "Hey Caitlin, would you like to go back to your house and check on your family? They're probably wondering where you are." She said kindly.
Caitlin who had been deep in thought looked up at Terri's voice. " Yes please. I would like that." Although she said that she wasn't so sure. Part of her didn't want to at all. However, if it was just a dream she would scare her parents to death. With that said she finally got onto her feet again with a small sigh. "I do need to get something really quick one second." With that she disappeared behind one of the bookshelves that were down here loaded with books. She opened a door and slipped into a room. Quickly she walked in and grabbed a messenger bag that was leaning against the wall. Quickly glancing around she made sure she didn't leave anything important. Of course she'd be back later but still. She walked over to a desk and looked through some of the papers on it really quick.
As Terri moved Aidan sighed a bit but let he go she was right to check on Caitlin. Aidan moved to sit up and opened his eyes slowly as he heard the young girl talk he was worried about the two of them going on their own so as Caitlin walked away he looked at Terri "Hey, you cant go on your own there is still a little time for the demons to be running around" he was worried and it was evident in his face as he looked at Terri. Aidan had heard her comment about his tattoo's from earlier but right now was not the time to bring it up.
Dom was half listening what was going on and he agreed with Aidan "Why don't I walk with you Katy" Dom glanced around "Unless we all go?" he asked questionably. "It probably is safer in numbers till we come up with a solution on how to overcome the demons"
Terriana smiled slightly to Aidan, seeing his concern, "Don't worry Aidan, we'll be fine. I've been going out and about in the town on my own for a while now. There'll be two of us and it'll be ok." She was cut short when Dom even joined in on his idea to go with them. She sighed and shrugged, "All right, I guess we can all go but I don't like you guys being on your hurt legs so much…." She said unwillingly. It wasn't that she didn't want them to come because she was fine with that, she was glad to have a group after having to be on her own in helping others for so long but they were hurt.
Dom smiled "I know you're sick of me saying it but I'll be fine and do you really think that us two lads will be perfectly fine down here worrying about you two especially after the knocks we've all had". Dom got up pretty quickly using his crutches "I've used these ways too many times in my life and I can get around quickly with them both, especially now I have a splint on my leg"
After making sure she had everything Caitlin threw the bag over her shoulder and exited the room closing it once again. She then walked out from behind the bookshelf. Their decision in a way frustrated her, Caitlin usually went throughout all of the town by herself and was fine. She was faster by herself and could escape notice easier when she was by herself. However, she just gave a forced smile, "I am ready to go."
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