It started with an egg...

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The meat was put away at a remarkable speed, proving that his teeth were sharp, even if they were new. The last piece got caught in his throat for a moment, making him hack and cough for a few moments, before managing to cough it up, only to bite into it, and eating it again.
Rin looked concerned when the piece got caught in his throat but was glad he managed to take care of himself. "I told you to be careful," she mumbled, more to herself than to him. Once he was finished she pet his head and started to clean up the counter.
Asm wasnt content with just eating the meat he was served, no, after licking his maw clean of fat and juices, he started licking the counter. He wanted as much of this juicyness as he could get!
Rin smiled a little, if that was what he wanted she would let him lick the counter for a little while. After a few minutes she pulled him away and finished cleaning. Then, she set Asm on the floor and stretched.
Asm tharashed slightly in Rin's hands as he was lifted off the counter, not happy to be pulled away before he was done. Yet as he was placed on the floor, he started skittering quickly towards his lair, leaping a few feet away from it. He flapped his wings, and managed to get high and far enough to reach the ledge, only to run inside.
Rin smiled and finished cleaning up, she then returned to her seat. She didn't really know what to do for now but she watched his "lair" carefully. She had to make sure he wouldn't get hurt. As the day went on she couldn't help but yawn. she hated being interrupted while she slept but for now she couldn't possibly leave him unattended just to take a nap.
Asm stayed in his lair all day, alternating between growling and snoring. Yet as the sun started go down, it shone directly in through the window, and into his lair. As soon as he noticed, he came to the door, and looked at the sunset, only to leap down, and run over to the window, to get closer to it, murring eagerly.
Rin smiled and watched him run to the window to watch the sunset. She was enjoying her own dinner, having long since started to do other things. She only looked over when she heard him leap from his hiding place. She watched him for a moment as she ate.
Asm stood up on his back feet, and put his front feet against the glass of the window. He murred and whined, wanting to somehow get closer to the giant ball of fire that seemed to be setting fire to the sky. It was in his nature, as a dragon of the fire aspect, though he had no idea why yet.
Rin simply watched him with a soft smile. she figured he'd want to go outside but she couldn't have him sprinting off on her. Instead she remained seated to watch him.
Asm kept tapping at the window and whining, far from happy with being stuck inside! He turned to look at her, without stopping his tapping, with pleading eyes, whining "Yhou!"
Rin walked over to him. "We can go outside but you gotta stay with me okay?" She said softly as she picked him up. she knew he couldn't understand her but she didn't want to deny him a beautiful sunset. She headed out with him in her arms, knowing all to well he'd soon be flailing about trying to run away towards the sun. He certainly liked fire and she knew that was why he wanted outside.
As they went outside, his whimpering got louder, and he started flapping his wings in an attempt to fly off towards it, oblivious to his lack of movement. Yet after a few moments of intense flapping, the reality caught up with him, and he stopped, as he didn't get any closer by his flaps, so he instead focused all his energy on simply staring at the sun.
Rin held onto him still. She started to pet his head gently. At least for now he was staying put, she continued to hold onto him as she rubbed his head. She knew one day she'd have to let him explore outside but she hoped it would be some time off.
He murred and whimpered at the sight, never having seen such beauty in his life. He felt like flying off into it for some reason. Yet he knew he couldn't escape the strong hands holding him. There was also something in him that told him it was not time for that yet. But that time would come. And he would be of great importance.
Rin watched him carefully and tried to ignore a few scratches she got when he had struggled against her. She could tell he loved the sight and could hear a bit of longing in his whimpers, but she couldn't just let him go. He was far too little.
He stayed there in her arms, softly whimpering as the sun continued it's decent. Before long, it had passed below the horizon, and the darkness and cold would soon start setting inn. Asm craned his neck back until he looked at his mother upside down.

Rin smiled a bit and took him back inside. "It'll be back in the morning my little one." She said as she shut the front door and set him down. She smiled a bit at him, he knew one whole word and that alone impressed her. She hoped he would learn many, many languages in his life and become strong and intelligent.
Seasons passed, becoming years. The little drake grew and learned, learning the basics of speech, becoming better at flying, and learning quite a few lessons about how to behave among the smaller races.

But a few months after Asmazus' 5th hatching-day, the sun rose once more, the rays hitting him in the face, rousing him from his sleep. Slowly, he stood up, and stretched as long as he was, flapping his wings a few times. He walked over to the door, and with a experienced paw, he opened the door, before heading for the kitchen.
Rin was still asleep in her room. She'd spent most of the night cleaning up after having been out all day meeting her mysterious fellow. She'd only mentioned him in passing to Asmazus trying not to worry him to much. She had the blankets pulled up over her head as she slept. When he reached the kitchen he noticed she had yet to come down. It was slightly chilly as she hadn't gotten around to getting up, which meant no fire in the fireplace. It was early and he was usually up before her anyways.
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