Kingdom/Race Creation Roleplay?

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That was strange, for some reason the hotlink to the map was changed or was otherwise incomplete.

Fixed it now.
oh gosh missed so many pages O.O hopefully i can be more active on the christmas break
About to change my username to something better, a new year a new day. You guys can still call me Shattered but going to change my username. Still the same guy and everything though lol.
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Heaventric mix of Heavenly and Eccentric and Than Charming... represents me lol.
So more obvious ideas for my "seafolk" race. The ability to breath underwater.. Hmm, not sure about that or if that would be allowed.
The GM's race, the Ohra, are capable of breathing both in and out of water.
I don't see why your fish-folk cannot.
The GM's race, the Ohra, are capable of breathing both in and out of water.
I don't see why your fish-folk cannot.
Thats true,
Both, in a sense.

My intended race are known as the Jingling, and have a rather odd life cycle.

When they are young, they hide in their egg shells. They can mature only by travelling and transforming into one of four different mutations based on the environment, then they return. These four metamorphosis-like mutations are akin to the four Guardian Beasts. Their king is very special.

They are pretty much a beast race. Not anthro, not were, but a full beast race.

The town itself has lots of pagodas. And pagodas. I'm actually still thinking of what more pagodas to add.
I personally love this idea because I see this as being a reason for both our races to mingle. xD
My nation will finally be up by sat night, been sick for two days so couldn't even think about doing that only been talking in ooc in all my rps so need to catch up.
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i shall also have my nation CS up by this weekend.
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I'm posting my WIP now. I kinda wanted to change my mind and go for a race based off the concept of 'Spawn of Typhon', but maybe there are other Greco-Roman races planned, and I will create an Oriental Race.

But yes, how do they build Pagodas? I'll figure that out. Maybe they alternate between walking on twos and fours or something. The bird-type varieties could possess the ability to use their wings as functioning hands.

They have long lives like elves or something. But they are still mortal.
Would it be alright if I had pirates too? I plan on making a "rebellious, faction part of my race that are free from the type of government my nation will have. Each to their own reason ofc. It would also fit with the type of race I am making.

Besides, my nation is basically surrounded by water as well, so I plan to add more to that as well. Harvesting and collecting rare materials from the bottom of the sea and such.

Still working on the details for that.

Is there any specifics I need to know about? I was just thinking that rare ores among other stuff in the same category could be found in the sea, like pearls etc. One of the reasons they will have quite the unique armor/swords/spears among other things.
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Just make it realistic in accordance with your resource stats
And what about the pirate idea?

I intend on making it realistic in terms of my resource stat indeed.. Since Ores are 8/10, so I think that should be fine if you don't mind that is.
Should've went for a place with more stone. My pagodas are made from wood and fire magic is relatively common.

Ah well.

Wait a second. If I have enough mana, can I do some magic to turn mud on the ground into building materials to make up for lack of stone?
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Should've went for a place with more stone. My pagodas are made from wood and fire magic is relatively common.

Ah well.

Wait a second. If I have enough mana, can I do some magic to turn mud on the ground into building materials to make up for lack of stone?
Lol why would you need magic to make mud buildings? All of my buildings are mud
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