Iwaku Royalty

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I am the frickin' Houdini of this place! I run the disappearing act like a boss!
The October Knight
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Wandering wizard bear Druid that seems to have his paws/hands in too many things at once.

Often noisy. Growls a lot. Likes (plot) candy. Enjoys music.
The strange, unknown witch who tends to keep to herself until a brilliant (read: probably silly) new formula comes into her head, at which point she attempts to round up a bunch of unassuming townsfolk to help bring her ridiculous scheme into reality. Travels to town occasionally in the form of an equally silly-looking cat (or bat) intending to merely spy and keep an eye on the goings on, yet somehow always gets into an intense discussion.
The emotionless rogue with a great sense of tactics that loves to put poison in everyone's food.
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