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Mina Van Helsing

Mina wandered along at Dracula's side as she side-glanced to that of him as she allowed her eyes to roll briefly to his comment at her as she herself allowed her feet to stop in their tracks. Her emerald hues pierced to the toying demeanor of his gaze as she breathed soft and slowly maneuvered in closer to him as her finger jabbed light into his chest before her head tilted back to meet his gaze. A light fire stirred like embers there as her voice fell calm for him to hear."You're going to obey me and my lead for the simple fact that I am now your handler and choose to be as cocky and flirtatious as you deem to wish. I'm not open to those kind of things as of right now so try to keep it in your pant's and we will get along splendidly. Understood Smart-Mouth?" She asked in question to him as those words still claimed a silken demeanor as she spoke to him alone. Her gaze held a shield of its own to him as she seemed to be keeping him from her mind and from breaching what truly laid within the domain of her mind. Yet , in their brief closeness to one another.. She felt herself inhale sharply as this closeness rang in clear reminder of how long it had been since she had been near a man.. The proximity of their closeness clouded her senses as she flushed crimson in frustration and something else as she spun on the heel of her boot to let her sheathed blades clink against her form. Her flaming locks spilled down the line of her revealed back where one could see the beginning markings of her tattoo held there as the tail of the snake seemed lifelike and moved down further from sight."You'll have to learn to tolerate or respect me one of these days.. I'm not Van Helsing and I know you're holding me to his standard and in time you will learn I am but a mere fragment held to his memory." She finished calmly before her watch began to blink brightly and ring in a clear alarm as she flickered her gaze down quickly to watch the video surveillance appear to reveal the roaming swarms of mechanical spider specimens engaging with other members in different divisions as she sighed lowly and pinched the bridge of her nose."I swear these people give far to much leeway on their leashes to some individuals.. Are you up to handling some of this madness or are you to famished to engage?" She said with soft play in her look as her head rested back on her shoulder to reveal her eerie violet glowing eyes as her weapon glowed to life and held unsheathed as it hissed menacingly in the process as she asked the device to direct them in the proper direction.

Hearing his handler stop the vampire could not help but smirk as he turned and faced those defiant and passionate emerald orbs. Her mirrors of her own tainted soul. Such a shame that he was already estimating he would have to take her life at some point before the possession of her body fully took hold. When she poked at his chest his eyes gleamed naturally with a dangerous glint to them. Once again the Helsing line would test him. They all did. A fact that both annoyed and entertained him. "That I am... Until the end of your days. But I am not simple tool or weapon as you are surely well aware." He said simply with his own discolored gaze held unwavering to her own. Her last words at the moment forced a chuckle from his false young form he currently held. "O my dear....I have tempted quite a few of your line. You may think yourself immune to such things but I am also never short of surprises...." He said gently gliding his finger across her cheek. "Had you not....acquired a new roommate perhaps I would have truly enjoyed the chance to make our bond all the more intimate" He whispered with a pure sense of seduction. His gaze locked into her own but behind the charm and allure held a dark threat within, a silent declaration to the occupant of her soul that he would not tolerate, before he pulled away from her. "I will behave. For now."

"I hold you to your ancestor's standard due to his own request. Fragment or will hold to him in some way. It is only natural. He was no simple man in any case either. I know what holds you back....but so does the demon within you Mina." He said with a calm steady expression before he crossed his arms and looked a bit over his shoulder.

"I am up to whatever my master wishes me to accomplish. You only need to command me. These little bugs hold no interest to When we go out on the field...I may get the chance at some fresh blood once again." He said with his now crimson eyes locked with her own violet gaze before his gaze moved suddenly and in a blur of an instant he stood at her back with his grip around one of the small robotic arachnids which he crushed in his palm with the same ease as one would a piece of paper.

"Do try not to let the dear doctor's toys leave any other unpleasant markings on you master of mine....." He said with a smirk that showed off the tips of his fangs in that moment. "Care to indulge me with the honor of witnessing whatever skills and abilities you have developed."
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Yuri Zotov

The sound of beeping and the smell of sanitized everything let Yuri know that he was back to the waking world. Part of him hoped that the ordeal involving the wolf-man was a nightmare, and that he had gotten injured from hunting something else. Something natural.

However, when he opened his eyes and didn't see one of his relatives or Russian words on the posters, his hope died. And in its place arose fear. Not about being in what seemed to be a hospital, but if he had hurt anyone. If he recalled correctly, he remembered there was a full moon. Then, he blacked out and now he was here.

After making sure all of his limbs were working right, he slowly got out of the bed. Taking care not to remove the needles and wires, as he didn't want to injure himself or do great harm to himself by pulling out something incorrectly. Once out of bed, he had to hold onto something as dizziness overtook him. It must've been awhile since he had walked to incur such a feeling. As Yuri was in the midst of getting back into the swing of walking again. He faintly heard someone talking, and they sounded like they were getting closer. Wanting answers, Yuri didn't try to get back into bed and pretend to be unconscious.

In stepped what appeared to be a man wearing a doctor's coat, he was looking at a clipboard before looking up at Yuri. His expression changing from an indifferent one to one of shock. "You're finally awake?" And before Yuri could ask any questions, the doctor leaned into the hall, yelling out. "Let one of the spokespeople that the Russian patient is awake!" With that said, the doctor leaned back into the room with Yuri. "Until someone gets here to talk to you, we are gonna do a standard checkup. As you have out been for awhile." For the next few minutes, the doctor had Yuri do some standard, such as eyesight, hearing, reflexes. And answering some of Yuri's questions, save for the ones involving where Yuri was, and what was going on. Those questions were met with redirection or ignored.

