Legend of Renalta 2: Reborn

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I wouldn't mind doing a collab with someone, or anyone. There are some NPCs I want to talk to still, but if anyone wants to meet there character up with mine i'm game. It doesn't have to be in the meeting room or whatever, it could be over a game of drunken dice, in the gardens, etc.

Other then a chance encounter with any of your characters, I imagine there are probably only a few people Mars would actively approach to talk to if he saw them, being Zin, Andrea, child or Aeyr, since Mars has been on a mission with them and knows them, but i'm fine with meeting new people =P

I think the last time I talked with Andrea she was trying to roast me alive, haha.

I'd be up for a collaboration with you, or anyone for that matter.
Same here, anyone wanting to collab with Laenaia just need to tell me.
I'd be up for a collaboration with you, or anyone for that matter.
Okay, sounds good. I last left Mars in the a garden in the captial, so he's not in the actual meeting area. Do you want to start off the collab? You can send me a pm.
I'll throw Cen in the pool of potential collabs. Someone's gotta stop him from eating all the triangle pastries.

Jus' throw me a PM if you're interested.
I decided that it would be wise to inject some information about Abjaan's thoughts on his fellow Queen's Blades, since he is all new and stuff. Also, I was bored and had an hour to kill...sue me.

Child: "Not what I'd have done with an Elf-slave, but a useful thing none-the-less. I don't get all this Spirit mumbo-jumbo though."

Andrea Llolth'Allin: "I respect the Drow far too much to underestimate one of their Priestess…She has a nice ass though."

Ceaan: "An interesting thing. She seems less cruel than most of her kin, but that is hardly a curse upon her."

Laenaia: "I have always wondered what immortality was like. Perhaps this one could have waited a few more years to find out."

Kasim Amibilus: "I respect a man with ambition, but why a hero of all things? Heroes get stabbed in the back and betrayed all the time."

Zinnarath 'Zin' Corsys: "Huh…I honestly don't know what to think about you. A mage, a vampire, an attractive woman…I should be interested but…"

Draza: "A fairy? Why is there a fairy here? What next, boggarts and broomsticks?"

Mars: "You and I share far too many similarities. I give you as much trust as I would expect others to give me: none."

Esyllt Boudica: "If you ever need someone to spar or…'spar' with, just let me know: I wouldn't want your pretty, naïve-self getting hurt, after all."

"What a strange little slave girl you are. Not my fancy, but I could see why you were taken. I hope you are a good fighter, slave girl."

Elrbetrt Westfeld: "A blind knight, huh? I suppose I've seen odder things. You ride a horse well, at least. I would make a sex joke here, but I don't want to lower the bar: you might walk into it."

Elrithos "Sand Runner": "You would make a fine slave, Sand elf: the rare species always do."

Murderok: "I rarely get impressed by beef, but I am impressed. I might have a job or two for you, after this Nine-Hells business."

Aslo: "While I don't get your motivation, I can respect a good scout. If you want, I can probably find you a new wife though. They are surprisingly cheap."

Daevon van de Scathis Venderland: "I heard rumours about the Warlord's cripple son, but I never got to meet you…Who am I? Um, just a mercenary."

Sheriff Cennick "Cen" Greenborough: "Those are some nasty burns there: if you want me to find you a nice whore, I can put in a good word. Even cripples have needs."

Filomena "Yoloyaotl" "Frankañaño" Peláez: "A strong woman is fine by me, and a woman who loves war is fine by me. I prefer it if they are willing to think for themselves, though. Blind loyalty is dangerous."

Môrgæn 'Crooked Bitch' Minstrol: "Finally, someone I can trust! Thieves are so much easier to trust, all you need to do is offer them the most gold."

Valkyujra: "Forgive me gods, for I have sinned, and if all your angels look like that, I'll sin again and again and again. Also, what is it with this group and blind people?"

Protector Yuri: "Never met an Amazon before…Wild folk, I always heard: fighting in bikinis and with wooden spears. A part of me is disappointed, but she looks pretty strong, none the less."
I decided that it would be wise to inject some information about Abjaan's thoughts on his fellow Queen's Blades, since he is all new and stuff. Also, I was bored and had an hour to kill...sue me.

