Let's See Where This Goes

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"Lately, no, but he did it a lot before," Choten said, smiling.
"Seems as though he's the type of person who always gets into things." Asher said with a chuckle.
"Yeah, when he wants to do something he just does," Choten said, smiling.
"Sounds like fun. He just found something he liked and went for it."
"Sounds about right," Choten said. "I don't know what he doesn't know how to do. Er, at least to some level," Choten corrected himself.
"Does he have any swords skills?" Asher asked. Curious to see if she maybe had a fighting partner.
"I think so, but I'm not sure," Choten said. "You'd have to ask him youself."
"I'm a little rusty myself with that sword. I'm so used to burning that I haven't focused on my swordsmanship." She said.
"Well, I'd think Floot has some level of skill with a sword. I know he's better than I am, I couldn't use a sword to save my life," Choten said, making a fake air swing. "Not much of a fighter."
"Would you want to learn? because I could teach you a few things." Asher said with a glint in her eye.
"Um, maybe the basics. I'm not much of a fan of violence, but being able to defend myself sounds good," Choten agreed. "Like I said, Floot would be your combat guy."
"Yeah. It's more of a defense thing, and keeping your skills up."
"It doesn't sound like my kinda thing though," Choten shrugged. "I haven't had a reason to need to defend myself....."
"I need it. For obvious reasons, but I understand why you wouldn't want to." After Asher said this, Floot stepped out of the kitchen.
"I'm more of a pacifist, but if the situation requires beating someone, I'm all for it," Choten said, crossing his arms. He thought, but realized he couldn't remember ever holding a weapon, and he was sure that the cube would be able to assure him.
"Sometimes when a situation is life threatening, you can act on your own adrenalin." Asher said.
"And let survival instincts and reflexes take over, heat of the moment, right?" Chosen asked with a smile.
"Yeah. And sometimes, you look around afterward and think 'what the hell did I just do?' It's so much of a rush, but you can't let it control you. Otherwise you do something you regret." Asher said. She still had a glint in her eyes, but something about her smile faded just a little bit. Then things were back to normal.
"You must have had some amazing battles, Asher," Choten said with a nod.
"Some, but I haven't taken many lives. And the ones I have still come back to haunt me."
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