Lewi & Tritsteel

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Kieara spoke. "It was everything I expected.....only a heck of a lot worse." She said to the man. She offered a soft smile to the crazy old coot. She continued to follow Aaron though.
Aaron nodded but didn't said a thing. He didn't even knew that old man and already had shivers when he looked at him. Too weird, but in this island I guess that's normal... Thought him. As they walked into the house the old man followed them and seemed to be looking for the same thing they where looking for. "You looking for those other two?" Asked him after a few minutes. "Yes." Replied Aaron. "Oh, they left a while ago... Well, a day ago. The harbor is still neutral, they may be looking for a way out." Said him. "Then we should do the same. Come on." Said Aaron looking at Kieara.
Kieara nodded and followed after him. She hoped they'd make it out alive. If they made good time they might even catch the other two.
Aaron walked away with Kieara, not bothering to even say goodbye to the old man. The indications wasn't all that bad, and after having to sneak trough a couple of enemy outposts, they arrived to the outsides of the harbor. But more than a harbor that seemed like a city. Truth was that it was a harbor, it had ships an all the usual business a regular harbor had. But there were houses built all over the place, using the containers an planks of wood. But that, or even the huge amount of people in there wasn't the major concern. The biggest issue was that the place seemed to be controlled by the army. It looked like the same guys that had attacked the plane had found a pretty nice place to stay. Probably they had killed the past 'owners' of the city and now was their turn to rule it. "Mmmm... This seems like a dead end..." Muttered Aaron from behind the bushed they were hiding on.
Kieara spoke. 'what if we picked off a couple soldiers and took their uniform?" She asked. IT was a long shot, but it could be enough to get them a boat to sail.
Aaron sighed. That was a pretty risk idea, but as far as he knew, that was the best idea they had. "Alright, but you better sharp your manliness, I can see only guys in here." Muttered him. Aaron walked silently with Kieara trough the jungle surrounding the harbor until they found out a couple of distracted soldiers. "Man, I can't see the day I get out of this shit hole and get back with my family." Said one of the soldiers. "You have a family?" Asked the other. "Yeah, a couple of kids and a pretty wife are waiting for me back home. Don't you have anybody special back at home?" Asked the first soldier. "Nah... Well, my mother. She is been there for me since my father died, you know? I guess I kind of miss the cookies she baked." Explained the other soldier.

"Psss, pay attention." Muttered Aaron at Kieara. Then he gave her a pistol with a silencer and made her a signal to take the soldier on the right. Then, he grabbed his bow and an arrow and got ready to take the one on the left.
Kieara took the pistol. Yet more mindless killing to haunt her later. She aimed and at his signal fired. Both men dropped to the ground simultaneously.
"Alright. Come on. let's get ourselves changed." And as Aaron had predicted, that wasn't as good as it sounded. The clothes where sweaty and cold. Stained with dirt and other things that, thank God, he didn't knew what it was. "Follow my lead. And remember, act manly. If we got caught in there chances are we don't make it out alive." Said Him.
Kieara nodded as she put the uniform on a little grossed out by it and tucked her hair under the hat. She smudged some dirt here an there on her face to match the clothing and perhaps hide some more of her girly features. She tried not to sway her hips as she walked and thank god the clothes were loose enough to hide her breasts.
"Come over here." Muttered Aaron. And so, they sneaked into the harbor. The place was rather big, filled with those huge ship containers and many workers, working under the strict vigilance of those weird army guys. Where does those guys came from anyway? Thought Aaron. "Hey, you both! Yes! You both!" Said some other gut dressed in uniform. "Yes, Sergeant?" Replied Aaron, making noticeable to Kieara that guy was higher rank. "What are you both doing in here?" Asked the Sergeant.
Kieara remained silent knowing if she spoke it would give it away. She knew sign, that could be a valuable excuse. She had no voice. She held up her hands and signed something expevting Aaron to make up what it meant to the Sergeant.
Aaron looked at Kieara, and the three remained silent for a couple of seconds. "The Commander wanted us to check his 'goods' where safe aboard the ship." Said Aaron. "Now we accept everyone or what? Fucking novice morons... Alright... But don't take too long. That ship is set to sail an hour from now and I want you both sissy asses in patrol again." Said him and then left. Aaron began to walk towards the ship again. "No voice... Are you kidding me? In what universe would an army allow someone without voice in their ranks?" Muttered Aaron.
Kieara muttered back to him. "Well, I couldn't exactly talk. It would give us away, i've seen it before." She said to him as she quickly shuffled along behind him. She just wanted out of this place, and to be back home safe with Aaron.
"Hmpf... I guess..." Muttered Aaron. getting into the cargo ship happened to be quite easy. And without having to kill anyone else! I call that a victory! The insides of the ship happened to be clan of army personnel. I guess that being a civilian cargo ship, there was no need for having someone looking over those 'goods'. Just someone to pick it up once the ship reached their destination, thought Aaron. "Come on, let's hide and get rid of this uniforms." Said him taking Kieara behind some containers.

