Left Behind

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I stars silently at the Braden who was scream about death and our family. Did he think we didn't know that! I though about it everyday and now without my brother if hurt so much more. Maybe if he was dead it would be better then knowing it was now his job to hunt us down including me. Knowing that if he saw me on the street he wouldn't think twice about attacking me. My hand clinched into fists, it hurt like hell knowing the person I'd grown up with was now after my blood and this girl in front of me. My mom was dead my dad was dead but at least I knew they were at peace. Aiden however was far from it and we had no clue how to get him back... I look at hope and see tears in her eyes and blood on her lip. "Oh are you ok" I say worriedly Braden's cruel words must have got to her too. I fumble around for a napkin and find one "Here" I say handing her the napkin "I'm sorry about all that" I add softly with a small smile.​
Hope looked up in surprise at Sean's voice. He was holding out a napkin to her. A few tears spilled over her eyes before she took the napkin.
"You don't have to be sorry, why are you sorry?" she said wiping her eyes of tears. "I'm sorry" she sniffed "I screwed everything up" she laughed and more tears fell down her cheeks "I... I feel horrible. And Ive been saying that but I do feel bad, I know that you're not mad at me, you've been saying that all along, but other people. They probably hate me, they want to be rid of me. I'm so much trouble" she pressed the napkin to her cheeks and it soaked up her tears. She sniffed again.
"Thank you" she said looking down at it.
Kaitlyn felt a pair of eyes in her back, and spread her wings, before they gathered again, and she turned. No one could deny that she carried herself in a different way than most, and she knew it. So, with long steps, her hips swaying slightly and the water moving in the glass, she walked over to Erik, and the new boy, put the glass on the table, and sat down. "Hello, I'm Kaitlyn. And you are?"

I smile "I assure you no one hates you. We haven't found a new angel for a very long time. From what I heard Aiden found you with no wings. It's amazing you avoided the virus that long. Most of us turned with in a few weeks of the outbreak." I say trying to change the subject. She cheered me up so now it was my job to return to favor.


"I'm Aiden" I say confidently "nice to meet you Kaitlyn" I add. Unaware of all the things I'd heard about her in my formal life as a white angel. I look at her for a second she seemed very important maybe a leader? I think.​
Sorrow placed the sugar cookies in the oven and began to grate some parmesan cheese over a bowl for the corn salad he was making. Erik had mentioned a new visitor, and just like last time, he had mentioned giving him or her cookies. Sorrow didn't understand why new dark angels needed to receive cookies, but he saw no point in questioning it.

As he watched the bits of cheese fall into the bowl, he couldn't help thinking about his mother. The two of them had often cooked together, though as the child, he often got the simpler jobs. When Sorrow was particularly young and only just learning how to grate cheese, his mother had said, "Be sure to watch your fingers, Sarukuro. We wouldn't want you cutting your finger and getting anything on the cheese, right?"

Sorrow's contemplative frown got deeper, and he started grating harder. He couldn't help feeling ashamed of his naivetè back then; he certainly knew now that accidentally cutting his finger was the least of his problems. But he lessened his grip, reminding himself that it wasn't important anymore. All that mattered now was work.

Once he was finished grating, Sorrow cut the corn off of the cob. He did the job quickly, almost effortlessly, and the corn was soon in its own bowl and ready to be sautèd. The oven beeped, and Sorrow took the finished cookies out, putting them on a metal plate.

Walking out of the kitchen, Sorrow saw Kaitlyn and Erik talking to some boy at one of the cafeteria tables. The boy was apparently the new dark angel, and one Sorrow vaguely recognized as Aiden, an apparently former light angel. He'd heard some things about Aiden from the other dark angels (nothing in kind), and based on that, Sorrow felt that his superiors were probably very proud of themselves.

