Lewi & Tritsteel

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She took the rifle slinging it over her shoulder and putting the gun in her belt. She cut open the cages. What the hell was she doing!? She supposed it was too late now, but she felt her eyes water, though she wasn't sure why. "Come on, quiet." She said and peeked out of the hut discreetly to see where everyone was.
The distracted pirate was still looking for thew source of the sound. "Bah! It was probably nothing..." Said him as he seemed to be about to return to his place nest to the shack. The other two pirates were just staring at the opposite direction, like waiting for something or just killing time until something happened. "I'm tired of this. Nothing thrilling never happens here." Said one of the two.
((i've been getting complaints that part or all of my posts havent been posting, did the avatar one post? it seems this one is fine.))

Kieara spoke. "Hurry." while he was distracted she quickly led the girls into the safety of the foliage the opposite direction. When safely away, she spoke. "alright, we're safe now..."
The few prisoners followed her, and once they were safe they sighed in relief. "Why didn't you killed them? They were bad people." Said one of the prisoners. "Shhh! Be more respectful." Replied the girl. "Thank you, warrior." Said some of the prisoners. "Warrior, you should come with us. The leader of our people may be able to help you understand many things that I have the feeling you still don't understand." Offered one of the oldest girls.

(( Yeah. It's just that I'm still looking for a nice way to continue the story. ))
((that's ok, I just cant figure out what's going on with my replies. :/))

Kieara sighed looking down as she tried forcing the water in her eyes back. That man's face would haunt her. "I'm not a warrior, i'm a runaway princess looking for my friend."
The girl made a signal to get the group going and then she walked next to Kieara. "Look at you, warrior. It doesn't matter were do you come from or what did you do before coming here. The thing is that you have the spirit of a warrior inside of you, the strength of your antecedents, the willpower that many lack. I can sense it on you, everybody in this island can tell it just by looking at you into the eye." Said the girl. "Believe in yourself, and do not let anyone get in your way and you will accomplish anything you want."
Kieara smiled. "You really think so?" Her words helped a bit. "Maybe Aaron will by some miracle chance be at this village...." She said softly.
The group reached the village in a few hours, and just as they got in there all the people went to greet them and to congratulate Kieara for such a good deed she had done for them. Unfortunately, just the people of the village was in there, no traces of Aaron or anybody else. "Warrior... I knew we could trust you." Said an old woman. "Come, come with me, warrior. I have the feeling that you have many, many questions." Said the nice girl who had been talking with her.

She took Kieara to a little hut, and inside of it there was a elder woman sitting on the ground, in front of a small fire, with her body almost naked and painted with all kinds of natural colors and plants. She smelled the air when Kieara entered the place. "Please, young warrior, take a seat with me."
Kieara complied, but it seemed like she was saddened when she saw that her friend was not there.
The elder woman looked at Kieara and smiled. "Look at me... yes.. You have the strenght of a true warrior... But it doesn't resides in your body, it resides in your will, deep inside your heart..." Said the elder woman. "But... Do you know why? Why do you have that power? Do you even know what kind of power resides inside of you?" Said her.
All this talk was begiinning to weird her out. "Uh...no I....I don't."
"The power of the warriors... It comes from an ancient man. A man who lived many, many centuries ago. A man which force was unmatchable, the one ho defeated single handed entire armies... A man who fell for his only weakness; the women. In his life he defeated many great evilness, but he also got relationships with many women. One day, one of those women betrayed his confidence and she killed him, but the descendants of that man are all true warriors, and you, my friend, are one of them." Explained the old woman.

"You just need to accept it, to let it flow all inside your body... Then go, end all your enemies, help our people and all the good people on this island to get rid of the pirates and all those soldiers that had been appearing lately and had started to kidnap and use our daughters." Said the woman. "Help us, help the jungle... And eventually, all your objectives will be accomplished, no matter how hard are they."
Kiear spoke. "I...ok.' She said with a sigh as she looked down her mind entirely on Aaron.
"A warrior of few words... The people around here will like that..." Muttered the old woman as she got up. "Now leave, Warrior. Go find Tannis, the leader of this village. She will help you with all you may need and will update you in our situation." Explained her. "Oh, and if you ever need more spiritual help, come find me. I will be more than glad to help answer all the questions you may had about all the things that escape our understanding." Said her with a smile.
Kieara sighed. "I just wanna find my friend." She said as she got up and went to do as told though she was getting rather annoyed with all this.
Tannis was waiting outside of a small warehouse with a pretty secured door. "Oh, it's you. Come on, get inside." Said her a little bit roughly as she opened the door and walked into the warehouse. Inside there was a table in the center with many maps and papers and all around the place there were weapons and even more documents.

"Look, first things first; I don't know why are you here, and all those stories about you being a warrior and how you helped our people? I don believe half of it. You just move by your own desires and you don't even care about the hell the people around here is suffering. Someone like you could help here? Bullshit. For me you are just another egocentric city brat... I bet you aren't even capable of recalling the names of the last five persons you have meet..." Said her.
Kieara was silent taking her beating with stride. She did care but she couldn't possibly imagine what she could do around here to help in the least. She was just one girl. And she never claimed to be a warrior in the first place.
Tannis looked at her and sighed. "I've heard you are looking for someone? Well, there is only one person who hadn't seen before who appeared over here lately. But I doubt he was friend of yours. He is... Well, let's just say he knows how to handle himself in the jungle." Said her. "He was also looking for someone... Or something, I don't quite remember... He was rather silent."
"what did he look like?" She asked her. "Did he give a name?" It sounded like Aaron. "Please, you don't understand, he.....I...." She trailed off.
"You what?" Asked her, but didn't really let her finish. "That man didn't gave a real name, but someone called him 'Bowman'. The thing is he just appeared here, with all his clothes dirty and stained in blood, with some enemy armor pieces too. But all the weapons he had was a knife a compound bow and some arrows." Tannis chuckled. "Don't ask me where the hell did he came, but what I know is that he appeared in some pirate encampments and now the pirates are all dead. For me; that's a true warrior. That ancient lady in this place said he was too demented to be a true warrior... The jungle had changed him she said..." She chuckled again. "Well, now that I mention it... He may be a little bit off his mind: You see, I recall him looking for a princess?"