Child: "Not what I'd have done with an Elf-slave, but a useful thing none-the-less. I don't get all this Spirit mumbo-jumbo though."

Andrea Llolth'Allin: "I respect the Drow far too much to underestimate one of their Priestess…She has a nice ass though."

Ceaan: "An interesting thing. She seems less cruel than most of her kin, but that is hardly a curse upon her."

Laenaia: "I have always wondered what immortality was like. Perhaps this one could have waited a few more years to find out."

Kasim Amibilus: "I respect a man with ambition, but why a hero of all things? Heroes get stabbed in the back and betrayed all the time."

Zinnarath 'Zin' Corsys: "Huh…I honestly don't know what to think about you. A mage, a vampire, an attractive woman…I should be interested but…"

Draza: "A fairy? Why is there a fairy here? What next, boggarts and broomsticks?"

Mars: "You and I share far too many similarities. I give you as much trust as I would expect others to give me: none."

Esyllt Boudica: "If you ever need someone to spar or…'spar' with, just let me know: I wouldn't want your pretty, naïve-self getting hurt, after all."

Aëyr: "What a strange little slave girl you are. Not my fancy, but I could see why you were taken. I hope you are a good fighter, slave girl."

Elrbetrt Westfeld: "A blind knight, huh? I suppose I've seen odder things. You ride a horse well, at least. I would make a sex joke here, but I don't want to lower the bar: you might walk into it."

Elrithos "Sand Runner": "You would make a fine slave, Sand elf: the rare species always do."

Murderok: "I rarely get impressed by beef, but I am impressed. I might have a job or two for you, after this Nine-Hells business."

Aslo: "While I don't get your motivation, I can respect a good scout. If you want, I can probably find you a new wife though. They are surprisingly cheap."

Daevon van de Scathis Venderland: "I heard rumours about the Warlord's cripple son, but I never got to meet you…Who am I? Um, just a mercenary."

Sheriff Cennick "Cen" Greenborough: "Those are some nasty burns there: if you want me to find you a nice whore, I can put in a good word. Even cripples have needs."

Filomena "Yoloyaotl" "Frankañaño" Peláez: "A strong woman is fine by me, and a woman who loves war is fine by me. I prefer it if they are willing to think for themselves, though. Blind loyalty is dangerous."

Môrgæn 'Crooked Bitch' Minstrol: "Finally, someone I can trust! Thieves are so much easier to trust, all you need to do is offer them the most gold."

Valkyujra: "Forgive me gods, for I have sinned, and if all your angels look like that, I'll sin again and again and again. Also, what is it with this group and blind people?"

Protector Yuri: "Never met an Amazon before…Wild folk, I always heard: fighting in bikinis and with wooden spears. A part of me is disappointed, but she looks pretty strong, none the less."
Haha, I actually really like these things. It's always awesome to know character relations.
I decided that it would be wise to inject some information about Abjaan's thoughts on his fellow Queen's Blades, since he is all new and stuff. Also, I was bored and had an hour to kill...sue me.

Child: "Not what I'd have done with an Elf-slave, but a useful thing none-the-less. I don't get all this Spirit mumbo-jumbo though."

Andrea Llolth'Allin: "I respect the Drow far too much to underestimate one of their Priestess…She has a nice ass though."

Ceaan: "An interesting thing. She seems less cruel than most of her kin, but that is hardly a curse upon her."

Laenaia: "I have always wondered what immortality was like. Perhaps this one could have waited a few more years to find out."

Kasim Amibilus: "I respect a man with ambition, but why a hero of all things? Heroes get stabbed in the back and betrayed all the time."

Zinnarath 'Zin' Corsys: "Huh…I honestly don't know what to think about you. A mage, a vampire, an attractive woman…I should be interested but…"

Draza: "A fairy? Why is there a fairy here? What next, boggarts and broomsticks?"

Mars: "You and I share far too many similarities. I give you as much trust as I would expect others to give me: none."

Esyllt Boudica: "If you ever need someone to spar or…'spar' with, just let me know: I wouldn't want your pretty, naïve-self getting hurt, after all."

Aëyr: "What a strange little slave girl you are. Not my fancy, but I could see why you were taken. I hope you are a good fighter, slave girl."