Wordlessly, he placed the plate of cookies on their table, bowed, and went back to the kitchen.
Hope sniffed looking up and wiping the last of the tears from her eyes. She blinked a few times just to make sure that all of the tears were really gone then she let out a breath.
"I don't know how I managed to stay alive that long either. But I was separated from my brother when the virus had gotten a good chunk of the world killed. My brother- Michael and I were the only ones left that we knew of. Then he caught it. He didn't want to infect me and sent me away so I might have a chance. But to be honest I wouldn't have made it very long of Aiden hadn't found me. I running really low on food and water. And I was just about to move location in search for food. I heard voices outside the house I was in and that when Aiden barged into the house and nearly have me a heart attack. I haven't seen another living thing in months. So when I heard the voices my heart stopped and when he came in- well I was sure I was done for" Hope explained between bites of food. "As for the wings, I got them last night I don't remember much of what happened but apperently I screamed a whole lot, and when I woke up there was huge pressing thing on my back. I got up and looked in the mirror and there they were. Just hanging there. I haven't really gotten the hang of how they work and I dot. Even have enough muscle to list them up. So they're just dead weight right now. Also there lots of dried blood on my back. Lots." She said as an after though although she suddenly didn't know why it mattered that much. "How long have you been.... Er what are you guys calling yourselves... Angels... How long have you been an angel" she decided upon "and how long did you and Aiden last out there, atleast I assume you guys were hiding together" she said making a small gesture to the outdoors and the horrific decaying world.

I listen to her intently and then answer her question "Yes we hid" I say "as I said I came home from school to be with my family. Once chaos broke lose there was no way I was getting back to school. So I decided to stay with my family my parents owned the restaurant on the west side bravo. So we were pretty set for food, the house was right above it. We hid out for a week before my dad got it my mom did her best caring for him. While I used my training to do what ever I could. He died a few days later, then my mom. And then me, that's when I got my wings and trust me it's normal to scream. Your lucky you got them in the clinic with out medicine it feels like someone took two knives and stuck them in your back. Then slowly drags them down and sticks their hands in to pull out a feathery mess." I say shivering. "Plus them ripping through your shirt and jacket doesn't help. Aiden practically passed out...I'm not kidding he was out for about an hour. Then 3 days later he got it too, I was so afraid he wasn't one of the "lucky" survives but he lived. We found the base about 5 days latter barely avoiding a hunting party." I finish with a little chuckle as I take another bite of cake.


I look up the guy who brought the cookies I smile "thank you" I say with a nod.​
"Watching your family die is horrid. I watched it happen 4 times. And no one gave me medicine. I fell to the ground and the knives it felt like 10 of them ripping down my shoulders. And the wings it was so slow. I was laying I my back so the wings couldn't grow so to was just pain for a while nothing else. Someone flipped me over and that's about when I passed out. I know I was out for longer then an hour but I havnt been sleeping that much either so a good nights sleep was needed too. So I slept. A lot" Hope said a shadow of a smile played on her lips. "Now I just feel... Numb" she said and sighed.

"Really?" I say "they should have given you medicine to ease the pain" I add questionably. "Oh well nothing we can do about it now. But enough of all this death and pain" I say leaning back "tell me about you hope. What do you like to do in your spare time?" I ask with a grin.​
Hope narrows her eyes her lips curling at the edges toying with a smile. "I have no idea. I haven't gotten a true chance to live since about a year ago. When I was still in high school, I went to the barn nearly everyday and rode my horse. But when the virus set in, I had to stop going. I want to go out one day and see if I can find her- my horse. But if you do want to include my time during the virus hideout, my Hobbies inculdue hiding where no one can fine me- an excellent hide and seek skill, scavenging for food in even the strangest places- also a nice hide and seek ethic, avoiding people- nice a antisocial habit" she though for a second before letting a small smirk sneak across her face. "Excuse me for being so bold but, may I ask... Where do you see yourself in 20 years?" She asked the smile returning her her face. Mischievous to these vagely deeps questions being tossed around carelessly.
Sorrow put the corn, coated with lime juice, into the pan. Most recipes recommended cooking the corn before cutting it, but he had once attempted cooking it afterward and was told that the taste was better. The aroma filled the kitchen, fresh and exciting.

When the corn was finished, he moved it to a large bowl. He sprinkled the cheese over the top before tossing the salad; it was the best way to spread the cheese evenly. Finally, he grabbed his ladle and scooped out the portions onto more metal plates.

But before he could fill the fourth plate, he heard something. A giggle, perhaps, or a squeak? Sorrow put the ladle down and grabbed his cheese knife, made specially for soft cheese. This meant the blade was sharp, made of stainless steel.

