Lewi and TorTracyn

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"I wanted to. It was the least I could do to thank you." She spoke and sat with him to eat. "The lady who cooks wasnt feeling well when I came down so I insisted she go lay down and rest."
She informed as she sat down with her plate.
"Well, I hope Miss Rose gets to feeling better soon." He said, sitting down as she sat. "I've sent someone into town today to pick you up some new clothes. I believe your old dress was thrown into the rag bin. I hope you don't mind. If you want it back, I can have them dig it back out, but you aren't wearing it while you're here. It will be too small for you soon, anyway. With as much as the child will be growing."
Kieara blushed softly and spoke. "You're sending for me new clothes?" She asked. "Thank you...thank you very much.. I don't know how I can ever repay you." She smiled and dug into her breakfast. She ate it happily.
Drustan smiled. "As long as you're healthy and the baby's healthy, that's payment enough for me. Seriously. Don't worry about it." He went back to eating. "You have the run of the house while you're here. Feel free to ask any of the servants for help. Feel free to go to the stables or the gardens if you can stand them....make yourself at home."
Kieara smiled as she was given the choice to go about as she pleased. "Thank you." She spoke again. Soon she'd finished her food and she stood slowly with a hand on her stomach to move to the kitchen and wash dishes.
"The maids will get the dishes, Miss Kieara." He said, not looking over. He finished his meal and stood up. "You should rest. Your focus should be on your child and not on paying me back." He stretched, some joints popping as he did. He relaxed with a sigh and turned to limp out of the room to head towards his office.
Kieara was so used to going by now that it was often difficult for her to sit still without something to occupy her mind. She watched him go and as requested she left the dishes. She wanted to get to know him better. She wouldn't disturb him though. Instead she decided to take a walk outside and look around.
There was quite a bit of land around the man's home. There was a small lake (a pond, really, but they called it a lake), the stables, some fields, a training ground for the guards, things like that. And the gardens that looked like they were once large and beautiful, but now lay dead and weed-filled. The land almost seemed dark and dreary, like it had been years since any hope had shone there.
Kieara didn't like seeing the place so dreary. She loved flowers. She smiled and set to work pulling up old weeds and such making a pile to throw out. She would plant new flowers here and watch them grow.
The day passed easily enough. Someone informed her when lunch was ready but no one really bothered her. Gardening tools were set out for her to use and some baskets to put the weeds in, but everyone else had work to do of their own, so no one came and helped.

At dinner, Drustan sat at the table, going over some papers while he waited for the food to come out. He sighed as he put them down and sat back in his seat, rubbing his eyes. The man was tired and stressed and really didn't seem like he slept too well at night.
Kieara stepped in pulling off her gardening gloves that had been provided. She washed her hands and stepped in. Seeing him she frowned."whatever is wrong Drustan?"
He looked up and shook his head. "Nothing you need to worry about, Miss Kieara....why are you covered in dirt?" He asked, glancing her up and down.
Kieara smiled softly back to him. "I've been gardening." She said with a small twinkle in her eyes.
"Gardening?" He settled back in his chair and gave an approving nod. "I had forgotten all about them...I don't go around them much anymore and Meilin..." He sighed. "She didn't let me hire gardeners. She prefered to do it herself..." He looked over as dinner was brought in. "It will be nice to have the gardens back up and...well...thriving again...you are more than welcome to continue with them." He said, turning back to look at her. "Unless the midwife puts you on bed rest. Then I will have to insist you be on bed rest. Or until the child is too big to allow you to work properly...I don't want you over-working yourself..."
Kieara frowned a bit feeling like she was imposing on something that she shouldn't have been. However, when he insisted she continue, she couldn't help but wonder if it was because it would help him gain closure in some sort of way or keep the thought of his wife around. She couldn't help but feel a bit hurt that he was so hung up on his wife. She understood it, but she'd grown feelings for the man herself, and she knew she'd never be able to come close to his late wife in his eyes. She sat down as well to eat.
((Sorry about yesterday. I was running a fever and just slept all day lol))

Drustan ate quietly for a bit before looking up. "So...you seem to have been traveling for a bit...where are you from?"
((Oh no! I hope you feel better))

"A kingdom far to the north. It's called bloodsbane." She spoke to him and soon had finished eating.
((Thanks :) I'm doing a lot better now. Except now I'm in class waiting for it to start lol))

"Bloodsbane?" He raised an eyebrow. "Huh..." He had been there a few times. He traveled a lot. "That's quite the journey..."
((Lol. I'm sorry))

Kieara spoke. "Indeed it is. I kept getting ran from town to town." She spoke to him to clarify how she wound up there.
His face hardened and he sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry." He pushed his hair back out of his face with both of his hands and looked over at her again. "Has anyone given you a tour of the estate? If not, I would be more than happy to put off paperwork and do that for you...I know it's getting late. If you're tired, we can put it off until tomorrow. But the estate is rather beautiful at night."