Legend of Renalta 2: Reborn

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Obviously she is a bringer of bad luck and PCs she tries to build a repertoire with will all end up dead.
Good thing Naraem thought her the basics of necromancy before he kicked the bucket.
Obviously she is a bringer of bad luck and PCs she tries to build a repertoire with will all end up dead.

Well, I'm currently 0 for 2 on survival, so a little more bad luck probably won't do much.
Sheriff Cennick "Cen" Greenborough Trait upgrades:


Defender 2
Sharp 2
Underdog 3
Underdog 4


Vorpal Talent (Traditional Style 3): Limbs, what an inconvenience. Doubly so when they've got hands attached to them wielding swords and spitting fire. Luckily, Cen has devised a clever system in which to deal with such problems. (High chance to remove limbs when making an aimed shot and a better chance to remove limbs in general.)

Renaltan Knowledge (Monster Lore 2): The libraries of Renalta are considerably better stocked than Cen's usual fair and he has taken the opportunity to plunder their riches. (Expanded knowledge of monsters, especially demons. Borrows a couple of books relevant to whatever mission he takes.)

Hard Headed (New Trait): Toughness isn't all physical resistance, it helps being absurdly stubborn. (Bonus to resist fear, intimidation, charm and any other mind-influencing effects.)
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Holy shit we're getting a lot more traits than I expected. I thought I was gonna be more like 1 point for general and 1 point for uniques to upgrade or get a new thing with, and I'd already planned accordingly. 4 and 3 to use instead? Fuck yeah.

Kasim Upgrades

Sharp +2, gains whatever rank 3 and 4 are
Slippery +1, gains Dodge! (Rank 2)
Heavy Hitter +1, gains Crushing Blow (Rank 2)

King Braggart upgrade - Gods' Honest Truth (Rank 2): As fun and easy as empty bragging can be, Kasim has found that conservative use of the truth can do wonders for his credibility. Now every once in a while he'll actually tell the truth while bragging, or at least something with a kernel of the truth in it. So what if he wasn't actually in the middle of a hurricane on a wildly rocking boat with a blindfold on when he shot that angel in the throat? He shot the angel in the throat, and that's the gods' honest truth. Everything else is just, you know, narrative license. (Large boost to King Braggart effect when he brags about something that actually happened in the RP or his bio.)

New unique and upgrade to it - Archer's Form: Kasim has discovered an unfortunate truth about a bowman's needs in smaller scale combat: he must actually have some level of accuracy to be effective. Having learned the way of archery from a military-minded orc, and having largely gotten used to the idea that just shooting in the general direction of the enemy was good enough, he rather neglected the finer points of shooting a bow. Lately Kasim has put a lot of work into tightening up his form in order to improve his accuracy, so now he won't have to rely on sheer dumb luck to hit things. (Bonus to accuracy with a bow.)
--Archer's Figure (Rank 2): Kasim's bow is disgustingly huge, and using it for any length of time constitutes a pretty strenuous upper body workout. After years of use and practice, especially the more intense regimen of recent days, he has accrued some benefits that one usually doesn't associate with an archer. His arms are pretty noticeably muscled, his pectoral muscles have actual definition, and even his stomach has gotten some love. Kasim isn't going to be cracking skulls with his bare hands any time soon, but he's stronger than you'd expect from an archer and he looks pretty damn good as well. (Bonus to upper body physical strength. I guess also tangential potential bonus of being more attractive to some people, depending on their tastes.)

Zin Upgrades

Raw Talent +2, gains Raw Talent (Rank 2) and what I presume will be called Raw Talent (Rank 3)
Awakened Meditation +1, gains Rapid Mental Recovery (Rank 2)
Add Wells of Power rank 1

Vampire of Diana's Brood (Rank 3). Same as last time, tell me how Zin's vampy powers get better.

Illusion Savant upgrade - Illusion Savant (Rank 2): Now that Zin has gotten a little more accustomed to her illusion magic, she has found that atop her skill at learning illusion spells she is simply good at making them as well. Her illusions are more credible and realistic than someone with her limited training really ought to be capable of, which is really the key to the whole illusion business. Unfortunately, she's somewhat lacking in finesse and can't exclude specific targets from believing in her illusions, but she'll think of a way to work around that. Probably. (Bonus to others believing her illusions are real.)

