Lantern & Frey

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Destiny switches into her human form once she got inside and goes to her bedroom. She pulls on an outfit, and then grabs a scarf and places it over her shoulders for warmth. She puts some shoes in and shuts the front door, heading out. She looks out for him, sitting just outside of her house. She only knew small parts of the forest, and they were near her home. She had never explored before, but would try it out soon.
Markus walked to her and spoke with a soft voice. "You look cute Destiny." He said it to be polite but also because he considered her a beautiful girl, feeling a bit bad that others don't notice this being to occupied to judge her. He hold his hand for her to lead her to the car."Like I said, I want to show you a nice place. Would you like to join me ?" He showed her a gentle smile. The question in his mind was if she will accept his hand, knowing how shy and fragile she is and the fact that if he do something wrong and hurt her, it will lose the chance to become her friend.
Destiny still placed her hand in his and nodded quietly. Once they reached his car, she got in, and this time she decided to give him a chance, because he really wanted to be her friend. She straps herself into the car and shut the door, looking our of the window and turning the windows down. The forest was so beautiful, had lots of trees and nature. She loved that where she and her family lived was so beautiful and peaceful.
Markus drove the car to the the town and took a turn towards his house and continue in the forest on a trail. He stoped the car in the lush green forest, away from noisy city and surrounded by the song of the birds. He got down from the car and started to undress with the back at the car and turned in his wolf form. "I love the forest, it makes me feel free to do what i want and give me a beautiful scenary. From here we need to walk." He bed his knees and motioned her to sit on his back.
Destiny nods and then got out of the car, walking slowly towards him. She got onto his back carefully and then strokes a hand through his fur, it was so soft and fluffy against her hand. She ruffles his ears lightly and waits for him to show her where they were going next as she looks around at the surroundings.
Markus liked the feeling of her hand stroking his fur and thought that she open up to him. He started to run through the forest, but didn't used his full speed to don't make feel uncomfortable. He enjoyed the wind brushing past him and the forest air. After a few minutes of running and jumping he reached an open space. He walked slowly towards the cliff edge and looked in front of him. Below them was the green forest and at a distance to their left side was a small waterfall. It was a beautiful scenery that oversaw the nature.
Destiny got off his back once they reached the location. She stood and then looked around curiously. It was so pretty, she had never been to this part of the forest, of course. She sat down by the waterfall and then places her hand into the water that was running, it was cool and refreshing.
He sit there watching the scenery and shortly turned towards her. "I found this place a year ago and rarely someone come here so it become my favourite location in the forest where I can relax and enjoy the scenery. What do you think about it ?" He walked behind her and hold his head near her. He hoped that she will like this place and it will help her relax.
She smiles weakly at him. "I like it here. Thanks for taking me" She removes her hand from the waterfall and then looks over at him. "Why are you always wanting to be my friend? I would've thought you had a girlfriend or something" She says to him, shrugging.
"One reason was that you are a werewolf like me so you can feel and enjoy the same sensations like me." It was true that he liked to walk in the forest without being disturbed but at the same time he wanted to share this with someone. "My other reasons was that you are different, you are gentle, don't judge and don't hurt others and I have a feeling that there is something beyond her shyness." He laughed when he said girlfriend. "It will be almost impossible to be interested in that stupid girls that gossip and hurt others." He had in mind the events at school.
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Destiny nods lightly. "Oh" She says and smiles gently at him. She leans her head onto his shoulder and then smiles again, closing her eyes for a few moments again and then opening, as if this was all a dream and she was trying to wake herself up, but this wasn't a dream, this was all really happening to her. It was a lovely dream.
He couldn't move or it would knock her and he couldn't see her face from that position. But feeling her so close to him made him understand that she left her shell and opened to him and he would like to hug her but it was impossible in his current form. He stayed there quiet and listened to her breathing.
After a few moment she lifts her head for his side and then looks up at him, wrapping her arms around him in a gentle hug, petting his head softly, and then rubbing his chest which was soft and fluffy. She stretches and stayed there, still cuddling him.
He was quiet all that time wanting to let her do what she want and feel comfortable, giving her at the time she wanted. In his eyes she looked innocent and fragile and felt like if he move or say something it will hurt her but at the same time he feel like the cracks in her heart slowly repair. But he couldn't say he didn't enjoyed her petting and hug, feeling nice to have someone with him.
"Hey, do you want to switch forms now? I'll stay here and you can go back to the car and get changed if you want" She says and smiles, letting to of him and looking back at the waterfall again.
"I would like it but do you remembered I said that rarely people come to this place. For a normal human is hard to get here because of the terrain and dense forest." He laid his head on the front paws and looked up at her. "And is fine. I don't have a problem to stay in this form and I will leave only with you." He closed his eyes and listened to the water flowing.
Destiny nods gently. Once it got later, she stood up and stretched. "Do you mind if we head back to where I live? It's getting kind of late, and I have some homework and revision to do, you know, we have our exams soon" She says and shudders a the thought. All of their lessons were filled with exam revision, she was getting tired of it. She honestly couldn't wait until school was over, so she could go off and live her life.
"Don't tell me. I can't wait for winter break and to be free for a week." It was early November so it will have to wait for it. "You shouldn't worry to much about the exams. If you know you learned you just need to trust yourself." He walked near her and bend his knees to help her to saddle him easier.
Destiny got onto his back and then once she got near home she waved to him. "Bye, thanks for everything" She says and then wanders back inside. She spent most of the day sitting and revising, then doing homework. She then sat up in her room, listening to music on her ipod. She lived with a family of nine, five brothers and four sisters. They lived in a large house, and were all werewolves too. Her brothers were rowdy, and her sisters were okay to be around.

The following day, Destiny headed to school, trying to ignore her brothers who were teasing her about her new 'boyfriend'.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's a guy, that's my friend" She says in irritation.
After Markus left Destiny at her home, he dashed towards his car where he changed back to his human form and dressed, his eyes falling on her ripped clothes. "I completely forgot about them. I think I will give her tomorrow." He entered the driver seat and drove home.

The rest of the day was normal, he learned for his exams and listened to music. Near the midnibg he exited his house and looked at the stary sky with a tint of loneliness dying his eyes. He was surprised a bit by that feeling because he didn't felt like that in ears, a small smile showing on his lips when he thought about that day.

The following day he got ready for school and packed her clothes to gave them back. He drove to the school and when he got down he saw her and her brothers, an iritaded look on her face. He approached her from behind without being noticed by her and put his hand on her shoulders. "Who isn't your boyfriend ?" This was the only part from their discussion he heard and was curious about who they talk, without thinking at all he was the guy they spoke about.
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