Lewi & Tritsteel

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"Thats him! Please i'm begging you, which way did he go please...." The desperation in her was evident. As much as she hated to admit it, even though she knew he wouldn't reciporcate her feelings, she was head over heels in love with the man, and she just had to see him again.
"Alright...." Muttered Tannis looking at Kieara. "I will assume you know Bowman, but I must tell you that I'm not sure where did he went, the same way I can't tell where did he came from." Explained her. "You could help us while you look for him... But seeing how self-centered you are in your own objectives... I doubt you can be of any real use here."
"Please I'll do anything please....." Tears spilled from her eyes. She spoke. "I love him please....I've got to find him....I left everything behind, my safety, food, shelter, everything just so I could find him, I don't want to have to k-kill anyone else...." She tried to calm down to no avail. "It's not that I don't want to help, but it's just that I am no warrior, I said that from the beginning, I killed that man, and I can't get it from my head, a life is a life, no matter how awful the person is, and I don't want to take anymore lives please....." She begged the woman.
Tannis sighed, not understanding what could the old woman have seen in her. "Well, you can always help us..." Then a sudden explosion interrupted the peace of the place and a firefight started raging in the village. "Stop sobbing and help us!" Yelled Tannis as he grabbed a rifle from a nearby table and walked outside. "Come on!" Outside some pirates were attacking the poor people who lived there, no matter if they were armed or not. If they were fighting back or don't they just killed the men and took the woman and children. "Do you think we live like this because we want to!?" Asked Tannis. "Make a choice, but make it fast: Slave or warrior, pretty girl." Then Tannis walked away, ordering some of the men to regroup and fight back the attackers.
Kieara stood in shock for a moment before she took out the rifles and other weapons she'd retrieved from the pirate she'd killed before went outside and began shooting. Thankfully she didn't miss any marks. That was surprising. She tried her best to save who she could. She was fighting her best. When she ran out of ammo she started slicing the men down with the machete. Once it was all done and over, she looked over at Tannis after helping what she could with the injured to the best of her ability. Once everything that was done that could be done she decided to walk over to Tannis. "I don't know what you have against me, I don't know why you expect me to be some great warrior for this place, but I'm going to find my friend now, whether you give me the information I wanted or not." With that she turned and began to stalk off toward the jungle. She'd risked her life and limb for people she didn't even know. The least he could so was stop judging her on where she came from and how she was raised.
Tannis chuckled as she finally got to sat down a minute and rest. "Loot the bodies for ammo before you leave, Warrior." Said her with a smile.

And so, the jungle awaited the new friend of her daughter, looking from above, patiently, to find out if that new warrior would be able to rescue her friend, not from the hands of the death, but from the hands of insanity. A vast island awaited Kieara for her to explore it and investigate it, maybe finding clues in the nearby enemy camps or maybe asking for help to old and new friends. Or maybe something absolutely different. The options are endless.
Kieara had planned on that before Tannis gave her that advice. She was so sick of people judging her and calling her warrior and it had barely been a day. They were putting their faith in her for no reason. She took her ammo and then headed off. She walked for what seemed like hours just hoping and praying for some sort of clue to find her friend....her love, even if he didn't know that he meant that much to her yet.
The calm night flooded the jungle, but in a fierce place like that, the calm didn't lasted longer. Gun shoots, then explosions and fire could be heard and seen at the distance. Someone was hitting hard one of the encampments of the pirates, and whoever was doing so had a really big army behind or was a really crazy and professional warrior.
Kieara decided to take a closer look. Maybe there was a trace from where Aaron had been there. She snuck down to the edge of the brush at the battle zone and hid behind a tree edging her head out around the corner to look.
There wasn't too much left to see. Everything was in flames, dead bodies were almost everywhere and the fire could be perfectly reflected on the blood around the bodies and walls. A road crossed the small encampment, and in the middle of it a man was checking one of the pirate's corpses. The pirate seemed to be still alive, with an arrow straight trough his chest. The man checking the body teared the arrow out the body and cleaned it on the pirate's robes while the poor bastard bleed out. The man got up, put the arrow in the quiver and grabbed his bow.
A lone man made her think it might be Aaron and she bravely went over. "Hello?" She asked as she approached him. "Aaron? Is that you?"
Aaron looked her and rather amazed by seeing her in there he slowly walke towards her. "princess? Princes... You are alive." Said him. "Come on, we have to take you to a safe place." Said him becoming serios again and taking her by the arm. "I know a place. But we will have to find a ship, get out of this place." Said him as he took her trough the jungle.
Kieara saw it was him and hugged him tightly. She didn't care if she'd get scolded for it by him later, she just was happy to see him alive. "The other guards didn't want me to come, they said that you just disappeared after falling...." She said. "I couldn't leave you out here alone, i've been out here for days looking for you..." She said to him. She pulled back and looked up at him. She was still bloody from the fight from before. "They let me walk out into the jungle because they thought I was crazy when I said you had to be alive...."
"Wait, what?" Said him stopping and then looking at her. "You came for me? Into this crazy place?" Asked him. "And... And all that blood. What have you done, Princess? And... And why?" Asked Aaron looking at her straight into the eyes.
"Yes, I came all this way just for you, and I came because i ....well...." she trailed off. She then spoke. "First it started out as I needed to help a little girl escape pirates then they attacked....." She looked down the killing people had clearly bothered her. "I...Had to kill them."
"You should have stood with the other guards, safe. Coming for me it has been a pretty bad idea, Princess." Said Aaron. He sighed, thinking that even if she had been killed, nobody would com to find him to a crazy place like this, so one way or another he had pretty much all ways covered. Well, except the fact that everything was trying to kill eachother in this place. "Whatever. Come on, let's get you out of here."
Kieara spoke. "What about the others back at the shelter?" She asked him following. They'd been buttholes to her, but she didn't want them to die.
"The others?" ASked him looking at her. Well, his job was to take her to safety, but if the others were still alive, they may be of help to get out of this madness. "Okay, take me to this 'Shelter' you say they are in. And be careful, there are pirates and the army that attacked us looking for us." Said him.
Kieara nodded. She looked around trying to remember which way was back. She wandered around with him for a bit and was beginning to get hopeless. She then spotted the cliffs,. "Up there! It's right up there!" She said able to see the house.
Aaron followed her, and once he saw where they were going he took the lead and walked with Kieara to the house. In their way to the house, they passed by the green house, filled with plants of all colors, many dense smells and many instruments to make chemicals out of those plants. "See anything you fancy?" Said the old man appearing from apparently, nowhere. "I like the red ones myself. Those blue one will give you a lift on a 'clouded' day.... Everything is excellent, actually..." Said him getting close to them with a smile. "Well, not the green ones, don't take them, they are liable to kill you. The mix isn't quite right yet." Explained the old man. "Well, that said, I'm glat to see you came back, girl." Said the old man looking at Kieara. "Mmmmm.... Looks like you found what you where looking for..." Said him looking at Aaron. "But... Wasn't exactly as you expected... Am I right?" Asked him looking back at Kieara.