Yuri hoped that someone else would arrive soon. One that could answer his questions....
Department of Defense
Like many a day before and more than likely would be many a day after, the day for one Melisent Nobili had started off later than many and accompanied by tea. The gentle but energizing aroma of Yunnan was what her mind and body called for; a desire for a taste of something deep and somewhat sweet before falling into the business of the day. On top of her usual charges she had recently gleaned news of some transfers coming in, and soon after was handed some paperwork on a few of them. In her usual fashion she had but glanced over them briefly before setting them aside, their arrival dates still a ways into the future, but time had quickly passed and soon was it time for her to actually look them over in earnest. For that, she would certainly need a little booster to get her through.

So there she was, papers spread out before her to engulf one of the tables in one of the many common rooms, a delicate looking tea cup decorated with ornate floral designs holding the still steaming drink of choice within just off to one side, and the matching tea pot to the other. Though Melisent's attitude towards many was prickly and not entirely inviting, she still very much insisted on doing her work in such public spaces. It made her mind feel a little more open to absorbing information. She also felt that it left her to be more readily available in case someone was to need her assistance - which was entirely inevitable in her opinion. Someone as great as herself was always sought out for their nigh divine wisdom by those less fortunate. How considerate of a supervisor she was to all!

"I should take it as a sign of acknowledgement from the higher ups that they would give me more possible servants," she mused aloud to herself, golden eyes scanning over the background details of one transfer. "But what they really should give me is a personal assistant. Paperwork is horrendous for my noble sensibilities!" With a huff Melisent folded her arms atop the table and placed her head upon them, a look of general miffedness on her face. "It's not enough to make me tired all the time, I guess. They have to find other ways to keep me drained. This is abusive - Rude. Inconsiderate. Abusive. I'm reporting this." In reality she wouldn't, but that didn't keep her from making the threat.

She breathed in deeply and let out an equally deep sigh. Her revelation had lessened her desire to review the files further, despite the time she had been reviewing numbering perhaps past the first half hour. "I deserve a break." With that declaration she began to turn her gaze elsewhere. She had yet to see anyone come and go in the room she was occupying, and a quick sweep of the room showed her much of the same. Where was everyone? Probably doing things for themselves, be it work or personal matters. To this she gave another huff, mumbling about how no one was ever around when she needed them. "Fine, I see how it is. I'm not so subdued that I can't entertain myself."

And so Melisent closed one of her eyes.

From its place, tucked away and hanging from the ceiling in one corner of the room, a large violet colored eye scanned the room curiously. The night before she had known about the simulation scheduled for the newer recruits. Though she knew of them there were some that she simply had not taken the time to acquaint herself with, or they had simply not seen it fit to show reverence to her in the form of first greetings gifts. While mildly upset over this, nevertheless did she want to observe the new recruits in action. If any showed promise for her department, she wanted to get right onto the proper channels to influence decisions made about which branch they were to be sorted into. Melisent was greedy in that manner; she wanted all the promising talent under her command. With that in mind, she had sent one of her beloved little Beady Eyes to make themselves comfortable in the designated training room. Uppers were asked not to involve themselves too much in such exercises, so she would find a way to observe the live show without actually being there. Genius.

The image of the common room was quickly cut in half, replaced by the well-lit interior of the simulation control room. At the moment it seemed no one was inside, making Melisent perk a well manicured brow in question. Usually there was someone at the reigns during these. Perhaps they were doing a live exercise of some sort? That sounded quite interesting. With but a thought she bid her creature to move closer, its fleshy wings unfurling to fly its way closer to the observation window and perching its round softball-sized self atop one of the consoles. Once there she could make out the new recruits, whom appeared to have banded together for the sake of the exercise, which seemed to involve rings - probably to do something like destroy or collect. Already Melisent was liking what she was seeing. As powerful as a lone wolf may sound, it is the pack that brings the larger prey down. The ability to work as a team was favorable to the red haired gal. Hopefully they could keep it together under pressure - which she knew there would be.

Along with the recruits in the room was another, more familiar face, to which the very sight brought an endeared smile to Melisent's lips. "Big Brother Sable~" Yes, out of those in the Defense branch the docile demon was one of those she favored. While in no way, shape or form where they related on the blood front, she quite often insisted that their similar appearances was grounds enough - at least in her mind. Ah, and the lovely imprint that he showed her when she glanced at the other side. It was so steeped with strong emotions that the mere thought made a shiver run through her. It was hard not to hug him on sight. Distance would keep her from doing as she desired though, and while she could go over and see him, she would rather not barge in on a training exercise that he was helping to oversee. Instead she would suffice with seeing him, one hand unfurling from the tangle to give a somewhat listless wave of her fingers. "I'll come see you later, okay?"

She may have gone on with watching the exercise, her attention bouncing in between the recruits and Sable, if not for the sounds of commotion catching it instead. At first she attempted to ignore it, wanting to allow someone else to handle whatever it was that was happening. It wasn't until an explosion rang out that she felt that just couldn't happen. Begrudgingly she opened her eye, her focus returning to the room before floating to the doorway. "Really, what is going on out there?" Quickly she began to close one eye, then open it to close the other. She didn't just have one Beady Eye out at any time, and once her own alertness started a similar desire to search out the cause would have compelled her roaming summons to do the same.

Hallway, mess hall, gardens, bedroom - all were flipped through like the channels of a television in hopes of pinpointing what was happening. Nothing. She was coming up with nothing. Just as Melisent began to fume at the lack of intel coming from her aerial spies, movement out of the corner of one Beady Eyes vision drew her in. At first she had thought it the movements of others, as she had seen several agents dispatching to do just as she was, but the movement was different. "Was that... Was that a spider?" Immediately Melisent urged the Beady Eye to pursue, the flying creature quickly making its way down the hall and away from the labs. There, scurrying across the wall, was a rather large looking spider made up of metal. This made Melisent's open eye narrow in displeasure. "And here they once worried about my pets getting out and making a mess. Hmph!