In order to remain hidden well enough not to be seen by the other workers on the ship they hat to be in a pretty tight space where they were constantly touching each other. Mmmm... I wonder how will the captain respond when he realizes he has two unexpected persons on board... Thought him. Because eventually they would have to get out of their hiding place to eat and drink. Was then when he looked at Kieara and actually realized how close to her he was. "Hey... Are you comfortable?" Asked him trying to leave her as many space as he could. "I..." He sighed. "I guess I'm sorry. For having to get you through all of this... Not being able to rescue the other two..." Muttered him. His job was to keep her safe, and having seen the chance of getting out of that island, he just took it. Any guard would understand it....
Kieara looked to him. She blushed at the tight squeeze and oddly enough, was very comfortable touching him. She just wished he were the same. Of course he'd probably been up close and personal with plenty of pretty women...much prettier than she so he probably felt more annoyed than anything. She looked at him. "I'm alright, and I understand.....plus, they were just going to let me walk off and die anyway."
"Mpf... Then we are fine." Said him. Well, uncomfortable, but fine. Once the ship sailed they would have more space, since there would not be anymore army guys aboard. What ever the 'commander' had on the ship will only require somebody on the other side to pick it up. No need to have it guarded, would made the whole issue even more suspicious.

And so, the ship sailed and no trace of army guys on the ship. "One thing less to worry about..." Muttered him as he finally walked out of their hideout. "Now... The tricky thing will be to convince the captain of the ship so he won't trow us off the rail." Said him. And it passed long until some of the crew of the ship saw them and took them to the bridge of the ship. Aaron didn't opposed much resistance, and advised Kieara to do the same. If the things got seriios, then he would act, but right now, trying to resist would only made things worse.

The captain of the ship looked at them both. "Who... Are you?" Asked him in a accent so weird it felt impossible to know where he was from.
Kieara came out of the tight squeeze and smimled as she stretched. She followed after him and was a hair scared when the man caught them, but she followed Aaron's lead and didn't struggle. When they were brought before the captain she was silent.
"We are refugees, Captain." Said Aaron. "Since those army guys appeared in the island, the life in there had become a living hell. We just wanted to get out of there." Said Aaron, being really nice. Anybody who knew him, only if it was just a little bit, knew that being forced to be that nice was hurting him even more than a shoot wound. "Mmmm.... You are right saying that... The thing is... That I don't trust you..." Said the Captain.
Another guard kept staring at Kieara. She noticed this and kept trying to stare at the captain but it was hard, and when he strolled over and yanked the uniform hat off her head letting her red hair spill out, he growled. "An imposter! It's a woman!" HE boomed. Kieara gasped. "What is the meaning of this!? They don't allow women into their military!" HE said. Kieara paled, but spoke the first thing that came into her mind, perhaps a woman's begging would be more persuasive than a man's who couldn't stand being kind in a forceful situation. "Please! I....I'm his wife!" She lied on the spot, but it was convincing enough. "We just wanted to escape!" She said.
Mmmm... Yeah... The disguise... Didn't remembered that... Thought Aaron. "Wife? That somehow made more sense...." Said the Captain. "Tell you what; you will work for me, and then I will drop you the first harbor he sail in." Explained him. "Like an exchange.... The washer it's broken and all our clothes could use a woman to wash it." Said the captain. "And you... you seem like a capable one... Dimitri! Is the third engine broken yet!?" Said the Captain. Russians! That was were the accent was from. "Yes Captain! Dead like an old cow's mother!" Replied a man from somewhere far. "Well, it seems like we have a deal." Said the captain with a smile. "Now get to work." Said the captain again, but this time, no smile.

They were told where and how to do their new jobs, and even were given a really small place with a single bed where they could sleep in. After the first day, which somehow lasted 42 hours, Aaron and Kieara were finally given a few hours to sleep. "Hey, how are you doing?" Asked Aaron sitting in the bed. "Nice story back there. The wife one." Said him. "For a moment I thought we were going to be thrown off the board."