Legends of New Hyrule (OoC)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I know xD

I'm waiting for everybody with a sheet to post at least once, then I'll make the next post. From there, I'd say wait 2-3 posts before you reply again (so the thread doesn't become 2 people chatting back and forth over and over again).

This is bittersweet. On the one hand I'm so glad we're all in. On the other...

I've got SRS offline business to take care of. I'll post tomorrow. Tonight is a slim possibility too though.
Yeah, I'm waiting for everyone to post once before I advance the plot.

Who still hasn't posted?
Yeah I'm waiting on us to get moving again as well because there's not much I think I could put in a post again.
*Sigh* Or well not two paragraphs worth.
I might possibly not be a zombie. XD
Or am I? XD
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And I'm just using this body to move around so people don't freak out when they see me.
I'm surprised it's so durable, because it's sure taken some crap that should've rendered it useless. XD
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On a completely unrelated sidenote: Is there anyone else here who plays songs in OoT and MM according to the rhythm of said song (that is, playing a song as it actualy goes, as opposed to just pressing the buttons as fast as possible)? Or am I just crazy like that?
I don't rapidly press the buttons unless in battle on video games. So no your not the only one. Or well I try not to anyways there maybe times when it seems like I do however.
I honestly thought I was the only one who did that. XD
On a completely unrelated sidenote: Is there anyone else here who plays songs in OoT and MM according to the rhythm of said song (that is, playing a song as it actualy goes, as opposed to just pressing the buttons as fast as possible)? Or am I just crazy like that?

I do this in every game I ever play. I cannot tell you how angry little me was when I tried to play all the MM songs that were incredibly long in rythmn.
Oh god, my alerts here totally stopped ;-;

I have my CS saved on my laptop, so I'll post that once I've dug it up from accidentally saving it in Temporary Items *_*
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It's fine, we're patient people. ^.^
Thanks for being patient.

I'm exhausted, but I don't want to be the reason this thing dies.

The setting and PCs are too interesting.

If I don't post by tomorrow evening, move on without me.
Oh god, my alerts here totally stopped ;-;
Friendly tip: Did you notice the "Show All" button thing on the Alert page? Click that. This will guide you to a page where all your Alerts are shown (up until five days ago or something). Better yet, on this very page, there's another link on the left side of the page that reads "Watched threads". Clicking this will lead you to a page that shows you all threads that have a post that you haven't read yet, even if you have seen (or never received) the Alert for sais post. I keep this page open in a seperate tab at all times, just in case I miss something (of course, I keep a tab open for every single RP I'm in, both the IC and OOC threads, but details).
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