While keeping an eye on the creature the best she could through her shared vision, Melisent's hand began to turn to and fro. Her fingers fanned inwards towards her palm slowly, as if beckoning someone or something closer. Soon enough, what appeared to be a literal tear in the refraction of light manifested at her side, the pieces at the edges fluttering like shredded cloth in a brisk wind. From this tear a long, almost reptilian snout would emerge, followed by a bony form that barely held upon it both muscle and patches of what could have been either fur or hair, what skin remained pulled taut over it. The Paladin Beast approached her outstretched hand, sniffing it for a moment before nudging it with the top of its head to elicit a loving head rub. "Ladi, do me a favor." As she spoke the image of the spider she had seen was imprinted into the beast's mind, causing it to perk up its mangled ears and tilt its head. Melisent cast her gaze down to the beast, then gave a modest but sweet smile. "Go hunting."

The words had barely left her lips before the beast lunged, claws clattering against the corporate flooring as it dashed towards the last known location.

Content to watch, Melisent finished her cup of tea before settling herself into her pose at the table once more, one eye closed and fixated on the possible action to come.
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Adam Kane code named Akira
Interacting with @Dao Ma @Valor
Targeting @Mars Walker

Adam walked in with his fellow Agents, he took a moment to appreciate the view of the simulator. It hadn't been to long since he had been in here a rookie trying to prove himself. He smiled and watched Storm narrow in on his opponent. He found them and was off, "good luck Storm, remember to go easy on them." He called out. Adam faced Renegade who looked as though she was searching for her own mark. "Renegade good luck, I'm off." He said as he dashed off into the simulation hugging the shadows.

Adam took in a deep breath through his nose in order to find his Target. As he took in his breath a vast amount of information was gathered. He could smell multiple individuals, sweat, metal, and slight a floral fragrance. 'Why wear perfume to something like this' he thought. He decided to go after the closest target. He leapt onto a platform careful not to make any sound. He landed softly staying out of sight. He was just about to start his attack when the scent he was tracking dissappeared.

'What the hell he thought' he stopped and took in more scents until it popped up again this time close to the ring. "Shit, must be able to teleport." He said as he ran to the ring, he saw the individual climb out of their portal and reach for the ring. 'It's gonna be close' he thought. Adam ran faster then faster still he was reaching Olympic record speeds until he was within his goal. He leapt out in order to stop the ring from being captured.

If he made it in time he would body check his new target out of the way. if he was to late and she got the ring he would have to jump over her and continue to the next target. He got closer as did she, it was a race that only one person knew they were running. He made it just in time to gently swat her arm away from the ring. "Hello, I'm Akira and I'll be your opponent today."
[fieldbox="Seier Rose : Simulation Room, black, solid, 10"] Just as she was about to get the ring, a tall man with black hair swatted her arm away from it. Seier jumped backwards, growling angrily at him. His calm and formal introduction only served to piss her off more so.

"Oi, yer here tae try an get in ma way, don' ye try an' sugarcoat it!" She hissed, standing up straight and slowly getting into an offensive stance, planting her feet sturdily on the ground, "Bolt, ya mangled fud, or ay'll rip a new dimension in yer feckin' arsehole!" Seier shouted, her grey eyes glinting aggressively.

If ay can distract 'em enough during a fight, I can slip my hand aer foot into another dimension an' take tha' fockin' ring!

Seier figured her plan was foolproof enough, and she felt energized like never before. She noticed the the man carried a gun- nothing she hadn't faced before. She was confident that Akira wouldn't use it on her, so she decided to pay it no attention. Without letting Akira respond, Seier stepped forwards on her left foot and twisted her body, lifting her leg up and swinging into Akira's side, hopefully completing a successful roundhouse kick. Seier may have been a few stories shorter than Akira, but she packed quite a punch despite her petite build. [/fieldbox]

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The cafeteria was relatively quiet today, not something Jet Celeris was used to. As the blonde man sat down at an empty table he pulled the small cooler he carried with him to his side and looked around, wondering where everyone was. Even as he cracked open the cooler and began pulling various food items out of it, the confusion never left him. It was lunch time, right? Sure Jet was a little earlier than he usually was, but that's only because he was explicitly banned from watching the newbies train today. Something about him being too excitable. Whatever the reason, it just left Jet bored, hence the early lunch. However, Jet couldn't believe that people only showed up for food en masse at exactly lunch time. That would be weird.

Regardless of reasoning, the cafeteria was barren, save for a small few spread out people, as Jet chomped into a random food item, scanning the room as he did. After a moment or two, as well as a couple of large food items, Jet spotted something on the wall. It looked like a metal spider almost, but less like a T-1000 spider and more like a Replicant spider. Jet made a mental not he still had to finish watching that tv show when he next got the chance as he packed up his things and approached the spider.

"Hey there lil' fella. Who do you belong to? Unless...Are you a new agent? I mean, stranger things have happened. I heard that one branch recruited a ghost haunting a suit of power armor, so why not a robot spider?" Jet said, approaching the machine ever closer until he was within arms reach. "But wait. You're a robot...Why are you in the cafeteria? Robots don't eat food...Or...Or do they?" Jet stopped for a minute and appeared to become lost in thought. "Wait! If you're not an agent, that means you're a wayward robot. That could be dangerous...Hmmm..." Jet mused, just long enough for the robot to spring at him. Jet yelped in surprise as his arm lashed out, catching the machine in mid air, and blowing it in half. As Jet leaned over to inspect the wreck, he made a face of concern. "I really hope you weren't an agent." He mumbled as he lifted the two halves and wandered off to find someone who knew more about this than he did. He could probably have gotten answers faster if he used his com, but it itched his skin so he left it in his bunk today.
[fieldbox="C O N D U I T, #242424, solid, 10"]
[glow=grey]' A m p l i f y ' --.. t-ta[/glow]rget... gained! Wait, did my powers choose-- OH, GOD...!!

