Killer Romance : The Price of Love [CLOSED SIGN UPS]

  • Thread starter HelloBeautifulChild
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  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Muh, Paul's characterization has been so inconsistent. @_@ I keep flipping between wanting to portray him as helpless when dumped into an unfamiliar situation, and not wanting to make him seem like a total wimp. I really can't work up the motivation to post tonight. Maybe tomorrow.
I believe in you.
I'm really sorry I haven't been active. DX I haven't been getting alerts for this.
Eyyyyyy, soulmates! 8D Woot woot!

(Also, lemme just get this straight -- so with this next episode, everyone is going to be essentially stuck inside the cabin as it becomes nighttime and the weather gets stormy/really windy... And the wind basically carries some kind of honesty gas, causing our characters to be overly truthful about things? Is that right?)
Eyyyy! B)

I think that's what it is x3
Eyyyyyy, soulmates! 8D Woot woot!

(Also, lemme just get this straight -- so with this next episode, everyone is going to be essentially stuck inside the cabin as it becomes nighttime and the weather gets stormy/really windy... And the wind basically carries some kind of honesty gas, causing our characters to be overly truthful about things? Is that right?)
Yep, right on the nose.
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might not be posting for a couple days as I finished my moving cross country road trip! but....

now the unpacking begins.....
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Alright, I THINK I managed to reconcile all the weird reactions Paul's had, while advancing things at the same time. I'm rather proud of that post, actually. :o
  • Nice Execution!
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._. I'm proud of it too. Now just to write Rosalyn's reaction to being touched by a strange boy
Paul is all about restraint and controlling how other people view him, so writing him under the effects of compulsion gas is gonna be fun. :D
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By the way, did all you non-homestucks mostly follow me there? I'm trying to be a little more detailed and clarify things where I can, but I'm not sure if it's still understandable for someone totally unfamiliar to what I'm talking about.
I did, at least, and I've never read/watched/whatever'd a single thing of homestuck.
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I just got home from work so I'll be replying in a bit. Wasn't able to the past two days because I had a bad headache one day and the other was me making sure I didn't get any poison ivy on me which i think i did. Not sure yet but i never felt anything as far as itching goes so it may not be as well.
My fellow roleplayer(s),

After an unexpected turn of events, I am unable to continue roleplaying at this time. I do not wish to go into detail about it, and I regret to say that it is not something I can avoid. I really did have wonderful plans for this roleplay, and I had every intention of staying active and putting my full participation into it. In fact, I was absolutely excited for every roleplay that I created/participated in. However, reality is that not everything can always go as planned, and that is my current situation. I do not know when I will return, but it will be a long time. More than just a few weeks. I am truly sorry for causing any of you inconvenience, as that is not my intention. I hope you can understand, and I wish all of you the best of luck in your creative endeavors. If this little letter of mine seems a bit impersonal, it is because I am having to make the announcement in many different places--both to individuals and to groups. For those participating in a roleplay of my own creation, I apologize for letting you down as GM. If anyone wishes to take the idea and create their own little world out of it, I give you full permission. For those I am simply participating with, I apologize for letting you down as a roleplayer, especially if the roleplay was gaining ground that it might now lose. Please accept my apologies, and I hope to see you all again at some point.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Everyone I'm really sorry to say this but I cannot continue with this rp. I really wanted to be a part of it but due to circumstances that I can't control I can't keep up with this rp and give it the attention it truly deserves. I'm sorry about that and I wish you all an enjoyable time with this story and any future rp's thank you.
Good luck, both of you. :o

at least now we're back to an even number of characters
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: MagusOfTheScales
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