Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Sign ups and OOC thread!

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The Train robber's stats history/ stat sheet

Ben the Rat

Stand: Hot rat


Close range stand

Destructive Power: A
Speed: C
Range: C
Durability/Staying: C
Precision: C
Development Potential/Learning: E


Flame projection. Hot rat can shoot flames from it's claws and mouth with such force to burst a wall open

Metaling aura. Hot rat can heat to area around him, melting objects near by.

More later.
Playing on replying tomorrow morning before work to the stand battle Sorry, I've been tired today.
Brook Lin Zhu (Brooklyn Zoo by Ol dirty bastard)

Stand: Dust in the wind (Kansas)

Destruction power: C
Speed: B
Range: C
Durability / staying: B
Precision: D
Developmental Potential/Learning D

Powers Dust buster: Dust in the wind can control dust and dirt. It can also turn Brook Lin I. Dust and dirt

Black lung: Dust in the wind can choke and blind people

No damage transfer: like the fool, no damage is transfered to Brook lin
Looks like Pepper will be able to pick off other stands pretty damn easy considering one of the only other long ranged stands is pure tank xD
Fashionably late.


Character name: Dr Alban


Stand name: Sick sick sick
Stand attributes: Close range

Destructive Power: B
Speed: B
Range: D
Durability/Staying: B
Precision: C
Development Potential/Learning: A

Stand abilities: Disease manipulation - By touch Sick sick sick can create, manipulate, shape, transform, cause different diseases on its victim as well as curing them.

Nosokinetic constructs - Create constructs out of pure disease like say a blade or form and extra arm.

History and background - Picture a back alley doctor. Okay now picture a back alley doctor in a suit with questionable morals and possible lack of sanity. Dr Alban (possibly a pseudonym) likes to help people. He says he has a doctors degree...but no one's seen it. Either way he's good at his job and he wants to become better by improving people in different ways. He wants to treat all of the special little snowflakes out there in the world, for money cause hey he's not running a charity here after all.

Get a job you lazy bums!
oh yeah i forgot this thread was a thing

My idea Jeremi! My idea!

Warning to all players: In the game's future all interesting enemies stands will most likely be from Jeremi. lol
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But yeah. @Jobelle . If you're Interested., I ca n intro you asap. As soon. As professional and stand are up.

: Tool
Height: 6"2'
Weight: 95 Kg
Age: 19


Stand Name: Rosetta Stoned

Stand Attributes:

Destructive Power: A (Destructive power is nearly unmatched, might even say Infinite)
Speed: B
Range: B
Durability/Staying: D
Precision: A
Development Potential/Learning: E

Stand Abilities:
The Pot
: Rosetta Stoned can use this power to change the state of an object's "refinement" this can go either way too, from rotting meat into a pile of mold, or turning the meat back into the cow it came from

He can use this as a weapon, to alter the state of a person's body, aging it or making it younger
He can rust knives and turn bullets into scrap before they hit his body

Crawl Away: Rosetta Stoned can induce his image into the minds of his enemies, causing a range of effects, from either paralysis or fear-induced shock, to loss of bladder control and heart failure
The looping image, seeing him all around, and the psychic nature of this stand can induce insanity, if endured for a prolonged time, it can cause irreparable damage to those affected

Right in Two: Rosetta Stoned can throw a disk of psychic energy, which can slice anything it comes into contact with in two, exactly, this power is his most basic mode of attack, and has unlimited range, as long as he can see what he wants to aim at, or in rare cases, he can sense it through a wall
This power gives Rosetta Stoned impressive mobility, allowing him to clear forests or walled areas with ease, with obstacles causing no issues to him
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Reactions: Midnight Maiden

Andromeda Geneva Darlington
Age: 17
Special Talents:
-Healing Tears: Andromeda's tears have healing properties. Therefore, if one gets hurt, crying on them/their wound will heal it(to at least some extent).
-Skilled Wordsmith: While this isn't a magical ability, Meda is extremely skilled with words, and twisting them if necessary. This makes her an expert liar,

Stand name: Vision of Division
Stand type: Special Stand
Destructive Power: D(Can throw hits, but that's about it)
Speed: C
Range: A
Durability/Staying: C
Precision: B
Development Potential/Learning: B

Stand Abilities:
-Heightened Perception: Vision can, in short, see things others can't. She can also hear, touch, smell, and feel these things(and things others can as well, at a much higher-than-average level) as well. This often leads to her being considered insane, though these things she hears and sees are snippets of visions; be they of the past of the area around her, or past the walls of different dimensions.
-Retrocognition: This ability is activated upon touch. Whenever Vision touches a person/place/thing, there is a chance she'll see into the past of that person/place/thing(It's easy to tell when she's in one, as her eyes go from their normal icy blue to this until the vision has ended). These glimpses are completely unpredictable, and range greatly in duration, quality, and many other things. They can last as long as she keeps contact with it(typically at most), and the timeframe she sees is completely unpredictable.
-Perception Projection: When in a vision, Vision can- if she manages to focus enough -project this vision to those around her. This is a difficult and straining process, however, and she often needs a bit of time to rest after doing this.
-Wing Shield: This ability is solely Vision being able to use her wings in a defensive manner; meaning she can wrap them around herself or another to try to shield off attacks.

History and background:​
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