Laid Back and Living the Good Life (Modern Group RP)

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Changed my picture to actually moi. :3

And I like the map! :D
Because it wasn't working before :3
Had some Ideas... so I spill them here!

Town Name(s):
  • Rose Valley
  • Sunny Vale
  • Silver Falls
  • Freedom Hills
  • Eden
  • Goodsprings
  • Mix it up... :3
As for where the town is located, why not in a sort of Florida kind of place. At the foot of a Mountain range but not too far out from the sea?
That could work. It would have to be somewhere made up because I think having seasons would make the RP more fun and timeless. Maybe a mix of Florida and New York (Florida for location/regional stuff, New York for seasonal/city hased stuff)
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I thought it would have originally been made up so it can be versatile to our needs... I WANT THIS RP NAOW. :(
I like Eden or Silver Falls! Seasons would make everything funner
What kind of obligatory requirements do you have? Is it going to be as casual as it sounds? :)
What do you mean?
Oh just, how strict are you about posting speed/consistency :) I'd love more than anything to join this if you'd have me, but I've got a kid and a bunch of misc college things that can come out of nowhere and drain all my free time. Of course id post as often as I could, but if i go a week without posting I just don't want to be kicked XD
Oh yeah don't worry xD

As long as I get a warning or two, you shouldn't get worried. If you don't post for a month, then I'll probably check up on you to see what's up ^^
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Hopefully this is okay :3 I decided to be all bold and use my own pics. I thought it'd be cool to have some shops made up, like make them seem a little more real? I plan on having a list of available pets, sales events for merchandise, etc. It'll be a good way to create interactive settings :3 Let me know what you think :)


[rainbow]Jesika Winters[/rainbow]

21 | German/Canadian | Pet Store Manager/Breeder

Jesika is a down to earth, open, and honest woman. She insists on giving everyone a chance to earn her a level of her and friendship and only after getting to know them thoroughly will she decide if she wants to have that person in her life. She is humble about her talents but secretly loves showing others what she has accomplished. She cares for others more than herself and sees kindness as a daily necessity. While she is kind and welcoming as a general rule, her personality goes exactly the other way if someone manages to rub her the wrong way. She despises self-righteous, conceited individuals and will rarely be seen in the presence of those who are too consumed with themselves to care about others.

Jes appears to be an extrovert, but actually has a hard time finding people she deeply, truly trusts. She is so detached from others, even her "best" friends, that she keeps her relationships at a point where she loves the company and the person but never allows herself to care if they left her life in an instant. Betrayal by those close to her a few years back brought her to this point of putting up a window between herself and others. It's not that she doesn't love and respect those around her, its that she knows that anyone is capable of betrayal.

Due to her standing on true trust with others, she finds herself being alot closer with animals. Biology is her truest passion, among various other sciences, and she loves to drown her mind in the beauty of genetics through the breeding she does at her uncle's pet shop.

Jesika has worked at a beautiful, high end pet shop called Winters' Pets for over 8 years now. She started off working with her uncle, a wealthy man with a soft heart for animals, when she was 13 and learned alot about breeding and animals care. As she got older, she was given more responsibility over the shop and when she turned 19 her uncle decided it was time her turn over management to her. Jes took the job with great enthusiasm and passion, and is working hard to save up for her 2nd year of university.

Genetics fascinates her and so she took a keen liking to breeding. Currently she working to breed a more precise snowshoe cat as well as breeding a various other number of pets which may be purchased at the pet shop.

3 Husky, 1 male, 2 female
5 Rottweiler, 4 male, 1 female
2 Samoyed, 1 male, 1 female
3 Papillon, 0 male, 3 female
1 chihauhau, 0 male, 1 female
One of her favourite things to do is play electric guitar. Jesika may look like the type of person who should love The Beatles and Jimmy Hendricks but she is a metalhead through and through. She's been playing guitar for just a few years and shows no signs of slowing down her progress. Her favourite bands include whitechapel, pantera, bloodbath, sonata arctica, and metallica. She's a long time gamer, having an unusally intense obsession with Pokemon and Harvest Moon, but loves her 360 classics like the elderscrolls series and CoD.
Jes spends alot of her downtime watching documentaries or jammin but can certainly be seen out socializing once in a while.

Living Conditions
Jesika lives with her uncle in his beautiful nature-inspired home near the outskirts of the city. She's lived with him for the last 10 years and so the house is as much hers as it is his. She's respectful and keeps the place clean and takes care of the chores and shopping when her uncle leaves town on his various, and regular, business trips.

Jesika's Room

Her Uncle's Room




Jeremy Winters (Her uncle)
Tyler Winter (Her younger brother)
No boyfriend

Interesting Info
+Jesika has had dreadlocks for 4 years
+She loves her dreadlocks
+Jesika's favorite color is green
+She loves jungle themed things
+She has pokemon tattoos on her ribs
+Don't ask her about her parents unless you're really close to her
+She eats a bowl of ice cream every single day before bed
+She prefers beer over fruity drinks
+She fits in well with a large number of social circles because of her laid back, open personality
+She dislikes country music
+She's always dreamed of owning horses and has an intense fascination with them
+She firmly believes dragon did exist, we just haven't found the fossils yet
+She loves to read
+She is decent at drawing, but typically only realistic animals
+She is a vegetarian, but not a preachy judgemental one
+She prefers winter over summer. Go figure.
+Stephen Hawking is her idol



Serenity|Snowshoe Siamese|Female|4 years
Loyal, well trained, obedient, all knowing, slightly derpy.


Arceus|Dalmatian|Male|1 1/2 years
Loyal, friendly, empathetic, protective, calm.

Sweet! Accepted!

Also, it seems like Silver Falls is the group consensus. Am I right?
I can't find this silver falls you all speak of. Lol I've seen it mentioned a few times but I can't find what it is XD

And thankyou for accepting me :) I'm looking forward to RPing with you all!

If anyone would like to consider a relationship with Jesika at all, feel free to PM me :) old friends, ex's, best friends, etc :)
That could work. It would have to be somewhere made up because I think having seasons would make the RP more fun and timeless. Maybe a mix of Florida and New York (Florida for location/regional stuff, New York for seasonal/city hased stuff)
Or Canada :3 We defs have seasons. BC would be a good place. Thick woods, the coast, mountains, hot summers and cold winters, beautiful falls and heart melting springs. Lots of wildlife, outdoor activities to do, big cities, small towns.
Hmm, as a native Canadian I'm tempted, but as a GM, I'm not sure. We'll vote.

Who wants to be in Canada?! ^^
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