Biting her lip with sheer fear as her 'amplify' seemed to have targeted the person who could create portals, Vyla instantly felt a wave of fear as she felt her eye colour change, her whole very spirit change somewhat, and she watched as her 'invisible' energy quickly began to manifest into a visual form, causing swirling colours to envelop around Seier's portals. Without a word, the dimension creator seemed to jump right into a portal, causing Vyla to suddenly feel a little dizzy, and her vision to blur, as if she was getting 'disconnected' from the power source she was boosting.

A-ah... if she leaves my sight range, then I can't ' amplify ' her powers anymore! I-I'd better follow behind her and hope she doesn't yell at me for getting in her way... oh, lord, please don't let going through this thing kill me, please don't-

Swallowing back her fear, Vyla closed her eyes, her whole body trembling with dread as she braced herself and ran into Seier's portal. As expected, she instantly regretted her actions, not knowing where the hell she'd ended up.

Oh, G-God... what did I do, why did I do this, why did I do this, why me why me why me-

All she could see after the initial, complete darkness, was the dimension-y create-y person flicking her fingers and creating all sorts of shit. ...Was her amplifications really making this much of a difference to the hat-bearing girl's capabilities, or was she already basically a God of her own realm before she even amplified her? Internally screaming at this place she couldn't even begin to understand, Vyla was glad that Seier soon made another portal out of the place, discreetly following behind her and trying her best not to scream for her mother.

Thankfully, she reappeared near-ish where Seier had, and double-thankfully, they were still in the simulation and not in the middle of a volcano. Holding her head and wobbling a little, that glass of water sure would've been awesome if it materialized into her hand right now, because interdimensional travel made her want to hurl. As Seier went to grab what would be hopefully the first of many rings, however, a scary as shit looking guy jumped out of nowhere, announcing that he was going to probably beat the crap out of them or something.

However, an idea suddenly hit Vyla as she watched the fellow short girl not even hesitate to take the professional agent head-on. Her own rings weren't too far away... and now that there weren't those unfair obstacles anymore, she could run away here, and go and grab her own, right? She could easily get 5; maybe even 6! And maybe end with a half-decent score, and not get put on janitor duty for another 3 wee-

-No! She couldn't do that. There was no way she would do that! She couldn't just run and fend for herself in here; if she was going to ever die on some stupid mission in the future, she didn't want to be remembered as a coward, damn it! Feeling another odd burst of courage from being around Seier, the colour of Vyla's eyes suddenly went from colourless to a deep silver, and her hair went from pale white to a faded auburn as she joined Seier's side to take on Akira, an agent multiple ranks above her for good reason.

[glow=grey]"Make it double, ya fuckin' arsepiece! Choke on..."[/glow] Vyla stuttered a little, unsure what she was going to do; she didn't want to get in the way of Seier's wild moves. Wildly improvising, Vyla bent over abruptly, seemingly preparing something. [glow=grey][/glow][glow=grey]"...THIS!!"[/glow]

Slipping off her right shoe, Vyla straight-up
threw it as hard as she could in Akira's direction. There was nothing special about her attack. She'd literally just... thrown her shoe at him. Instantaneously, Vyla regretted her actions, even if she hadn't had full control over them.

W...w-why did I just do that? Why did I just insult a PROFESSIONAL AGENT?! Aaahhh... I-I'm so dead, I'm so dead... t-these stupid side effects of these stupid powers are gonna get me killed!
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[fieldbox="Who You Gonna Call?, #242424, solid, 10"]

Rostam worked diligently, albeit distracted by what his previous co-worker had mentioned to him. She took her work seriously here, she thought INVICTUS was truly capable of good and claimed to have seen it, despite being trapped in this pretend garden all day. Trapped. It was the perfect word to describe this place. The facility was one big trap that Rostam had unwillingly been flung into, maybe he was ungrateful, didn't make the current situation suck any less. All Rostam wanted was freedom and despite the leniency INVICTUS gives their agents, the fact that at any moment they could restrict him from doing something for their own purposes bothered him for whatever reason.

Rostam briefly paused in his work to look up at the ceiling. He muttered some word in magic and the room's walls illuminated with Elven script. They were just thoughts, things Rostam would think about when he was bored, a particular one by his desk at the alchemy table read: Keep going. As the wall instructed Rostam got back to work, tossing the equipment he had just finished in his done pile and grabbing the next. He kept going, grabbing the next and the next, eventually, Rostam was done. He stretched his arms up to the ceiling and muttered another magic word to hide his scribbles.

He scratched his neck, taking a rest as he stared at the wall and got lost in thought. There wasn't much else to do, well there was his language studies he still had to finish, but that could be completed another time. Without much to motivate him it seemed Rostam was content on sitting like a rock in his chair. The sudden explosion occurring somewhere in the building was enough to jolt him awake. Getting out of his chair at the alchemy desk he took a slow breath out as he left his lab. He shoved his hands into his pockets and started for the door, but he hadn't gotten two steps out of his lab when he heard screaming.

"What the hell is going on?" Rostam grumbled as he swung the door open, a wind blast spell ready to go.

Seeing nothing initially he started chanting gibberish, readying several spells as he walked. He could hear the sound of something mechanical as he moved, it wasn't loud, but it wasn't quiet either. Rostam paused just to analyze the noise, noting the many different things making it and the speed at which it went. Before he knew it a bunch of mechanical spiders were trying to zoom passed him.

"Stupid bugs! Stay out!" Rostam shouted as he slammed his palms on the ground, creating a whirlwind, blocking entry to the M.O. hallway. The remaining ones that got through were trapped by his next spell; Wind Prison, which ensared them in a little ball as they were mashed to pieces. Rostam, while basking in his glory, continued to hear the sound. They had climbed into the ventilation. "I take it back, they're smart little bugs." Rostam said as he reached his arms out.

"Ientv sagnum te da mlagap mrientaleo, tonfluunc, da mexun anima aem, martup a empestat xov estentaro mantat ficerene mastitatev, te ni eurorf eimittered! Eeleasr mlenup mentuv!" Rostam chanted creating a strong gust that flowed throughout the INVICTUS base ventilation system.

