Lewi & Jessica Stansell

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Sachi purred licking Shippos ears and such. She wished he could stay but knew he couldn't. She didn't fear children, they wouldn't hurt her.
Riah "Watches as Sachi bathes his brother and then looks to Sango and says "Miroku is watching a kid inside the store who's skate mopping the floor. I was watching him before you guys came. I have to say it's a pretty extreme way and I can't blame Miroku for feeling like he is towards it. That he can't regain control of the kid and it drives him crazy.

Miroku "Well you've got that right. Hit the bullzeye in fact. My father wasn't around the fact that he died when he was pulled into his own wind tunnel when I was 11 which is the year my mom had Harvey. My father was pulled into his wind tunnel a few weeks later after Harvey's birth. And my mother worked most of the day until late in the evening which she still does. I was the only one there to watch him and my monk master who taught me the skills I needed for the work I do today was kind enough to let me bring Harvey with me to my lessons until Harvey was old enough to where he could stay by himself. Well he's only 7 but my mom considers him to be old enough. Though she really doesn't have a choice considering she has to work two jobs to support the family. In the daily schedule for my brother due to that she leaves a chore list. He does the chores she leaves for him. But the way he does them, I mean what Harvey is doing in there is one of the prime examples of the way he does his chores.
Sachi hissed at Miroku. "I understand your life was rough, but i'm certain his was too, and when you're a kid with a chore list that has to be done with no time to play you create ways to have fun, so leave him the hell alone." Sachi snapped stepping far out of her place. She wouldn't take someone saying such things about a child whether she knew them or not. "It looks fun, maybe you should try having some."
Miroku blinks his eyes at Sachi's outburst to him and says "Look young miss I hear you, but try explaining what you told me to the neighbors of my mother that my little brother is just flooding the streets when he waters the plants, and causing the people to injure themselves in the grocery store here because he doesn't put up the wet floor signs when he mops the floors here his way instead of doing it the regular way to where he could put up the wet floor signs to warn people to be more careful on the slick floors, just because he doesn't have time to play. And he actually does have time to play because he doesn't have that many chores to do. My mom only leaves chores like watering the plants, getting the groceries they need, and mopping the tiled floor rooms in our house. In fact my mother isn't ever around anyway all day, so he could play all he wanted to as long as he got his chores done. He mops the floors here because one of his friends parents owns this grocery store and has his kid helping him clean and stock the place. So when Harvey wants his friend here to play with him and his friend can't, Harvey will help do his friend's chores too so he can play. My mom doesn't asign Harvey to mop the floors here. I'm not complaining about how our lives were. I mean I miss my father sure. But it's just that I wish Harvey would do things a bit less extreme than he does. I mean mopping the floors the way he does may be faster but it's also way more dangerous. For him and everyone else. And flooding the streets is getting the neighbors angry and they're hassling my mom but she can't do anything. And Harvey doesn't know how use his wind tunnel yet in battle nor to battle in the first place so even though it'd give my mom a break, due to the fact that Harvey has never battled before it may be too dangerous to take him wiht us."
Sachi flinched with each comment Miroku made to her. Harvey was only a kid. She expected to get hit soon by the sound of his voice and winced pinning her ears.
Miroku looks at Sachi's reactions and then at Sango and says feeling a bit confused "What is she flinching like that for? She's acting like I'm going to hit her. Why would she think that just because I'm angry?"

Sango "No clue. Usually that's Inuyasha's typical behavior not yours. You don't get mad that often. Thing I'm most shocked about is that you have a little brother. Why didn't you ever tell me?"

Miroku "Well I just didn't know how to tell any of you guys. Especially you or Kagome. I mean you and Kagome get along so well with your younger brothers. Me, I think Inuyasha would say I'm more like Sesshomaru acts towards him, when it comes to Harvey. Me and Harvey don't fight eachother of course everytime we come in contact and to tell you the truth we don't fight at all. I love the fact that he can find ways of having fun when he's doing chores. I sometimes wish I was more creative when I did chores even if I didn't ever do them to the extreme as my brother is doing them. But everytime I come here I'm always hearing about the flooding in my neighbors yards or injuries of customers that accoured here at the grocery store and every other problem that occurs. Naturally me and my mom try to at least pay part of the medical fees and then also part of the fees to get the yards of our neighbors houses fixed after the flooding. And Harvey is only 7, and he is just a little kid as the girl says, but due to all their injuries that they happen to get, my mother is getting so many complaints from our neighbors and the complaints are getting to be so harsh that it's starting to scare her to death. And I'm afraid that the neighbors will try to hurt her or my brother if something isn't done sooner or later. But it's not like I know what that is. All I know to do is just to deal with the problems as they come and do the best I can."
She continued to hold Shippo and curled into Riah for protection from the harmless threat. She fell silent. Outbursts like that were unusual out of her, but they happened.
Riah holds Sachi and Shippo close to him.