New unique - Tunnel Vision: One would normally expect a cowardly pacifist like Zin to fall to pieces and be unable to use magic in high pressure situations, but oddly enough she has found the opposite to be true. She only made it through long years clawing through fear and panic by developing a peculiar coping mechanism: focusing extremely intently on one thing at a time in order to dull or block out whatever else is going on. This hyper-focus that when Zin wants to cast a spell she's able to block out all but the most pressing of distractions if she uses this tunnel vision, though it leaves her rather vulnerable since she's purposely blocking out her senses to focus on the magic. (Large reduction of distraction penalties plus plain old bonus to casting any spell when she concentrates solely on doing so, but this means she's basically just standing still and totally unaware of what's going on around her for the duration.)
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Don't. Hurt. Draza.; Draza is too innocent to kill, but some people take this to the next level. When they see someone or something actually threatening her, they are inclined to go to her defense and perform more admirably at doing this as well due to the threat to her.

Battle Preparedness Aura 1 & 2; Building off her soothing aura, this one is far more dangerous. It soothes, but it doesn't decrease violent actions, it hones it, but only for her allies. Because buffing enemies is dumb. Amping this baby up immediately!

Note for the auras! As they are the progression of her earlier Soothing Aura, I have them down as the 3rd and 4th level of it. If you'd rather they be their own thing on the side, let me know!


Endurance Training2

Combat Positioning: I am the wall that they break themselves against. They will not climb over. They will not dig under. They will not ignore me. BONUS TO: Manipulating the positions of opponents; Locking opponents down

Stalwart Tulerian: Tuleria's foes are my own. They. Will. Fall. BONUS TO: Fighting Undead and non-humanoids; Fighting humanoids that are enemies of Tuleria

Excellent Soldier: My orders are my thoughts. I hear and obey. My orders are my breath. I stop if they say. My orders are my life. I die before they. BONUS TO: Performing Actions when Following Orders. Singlemindedness makes other influencing forces (illusions, mind control, corruption) have less of an influence on her.
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EVERYONE: Character sign-ups are closed. This is hopefully the only time I'll have to say this.




  • --Take em' (Rank 2): You've upgraded from practising against target dummies to practising against living targets, sparring partners. Back and forth for hours, you've learned the harsh lesson that victory goes not necessarily to the person who hits the hardest, but the one who remains standing when all is said and done. (Blows which would normally daze or momentarily stun have a chance to be negated entirely.)
  • Wolff's Law (Rank 3): In Rheinfeld, constant training in heavy armour is rumoured to make one's bones more resistant to damage. Taking this to heart, you've intentionally trained with heavy weights on your limbs. This has had more than its intended effects, perhaps being superior to simply training in armour. (Bones are denser and have a greater chance to survive blows that would dislocate or break them, character has greater lifting power when not moving.)


  • Furious Repartee (Rank 3): Upon taking an injury, this character becomes enthused with the fight in such a manner as to allow them complete focus upon the target that injured them. This translates to a greater chance to predict how an enemy will attempt to evade your attack for maximum potential damage in your counter-attack. (Critical hit on revenge attack, greater chance of attacks landing on targets who have injured you.)


Defender (Rank 1): You could take more hits to the face and become an unrecognizable, horrible mutilated piece of scar tissue on one and a half legs... Or, you've mused, you could probably just stop that by holding a shield and your armour correctly. This lets you absorb harder blows with your shield and armour. (Basics of wielding shields and armour (especially heavy armour) effectively.)

Explosives Bolts: Approved.
Reinforced Arms: Approved.

Monstrous Strength: Approved.


Daevon van de Scathis Venderland


  • Untapped Potential (Rank 3): As mages grow wiser about the use of magic, so too does their ability to wield multiple forms of it in tandem strengthen. (Can now regularly use both magic schools in hybrid spells with all of the benefits, and none of the consequences.)


  • Power Draw (Rank 2): Regularly pushing to their limits, this character has grown more intimate with their usage of magic, and has surpassed the limits of apprentice spellcasters. Given momentary preparation, they can hit someone with the utmost of their capabilities.
    (Increased spell power, can now spend a post overcharging a spell to use in the next post)


  • Magisync (Rank 2): Ever wondered why older mages never seem to get lost except when they want to be? It helps that the five Wells of Power are located north, south, east, west, and straight at the center of the planet, each respectively, always giving them a general sense of where they are. This also extends magic detection to artifacts, allowing them to sense the presence of magic artifacts when in close proximity. (Magic detection more precise, built-in compass, magic detection extended to artifacts.)

