Invasion: The Aftermath

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Emory slowly set the couch down. "B..but your arm..?" He said quietly, slowly turning. He looked a little scared, still upset he had hurt Clarence.
Clarence looked at the ground, gently kicking at nothing with his right foot. "I-I'm fine, Emory...We can just re-bandage it when we get back..." He said quietly. He didn't like having to seem like he needed to be taken care of all the time...He was afraid Emory might get tired of it, might end up feeling like his parent more than his boyfriend.
Emory sighed. He walked to Clarence, wrapping his arms around him. "Are you sure?" He asked softly. "I don't want my favorite person getting hurt worse." He kissed Clarence's nose gently.
The corners of Clarence's mouth turned up a bit when he heard Emory, and he leaned into him, resting his head on his shoulder. "...I just don't want you to feel like you have to take care of me all the time..." He admitted, lifting his head a bit to look at Emory.
"But what if I want to?" He asked softly, smiling faintly. He did like taking care of Clarence.
Clarence giggled, then sighed softly. "...Fine. You win." He said quietly, then pecked Emory on the cheek. He pulled away from him, then walked over to their bags, searching through them until he found a first-aid kit. He took out an anti-bacterial wipe, along with some bandages, then returned to Emory, holding them out with a soft smile.
Emory smiled at Clarence, sitting on the couch. When Clarence came back, he took the supplies, then pat the spot beside him for Clarence to sit.
Clarence smiled softly as he sat where Emory had patted, and was actually sitting so close that their legs touched...He just liked to be close to Emory. He lifted his arm a bit so it would be easier for Emory to rebandage his cut, and he kept his eyes away, not exactly wanting to see it. While Sam might have enjoyed the sight of blood or any sort of harm to anyone, Clarence was the exact opposite, and actually hated the sight of blood or anything even close to someone being harmed.
Emory slowly unwrapped the cut, pressing the used bandage against it while he unwrapped the antibacterial wipe. He removed the bandage and very gently started to clean it up with the anti-bacterial wipe. He bit his lip, wondering if maybe he'd need to stitch it up.. He unwrapped the other bandage and removed the anti-bacterial wipe, slowly started to wrap it. It was a little snug, but wouldn't cut off circulation.
Clarence made a small sound of pain when he felt the wipe touch his cut. It hadn't hurt too much before, since Sam hadn't been completely gone yet, but now, since he was, Clarence could fully feel the stinging pain of it. He hissed in pain again when Emory started wrapping his arm, but it was barely audible. The bandage pressing against his wound stung, too, but he knew the pain would subside in a bit.

He thought about the words Emory had tried to say when Clarence had asked him why he cut him. He said Sam...Sam had made him do that. Clarence felt awful. How did Emory feel about that...? He hoped he wasn't too upset, but how could he not be? Clarence knew that he would most likely be apologizing non-stop if he had ever done something like that to Emory..."E-Em...I-I'm sorry he made you do that..." Clarence said quietly, looking up at Emory.
Emory had let his hands fall away from the bandage, and when Clarence spoke, he twitched a little. "It's not your fault... You have no reason to be sorry." He said softly, gently wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close. He started to say something, then stopped. He tried again, starting to tear up a little, then stopped. Clearing his throat, he managed to speak. "I...m... I'm sorry... That I did it... Though.." He said softly, biting his lip as he held back tears. He was hurt that he did anything to harm Clarence in any way. He loved Clarence, and just seeing him uncomfortable made Emory unhappy... Having hurt Clarence himself put him in agony when he thought about it.
Clarence frowned a bit, then slowly wrapped his arms back around Emory and rested his head in the nape of his neck. "It's okay, Emory...I don't want you to be upset about it..." He said, his voice just above a whisper. He slid his right hand up and gently cupped Emory's face, softly rubbing his face with his thumb, then looked up at him again. "...I love you, Emory...I always will...No matter what you do..." He said softly, then gently pressed his lips against his. He wanted Emory to feel be happy...Clarence just wanted him to be happy.
Emory sniffled slightly as Clarence spoke to him. His words made him relax some... Clarence wasn't mad or upset at him, and though Emory was still unhappy with himself, he had managed to dry his tears. He gently kissed Clarence back, holding him close.
Clarence kissed Emory for a few moments, and when he pulled away, he rested his head back against his shoulder, closing his eyes. "...What else were we supposed to do again?" He asked. Everything that had happened in the past hour or two had completely distracted him from what they were supposed to do today, and it was already starting to get dark out, but only slightly.
"Uhh.." Emory paused, thinking for a few long moments. "Oh yeah.. We still had another chair to move... We can wait to go into the city tomorrow though." He said with a faint smile, relaxed. He held Clarence close to him.
"Oh yeah...Heh...." He nuzzled his face against Emory's shoulder, then hesitantly stood and stretched his legs a bit. He walked over to the dolly and fixed it so that it was in its normal position, so they'd be able to lift the chair onto it. He caught sight of Matt still lying on the floor, and his brow furrowed a bit. Shouldn't he have woken up by now? Clarence knelt down next to him and gently shook his shoulder, and when Matt released a tired groan, it was clear that he was just asleep now. Clarence giggled a bid and stood upright, then looked over at Emory as he grabbed the handle of the dolly.
Emory tossed the trash outside and glanced around to be sure everything was secure. When he heard Matt groan, he looked over. A small smile crossed his face as he saw Clarence and he shook his head. "Let him sleep." He said softly as he motioned for Clarence to lead the way back to the shop.
Clarence looked over at Matt once more, then did as Emory gestured and pushed the dolly out the door, beginning to lead the way back to the coffee shop. Clarence looked around as he walked, and he felt...fairly content at the moment. He looked back at Emory and smiled, then looked forward again, and before he knew it, he was humming, which was something he very rarely did now-a-days.
Emory stayed close beside Clarence, relaxed, but still cautious. He kept an eye out for unusual things as they headed to the shop.
When they reached the shop, he held the door open for Clarence.
Clarence smiled softly at Emory and pushed the dolly through the door, saying a quiet thank you as he passed through it. When he got a few paces inside the shop, he stopped and looked around, then looked back at Emory. "Which one?"
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