The winds traveled fast throughout the system, the grates making a whistling sound as the passed over them, and pushed the spiders out through whatever opening the gust escaped through. However, it worked against him, only pushing the bugs out the M.O. lab's ventilation. He could already here everyone running around trying to stomp at the things, some shooting them. Rostam rubbed his head.

"Probably, should have added a verse for vision so I could see what the hell I was doing. Whatever. I should go round up the rest, they should be able to handle this." Rostam sighed.

The spiders were quite a bother, if they got into too much, then everyone would have some cleaning up to do. There were a million jobs that Rostam wouldn't try to talk his way out of; cleaning did not fall on this list. With a snap of his fingers the wall of wind exploded into blades of wind that cut up some spiders trying to climb back into the ventilation. He then reached his hand out and chanted another spell, this time adding a verse of vision to see what he was doing, and summoned a bunch of wind traps that ensnared and crushed the spiders they came in contact with.

However, Santa happened to get caught in one of the traps. Rostam was really glad he had chosen to put a verse of vision in this spell. He released Santa and his... spider?

"What the fuck."
Rostam said as he released his hold on the magic entirely. He stormed down the hall and look around the corner to see a giant oaf sitting on the floor with a smashed spider next to him. Santa twiddled his thumbs and Rostam's eyes started to glow a faint red. "Is this your doing Kris?" Rostam asked with crossed arms, looking down on Santa.

Santa smiled sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders. "No idea who did it."

Rostam squatted down and lifted up the trashed spider Santa was once riding. He examined it then glared at Santa. "Okay, then where and how did you get this?"

"Now, I know you susp-" Santa was instantly cut off as Rostam summoned a tornado under him. When he landed Rostam dropped the spider and continued passed Santa. "He seems really bothered by these spiders." Santa pulled out his phone and dialed up his elves in the north pole.

Meanwhile, Rostam continued on, wasting mana on just trying to find the little bastards. Soon enough Santa caught up to Rostam and handed him a weird device, it looked like something from one of those old ghostbuster movies. Rostam took the machine and examined before turning to Santa. "What the hell is this?"

"A vacuum with radar." Santa explained.

"A vacuum?" Rostam laughed. Santa then went over and started sucking up spiders from areas Rostam hadn't even thought to check: chair legs, underneath tables, and right above his head.

"With radar." Santa confirmed with a big smile and a hearty "ho-ho-ho".

The two then continued to clean the place up, despite how much Rostam hated​
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Adam Kane code named Akira
Interacting with @Jakers and @Mars Walker

Adam stood there waiting for the little witch to make her move, she wasted time threatening him and obviously sizing him up he stood still, not taking any kind of defensive stance waiting for her to make a move. She finally rushed forward with a roundhouse kick. Akira simply stepped back making it so that the little witch hit nothing but air. He remained still, his hands behind his back waiting for her next attack when someone crawled out of a portal. This girl looked as though she was going to be sick and then she joined in on the yelling and threw her shoe.

Akira caught the shoe mid air and tossed it back to her underhand style. He cleared his throat and spoke to the girls. "Firstly if this was a real altercation you both would be dead already. 1. you never waste time with idle threats. you strike first and you strike hard." He twisted his neck slightly cracking it for intimidation purposes as he took a few steps closer to the girls. "2. If you have the numbers don't charge out and yell at your opponent. use the hidden number to your advantage and surround the target." He took another few steps forward, his eyes clearly changing from an human eye to that of a wolf. "3rd. and the most important lesson I can teach you is to never, and I mean never underestimate your opponent."

Akira seemed to disappear into thin air from the girls view in reality he used his increased agility to quickly jump high into the air. he made it to the rafters and jumped down behind the girl who threw the shoe. He pulled out his collapsible baton and placed it in her hand as he picked her up and threw her into the other girl. It was done quickly enough to catch them both off guard but he took care not to throw them to hard as to injure them. He looked up at Conduit "there now you have a weapon, use it wisely. work together to get the ring." He jumped up and over the pair to plant himself right in front of the ring once more. He took on a relaxed stance and simply said. "now come."
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Atticus James Quinn

"Today only comes once."
Right. So this was off to a good start it seemed. For now, Atticus knew he could use the debris that was still littered around the simulation. There were still a lot of those arrows around. He quickly analyzed the situation, noting how there was as many of the high ranked agents than there were rookies. Still, he didn't want to make an absolute fool of himself, considering he was physically the oldest rookie, so something had to be done.

Doing a quick scan of the higher ranked agents, he knew he could easily take down the flying tin can so long as her suit was actually magnetic. Could probably mess with whatever electronics were inside, too. The one called Storm seemed to not have any metal on him, so he would be harder to deal with. There was the red haired guy, Sable, who was also not wearing metal it seemed. Then there was the one who went after the two girls already. He seemed reckless and impatient, which he could deal with. After analyzing the area, Atticus was off. He used his cybernetics to practically float over the buildings as he ran. He picked some of the arrows up with his magnetics, flinging them in the direction of Adam, guiding them with his cybernetics. He wasn't aiming to hit the agent, he was aiming them so Seier would be able to hopefully make use of them.

"Void Witch, arrows!" He yelled to the girl, hoping she'd get the hint. He wasn't sure if she could grab them using her abilities, but he could at least hover them towards her long enough to hopefully grab them and use. He still found this incredibly unfair, but he was going to at least go down fighting.​

Sable Elias Mereworth

"Fight me if you wish, but know I am old for a reason."

Sable rolled his shoulders, dropping his clipboard gently on the ground. Adam was certainly energetic, though he couldn't help but be amused how he was giving "lessons" when he himself was doing a fighting faux pa.

Stop monologuing, idiot.

Sable didn't move from the platform where he stood. He didn't need to. Not yet. He didn't want to hurt any of them, and wouldn't use offensive tactics unless he needed to. Instead, he would focus on stopping them in other ways. He gathered what darkness that was in the room, surrounding Vyla with it. From reading her file, he knew her various strengths and weaknesses. He knew most of their strengths and weaknesses, but Seier was a mystery to him considering she was so new.