(PS: Keep in mind that Fortitude counts as magic resistance, which in the LoR-verse means that the more of it you have, the harder using magic becomes as well. Anything past rank 2 will start to severely hamper spellcasting.)

  • Charmless (Rank 2): Sometimes, you meet people who offer you the world. Sometimes, they use magic to try and help make their opinions clear. This gives you a greater chance of detecting and resisting more subtle charms that others may try to put you under, such as hypnosis or other tricks of the senses and mind. (Self-explanatory.)

TELEKINETIC PRODIGY: Upgrade approved. (Text vague?)
TELEKINETIC FLURRY: Upgrade approved.
TELEKINETIC SENSE: This will have a low range and have false positives more often in certain environments. (ex: Jungles.) Knowing this, approved.





  • Power Draw (Rank 2): Regularly pushing to their limits, this character has grown more intimate with their usage of magic, and has surpassed the limits of apprentice spellcasters. Given momentary preparation, they can hit someone with the utmost of their capabilities.
    (Increased spell power, can now spend a post overcharging a spell to use in the next post)
    Overwhelm (Rank 3): There are rare moments with spellcasting when a mage has absolute clarity, and in these moments, spells you cast have added, unintentionally beneficial effects. (Upon critical hit with magic, additional beneficial effects are granted at random, at no cost to you.)


  • Untapped Potential (Rank 3): As mages grow wiser about the use of magic, so too does their ability to wield multiple forms of it in tandem strengthen. (Can now regularly use both magic schools in hybrid spells with all of the benefits, and none of the consequences.)


  • Rapid Mental Recovery (Rank 2): You have mastered the art of magic to the point where you can recover fully between battles, and have started to develop a small ability to 'steal' and absorb the magic others throw at you. (Basics of spell stealing (passive), this character fully recovers between multiple battles in a single mission.)

-Upgrade Faceless One
-Buy new Unique
-Upgrade said Unique





Charger (Rank 1): Something a lot of people don't seem to realize is that the more muscles you have, the faster you are. Sure, perhaps not dexterous, but certainly faster. While you have only begun to learn the true meaning of land speed and would still be caught and killed by a tiger, you are capable of a short distance charge that can knock opponents down and catch the unwary by surprise. (Basics of dashing quickly and charging into opponents.)


Endurance Training (Rank 1): After training out in the field for hours and hours on ending, you have come to realize the value of being able to simply last longer than your opponent. This translates into taking a couple more hits before you will go down, and having a higher tolerance to pain... Though, getting hit still hurts, quite a bit actually, and you're no god. (Basics of taking more damage and resisting pain-related negative effects.)


Heavy Hitter (Rank 1): Where some would resort to flailing their arms about in an unsophisticated manner, you've decided that if you can hit something hard enough the first time that it stays down, that you can end fights before they can even really begin. Though, you're still working on that "consistent" part, and not slowing down when you swing harder than usual. In the case of a ranged weapon, it means a larger calibre firearm or larger bow, translating to greater recoil and/or slower fire rate instead. (Basics of doing more damage with each swing.)

  • HOLD! (Rank 3): Through a mix of strength training and knowledge of how to defy basic physics, you can render Newton's Third Law inert on the defence. This gives you the chance to absorb a blow that, by all rights, should send you off your feet. (Self-explanatory effect.)

SMITING FIST 2: Approved.



Stealthy (Rank 1): Every journey begins somewhere for the avid stealth expert, and yours is about on par with that of a cut-purse or a minor bugler. You have the basics down, but to learn more will take time and practice. (Basics of stealth-oriented tasks and escaping.)
  • Playing Dirty (Rank 2): Knowing that your life is more important than any sort of codifier of honour, you've picked up on using the environment to your advantage. Throwing dirt or sand in opponent's faces, biting someone's neck when grappled or spitting into their eyes, et cetera. (Tools of escape to temporarily blind or distract are more effective.)