Elrbetrt Westfeld: "A blind knight, huh? I suppose I've seen odder things. You ride a horse well, at least. I would make a sex joke here, but I don't want to lower the bar: you might walk into it."

Elrithos "Sand Runner": "You would make a fine slave, Sand elf: the rare species always do."

Murderok: "I rarely get impressed by beef, but I am impressed. I might have a job or two for you, after this Nine-Hells business."

Aslo: "While I don't get your motivation, I can respect a good scout. If you want, I can probably find you a new wife though. They are surprisingly cheap."

Daevon van de Scathis Venderland: "I heard rumours about the Warlord's cripple son, but I never got to meet you…Who am I? Um, just a mercenary."

Sheriff Cennick "Cen" Greenborough: "Those are some nasty burns there: if you want me to find you a nice whore, I can put in a good word. Even cripples have needs."

Filomena "Yoloyaotl" "Frankañaño" Peláez: "A strong woman is fine by me, and a woman who loves war is fine by me. I prefer it if they are willing to think for themselves, though. Blind loyalty is dangerous."

Môrgæn 'Crooked Bitch' Minstrol: "Finally, someone I can trust! Thieves are so much easier to trust, all you need to do is offer them the most gold."

Valkyujra: "Forgive me gods, for I have sinned, and if all your angels look like that, I'll sin again and again and again. Also, what is it with this group and blind people?"

Protector Yuri: "Never met an Amazon before…Wild folk, I always heard: fighting in bikinis and with wooden spears. A part of me is disappointed, but she looks pretty strong, none the less."
.... Why must you bring up slavery....
Limeypanda's thing amused me, so I'm totally going to copy the idea even though neither of my characters are new. Kasim's opinions were especially fun to write out. :D

Child: "Sorry to say it, but you're creepy and mangled, so I'm not interested. Maybe we could have had something if not for those damned slavers, eh?"

Andrea: "You're definitely attractive enough, but I'm worried my cock wouldn't make it out in the same shape. Also, I heard spider priestesses keep spiders in some unusual places. Probably not worth the risk."

Ceaan: "Oh, nice bow you've got there. Y'know, I've got a special arrow just for you, and I know the perfect target. I'm not picky though, you've got at least three targets worth hitting."

Laenaia: "Damn, I think I've found my new calling. Looks like I'll be Kasim the Vampire Hunter from now on. Don't worry though, I'm not after your blood; I've got some other fluids in mind, if you know what I mean."

Zin: "Another lovely vampire? Mmm, looks like I'll be a busy hunter. If all bloodsucking monsters look like you, maybe those guys in Liveria have the right idea after all."

Draza: "Too small, and I think it would probably be some special form of pedophilia. You make good food though, so not a total loss."

Gremlock: "Oh, a goblin in the Queen's Blades? And with the usual love of destroying things? I pretty much owe my freedom to the goblins deciding to revolt, and I can respect the love of explosions. I think we'll get along just fine."

Mars: "You don't seem like much competition. You can stick around, I guess."

Esyllt: "You seem a bit boring, but hey, I wouldn't want you for conversation anyway. I'd love to get you out of that armor and show you a little swordplay though. Come by my place some time and we'll have some fun."

Aëyr: "I've never fucked a.. whatever the hells you are, but there's a first time for everything I guess. I used to be a slave too, so let's drown our sad pasts in pleasures present, eh?"

Elrbetrt: "Blind girl, huh? Everything else works though, right? Because if so, we're good to go. I don't discriminate, I'm an equal opportunity lover."

Elrithos: "Hm. I can sympathize with fighting the slavers, but I can't really say I give a damn past that."

Murderok: "Holy fuck look at the size of that crossbow. I would suggest you're compensating for something, but I've seen my fair share of horses. Just keep 'em both away from me and we'll be fine."

Aslo: "You're on some revenge mission to hunt down some slavers, huh? You're alright in my book."

Daevon: "Free Holder Baron? Probably means you're a slaver then. On the one hand I'm happy you've got a slow sickness eating you alive, but on the other hand I'd be pleased to see you dead here and now. Guess I'll let you suffer through and hope I get to see you die in agony in the end."

