Lewi & Jessica Stansell

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Sachi had yet to see them. She was sighing and laying down on a rock when she got hit by one of their rocks.
Genta who had thrown it looks over seeing her in the distance and yells out "Sorry about that."

Koga looks to Genta "You don't apologize like that to a girl you moron. The way guys apologize to girls involves being gental while apologizing, not yelling like a complete maniac."
She rose up as she winced rubbing the new bruise on her forehead. She twitched her ears.
Genta as Koga instructed him to do goes over to Sachi and says to her "I am so sorry. Are you okay miss? I am so clumsy."
Sachi looks up. "I'm ok, just a little stressed, it's fine you didn't mean to." She spoke as she stretched back out on her rock.
Genta "I'm glad to hear you weren't hurt miss. My name is Genta. My master Koga and I were just out and about today doing random things."

Koga walks up hearing Genta and says "Out and about? Random things?..You're trying to impress the girl eh?" Koga chuckles and then looks to Sachi and says "My name is Koga. As Genta just told you I'm the leader of the wolf demon tribe I'm on and Genta here is one of my tribe members. What are you doing out here all by yourself young miss?"
Sachi sat up and turned to them curling her tail around her the bell dingling a little. "Getting away from aggrivation." she said annoyedly. Not at them though, at Riah and the others talking about Sesshomaru. "My master seems to commend a master I had before that was mean to me and I don't wish to listen to it."
Koga "Really? Well what's your master's reasoning for it? And who was this other master that was mean to you? That doesn't fit my approval that your previous master would do that to you. No master should ever do that to their followers. I would never be mean nor hurt my comrads and I get severely angered at those who do hurt them or even try to hurt them."
"My master's name now is Riah, before it was Sesshomaru." she said to him as she stretched her tail out for a moment. Koga seemed really nice.
Koga "So Sesshomaru is the one who's been mean to you and abusive towards you while he was you master huh? Yikes. Well it may seem like Riah's commending Sesshomaru to you but maybe Riah isn't commending Sesshomaru at all. If Riah's a tribe leader, him being your master as you say, then he knows just as well as I do that it's wrong for a master whoever it is, reguardless of any reason whatsoever, to harm their followers. Riah may have just never had any problems with Sesshomaru in the past. Take me for example. I met Sesshomaru on a passerby moment so to speak. Things were revealed to Sesshomaru by one of his traveling companion's Jakken about me that may have caused Sesshomaru to question me a bit in his trusting book but he didn't make any big deal over it and my traveling companions didn't want me to run into Sesshomaru fearing that we would because we were traveling on the same route through the woods. They were afraid I would start a fight with Sesshomaru for no reason just because he was Inuyasha's older brother and I had problems with Inuyasha at that current time. But despite me having problems with Inuyasha I had no gripe with his older brother as I told my traveling companions, Genta there behind you being one of them. And I still have no gripe with Sesshomaru. But just because Riah and I don't have a problem with Sesshomaru ourselves doesn't mean that we think that Sesshomaru is incapable of doing anything wrong. I mean it was horribly wrong of Sesshomaru to abuse you like he did. If I was your master when he did that I would've slammed him into next week and probably futhur than that. And I'm sure Riah feels the same way."
Sachi purred a little bit cutely at his words. She stretched lazily in the sun as she listened. She nodded. It still didn't mean she wanted to hear about him all the time. She felt conflicted. She wanted out of this curse, she knew that, but further than that, she didn't really know what she wanted.
Kohaku while walking along with Sota, Rin, and Jakken following Sesshomaru on across thinks about his sister Sango and wonders how she's been while they've been apart this duration of time.

Sota thinks about his sister Kagome wondering how she's been doing too while also wondering how Inuyasha's been doing sense the last time he saw them. He also wonders what their reaction will be like when they learn that he got over to the war and states era. He also ponders how the jewel shard that he found on Kagome's floor of her room got on her floor.
Sachi rose up with a stretch. She knew she probably needed to head back or the curse would hurt her.
Koga sees her raise up and says as he gets to his feet "Let me help you up young miss."

Jakken notices the two boys deep in thought as they're heading over the mountain and thinks to himself ~ Hearing their older sisters were in the village will probably be on these two boys minds for a while. ~
Sachi blushes and took his hand. "Thank you." she said purring a little more by now.
Koga says with a smile as he helps her to her feet "No problem miss. Glad to help."
Koga looks back to Genta and says "Well we best be getting back to our tribe as well so let's go." Koga then takes off running on foot towards the mountain. Genta follows him.

Inuyasha meanwhile, while the girls shop for the supplies at the store, walks with Miroku around the village to help apologize to Miroku's neighbors about Miroku's brother's actions, says to Miroku "I hope that girl Sachi is going to be alright. From what Riah said back there apparently Sesshomaru came here and nearly hurt Riah really bad just because Sachi wouldn't return to him willingly due to being completely petrified of Sesshomaru and Riah wouldn't give Sachi back to him either. I swear my older brother can be a real jerk sometimes."
Sachi roamed around trying to catch Riah's scent. Where was he?
Riah, having left Shippo to shop with Sango and Kagome, searches around for Aiden everywhere he can think of but finds about a half hour later from Morrison that Aiden had totally left the outer banks of the village where they live and the other part of the village too when meant that he left in the other direction. Knowing Aiden could possibly lose control again, the fact of Aiden being by himself and in a territory they never affiliated themselves with before, really worries Riah.
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