It's not so bad...

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Hian knew Louis was upset, but also that he would get over it. "I am sorry we didn't tell you this earlier" Hian smiled. "No, I totally understand that. I am glad you did" Louis smiled and let go of Hian. "Let's watch a movie" Hian said, already standing up to put one in.
((Sorry I didn't answer bae <3 Dx))

Zachary walked back into the living room while feeding Arianna. He smiled at Louis glad he wasn't screaming and running for the hills. He sat on the couch smiling down at his daughter as she are. She was so cute.
"What movie is that?" Zachary asked softly, eyes never leaving Arianne.
"the fellow ship of the ring" they said at the same time and then chuckled. "we might do a marathon" Hian leaned his head on Zach's shoulder. "wanne join honey?" he asked and looked at Arianne.
"Sure." Zachary stated glancing up at the television. He would have shrugged but his shoulder was somewhat occupied. Zachary kissed the top of Hian's head and leaned his on top. This was amazing. He had a family. This was all he ever wanted and Hian was the cause. Thank Jesus for bars.
Zachary pulled the bottle away once Arianne finished and pulled her up and patted her back, burping her.
"you're only allowed to join if you get me booze" Louis said and then snickered. Hian punched him in the shoulder. "you've got an own pair of legs and I am the only one that bosses Zachary around" Louis laughed "okay okay"
"Damn straight." Zachary laughed. He held no shame in Hian being the boss. Actually he loved it, the boy was his little firecracker and it was cute (not to mention sexy as hell) when he gets stern.
"damn gay" Louis said and then grabbed a pillow to block Hian's next punch. "I got news by the way!" he suddenly said so enthusiastic that Hian stopped hitting the pillow. "I met a girl and she's called Lilly, I asked her on a date and she said yes. She's really pretty"
"Nice now don't screw it up with your weirdness." Zachary teased. His statement was punctuated with a very loud burp from Arianne. Zachary held her in front of himself, surprise written all over his face. "That's daddy's girl!" He chuckled. Arianne gurgled and reached for Hian.
"I'm not weird" Louis says and squeaks when Arianne burps. Hian takes her in his arms and smiles. "hey baby" she claps her hands and this makes Hian laugh
"Oh really?" Zachary snickered. He smirked at Louis and ruffled his hair. "You'll do fine. I'm happy for ya man." Zachary said sincerely. He sat back, arms on the back I the couch as he lounged. "You guys are turning me into a softie." Zachary chuckled.
Hian raised his eyebrows and held Arianne against his chest. "oh I'm sorry, what do you want me to do then"he said sarcastically and giggled. Louis stands up. "guess I'll get my own booze then" he mumbled and Hian laughs. "dry white for me" he shouts behind him. "you're underage!" he shouts back. "I am married and have a kid!" "you're still underage"
"Make me soup." Zachary smirked knowing how much Hian hated soup. He chuckled and watched as Louis and Hian bickered. "You are underage Hian." Zachary smirked loving riling up his husband. "Don't you wanna set a good example for Arianne?" Zachary's smirk only widened.
Hian gave him a death glare. "she won't remember it when I am 21" he rolled his eyes and she started to fall asleep. "and she has us as parents, she's already damned" Louis came walking in with a beer for himself and Zach, holding a glass of white wine for Hian. "here you go malady" he joked and Hian felt as if he was running out of glares. "I need the whole bottle to put up with you two"
"You're the one that said yes." Zachary teased. He thanked Louis for the beer and took a swig. He sighed content with his small family. He took another swig ruffling Hian's hair. "You love us."
He mumbled something and then sipped his drink. Louis sat down "Hian I know you have a dick so don't go all whiny" he smirked and Hian's lips curled up too. "I hate youuuu"
"That's debatable." Zachary snickered softly. He winked at Hian and made a kissy face. Zachary totally knew he was gonna get in trouble for his little comment.
"you're a dead man Zachary" Louis said giggling and Hian nodded confirming. "go dig your grave" Louis added and then laughed, waking Arianne up. "no daddy won't die, he will just get a good kick under his arse" Hian said shooting the kid
Zachary shrugged. "Yeah but I had to. It was perfect." Zachary chuckled. He set his beer down and nuzzled Hian's neck. "I promise I'll make it up to you. You did buy me that uniform~" he whispered softly, nibbling on Hian's neck. Zachary pulled back and rubbed Arianne's back. "It's okay crazy uncle Louis was joking."
Hian blushed a deep red which didn't go unnoticed by Louis. "Zach there is a baby here you can't go dirty talk on him now" he chuckled and Hian slapped his knee. "shut up"
"Hian likes it." Zachary laughed. He leaned back, arms behind his head, smirking proudly. He winked at Hian mouthing 'wait till later.' Before chuckling to himself. Zachary grabbed his beer and chugged the rest. He finished with a satisfied sigh and stood. "Want another?" He asked Louis on his way to the kitchen for another beer.
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