It Was Just a Kiss...

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"I dare you to call you next door neighbor and sing 'I'm A Little Teapot'".
"What?! Are you serious?!"
"I am going to kill you." he scowls and walks over to the telephone.
The telephone goes straight to voice mail. Eli says the teapot lyrics but doesn't sing them. He hangs up, "There. Happy?"
"Ohhhh well. To late now." he shrugs then smirks.
Eli sticks his tongue out at her, "Kiss my ass." he chuckles.
"No way!" She says. "Now call her again. I dared you to sing it, not speak it!" She makes a face.
Eli smirks, "Make me." he begins walking away.
"Fine," she says. Taking a few steps backwards, she takes a running leap and tackles him to the floor.
Eli almost falls to the floor but then catches his balance. He smirks, "Is that the best you got?"
"Right now, yeah. Its too late for physical exertion." And then, randomly asks, "Do you have any marshmallows?"
This made Eli laugh, "What? Yes." He goes down stares with her on his back.
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He laughs and opens one of the cabinets and grabs the marshmallows.
"Marshmallows!" She said happily, reaching to grab them from Eli.
Eli chuckles and moves his hand so she cannot reach them.
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