Cen: "Wow, you look nasty. Wanna hit the bars with me some time? We'll say I'm your buddy taking you out to meet folks despite your disfigurement. Women love nice guys like that, so it'd pretty much guarantee some action. Oh, and we can probably find someone willing to give you some pity sex too, I guess. Sound good?"

Filomena: "You look like you could probably tear me in half. I'm willing to take that risk. Wanna go do some bedroom sparring?"

Abjaar: "Slaver scum. You're damn lucky I don't feel like getting thrown in a dungeon, else you'd be dead already. Watch your back, you festering pile of shit. This is the only warning you'll get."

Môrgæn: "Can't really see what you look like with that mask on, but you know, thanks to all that leather gear, I can see enough of a pleasing shape that I'm willing to risk it. How about you slip out of that armor and come pick my pockets? I'm sure you'll find something to your liking."

Valkyujra: "You're some kind of angel thing, right? They call me Kasim the Angel Slayer. I could give you a special demonstration if you want. I got the last one with my shaft in its throat, but I'd be willing to let you pick another destination for it instead."

Yuri: "Oh, another lovely lady in heavy armor. Taking all that metal off of your sort feels like unwrapping a gift with all the same sense of joy as a child has on his birthday, but instead of secondhand toys it's something I actually want. C'mere and we'll pretend like it's my birthday: I'll unwrap you and then I'll play with you for a few hours. I always used to break the few toys I got, but I figure a strong lady like you can handle it."

Child: "I am sorry for everything you've been through. I wish I could help in some way, and I hope you find some form of peace some day."

Andrea: "I don't mean to offend, but I find you somewhat repulsive. The fervent religion and the overt and overbearing sexuality are just too much to bear."

Ceaan: "I'm not sure what to make of you. You seem dedicated and loyal, but given where that loyalty seems to lie I'm not sure if those are good things."

Laenaia: "Er, I'm still rather unsettled by that... stalking incident. I would prefer that you leave me be, thank you."

Kasim: "If I'm being perfectly honest, you're an unbearable, arrogant ass. You're not half as sly as you think you are, nor half as heroic as you wish you were."

Draza: "Among all the Queen's Blades, you are the only one I would call a friend at the moment. It sounds silly, but you're an inspiration to me, a muse of sorts. Thank you for your help and guidance so far, and I hope we can work together to see this unfortunate demon situation come to as peaceful an end as we can possibly manage."

Gremlock: "I don't think your goals are entirely good or noble, but I suppose they're not truly bad either. I suppose we'll have no trouble, so long as you don't set me or my belongings on fire."

Mars: "You seem very troubled. I don't know if I would call you a good man or bad, but then that's never an easy answer. I wish you would stop looting the corpses of our fallen comrades, at the very least."

Esyllt: "There's a sense of solidity about you, as if you've got your feet planted and nobody could ever push you around. I respect that. I'd like to get to know you better."

Aëyr: "I can't imagine the strength of will it took to make it through what you have experienced. We seem to have a common dream of making the world a better place, and I look forward to working with you to achieve it."

Elrbetrt: "It seems rather strange to see a blind warrior woman in the Queen's Blades, but you seem to have a pure heart. I hope you attain your goals without being soiled by all this fighting."

Elrithos: "You seem to be a man born and raised for war. I don't care for fighting myself, but I suppose sometimes it and people like yourself are necessary."

Murderok: "I have no love for mercenaries or womanizers, and you are both. I would prefer to never need interact with you or your ilk, but I suppose I can't always get what I want."

Aslo: "I can't condone such a bloody mission of vengeance as you have undertaken, but I can sympathize with your pain. I hope you can find peace eventually."

Daevon: "If I could help you with my healing magic I would do so, but I'm afraid I'm not very good at it yet. Sorry. Hopefully you'll find a cure soon."

Cen: "I think I may have met some of your family when I lived in Liveria, but that would have been during your teen years I think. I've heard the stories of your deeds though, and you seem like a good man. Hopefully you'll be able to do some good in the Queen's Blades."

Filomena: "Oh, another soldier. I suppose the Queen's Blades are a good place for such folks, but I don't think I'll ever be comfortable with you or your fellows. Sorry.

Abjaar: "You seem the type to stab first and ask questions later. I'd rather not work with you at all, but sacrifices must be made for the good of the world."

