Kylen's Interdimensional Bar

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He lit a small joint with a match, flicking the flames away "Cause you are so goddamn adorable, I think my blood has turned into syrup." He scratched his head. "As for the cider, we got the hook-up with some the Fair Folk a month or two ago."
Waving away the puff of smoke that he had breathed in her direction she smirked again leaning over the bar, "Adorable is one way to put it." Taking the joint from his lips she took a drag, and let the smoke curl from her lips before passing it back. The drug's effect on the Pixie was as it should be, causing her mind to go a little dizzy. Alice had some strange habits, not caring for alcohol but not minding the airy feeling she got when smoking. Taking another sip of the drink she relaxed into the seat. "Syrup eh? That could be a problem." Her tone was playful as always. Listening to him go on about the fair folk she wondered about that, "Were they a caravan?"
T.B. grinned when she took the joint from him. "Alright, not so innocent." He smoke the rest of the joint before tossing the butt into the garbage. "It was a group of the Dark Fae, a rowdy bunch, one that frequented the bar." He cleared his throat before yelling. "Their leader was a real bitch!" Noe's pointed ears twitched before she threw up a middle finger at him.

"Sod off, old man!"

"Who're you calling old, you're just a millennium behind me! Besides, where do you get off talking like that, you're my servant!" Noe stood up, knocking her bag of chips over. A wooden mug flew at his head. He caught it with a flourish, before popping it in the dishwasher in the counter.

"I serve no one except me!" Noe went back to playing on her laptop, although she had turned her entire desk to face away from her master. T.B. turned back to Alice.

"A bet. I won the connection as a bet by besting my now familiar, the grey one over there. She said that she could beat anyone in the bar. I knew that she knew where I could find cider that was alcoholic, considering that the ones I got from the more 'distinguished' Fae was about an arm and a leg for one bottle, and I needed kegs of the stuff, considering how popular it was. Plus it would've gotten me in good with Kylen. I did her one better by saying I wouldn't even use any of my magic, since I'm so damn cocky and I knew I wouldn't lose. Beat her easily, as expected." His voice raised again. "Actually, if I remember, someone was SO excited to lose that they made another bet involving eternal servitude as a familiar, and they lost that too! Along with their-" This time, it was a glass, and this one hit its mark, the side of the head. He shook it off. "And she enjoyed it t-" A large ball of ice flew from Noe's palm, knocking T.B. flat on his ass. "Fucking hell, Leuconoe, chill out!"

"Not till the day you fucking die!" T.B. jumped back up. "Every facet of her being is that of a rebel. As you can see. The exception being-"

"Don't you dare say it!" Jagged shards of ice formed around T.B.

"You know you love me, little bunny~" At the sound of her pet name, she hid in her hoodie, embarassed. The ice disappeared. "Still wouldn't take the girl over anyone else though. She's extremely good with water magic. And a descendant of a muse, so she's like the go to girl for all things music. Too bad she has a stick up her ass most of the time, or else she'd be treated better from the people here."
Alice listened carefully to his story, it was quite a good one and very well told. This pixie fed from excitement and adventurous things, smiling she tossed in a few "And then?"s. Looking over her shoulder at the hooded girl who exuded with pride and bitter anger with some fine hints of adoration? Alice giggled behind her hand and took a big gulp of her Fae Cider, unlike the more primitive alcohols, Fae cider had a glowing warmth to it. If brewed correctly it could taste like your favorite food or drink, this Fae cider however, had a particular taste and after tast. Frowning whilst ducking beneath a ball of ice that slammed the man on his rear, she took a lighter drink of the cider. Honeysuckle. Eyes wide she looked up at the grinning man, her tone grave.

"How many kegs of this did you get?"

Alice could taste the rarity in the golden drink, and she knew that if he wasn't aware there would be real trouble.
"Seems pretty lively, for a place with not a lot of people," Ricard mentioned, watching the scene before him and sipping his whiskey. Alex shrugged and said, "The way I figure it, people have a lot to share with others from other universes and dimensions."
"10, with new shipments every week." He raised a brow. "Why do you ask?"
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"Wrong. . The blood of my Lord now corces through your veins and his darkened heart beats within you. . Soon enough you will devoured into darkness and rule the underworld. . " Rebecca explained while she listed to their conversation from a far distance, She has leard that much from training as well as schooling. "I will be serving you rather soon. . . My Lord." She regreted saying such things but it was necessary since it was indeed the truth. Her words were directed right to Hunger. "It was your fault for making such a foolish choice. ."
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"Wait...I'm death now?"
Hunger says with a raised eyebrow.
"Imdeed. . Which is highly regretable. . " Rebecca said while reaching her right hand up to her head and startyed to rub her right temple. "This is what happens when you make child like decisions. .My Lord." She hated syaing that My Lord line but she could not stop since it is her duty to show loyalty towards the King of the underworld.
"Child like? I planned that fight out to a tee. I calculated everything that could of happened...and I won. I wasn't childish....Also you don't have to call me "Lord" you know." Hunger remarks.
"I could have talked the previous Lord into handing your wife back at once but instead you handle it on your own and found yourself heartbroken and the new King of the underworld. . . So I think it was child like. . " Rebecca stated firmly before relesing a sigh of irritation and removed her hand from her head. "And I kinda have to. . My Lord. ."
Alice's jaw dropped, "Ten?! You do realize that these shipments are stolen?" Looking at the glass she blinked and looked back up to him. "This stuff is served only to Seelie Royalty, it is specially brewed to their liking. You can tell by the hints of honeysuckle and rose that is specific to their brand." Alice put both hands on the bar and leaned back looking at the girl before continuing. "Back home I am constantly asked about any shady visitors because the Queen's cellar has been being ransacked. In fact they have had to increase production fifty fold to fill the gaps." Alice tilted her head. "I am impressed, you do almost as much smuggling as I do!" Finishing off her drink she slammed the cup down and grinned. "Bravo!"
"Well...I decree that you no longer have to as your lord. There happy? Also yea...heart broken....maybe this new job is what I needed...A fresh change of pace from my normal crap exisistance....." He remarks with a little bit of sourness.
He laughed heartily, before giving the girl another mug. "Fuck royalty, they deserve to have to work a bit more."
Huner looks over at T.B.
"Unless you become roalty though hard me." He comments with a little bit of venom in his words.
"Your kidding right. . ." Rebecca could already see the future with Hunger as her royal King and sighed at the results.
(Huner OP)
"What are you implying? You won by eating your enemy. While his pants were down." T.B.'s tone went from light-hearted to cold in an instant. The bar hushed into whispers immediately.

'Is there going to be a fight?'
'Those two guys are really scary...'
'Get your money out boys, it's about to go down.'

The whispers went on and on while T.B. stared Hunger down.
"This should be interesting. . " Rebecca watched with her arms folded, she wanted to see how her new King could fight so she can determine if he was good enough to be a ruler of the dead. "I place five hundred on my Lord. . " She said with a bit of a darkness in her tone.
Alice grinned, "I will drink to that!" Just then the bartender and another man who reeked of something foul began to stare each other down. Hopping up from her stool she slammed a large velvet coin purse on the bar. "This bag of faelyns on the Bartender here." Alice scrunched her nose at the other one and giggled impishly. This was going to be extremely fun, Anger and manliness was always entertaining.
Johnson glanced between the "clones" and asked, "You guys betting?"

Alex nodded and said, "$200 on T.B.!" "I'll match that bet!" Ricard nodded, reaching into his pocket and slamming them on the bar. "Put them on the Reaper Lord!"

Johnson could only shake his head, muttering under his breath, "Mortals..."
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