"fuck up ya cretin" Michael snarled as he lightly kicked Bolas in the buttocks,
"If i hear one more word about Google. booble, pornhub, Redtube, Portube, ask Jeeves, Yahoo, Micosoft or fuckin' Mac, I'm gonna bust a fuckin' nut!" he moaned, not entirely too sure what the words he was saying emant, but having some vauge memories of having used most of them often.
"seriously" he continued, shaking his head as he did so
"how about we stob the jibber jabber, grow a peair of balls and get on with this shit, kill what we have to kill, grab the mcguffins and get the fuck on with our 'main quest', as it were, i mean i dont wanna spend the rest of my life in a world where peopel are constantly expoecting me to be the source of shit happening" Michael put his glaive over his shoulder, slinging both arms so that they hung over the weapon.