  • Free Runner (Rank 2): Rolling, ducking, jumping, sliding, sweeping, edging--all of these things and more are things you are seasoned at doing. Having obtained peak conditioning, anything beyond this is unnatural... (The environment can no longer be factored negatively against your character--fighting atop a steep slope is the same as fighting on a flat grassy plane, save any advantages. Atop this, your character's acrobatic abilities are at their natural peak: There are few places you cannot reach.)
  • Tools of the Trade (Rank 3): You've mastered usage with basic tools such as grappling hooks and can even use them mid-combat. Atop this, you've also started to master far more advanced tools, ones you can use exclusively, such as primitive wingsuits, or combat foam to soften unintentionally long falls... (Mastery of acrobat's tools. Please list them in your items section!)




Approved as a character.


Awakened Meditation (Rank 1): Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells. (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.)


Wells of Power (Rank 1): Having been born with this talent or having artificially acquired it later on in life, you've connected your mind and soul to the five ethereal Wells of Power, the sources of all magic. You can subtly feel nearby mages and places of magical power, though this isn't precise yet. The more powerful it is, the more likely you will detect it. (Basics of detecting magic and mages.)

  • Wizened (Rank 2): Having done some study and practice, you can now understand two schools of magic, and understand a greater amount of subtly with your first school of magic. There is now a greater chance of you casting a spell without others noticing, unless the spell is blatant and loud: Like a fire ball. ("Stealth magic" and a second school of magic.)

  • Smash n' Grab (Rank 2): Atop of charging brutishly like some kind of avalanche of death you've clued in that if you can grapple your opponent, or hit them specifically in a way to daze them or knock away their weapon, you'll then have a much easier time with introducing them to whatever entity they consider divine. Such as your warhammer, or crossbow. (On successfully charging into someone, you have a chance of disarming them, grappling them, pinning them, or stunning them, depending on what their size is and whether or not they're wielding a weapon, and have a greater chance of avoiding harm while charging into someone or something.)



SON OF THE WILD: Approved.


I'll do more of these later. I have to devote some time to collabs and mission building too. :ferret:
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Gremlock's Changes

Standard upgrades

+2 Points into Slippery, gains Dodge!
+1 Point into Awakened Meditation to gain Rapid Mental Recovery
+1 Point into Rapid Blows

Unique upgrades

+1 Point into Mechanist Bloodline: ???

+1 Point into the Alchemy Kit: Unstable Concoctions: WIP

+1 Point into New Ability: Mechanist's Weapon: Gremlock has invested time and money into making a new weapon, realizing that a simple musket just isn't going to cut it. The weapon is a modification of the Trusty Musket, and as of yet, it's main feature is a lever that allows for switching into one of two modes. It either features faster reloading with a reduction to accuracy (Rapid Blows), or a heavier blasting shot at the cost of higher recoil and a slightly lower fire rate (Heavy Blows). While it has no fancy bells or whistles yet, with some modifications it can become quite devastating. (Gives Gremlock access to a custom weapon)

Mechanist Bloodline's effect is blank because it was copied wholesale from the initial run of LoR 2, and it seems like Brovo might have some ideas already laid out for that. Unless that's only for the vampires, I'm not sure.
Donovhan's General Trait Upgrade:

+ Raw Talent (Rank I)
++ Raw Talent (Rank II)

+ Awakened Meditation (Rank I)

++ Protector (Rank II)

Donovhan's Unique Trait Upgrade:

Mage Hunter Aptitude – Iron Will (Rank II)

++ Can determine the source of the magic trying to influence or read Donovhan's mind.
++ Can attempt to disrupt or lessen the source's magical strength

Mage Slayer Aptitude – Disprutive Knowledge (Rank III)

+++ Highly advanced knowledge of how magic works
____ +++ Anti-Magic (Disruption) school unlocked, Focused and Specialized (No other school)
____ +++ Knows of how common, uncommon and rare magic schools and types work and their sources
____ +++ Can now "Stealth Cast" Disruption magic

Ios, Shield of the Disrupters (Rank I): A technique developed by the Disrupters, one can expend their anti-magic energy and make it "stick" to an item (preferably a shield). Donovhan is no different and applies it for when he cannot react to spells as quickly as raising his arm.

+ Requires a steel shield of any kind. A film of anti-magic energy becomes imbued onto the surface on the shield. Any direct magical attack onto the shield makes it fizzles and dissipates. Magical items striking the shield has its magic temporarily disrupted (2-5 seconds). The shield can take one direct spell or three strikes of a magical item before the magic needs to be put back onto the magic. Can only re-apply outside of combat.
It meant I know which unique I want but not the details of the uphrades I want.