He looked to Atticus as he threw the arrows, not bothering with blinding him as well. He knew he could feel around for metal and didn't need to see it. Plus, Storm and Arisha would likely take care of him. He kept an eye on Adam, as well. He didn't quite trust him, and wanted to keep him in his sight, just in case he needed to inflict some serious pain on the werewolf.​
[fieldbox="STORM KELLY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Did no one understand that the rookies needed to think just a little bit for themselves? Sable telling the rookies the name of the game was one thing, but Adam just going about and flapping his gums... Storm was a little more than miffed. He expressed this with a disgruntled huff and a thick puff of smoke billowing from between his lips. Adam was not as stealthy as the thought he was, for Storm could see wherever he went, even in the darkness. By the time Adam encountered the two girls, they were about two rooftops away from Storm. He was on a higher one though, and stepped on the edge to watch the scene below.

Point one for the werewolf for stopping Serier from getting the ring. But that point was instantly taken away when Storm witnessed Adam give his little monologue lesson and give Vyla a weapon. Giving handouts now, are we? Storm's eyes narrowed. The two girls might have physically been outmatched, but he had no doubt that they would have come up with something clever to fool the overly eager wolf.

Sable had encased Vyla in a veil of darkness, leaving Seier to fend for herself.

"Hmm?" But just in that instant, Atticus yelled out for Seier's attention. Stormy eyes flickered over to see Atticus not horribly far away, but manipulating arrows toward the void witch. Interesting. Very interesting. Storm would give them that. If whatever plan they had would have any chance of success, he would give it to them. This ring was theirs. However, Storm had a small situation to deal with.

Returning his attention back to Adam and the two rookies, he took a step off of the edge. With the same speed Adam had used to get behind Vyla, Storm appeared behind Adam. "Never underestimate your opponent" He hissed in Adam's ear, reaching out to grab hold of the wolf's hair while using his foot to kick in the back of Adam's knees. "Penalty on you for giving free handouts." He said louder so that the girls could also hear (despite Vyla being hidden by darkness). At this point, the rookie trio were given an advance to their tactics.​

@Tarieles @Mars Walker @Jakers @Jinx @Valor
[fieldbox="Seier Rose, black, solid, 10"]
"Void Witch, Arrows!"

The second she heard Atticus' voice, she understood, but just before she was about to open up a portal for the arrows to go through, Vyla was enveloped by darkness. Seier looked around for a split second, not sure who's ability Vyla was currently victim of. She didn't know how to fix it, and it heightened her anxiety about the situation. However, she decided to bury the anxiety and keep pushing forwards. She pressed her lips into a thin line and opened a small portal, the lack of Vyla's ability apparent. The portal's edges shuddered almost unnoticeably as it closed behind the arrows.

Another man entered the scene, pulling Adam's hair and kicking him to his knees. She was surprised by the sudden bit of violence, and the quickness with which everything was happening left a pit of fear in her stomach.

Seier hardened herself, a ruthless anger replacing her fear. She raised both of her hands, opening two separate and now noticeably unsteady basketball-sized portal two feet in front of Adam. The arrows flew out of the portal, striking Adam in his thigh and shoulder, lodging themselves deeply.

Seier showed no remorse for stabbing the agent, but internally, she was terrified. She'd hurt someone with her power again. Vyla was still victim to an unknown ability. She closed her eyes for a short second, trying to mentally justify her violent actions.

These people've kidnapped me, forced me intae simulation, an' expect us awl tae just fall in line like soldiers-

Seier's thoughts halted, her anger filling her even more. A small drop of blood fell from her nose as she opened another increasingly unsteady portal underneath the ring, the last arrow flying out of it and through the ring.

As the number over her head changed to represent the victory, Seier walked towards Adam, wiping the blood from her nose. She knew she couldn't open another portal. If she did, there would be some unwanted deaths- and she definitely didn't want that happening, She stopped a few feet away from Adam, her grey eyes intense, and burning with a deep anger.

"Oi, ef this were a feckin' real fight, ah'd 'ave killed yer sorry ass awlready. Don' act leik ahm a newb to killin' an' fightin', ya mangled fud! An' ahm certainly naw' a stranger tae winnin'!" She spoke abrasively. her words directed towards Adam, but meant for anyone close by to hear.

"Don't none of ya focken' meatsleeves underestimate me!"

@Tarieles @Dao Ma, @Jakers @Jinx @Valor @Kurogane86
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[fieldbox="WHITE FOSTER - MEDIC SUPERVISOR, #242424, solid, 10"]
The infirmary had been rather quiet as of late. Despite the usual type injuries and the frequenters that entered her medical bay, it had been rather boring lately. In her office, White scribbled away at her notes. She much preferred the feel of paper and pen than the near intangible surface of a hologram report. She had no music on. No extra sounds other than the conversations happening outside of her office. It was almost like meditation for her.

But as she finished writing a sentence, she could hear one of her doctors yelling about one of their new and rather interesting patients was awake. White raised her head, her long fair hair laying itself against her shoulder. Crystal eyes darted to her door. "Is a spokesperson necessary?" She mused to herself. The doctor clearly had not been at this facility long. White slowly pushed out from her desk and took up her doctor's coat from the back of her chair. She slipped it on as she left her office and headed toward the voice of the male medical practitioner.

Once she was at the room, White knocked on the door. Instead of waiting to be let in, she simply opened the door and entered. "Doctor, you may leave." She said peacefully, a small smile meeting her delicate lips. She didn't look at the doctor. Instead, she was busying herself with grabbing some gloves from a drawer nearby. The man didn't leave right away, which made White pause in her actions. She finally turned her head to him. "I said, you may leave." she said again, her tone getting more firm, but oddly not hostile. Though the feeling he would get from her was one that would make him scramble to leave as soon as possible.

