Kylen's Interdimensional Bar

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Ricard nodded, looking over at T.B. before taking another swig of his whiskey. It's around this time that Alex stepped out of the bedroom, wearing essentially the same thing he was wearing earlier, but a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt that read "Korpiklaani" on the front. He took a look at Ricard and blanched.
"Hey what's wrong, Alex? Jesus you look like you've seen a gho....AHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK!?" T.B.'s mind clicked on right then. Ricard looked EXACTLY like Alex. T.B. jumped on and off of the stool he was sitting on, knocking the stools in the direction he jumped over.
Hunger having noticed the same thing puts his cup of tea down he had ordered a few minutes ago and looks at the three bartenders.
"Ok which one of you three spiked my tea. Because I am seeing double..."
"Okay, is everybody gonna make a big deal about this?" Ricard asked, resting his head in the palm of his hands. Alex stepped up to his "doppelganger" and looked him in the face. Sure enough, from the eyes to the jawline, this guy was his carbon copy. "Looks like that guy saying I was the only one in the multiverse was wrong..."
"It's still fucking freaky Alex!" T.B. was shouting from his room.
Rebecca fell in through the door of the bar and has landed harshly on her back she groaned and shifted slightly before she stands back up onto her feet. Her eyes held the blood colored luster as she stared at the door with her scythe in hands the blade pointing towards the entrance as she remained calm and silent. Her dark appearance held the color of a Red rose since she was now covered in the red liquid known as blood. Wounds have scattered all around her body since her last appearance and just by judging her attitude and appearance she has been awfuly busy lately. Her hair crossed over her eyes making her seem like her father while in battle with an difficult opponent.
The steps of another echoed behind the bar door before finally coming to a end, just then the door was busted open and the eyes of hell stared at Rebecca. A grin spreads across the innocent face of a gentleman that seemed as he himself has just came by for a drink but that was not the case at all. His handsome, dark features made all the woman of the bar fall for him instantly and his muscular body was the final touch. "You know you seem much more fun then the others. . I have to give you credit. .Rebecca"
His massive, pale toned hands were hidden behind his pockets as her gave his opponent his prize winning smile. He stands at a height of at least six foot nine and has to weight at least a hundred and fifty pounds. He took a step forwards and entered the bar as he came closer to Rebecca with every passing second before his right bandaged hand was pulled out from his pocket and was raised to his head before his fingers ran through his brown colored locks. Of course he looked like a business man but in all due reality he was really a troublesome soul that just had to be terminated and Rebecca was clearly the one to do it. His three piece black suit was covered in blood and a few ripped here and there but he didn't mind since he could always purchase a new one right after he was done with his very own assassin. He waited for her to make the first attack.

Rebecca held that twisted look in her eyes that could be resembled as a threat without words as her grip on her scythe tighten to the point were her knuckles were white. She watched him come closer and took a step back along with each step he has taken forward. He eyes never left the sight of him as a small smirk formed upon her face and she spoke with a hint of darkness "The fun is only beginning." just then she ran towards the man with fast speed that changed her into a darkened blur to any eyes, her scythe was held like a baseball bat about to swing at the flying ball. "Let's play ball." Her scythe was then swigged towards his stomach with a swift, flower like motion and she was shocked at the results.

The man waited with a smile and at the last minute before the blade of the scythe made contact with his stomach his hand fell down towards the blade before it grabbed the very top end of the stick where it has vanished into the blade. His grip was firm and rather difficult to get out of. He then chuckled and used his strength to lift up the scythe and Rebecca before he tossed the scythe and her a far range from him making her hit the back of the bar were all the drinks were and laughed as he watched her fall to the ground with a loud thud. Bottles of various alcoholic drinks were falling along down with her. He then slowly made his way to her, each step he took was devious and rather attractive since it made him seem as if he was gliding against the floor like a ghost.
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Alex had sat down at the bar and was about to strike up a bit of a conversation when Rebecca and this stranger stepped in. It was when Rebecca was thrown behind the bar that Ricard stepped up and aimed a strange looking pistol at the man. The gun was obsidian in color, what looked like ribs decorated the body just above the man's trigger, and an ornate skull decorated the front with a barrel jutting out of his head.

"I suggest you back up, friend," he hissed, the last word dripping with disdain.
Rebecca slowly arose from the ground while massive pieces of glass ripped through her hands as she used them to lift herself from the ground. She stared at the man with a demonic look before looking over to Ricard and gave off a look of confusion as she stared between Alex and Ricard. She then hopped onto the bar counter while her right hand rested on the top in between her legs as they were spread away from each other slightly her head hanged down from her shoulders and her scythe stood upright like a cane. She then looked up with a smirk. A color of red glowed on her palms and she smiled slightly before jumping off the counter and flew at least fife feet before landing once again but this time on the floor and was now only inches away from the man. Just then a swift movement of her arms guided the scythe towards the head of a man and looked as if she was about to slice the head off for she changed the course of direction and sent the blade through his chest the blade was sticking out from his back. "I win. " Just then the blade was forcefully ripped out of his body and blood splattered onto her.