I'll bug you about it later.
What an Introduction.

Time to see who this is.
General Traits

Defender -> Defender II

Charger -> Charger II

Adrenaline II -> Adrenaline IV

Unique Traits

We of the Westfelds
-> We of the Westfelds II

Family traits manifest, their strength and will inherited, rendering her own strength enhanced tempered through experience. But most importantly, her riding instincts are improved, being one with her mount. (Strength up, extra bonuses on mounts.)
-> We of the Westfelds III
Hereditary traits taken further with trainers and experience, her battle instincts were improved, and thus her ability in recognizing what sort of blows can be blocked safely, and how to block it. Her riding skills are improved to the point she could ride anything provided it could carry her, and it was not a fantastical, mythological, divine, unnatural, or otherwise not ordinary mundane creatures. (Instincts(?) up, bonuses on mount, ride the tiger)

Sightless Mind II
->Sightless Mind III

By now her senses borders almost beyond natural and to the supernatural. At a close enough range, she could hear a person's heart beating, smell what he had for last supper, notice his jacket had a faint smell of smoke, and perhaps which perfume he prefers, should he have any. On a more practical use, Elrbetrt had noticed she could accurately place where an object was or person was placed simply by paying attention to how sounds sound. (tldr; Echolocation, plus sharpie senses up.)

Others: Changed chainmail to a set of plate armor.

Throwing this here, feel free to join. OR ELSE. Might take a bit before I add anything at all, BUT YES

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Part 2 of character upgrades

Note: For those wondering why I haven't updated the first post with these new traits, I plan on reorganizing them and Achievements into tabs instead of spoilers, which look ugly the way they are now.

@Rain of the Night

Acrobatic (Rank 1): You understand the basics of climbing ropes, ascending walls, jumping across rooftops, and rolling when you hit the ground. On the other hand, you've only really grasped the basics of it, so jumping a twenty foot chasm while being shot at is not recommended. (Basics of acrobatics: Climbing, falling gracefully, etc.)
  • Free Runner (Rank 2): Rolling, ducking, jumping, sliding, sweeping, edging--all of these things and more are things you are seasoned at doing. Having obtained peak conditioning, anything beyond this is unnatural... (The environment can no longer be factored negatively against your character--fighting atop a steep slope is the same as fighting on a flat grassy plane, save any advantages. Atop this, your character's acrobatic abilities are at their natural peak: There are few places you cannot reach.)

  • Dodge! (Rank 2): As you've refined your instincts, your ability to avoid harm has also grown, and as such whenever an enemy swings at you, there's a solid chance you've already figured out not to be there by the time the swing would connect. (Dodging is quicker and no longer forces your character onto the defensive, and can occur even if your character is caught off guard.)

Endurance Training (Rank 1): After training out in the field for hours and hours on ending, you have come to realize the value of being able to simply last longer than your opponent. This translates into taking a couple more hits before you will go down, and having a higher tolerance to pain... Though, getting hit still hurts, quite a bit actually, and you're no god. (Basics of taking more damage and resisting pain-related negative effects.)

Advanced Aavikanian Warfare (Rank 3)
I think we've had this discussion before, but lets have it again. This trait upgrade is doing...
  • Bonuses on Spear Combat.
  • Upgraded Sharp. (1 General trait.)
  • Upgraded Dodge. (1 General trait.)
  • Deflection of attacks against humanoid targets (dodge/parry) against all sizes.
Uhh... No. Pick one. Custom traits does not mean giving yourself everything you want. Remember, I told you before: The more effects a single trait has, the less effective each individual effect will have. You want bonuses on spear combat, upgraded sharp against humanoids, upgraded dodge, and deflection attacks against targets of any archetype so long as they're humanoid. Either I say no, or I say yes and you'll have a trait that will basically do nothing for you.

Stand Your Ground (Rank 2)

Eyes of the Veteran (Rank 1)
  • Sharp.
  • Sharp. Again.
>_> <_<

Pick one.


  • Power Draw (Rank 2): Regularly pushing to their limits, this character has grown more intimate with their usage of magic, and has surpassed the limits of apprentice spell casters. Given momentary preparation, they can hit someone with the utmost of their capabilities.
    (Increased spell power, can now spend a post overcharging a spell to use in the next post)
  • Overwhelm (Rank 3): There are rare moments with spellcasting when a mage has absolute clarity, and in these moments, spells you cast have added, unintentionally beneficial effects. (Upon critical hit with magic, additional beneficial effects are granted at random, at no cost to you.)