Her attention went to Yuri. She slipped on the gloves and then took a seat on a stool in front of him. "Do you speak English?" she asked calmly, smoothing out her skirt as she waited for a response.​
@The Wanderer
[bg=#000000][fieldbox="Bishop, #bfbfbf, solid, 4, Courier New"]Apparently unfazed by Rostam's abrupt departure, the Investigations agent had been patiently listening to Gabe's recollections when his attention was drawn to a large mechanical spider scuttling along the floor. Jasper narrowed his eyes as the robot ignored the pair and continued past, seemingly headed in the direction of the simulation rooms. "Yes, it is," he agreed tersely with the other agent's remark, subsequently moving to pursue the arachnoid swiftly down the hall. "Let's see what kind of toy R&D's managed to set loose this time."

Reaching the corner a few seconds after the spider, Jasper paused before rounding the bend to glance up and to his left, where a convex safety mirror had been mounted to prevent headlong collisions. Wary of potential ambush, he used the aforementioned mirror to quickly scan the hallway ahead for his quarry (as well as any additional bystanders). Meanwhile, the agent's right hand strayed absently to his side, casually pushing the coat away from his holstered firearm.[/fieldbox][/bg]
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Yuri Zotov

Yuri was beginning to get annoyed with the doctor.

Mainly because of the fact that the man kept on not answering any of Yuri's questions. Even the most basic ones. Which led to him slowly getting more and more annoyed. At one point, even calling the doctor a certain bad name in Russian. Which had caused the doctor to pause and give him a weird look.

Eventually, it would seem that someone had finally arrived to talk to him. Even if they weren't what he was expecting. He had been expecting someone like the men in black from the movies he had heard about when he was traveling. Instead, there was a lady wearing a doctor's coat. Yuri couldn't help but feel a bit happy that the other doctor had left in such a hurry.

His attention would soon be pointed at the lady who had taken a seat on a stool infront of him. Asking him if he spoke English. "Da-I mean.....Yes." He said with a light Russian accent. It was a habit of his to slip on his English and revert to speaking in his native tongue. Thankfully, it didn't occur in every sentence.

Yuri decided to get this over with. "Where am I? And what's going on?" He asked, making sure to sound as calm as he could. As that was an issue with his accent, was that it made him sound angry or something along those lines. Which led to certain 'encounters' in the past that Yuri wished didn't happen. "And please, no sugarcoating. Annoys me when that happens." He added. It was one of the things that he valued. Straight to the point when it came to important matters. No need for pointless chit chat. He hoped that the doctor would answer his questions, and not redirect them or give him a lie, or half truth...

@Dao Ma
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[fieldbox="C O N D U I T, #242424, solid, 10"]

...Why does this bullshit always happen to me? Vyla pondered as she soared through the air, before coughing a little as she landed in a crumpled heap, her hair and eye colour turning back to normal as she did so. Thankfully, it didn't hurt that much, but she was still staring at the floor and groaning. The senior agent against them had tossed her aside with ease and was now trying to lecture a totally combat-useless person like her in battle tactics; even Vyla was self-aware enough to know that was a lost cause.

Once the guy had stopped talking, Vyla regained her footing, trying to come up with some sort of... witty comeback?
"Y-yeah, well... you... mildly stink, and, uh... uh-" before Vyla could finished wherever the hell she was going with that, she almost fell over again and gave a panicked, dreading whimper as she noticed that darkness from everywhere had closed in on her, and suddenly, she couldn't see anything.

A-Ah!! Who turned out the lights?! Am I dead? Am I finally dea-

Quickly realizing she could still move her body, however, it didn't take long for the girl to notice she was - in fact - still alive. But if she couldn't see any of her allies, then... well, it wasn't much different from being 'dead'. She could get a rough feel for other people's energy when it came out, but ultimately, there was no way for her to amplify stuff if she couldn't see the stuff in question. Without access to her powers, she was just... her. An unfit mess - who couldn't see - with a metal stick.

Oh, l-lord... this is the worst...! I don't wanna go blind, a-aaah... please, damn it, please, make it go away!! Go away go away goaway--

The rookie began to breathe heavily, squirming a little and blindly moving around as if to try and 'shake off' the darkness, but it was no use. Gently hugging her now jet black form, for a moment, as she heard the voices of various people coming from countless directions around her, she knew there was something going on: something about arrows, a new guy had teleported behind the guy originally fighting them, and it sounded like Seier was really pissed. However, she couldn't see what was going on, making her totally oblivious.

Vyla merely accepted the fate that she was now out of this fight. Whoever targeted her with the shadows was probably going to continue to do so, no matter where she tried to hid--

--No. K-keep... keep calm. There's still something you can amplify.

The darkened glob of shadows that was Vyla stood still for a moment, before suddenly looking up, and breaking into a sprint out of nowhere towards the voices of Storm, Adam, and Seier.

"Yo, a-angry person, please just run!! Get that ring near us, then teleport away from here with the magnet guy-- wagh!!" Vyla's shadow-muffled voice shouted in the direction of Seier, before she blindly tripped over the downed Adam (who'd recently been hit by arrows), causing her body to crumple over it and collide into the leg of Storm. Not seeming to care where she landed, however, she wrapped her arms around Storm's leg, tried her best to shimmy her body forward to wrap her legs around the leg as well. The shadows around Vyla suddenly began to pulsate.

"I'll distract them... teleport away, and get as many rings as you ca-- [glow=grey]' A m p l i f y '[/glow]... target... needed--"
[glow=grey]* Zzzznnn--!! *[/glow]
[glow=grey]' A m p l i f y '[/glow] gained!!

Although she couldn't see any other energy source, Vyla had figured out there was an energy source she could boost right in front of her eyes: the darkness itself.

