Knight Hunters: Project Shine


Darkness, You said Jonothan had been contacted by Kritiker to return to America, I said earlier that Russian had contacted him with the time and place of the meeting. 11PM, Shine. You can just show up. Once I get everyone in the room you can get your mission.

Unless you've posted since I last checked, in which case please disregard this message and I will get the mission started.

If Malotov needs(or wants) a private word with the Director I can arrange that during mission planning or something. You said he's sworn loyalty to each of Kritiker's Heads in the past, but some files were lost and the new Director will be curious once he stumbles onto...certain things... far in the future...


Sorry for my absence the past couple days I'm struggling with some finals and a feral puppy. Things are sorting themselves out though.
just say he's already there.

Im struggling to keep upm with a bar and waiting shourt course im doing.

all i have is a coupla sentaces where he rocks up on a Chopper (the motorbike kind) and drinking vodka.

edit, its also molotov btw, like the bolshevick and the Molotov Cocktail (petrol in a bottle, petrol soaked rag in it, light and throw)
Add liquid detergent to make it stick better.

and sand at the bottom to make it fly better, gives it the right amount of wieght
Sorry, my in-laws auto spell correct gets the better of me sometimes. I don't know why it insists on "malotov" and I know very well what a molotov coctail is. I always preferred thermite. Or at least the ingredients were always easier to sneak off with.

I'll get on posting this evening if I can, I have some errands to run.

Now, Vay, I'm going to let you be more or less my co-GM for as long as long as you're playing the villain. Once Shine is on the boat You are going to be in charge of throwing bots at them. This all right with you?
I just remembered what can be found in the galley of most ships, military and civilian.

To quote Bert Gomer from 'Tremors':

"Just a few household chemicals in all the right proportions."
It would be a pleasure.......

I have sone wicked special moves planned for the nijabots....
I just remembered the paint locker and the HAZMAT locker.

Those're chock full of materials just waiting to be made into bombs!
Just remember to leave the passengers alive so Vay can butcher them later!

Alright, the time has come to ponder and argue over what kind of toys you wanna use to get on/into the ship! You have...hmmm A week to get posts together for this. If you haven't got a plan by next Thursday I'll give you another week, cause it's Christmas season and I know folk are busy with family and school and stuff. No rush. After that we jump right to the boat and you can just make up crap you brought along or something. Or whatever.
So, isn't like, my character the only one that goes inside the boat? I mean, besides Wild Turkey if we need to blow shit up? I mean hey, dunno how that whole Kritiker stuff works
I like the 'Charlie' remark.

Doing some POSTDEVEX.
Darkness, that's up to all of you to figure out. Who does what, who goes, who does backup blah blah. Kritiker is mostly civilian so there isn't really much of a mode of operations besides get in, do what your there to do, get out, preferably alive.

I didn't think you'd mind the line, McCarthy, but I'm glad you liked it. I cannot count the number of times I've been watching this show and someone ALWAYS says it.

Screw what I said about time limits though, just post at your own pace.
Nyaaaaah Zero..... er, SheWolf... I'm gonna call you Wolfie.... ahem... when did you want meh character bio up?

..... eh I guess if I was supposed to be stealthy with this I just screwed it up, but oh well.

*Lights up Dragonnova with forty mikes of HEDP then empties an M-16 mag of SS-109 Full Metal Jackets into her, reloading and repeating.*

Lather, rinse, repeat.