Kyysucara Namosaka & MiNaGi

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For once in a while, the murderer didn't take over Valshe's mind, and inside his head was a fluffy little universe with light colors and a comfortable warmth. In that universe he dreamt about Shion, cuddling into her lap.
Shion falls over in her sleep. She cuddles up to Valshe, smiling and comfortable.
After a while he wakes up and sees Shion by his side. For a moment he ponders whether to stay but shrugs and cuddles into her again. It felt nice. It felt right.
Shion wakes up a little later, smiling. She kisses his cheek. "Did you sleep well?"
He nods, blushing softly. It felt a bit embarrassing to have Shion lying with her head against his chest, one of the few female traits he had left.
"Hey, um... would you support me getting... a sex change?" She blushes, looking away.
"That depends on why you're going to do it." He looks at her and strokes a hand through her hair.
"I feel more comfortable as a girl. Dressing this way helped me realize it."
"Then yes, I would support you. I wouldn't if you had answered that you wanted to look like your sister.. then no. But if it's like that, of course I will." Valshe smiled.
Shion laughs. "Thanks. And I look like her anyway. We are twins."
"I meant if you wanted to be a copy of her... to only be a girl because she was.. I would never allow that, or support it."
"Oh. No. I don't want to for that." She kisses his cheek. "Thanks cutie."
Valshe blushed and coughed slightly trying to hide it. "I-I would rather not be c-called that." The embarrassment was clearly evident in his voice as he spoke.
Shion nods. "Okay. Sorry." She stands up. "I'm gunna get some swimming in."
"I'll join you." Valshe smiled and ran a hand through his hair, the burns on his back and collar standing in clear contrast to his pale skin. It looked like it must had been extremely painful to get.
"I think you burnt in your sleep." She goes in her bag and pulls out a bottle of aloe. "Here. I'll put some on your burns."
"These are from the house fire... but thanks." He looked down and clenched his fists as if to hide he was feeling uncomfortable talking about it.
Ooc: lol oops. Forgot about that

Shion smiles. "Let's swim." She could tell he was uncomfortable talking about it, so she changed the subject.
"Yeah.." He got out of his daze and slowly walked out into the water, relaxing his shoulders and sighing in comfort as the cool water enveloped him.
Shion walks in, sighing. She smiles and splashes him. She starts laughing.
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