Miroku smiles at Shippo being in Riah's arms, then he looks in the window of the store again and sees Harvey finish mopping the floor, then he sighs and then turns around seeing another fox demon approching them.

Shippo sees the fox demon too and says "Looks like Aiden has returned."

Sango "Aiden?"

Shippo "Yeah. He's my other older brother."
Sachi held shippo closer to her to protect him from aidens wrath.
Shippo gulps when Aiden reaches them and says quite nervously "H..hi Aiden."

Aiden looks a bit sternly at Shippo and says to him "Yeah. Hi. " He clinches one of his fists starting to feel his blood boil again.

Miroku looks to Sango and says this doesn't look good.

Riah looks at Aiden sternly and says "Aiden. Calm down. I know you're mad and I don't blame you. I wish Shippo would have gotten us to help him instead of involving Inuyasha and Kagome in our family's affairs and it makes me irritated that he didn't too. But Hitan and Maten were stronger than him and faster than him. Shippo is just a kid."

Aiden "Whatever." He glares at Shippo and then at Riah and then leaves."

Shippo gulps and says again nervously after Aiden leaves "Oh wow.."
Sachi hisses at aiden a he began to leave. His sour attitude wasn't something she respected.
Riah shakes his head in reaction to Aiden's attitude and says "I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with him sometimes. His anger gets out of control sometimes. And lately it's been getting more out of control." He turns to Shippo and says "Are you alright Shippo?"

Shippo "Yeah I'm alright. And more out of control? What do you mean? Like letting his demonic aura out kind of out of control? I mean I thought I felt it earlier but I wasn't sure if that was what I was feeling of if I was just imagining it."

Riah "You weren't imajining it Shippo. The past few times due to anything that has made him mad, Aiden's gotten worse in keeping his demonic aura at bay and
his rage level has been increasing more and more everytime."
Sachi stayed snuggled to her little friend. She sighed feeling very bored at this point. It felt like trouble followe her.
Shippo stays in Sachi's arms feeling worried about Aiden wanting to help but not knowing what to do.

Riah sighs and says "Sometimes I wonder. The past several times Aiden's gotten like this, enraged by just some little matter, it seemed as if Sesshomaru has been the only one to calm him down. He could calm himself down of course. But to do that he usually left the tribe for at least 4 to 5 or more days to be byhimself and then after those days were over then he would come back and he would be calm. But we're leaving on a mission soon so it's not like I can permit Aiden to leave, as we're going to need him with us. But Sesshomaru left and so he's not here to calm Aiden down again."

Inuyasha walking up with Kagome to where they are "Yeah that's typical. Sesshomaru's usually not around when people need his assistance."
Sachi growled softly at the mention of him. She didn't like him in no way shape or form. And the constant talking about him, griping over Aiden's attitude and moping was seriously getting to her. "What assistance? He has none to offer." she said releasing Shippo and got down stalking off.
Inuyasha chuckles and says "Wow. Sounds like she has as much trouble with my older brother as I do."

Shippo "Yeah I'll say. I wonder what your brother did to her Inuyasha."

Inuyasha "Come on Shippo. This is my brother we're talking about. My older brother Sesshomaru. He probably tortured her relentlessly for no reason whatsoever."
Sachi stalked off knowing she couldn't go far from Riah with that damnable curse, but she still didn't want to be around the bunch of gloomy guses back in the village.
Inuyasha starts to feel concerned about Sachi seeing her getting furthur and further out of sight and says "Is it wise to let her go off like that? I mean she was looking to be in really rough shape."

Riah "Yeah I know. She hasn't been feeling well for a while now."

Harvey comes out of the store in a quick manner nearly bumping into everyone of them suddenly with his friend.

Miroku grabs hold of Harvey by his shirt sleeve and says "Slow down Harvey."

Harvey "Huh?" He turns to see who's holding him and then his eyes light up and he squeels "Hey Miroku. Welcome home brother." Harvey squeeze hugs Miroku tightly.

Miroku tries to catch his breath having been tightly and suddenly squeezed by Harvey and he says. "Hh..Thanks Harvey."
Sachi went to the river and sat down staring at the water.
Koga is standing on the banks of the river on the other side and down the river a bit having a rock skipping contest with on of his assistants Genta.
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