The man looked at Ricard and smirked slightly before making eye contact. "Stay out of it. . This is me and Rebecca's battle." His eyes then looked toward the ground where Rebecca's body use to be and sighed while realizing that she was now on the counter top of the bar and smirked as she was now only inches away from him. He watched her swift movements and chuckled as it was aimed for his head so in a instant his hands moved towards his head, But what really got him by surprise was the change in her course of action and how the blade was forcefully sent into his chest. A scream of pain was made from him and he looked down at the weapon before grabbing onto the blade colored stick and placed his hands on the object before trying to rip it out by the item was to far in his chest so it was almost impossible to remove the weapon without any damage. His eyes then stared into Rebecca's and he growled at her while she ripped the weapon out of his body that was when he collapsed to the ground lifeless.
Alex watched the scene with a fearful look while Ricard just lets out a sigh of relief. The pistol in his right hand glowed red for a second and shrunk down until it was just a shrunken, fiery, demonic-looking skull floating beside Ricard. "You really should think before pointing me at someone, you know," he chastised in a British accent.

Ricard could only sigh before saying, "He came in looking for trouble. What was I supposed to do?" He then stepped over to the Reaper and held out his hand. "You carry yourself pretty good there. I respect that."
Rebecca smirked slightly as the soul of her victim descended from the limp body and was absorbed into the blade of her scythe in a minute, the blade itself glowed like a white blinding light and then dimmed down once again. She looked over to Ricard and arched an eyebrow "Well it is my Job as a reaper. . I can't fail. . " she then looked at herself and shook her head while realizing that she was covered in various wounds and was literally dripping with blood. "I seem to have gain a liking towards the scent of Death." She then turned her attention away from Ricard and looked at the body that laid on the ground and smiled while her right palm glowed a fire red just then her palm was aimed at the body before her fire magic was used to reduce the body into ash.
Ricard smiled before stepping back to the bar. The floating skull looked like it was making for the door before noticing that his human companion wasn't coming with him. "Are you crazy, Rick?" he asked, rushing back over to his side. "It's bad enough we just came here from Poveglia Island--which, need I remind you, was essentially the Underworld of the Mortal Realm. Now we're hanging out in a bar with...a Greater Duke Demon, three of his familiars, a Reaper, and that's not even counting the monsterkin who look like they haven't had a decent meal in wee--"

"Johnson, just cool your jets," Ricard sighed, sitting back at the bar and sipping his whiskey. "I get that the last couple of hours have left you a bit paranoid--"

"Try 'Three Seconds Away from Having an Aneurysm Even Without a Brain'"

"The point is, just lighten up. If everyone in here wanted to kill us, they would've done so already, alright? So just relax and have a drink..."
Johnson sighed deeply before conceding, "All right. I could stand to rest for a while." He then hovered over in the space between Alex and Ricard, glancing between the two. "It's like looking at your past or something..."

(Fun Fact: There really is an island off the coast of Italy called Poveglia. It was used as a mass grave for two separate plagues--one during the Ancient Roman Empire, and another during the Dark Ages--and was even the site of an insane asylum in the 1920's. It's been called a haunted island, and even the Italian government forbids tourism there.)
(O.O Now that makes me want to go there > . <)
Rebecca sighed and pulled her coat off exposing the scars that covered her pale arms. She was not exactly all that great with battling her victims but most of the time won. She tossed the coat into her usual booth seat along with her scythe before running both her hands through her hair feeling slightly exhausted and tired.
Alice walked into the bar, a radiant smile on her face as always. Pulling off her brown coat she hung it on a hook and waved at a few acquaintances before she sat down on a stool at the bar. Flagging down a bartender she asked for something fruity and alcohol free. The brunette hated the sting and fuzzy of alcohol and had decided long ago that she would avoid the stuff at all costs. There was barely anyone in Kylen's which made Alice a little sad, she had always liked the people who had come through here. They always had new stories to tell her or things to trade that would fetch a fantastic price at her shop back home. Twisting the large white gem on her neck she waited for her drink to arrive. The gem was cool between her fingers and she could sense some darkness in the bar, but that was nothing new. "Silly gem."
(Shadows of the Damned.....niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.)

T.B. simply let the fight carry on. He didn't fuck with Reaper affairs. After the fight had ended, Aella swept up the ashes and threw them into the incinerator, while Ada made the blood evaporate with magical fire. "Jesus fuck, why does this shit happen every day!?" T.B. laid his head on the bar counter, Noe simply laughed at her desk.

"Come on, Pops, lighten up a little. It's just a little scrap in the bar."

"Then why don't you pay for it?" Noe immediately stopped laughing. "Thought so." He started fixing himself a snack of chicken and fries while the skull and it's owner bantered back and forth.
"Hey I just thought of something...If I managed to kill one version of death does that make me immortal? I mean....If I can defeat what ever creature tries to reap my soul....will that mean I can never die?"
Hunger said now in deep thought. He seemed a bit horrified at the thought of immortality.
T.B. saw Alice waving the at the bar. "Wow, you are far too innocent looking for this place." He gave the girl some Fae cider. He had forgotten to stock up on juices last night, she wouldn't notice the light amount of alcohol in it.
Alice looked up and smiled impishly, "Me? Innocent? However did you get that idea?" The bartender gave her a glass of something golden. Hoisting it to her lips she could immediately smell the honeysuckle that went into Fae cider. With a giggle of excitement the pixie looked at him, "How on seelie did Fae Cider get here?" The last time she had come here they had never even heard of Fae cider. This was certainly exciting.
Alex looked over at Hunger and said, "I wouldn't be so sure. If anything, there's bound to be one Reaper in the multiverse which is the embodiment of invulnerable."
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