A ferocious sound came from around Vyla's body, like a blast of air being released into a hollow tunnel, the blackness wrapped around her swirling with a mixture of blinding white and pure black, before the shadows dispersed and hissed from around her body into pitch-black smoke. The black fog spread out and fumed from the Vyla's body, the girl gritting her teeth and trying to stay conscious as she put her all into amplifying the shadow-related energy right in front of her. The fog seemed to be absorbing the light of whatever it spread to, creating a chain effect of total blackness.

The black mist spreading throughout the simulation room, it completely obscured the vision of everyone around her in a wide radius. However, when the fog spread out towards Seier and Atticus, it seemed to avoid them entirely in a small dome, and the fog parted for them wherever they went, essentially allowing them to be the only ones to have vision in the wide cloud of shadow Vyla had created from the energy that was being used against her.

Ah... t-this was... a really dumb idea... I-I think I'm gonna faint... a-and I probably just hindered everyone... but... I... I-I've gotta do... something...!! I won't just stand there, damn it... I won't just stand there...

Still holding on to Storm's leg as hard as she could - trying as hard as she could to clamp her body onto it and not let go - Vyla had the intention of causing total confusion amidst the already bickering and injured professionals around her. She didn't care about getting her own rings anymore. She just hoped the others would find a way to get theirs, and forget about the useless idiot that was her.
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[fieldbox="LEO DE LUCA, #242424, solid, 10"]
Leo's morning had gone relatively well. He had been undisturbed when getting his morning coffee. He got a pleasant phone call from his brother at the New York branch, his youngest sister in the California branch, and a peculiar call from his middle sister in the Moscow branch. Paola had rambled on about how they should have gotten a transport and how she wondered what kind of future agent he would be like. Of course, Leo tried every excuse in the book to try and hang up on his gossiping sister. Eventually his saving grace came in the form of another torture, and Leo's bane of existence... a stack of paperwork. With his morning completely spoiled by signings for this and that and filling out reports for these and those, Leo found himself feeling completely lethargic afterwards. He needed another cup of coffee. Maybe an entire pot. Also food might help in this situation. Grabbing his shoulder holster for Dulce and Maria (his guns, mind you), he placed his girls securely in their places before putting on his blazer.

It would have been a brisk walk to the cafeteria from his small office in the Investigations department, however there seemed to be a bit of a disturbance in the halls. A couple random agents ran down the hall passed Leo, forcing the senior agent to step to the side and look back at them. The two had been muttering about something. 'Did you see any?' 'No, not down this way. Let's try the next hall.' What on earth were they talking about?

Someone probably fucked up somewhere. It wasn't entirely his concern to help clean up their mess. Though impulse told him to follow after the two agents, his grumbling stomach won over his mind. He continued to head down toward the cafeteria in moderate peace.

Except for when he was stopped by a spider. It was a standoff in the hall with the little mechanical spider that looked like it could easily fit in the palm of his hand. "Hnn?" He tilted his head slightly, hands in his pockets as he tried to discern what the thing was. But the spider screeched and reared it's front legs up at him after a moment of silently staring. In that quick moment, Leo reached for the gun at his right side and instantly went to aim at the spider. His aim was just shy a split second and the spider won the quickdraw. It shot a laser at him, hitting him through the chest and forcing him off of his feet.

Leo laid on the ground, a nice sized hole in his chest. Eyes faded for a moment before he gasped for breath and rolled onto his side. "Dammit..." He groaned and pushed himself to sit up. "That hurt..." he continued to hiss and looked down to see that the hole was healing up already. It was always a horrible smell, singed flesh. But the smell wasn't what made Leo instantly pissy. It was the fact that one of his favorite ties had been a casualty. He reached down and picked up the half of his tie that had been burnt off. He slowly clenched it in his fist and shot a glare in the spider's direction. "You little bastard, you're dead." Leo snapped and reared his other hand up, flinging shots with Maria. The shots missed and the spider ran off toward the cafeteria. Leo scrambled to his feet to chase after it.

He ran full sprint after the spider, growling and hissing profanities as he went, several times pausing to give a shot at the little mecharachind. Eventually there was a point where Leo had lost sight of the bugger. With Maria raised to align with his shoulder, he silently crept around corners in search for it. He was next to some open cafeteria doors when he heard someone yelp inside. 'It must be in there.' he thought as he made his move. He slipped inside the cafeteria, Maria raised at the ready, only to find Jet standing there, examining a now broken spider. It was the very same one that Leo had been dealing with... or he thought. Were there more?

"Hey kid." He called, lowering his gun just enough to show that he wasn't about to shoot Jet. He nodded his head toward the mechanical mess in Jet's hand. "You just destroy that thing?"
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[fieldbox="WHITE FOSTER - MEDIC SUPERVISOR, #242424, solid, 10"]
White was actually surprised that the man responded to her. From what she could tell from the previous doctor, he wasn't much of a talker. But she could have easily chalked it up to him being annoying. She gave the man a small smile and then looked over to the small table just within reach. His file had been placed there when the doctor left the room. She reached over to pick it up and started to look through it.

So he did speak English. That was good. She didn't respond right away. Instead, she let him ask his questions first. It was only right to give him some kind of security before barraging him with questions of her own.

"You are in the infirmary at Invictus Facility two-eight-seven." She skimmed over a page in the file before closing it and looking back directly at him. She crossed one leg over the other and placed her hands on her lap. "You were found in the plains of northern Texas and brought here upon medical emergency." She would give him the unsugared truth, but that didn't mean she would give him more information than what he would ask for. Though, she supposed telling him exactly why he was in the infirmary would benefit him. She glanced down to the file again and opened it up.

"Multiple fractured bones, lesions, internal and external bleeding, torn tendons and ligaments... the list goes on. You were practically at the brink of death. It seems our doctors have done a fine job, if I do say so myself." White looked up from the folder to the man again. "May I ask your name?" She had a name in the file, but whether it was his or simply one that had been in the wallet he had at the time of being brought in or not was another thing. "My name is White Foster. I am the medical supervisor here at this facility."
@The Wanderer