Let's See Where This Goes

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As they walked in, they saw Choten with the cube held to his head. And tears streaming from his eyes.
"Woah, Choten, what are you doing?" Floot shouted, and pulled the cube away from Choten. Choten's eyes shot open, and he began sobbing.
"Choten! Choten are you okay?" Asher asked. The only thing she could think to do was rub his back as he sobbed.
"I-I don't know," he managed to say. Then he looked at Floot. "Why? Why didn't you t-tell me?"
Asher wen't quiet. She figured she knew what was going on, but she didn't know how to react. She looked to Floot to see how he would respond to Choten's question.
Floot was shocked. "Wha-what do you mean?" Floot asked.
"Why, didn't you tell me they just, disappeared? I loose my memory, and then get kept in the dark.....how could you leave like that!?" Choten half shouted, anger rising in his voice.
"I thought, it'd be better for you...." Floot said quietly.
"How would that be better for me!?" Choten shouted.
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"False hope." Asher muttered. "To know that you've had a false hope is worse than your heart being torn to shreds. It breaks everything, and leaves you to build walls around your heart."
Upon hearing Asher, Choten backed down, and visibly calmed. He looked torn, and Floot just looked clueless. Floot sat down on the floor, and Choten stood where he was, sad, angry, and confused once again.
"It may not seem like it now, but Floot was doing what he could think to do to keep you from falling apart." Asher's face was expressionless.
Chosen listened to Asher, and how much sense she was making and then collapsed, weeping. "I don't know anymore..." he started mumbling to himself.
Floot looked at Asher, and half nodded, then looked at his best friend, and didn't know what to do. "She's right, but I am sorry. I just wanted you to be okay, and it seemed it was working." Floot said.
Asher wasn't used to helping console people, so she was a bit awkward around a sad Choten. She sat down on the floor next to him. "Things will be alright. I'm here, and Floot's here. You aren't alone."
"Y-yeah. I-I have you two, a-and you two are my friends," Choten said, then calmed, not saying anything, and not crying.
Floot walked over and put his hand on Choten's shoulder. "Bro, I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to get like this."
"You have friends who care for you. That's more than a lot of people have." Asher had a slight smile on her face. She was thankful for the friends she had now.
Choten closed his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his face. "Heh, is anyone else hungry?" Choten laughed.
"Floot and I were just talking about that." Asher smiled. She figured that even if it was temporary, Choten was back to his old self. It would take time for everything to sink in, but for now, things were good.
"So, anyone have any suggestions on what to eat?" Floot asked, smiling.
"I don't know. Choten? Do you have any ideas?" Asher asked turning to him.
"I don't know, I'm just hungry. Floot?"
"Well, you two stay out of the kitchen. I'll make something," Floot said, and walked away.
"I don't think he trusts a pyromaniac and.. well... you in the kitchen." Asher said with a laugh.
"Naw, I think it's just he wants to surprise us. Cooking was one of those hobbies he just randomly picked up," Choten explained. "One day his food just tasted a lot better, but I'm not complaining."
"Doesn't sound like something to complain about. Does he pick up random hobbies a lot?" She asked.
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