Môrgæn: "Some sort of thief, hm? I've dabbled in stealth and lockpicking a bit myself. I don't approve of the greed, but I suppose there are worse vices. Just stay away from my things, thank you."

Valkyujra: "Er, I suppose an Aasimar might be effective in dealing with demons? Sorry, um, we recently ki- wait, no, I should say another of the Queen's Blades who happened to be on the same mission killed an angel recently. It was a bad one. It worked for the Papacy. Sorry, I think? Um, also, I heard that vampires and angelic beings don't really go together. I swear I'm not one of the bad ones. I, ah, I hope we don't have any problems working together?"

Yuri: "A solder who also knows healing magic? I must admit, I am conflicted. I suppose it must be a good thing for you to know how to fix the harm you cause. Hopefully we can work together to find a future where neither sword nor healing is needed."
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I decided that it would be wise to inject some information about Abjaan's thoughts on his fellow Queen's Blades, since he is all new and stuff. Also, I was bored and had an hour to kill...sue me.

Child: "Not what I'd have done with an Elf-slave, but a useful thing none-the-less. I don't get all this Spirit mumbo-jumbo though."

Andrea Llolth'Allin: "I respect the Drow far too much to underestimate one of their Priestess…She has a nice ass though."

Ceaan: "An interesting thing. She seems less cruel than most of her kin, but that is hardly a curse upon her."

Laenaia: "I have always wondered what immortality was like. Perhaps this one could have waited a few more years to find out."

Kasim Amibilus: "I respect a man with ambition, but why a hero of all things? Heroes get stabbed in the back and betrayed all the time."

Zinnarath 'Zin' Corsys: "Huh…I honestly don't know what to think about you. A mage, a vampire, an attractive woman…I should be interested but…"

Draza: "A fairy? Why is there a fairy here? What next, boggarts and broomsticks?"

Mars: "You and I share far too many similarities. I give you as much trust as I would expect others to give me: none."

Esyllt Boudica: "If you ever need someone to spar or…'spar' with, just let me know: I wouldn't want your pretty, naïve-self getting hurt, after all."

"What a strange little slave girl you are. Not my fancy, but I could see why you were taken. I hope you are a good fighter, slave girl."

Elrbetrt Westfeld: "A blind knight, huh? I suppose I've seen odder things. You ride a horse well, at least. I would make a sex joke here, but I don't want to lower the bar: you might walk into it."

Elrithos "Sand Runner": "You would make a fine slave, Sand elf: the rare species always do."

Murderok: "I rarely get impressed by beef, but I am impressed. I might have a job or two for you, after this Nine-Hells business."

Aslo: "While I don't get your motivation, I can respect a good scout. If you want, I can probably find you a new wife though. They are surprisingly cheap."

Daevon van de Scathis Venderland: "I heard rumours about the Warlord's cripple son, but I never got to meet you…Who am I? Um, just a mercenary."

Sheriff Cennick "Cen" Greenborough: "Those are some nasty burns there: if you want me to find you a nice whore, I can put in a good word. Even cripples have needs."

Filomena "Yoloyaotl" "Frankañaño" Peláez: "A strong woman is fine by me, and a woman who loves war is fine by me. I prefer it if they are willing to think for themselves, though. Blind loyalty is dangerous."

Môrgæn 'Crooked Bitch' Minstrol: "Finally, someone I can trust! Thieves are so much easier to trust, all you need to do is offer them the most gold."

Valkyujra: "Forgive me gods, for I have sinned, and if all your angels look like that, I'll sin again and again and again. Also, what is it with this group and blind people?"

Protector Yuri: "Never met an Amazon before…Wild folk, I always heard: fighting in bikinis and with wooden spears. A part of me is disappointed, but she looks pretty strong, none the less."
How experienced is Abjaan with vamps? Because Laenaia can hide her silver eyes really well.
The cloak is a heavy tell, yeah. But it's generally the eyes that gives them away I think.
Child: Probably a wild ride in bed. Though a paper bag wouldn't hurt anybody.

Andrea Llolth'Allin: Too uppity to be a good fuck. The more enthralled with themselves they are the more they resemble a dead cod in bed. Speaking from experience naturally.