  • Untapped Potential (Rank 3): As mages grow wiser about the use of magic, so too does their ability to wield multiple forms of it in tandem strengthen. (Can now regularly use both magic schools in hybrid spells with all of the benefits, and none of the consequences.)

  • Rapid Mental Recovery (Rank 2): You have mastered the art of magic to the point where you can recover fully between battles, and have started to develop a small ability to 'steal' and absorb the magic others throw at you. (Basics of spell stealing (passive), this character fully recovers between multiple battles in a single mission.)

Pocket Dimension: Approved.
Non-Magic Telepathy Skype Calling Features: Approved. You should get a firewall for dat though.
#3: Have you considered our lord and saviour, Kouri Plushie?


Approved Yuri Elrivvin, save for one thing.
  • Gift of Eternity III: In the direst of times, sometimes drastic measures need to be taken. Yuri can permanently cripple herself to bring someone recently deceased back to life.
This needs to be changed. No revival... Yet. Lower that to keeping someone alive who is on the brink of death while you heal them slowly, and in exchange, lower the price from permanent crippling to temporary. Reviving the dead, even the recently deceased in LoR, is pretty major and usually comes with a price.

I'll do more of these again later. :ferret:
This needs to be changed. No revival... Yet. Lower that to keeping someone alive who is on the brink of death while you heal them slowly, and in exchange, lower the price from permanent crippling to temporary. Reviving the dead, even the recently deceased in LoR, is pretty major and usually comes with a price.

Mmkay. I'll rework it in the morning.
  • Like
Reactions: Brovo
Reviving the dead, even the recently deceased in LoR, is pretty major and usually comes with a price.
*slowly works his way into having a Capiocorpus*
Elrithos General Upgrade:

++ Endruance Traning (Rank II)
P.S. you put it Rank I in your response, just wanted to make sure you are aware it is Rank II.

Elrithos Unique Traits:

Aavikkanian Ancient Warfare (Rank III)

+++ Difficult environments (Thick vegetation, slippery surfaces, sand dunes, etc.) do not hinder Elrithos movement and combat maneuvers as much.

Eyes of the veteran (Rank I) removed completely...

But I don't know what to make for the last point... Help?
Changed the old Unique to:

Gift of Longevity III: Even the faintest of beating hearts still beats. As long as there is some vestige of life remaining in someone, Yuri can temporarily cripple herself to stabilize even the most mortal of wounds.
Traits for Abjaan - Current Traits

Endurance Training level 1
Heavy Hitter level 2
Defender level 1
Fortitude level 1

4 points to spend

Proposed Traints spending.

Endurance training, level 3
Heavy Hitter, Level 2
Defender, Level 2
Fortitude, Level 2


Chainhold's first lesson, level 1
Slaver's Choice, level 2
Stockholm, Level 1

3 points to spend.

Proposed Upgrades:

Chainhold's First Lesson
--Chainhold's Second Lesson, (level 2) - Learning to survive deceit is one thing, but it is juts as important to learn how to tell lies. Abjaan has learned to weave deceit and truth together, and he is adept at making people beleive whatever sweet nothings he might share. Knowing how to lie has also helped in discerning lies: A tell-tale advantage in the political landscape. (Effect: Abjaan is both better at telling lies and recognising the lies of others. Yay politics!)
The Slaver's Choice
--No Change
--The Kiss of the Chains, (Level 2) - Nothing convinces a prisoner as well as the fear of the lash. Abjaan's chains can be wicked flesh-carving things, and the mere threat of them can cause people to talk, to listen, or even to change sides. (Effect: Abjaan has a bonus chance to draw out more information from prisoners, and a smaller chance to convince them to work for him.)
--You Bastard! (Level 1) - Abjaar is a lot of deplorable things: He is a Slaver who has captured men, women and children; he is a Warlord who propogates everything wrong with the Free Holds; he is a womanizer; and he is a bastard; and he is a cist-gendered scumbag! He also knows how to use these traits to piss off a person, and a pissed off person is more likely to focus on him. (Effect: Abjaar can attempt to taunt an enemy, and force them to focus on killing him. He is a pretty good person to be taking blows, after all, what with the Inches thick steel armour and the general Magical resistance.)
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