Had he been able to, Sorrow might have talked to the potential intruder, in an attempt to lure it into a false sense of security. But as it was, he simply waited for whoever or whatever it was to show itself.
She tilted her head to the side slightly, ignoring Sorrow who had brought them cookies. If she were to admit it, Kaitlyn could not care for most of those who were around, unless they were hunters, guards, or her fellow co-leader, who she would have expected to come dancing in by then, being so proud over what they had done. Capturing a white angel, and turning him. That angel who now sat before her, saying it was nice to meet her. Oh dear, he would get so see just how nice she could be. "Pleasure" she said, dark tones dripping off the word. "So... You used to be a white angel?" Without a sound, she turned towards Erik who sat by Aiden. "And you... You should know better than to keep him here. After all, he should have been sent directly to my offices. Not been sitting here, being babied around by you"
For the longest time, Sorrow merely stood there, awaiting another sign of the intruder's presence. But the sudden silence of the room surrounded him, the tension near palpable. He relaxed his guard slightly, turning very...very...s l o w l y–

Ah! A scurrying noise!

Sorrow listened closely for where the sound seemed to be going; it was headed towards the trash chute. He ran to the entrance and stood in front of it, pointing his knife at...a tiny field mouse. It tried to run, but he repeatedly blocked its paths of escape until it was sufficiently cornered.

Slightly annoyed, Sorrow decided the best thing to do would be to cut off the animal's paws, treat the wounds, and let it go. It would still live, and it wouldn't be able to steal anything from him. Then again, it was likely to starve once he released it into the world. Perhaps someone who liked rodents would find it and take care of it, because it definitely wasn't going to be him.

It was difficult to keep the mouse still at first, but Sorrow was able to pin the little guy down with the handle of a broom. Finishing the mutilation and the treatment thereof, he grabbed the broom and scooted the mouse outside, giving it a piece of cheddar as a sort of compensation for abandoning it. Then he closed the door, cleaned up the mess as well as he could, and went back to work.

"Its not his fault" I say no fear in my voice "I was taken to your office but no one came and Erik was very nice and was giving me some advice. But you're here now so we can go to your office now." I add trying to defend my new found friend. I know i had just meet him but he had been nice to me and for that I considered him a friend. And I wanted to be sure He wouldn't get in trouble because not gone where I was suppose to go even if I didn't know were that was.


I can't help it I laugh as she asks the question I could see the mischievous look on her face and knew it was a joke. "Well" I say with a goofy smile "Do you mean now of before all this?" I ask and then processed to answer both. "Before all this I would have hoped to have a job, be a doctor, maybe a family.." I say then continue "And now well I see myself doing this stupid routine everyday...I wish I could say differently but defeating the dark angels...its out of the question..." I finish with a slightly sad smile. Then I turn it around "right back at you hope, where do you see yourself in 20 years" I say with a slight chuckle.​
"Well before all this crap happened I had hoped to be a Horse trainer working on journalism and photography, but now.... I dunno. I've been hiding out for so long I just don't really know what living is anymore much less how to follow a routine or start to act human again" Hope said sheepishly "I do understand the family thing. I miss my family more then anything I just can't wait to be around people again"

I nod "Yeah I just wish that we could go back to a time where all those dark angel freaks were behind bars" I say then I remember she probably hadn't been told how the dark Angels came to be. Though I thought I should ask before "Did anyone tell you about how the dark Angels started? If you have I won't boar you with another history lesson" I say was a slight laugh at the end.
"Nope, no one told me anything. Remember I was in the hospital sleeping for like the last 24 hours" Hope said setting aside the plate of Mac and cheese and string in on the chocolate cake. "Something about wings I think"
As Sorrow washed the mouse's blood off of the knife, he recalled the hunting expeditions he went to with his father. His father was an avid collector of hunting trophies; stuffed heads were in plaques all over their living room. Though he personally didn't approve of it at the time, he knew better than to disobey his father.

One day, Sorrow watched his father shoot a deer and begin to cut off its hooves.

"You're probably wondering why I'm doing this, Sarukuro," his father said over his shoulder. "Well, there is no better way to ensure your quarry can't get away than to cut off its legs. Then even if they're not dead, they can't do anything about you and what you plan to do. Remember this, my son. You may have to hunt for your own family someday."

In a way, he had been right. This "family" of dark angels certainly did need Sorrow's hunting expertise at times. And it was somewhat ironic as well; the very man who had taught him the best methods of maiming and killing had died from his own teachings.

Sorrow finished washing the knife and put it back on the counter, scooping the corn salad again as he did so. Back to work, he reminded himself. Back to work.