Ceann: Now that's a drow I could bed over and over again... well or as long as her hips held out anyway...

Laenaia: Maybe Vampires have more tolerance than your average mortal woman? I'd be willing to find out.

Kasim Amibilus: A strange bloke, not as noble as he pretends to be but generally well meaning. Probably good to go whoring with. Definitely has the right appreciation of drink and women.

Zinnarath 'Zin' Corsys: Much the same as Laenaia, but if I had to choose, the redhead wins every time.

Draza: I'm willing to try that honeypot if she is. It'd probably kill her though. And hey, if not, I could always use her as a condom for an orgy.

Mars: He's.... dull. Not a good drinking or whoring buddy as far as I can tell.

Esyllt Boudica: Another pretty redhead. Must be Minotaurmas.

Aëyr: More 'exotic' than I am. Not really interested, but'd be another feather in my cap so to speak.

Elrbetrt Westfeld: A blind warrior woman? While it'd prove amusing to try and seduce someone who can't make an informed decision without the use of her hands... well that might prove interesting after all.

Elrithos "Sand Runner": Awefully serious chap.

Murderok: Who's awesome? You're awesome.

Aslo: Too much reliance on fancy potions. Not enough big stick.

Daevon van de Scathis Venderland: You're a strange strange man. And you like playing with blades WAY too much.

Sheriff Cennick "Cen" Greenborough: Bitter, broken and no fun at all.

Filomena "Yoloyaotl" "Frankañaño" Peláez: She seems a little uptight. I bet I could loosen her up... one way or another.

Abjaar 'Bastille' Korsair: Nice Axe.

Môrgæn 'Crooked Bitch' Minstrol: Another redhead, that's good. But if I find my stuff missing she'll discover the wrong side of me.

Valkyujra: I would bed her in a heartbeat. She looks like she has the hips to even take it without much damage.

Yuri Elrivvin: Is probably great in the sack. Happy to find out.

Child: What an appropriate description.

Andrea Llolth'Allin: Holds herself almost like a noble. But is truly little more than a painted harlot playing house.

Ceann: This one seems to have a healthy respect of her position.

Laenaia: Cute. If I didn't have better things to do, and a wracked body... I wonder if Vampirism would cure my affliction?

Kasim Amibilus: An ex-slave. Good on him, I have better things to worry about than slaves.

Zinnarath 'Zin' Corsys: Daughter of a wealthy merchant, we'll see if she has anything else to add in time.

Draza: This is a joke yes?

Mars: Not worth my time as far as I can see.

Esyllt Boudica: Could be an interesting companion.

Aëyr: Ugh, such a creature... I wonder if there are any black lagoons we can return it to.

Elrbetrt Westfeld: Blind warrior? Such a contradiction of terms, but if she can do the job I don't much care.

Elrithos "Sand Runner": Some elf from the deserts. Probably got sand for brains.

Murderok: Little more than a brute with an oversized crossbow. But such things have their place.

Aslo: Has some sort of murderboner for the people that killed his wife. Why he didn't just buy a new one is a mystery.

Daevon van de Scathis Venderland: You're asking what I think about myself? Seriously. Piss off.

Sheriff Cennick "Cen" Greenborough: The third son of some minor nobles. Almost worthless himself.

Filomena "Yoloyaotl" "Frankañaño" Peláez: A military zealot. Good for preventing people from getting killed, but about as much use for intelligent conversation as a poorly crafted chair.

Abjaar 'Bastille' Korsair: Ezeel's son. Good man in a fight. Not exactly the brightest of the bunch, but far from the dumbest.

Môrgæn 'Crooked Bitch' Minstrol: A thief who should have had her hands hacked off and fed to her by now.

Valkyujra: A lovely young lady with much potential, she has an inner power that is somewhat alluring. But I have more important things to do than such boyish pursuits. Though neither would I turn such attentions away.

Yuri Elrivvin: It is hard to gauge this woman.
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Gremlock- A goblin with a business mindset, I think i can make something work here.

Child - I've seen her own in a fight which makes her useful as a companion in the queen's blade, but our partnership only works within the blades.

Andrea Llolth'Allin- Despite her trying to burn me alive I don't harbor negative feelings towards this Drow, in fact I always find their devotion to spiders humorous. Regardless, because of the nature of her zealotry I think it'd be impossible for us to ever get along.

Ceann- I remember her being the more well tempered of the duo, albeit training an arrow on me.

Laenaia- Attractive so whats not to like. Although i'm still unsure exactly what her motivations are.

Kasim - Bragging doesn't bother me, even as much as this guy does it. If he wants to be a hero, go for it, i've heard sillier reasons to fight.

Zin- I normally don't trust mages so you'd think i'd especially distrust her, being an illusionist, but she's too much of a straight arrow to cause any worry.

Draza- I have a lot of respect for people good with thier words, if she wasn't a fairy i'd find her a valuable ally.

Esyllt - A knight. Normally I find these types too tunneled vision in thier quest for good, but this one seems more open minded. Being attractive doesn't hurt.

Abjaar- He wants power and all that comes with it, and I just want gold. I think there may be something to work with here.

Aeyr- I fought with her against Deimos. Then I thought she would be useless as she's young and was crying over her slaved sister. She killed the warlord and proved me wrong. If being a slave also gave her a survivalist mindset- we may get along.

Elrbetrt - A blind knight? I don't understand how you're not dead.

Elrithos - An elf fighting for his homeland. Nothing in particular stands out to me.

Murderok- Loud, I think that's how I would describe him. Big too. He's the kind you'd want around in a fight, but couldn't stand anywhere else.

Aslo- This guy is out for blood, and revenge is something I can really get behind. I think this guy is one of the few I could really work with.

Daevon - Nobles are good for mugging. That's about all.

Cen - Usually people this ugly have seen some shit, I should probably keep an eye on him

Filomena - Strikes me as having a one-track mind, not particularly interesting.

Môrgæn - She's after gold so we share a common interest. This may be the other person I'm capable of working with among all the blades.

Valkyujra - If it's only demon blood she's after, there is no concern, but with her being a moralist in general there will likely be friction between us.

Yuri - Attractive, but someone giving themselves the title 'protector' immediately strikes me as yes another person I may not get along with
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Child: She's like a creepy murder doll.

Andrea Llolth'Allin: She's all I thought a Drow would be, a stuck up cunt that's all too willing to torture everything else.

Ceann: She seems pleasant...surprisingly for a Drow. I should spend some time with trying to talk to her further

Kasim Amibilus: He's an ass, but all his heroic boasting is kind of...endearing, I guess.

Zinnarath 'Zin' Corsys: I really need to find a way to apologize and make up for that...

Draza: A pleasant little sprite. I'd try to talk and get closer to her but I'm not sure that's a good idea since she worked close with a bunch of Templars before. Though... I'll try anyway...

Mars: An opportunist scavenger, I won't trust him with my back but I won't deny his ability or pragmatism. I should ask if he's willing to part with some of his poisons some time.

Esyllt Boudica: A stern idealist, I hope the world won't disappoint you.

Aëyr: A former slave that kept her heart, admirable.... I guess

Elrbetrt Westfeld: A blind knight with silver eyes, such a cruel joke.

Elrithos "Sand Runner": I hope you succeed with your goals.

Murderok: I don't like the way you're looking at me cow.

Aslo: A grim person with a clear set of goals. Who knows what he's going to do if he found those he's after...if that happened before revenge consumed his mind.

Daevon van de Scathis Venderland: A pitiful noble, it's admirable that he kept trying despite his condition.

Sheriff Cennick "Cen" Greenborough: An ugly stubborn bastard, I should tread lightly around him lest he relapse to his old job.

Filomena "Yoloyaotl" "Frankañaño" Peláez: A good little soldier, makes her easy to use.

Abjaar 'Bastille' Korsair: Slaver huh? Do try to refrain from doing that or selling off our companions. That is incredibly rude and untrustworthy of you.

Môrgæn 'Crooked Bitch' Minstrol: Another scavenger... I wonder....

Valkyujra: I'm not sure why a blind seer joined, but we have a blind knight anyway. I wonder if she can see the past as well, she might be able to tell me about my past.

Yuri Elrivvin: Amusing, an Imperium trained Amazon. I wonder why you smelt fresh blood.

Gremlock: Crazy little goblin, you're going to kill yourself sooner or later. When that happens, I hope it won't be anywhere near me.

Laenaia- Attractive and a good fighter, whats not to like. Although i'm still unsure exactly what her motivations are.
Laenaia's not a fighter at all.
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weren't you the one who did the killing blow on the spider during our first mission?
Nope, none of the vampires in the fountain went close to the spiders.




I'll learn you!

Doctor Steven Adian Gremlock (Real Name: S): "Don't go pointing your infernal contraptions at me and I think we'll get along just fine."

Child: "I can sympathize on how it feels to always need a mask, some folk would appreciate it if I wore one myself."

Andrea Llolth'Allin: "Who in the nine-hells let in a bloody drow? A priestess at that. I sure damn hope you know your place."

Ceaan: "Oh, by the g- Really? Is the queen really that desperate?"

Laenaia: "I can't quite get a read on you, a magician of some sort. Maybe"

Kasim Amibilus: "If you could just shut your gob for just one moment I might appreciate you as a perfectly serviceable archer"

Zinnarath 'Zin' Corsys: "A bloody pacifist, not that I don't appreciate some respect for life in this violent lot, I can only hope you do the right thing when the fighting starts."

Draza: "I don't know how you became a blade, but I'm glad you did. A little moral support in these desperate times can go a long way."

Mars: "A Tulerian swashbuckler, how delightfully typical. You'll make for a good sparring partner if you don't steal my sword."

Esyllt Boudica: "You share a name with my horse, odd. Otherwise you seem like a perfectly good warrior."

Aëyr: "Pardon my ignorance, but what are you again? Eh actually, it's no matter, you have a solid moral ground and that's what counts."

Elrbetrt Westfeld: "A fellow Liverian! You Westfeld's are a good family and if you've survived as long as you have without your vision I'm sure you'll live up to your kin's legend."

Elrithos: "An elite warrior with an honourable creed. It'll be a pleasure to fight along your side."

Murderok: "Meat-headed mercenary. I might consider you a good piece of mobile artillery in between your bouts of cow fucking."

Aslo: "Grief makes monsters of men, maybe after all this bloody business is done you'll put down your blade and pursue a more noble profession. Until then, I'll make sure not to turn my back on you. "

Daevon van de Scathis Venderland: "I don't know what your deal is, but I trust your shriveled ass about as far as I can throw that oafish man-servant of yours."

Abjaar 'Bastille' Korsair: "I'll have you know I think you're scum on a level below horse shit. I don't think you'll live too long if you maintain your path."

Filomena "Yoloyaotl" "Frankañaño" Peláez: "Now here's a real soldier! If we had another half-dozen like you the Nine-Hells could be crushed before dinner. I don't think I could pronounce your name though, mind if I call you Filo?"

Môrgæn 'Crooked Bitch' Minstrol: "A most appropriate moniker, I just might keep you around just to call someone a bitch without any harm to my conscience."

Valkyujra: "Looking to become an angel? I don't mean to be crude, but I don't think you'll have to try very hard. I'd say watch your back, but I'm sure many others already are."

Protector Yuri: "Oh my. A warrior-healer with a respectable nature and a sense of duty? I'd ask you to marry me if I didn't already know the answer."
I am beginning to sense that people don't like Abjaar...

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I am beginning to sense that people don't like Abjaar...
....wait...damn, forgot about that. :v
Let me change Laenaia's thought on the whole thing...

@Limeypanda you haven't answered how good Abjaan is with vamps that he noticed Laenaia is a vamp despite her covering it. :v
....wait...damn, forgot about that. :v
Let me change Laenaia's thought on the whole thing...

@Limeypanda you haven't answered how good Abjaan is with vamps that he noticed Laenaia is a vamp despite her covering it. :v
I went with a simple 'assumed knowledge' thing, as in clearly everyone is starting to learn about everyone else's dirty secrets due to castle gossip and the like.

As for Abjaan himself? He'd probably have encountered a few Malaki vampires. Most of the Sun fearing folk stay out of the desert.

If it bothers you, I'll change the opinion piece to a much more disinterested 'eh.' Outside of Vamparism, your character has nothing that he sees as worthy of note.
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