Intergalactic Life: Among the Stars (OoC)

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IC should be up tonight, if things go well!
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But I'm just saying it now: Dylan is not having the "Birds and the Bees" talk with Casspian.
It's okay...He'll just look up data of it himself..through his crazy AI-ness...evne though he will have questions...He may know stuff in theory, but he will want to know more in case he missed out on anything X,D
It's okay...He'll just look up data of it himself..through his crazy AI-ness...evne though he will have questions...He may know stuff in theory, but he will want to know more in case he missed out on anything X,D

Casspian: Nova, what exactly are they doing?

*shows video research*

Dylan: ...

Casspian: If the pizza man truly loves the babysitter, why does he keep spanking her rear?
Casspian: Nova, what exactly are they doing?

*shows video research*

Dylan: ...

Casspian: If the pizza man truly loves the babysitter, why does he keep spanking her rear?

"Yes, we're gonna have to go right to ludicrous speed."
-Dark Helmet

Name: Syril Poratun

Pronunciation: Sewe-rule Porr-AH-TOON

Age: 74 years old but physically looks to be in her late 20s.

Gender: Female (Alien-cyborg)

Appearance: Weighs 129 lbs. and has a height of 5'3". Slender and in shape.


Species: Nu'Renai (Noo-Ren-eye), an alien race, known for their pale white, blue, or grey skin. Their eyes are a dark purple almost black with the irises colored dark red. Violet veins below and/or above the eyes are easily noticeable. Their natural hair is extremely colorful so it's always two or three colors or different shades of one. Their lips are dark or light shades of blue or purple. They all have the same dark grey symbol marked on their forehead which is the best way to identify a true Nu'Renai.

Weapon(s): She carries with her dual gunblades strapped on her upper thighs or on a shoulder holster for concealment.

Background: The Nu'Renai have lived in peace and undisturbed since the beginning of their creation which spans for billions of years. The planet called Orm is the only home of the Nu'Renai so they are not found anywhere else in the galaxy. They are extremely intelligent and innovating in their technology. The planet is filled with rich energy crystals, called Solstarrise (Sol-star-eyes), that are used as a forms of energy and fuel and so have never relied on any other planet/species to live which was a major contributing factor for their undisturbed peace. Cities were not only on land but were also built below the sea and in the skies as floating cities. It was during their time of peace that Syril was the most prominent professor of languages & linguistics and taught/researched in several prestigious universities in Orm.

Unfortunately, Orm was invaded by a ruthless and tyrannical species, the Dracg. Many Nu'Renai were killed but most were turned into slaves and some were used as experimentations...Syril being put in the latter group. She was tortured as her limbs were dissected, mutilated, and then cut off to be replaced by more advanced robotic limbs infused with the very same energy crystals of her planet, the Solstarrise. The limbs were molded to look just like Nu'Renai arms & legs but the only difference was the dark grey metal color with certain sections glowing faintly (light purple) due to the energy from the crystal. The advantages of her new arms and legs were super strength, short bursts of increased speed, and small energy shields strong enough to defend her and one other person. Also the metal infused with Solstarrise is light-weight & indestructible, but everything else is fair game and can be injured or killed.

The Dracg invaded planets so as to capture other species and turn them into slaves or the ultimate soldiers for their own purposes. Syril was a professor so she did not know anything about combat and violence until the Dragc coerced her (and threaten her family) to train and learn how to kill quickly and efficiently with a weapon and her own body. The training involved other subjects such as building and repairing weapons, flying, driving, navigating pretty much anything, survival and tracking skills, basic medical knowledge (nursing level), and mechanics. She is also highly resourceful and adaptive and will use the environment and whatever is in it to her advantage. The training lasted many years and was so severe that most of them did not survive only Syril and 44 others out of thousands. It was also during this time that Syril lost complete contact with her family and has never seen them again.

One night, Syril managed to escape with the help of one of the Dracg, one by the name of Raxien, who actually fell in love with her but knew that if Syril stayed any longer she would be further harmed. The Dracg were developing further experimentations involving the Nu'Renai's brain which he knew that Syril will not survive the project and if she did then Syril would never be same being again. Although, Syril got away with one of their fighter aircrafts the Dragc got a hold of Raxien and killed him.

Syril hopes for one day to bring back Orm but is doubtful of its future... are their any more Nu'Renai alive? What about her family? Did any more escape? Could they rebuild their planet or was it completely ravaged by the Dracg? She feels the pressure of saving her home but knows not where to start and how to do so. She secretly hides these inner turmoils very well and will most likely take them to the grave. After escaping she managed to make a living by becoming a bodyguard, interpreter, and transporter.

One day, she came across The Moonage Daydream's young captain and its crew...from then on things began to look for the better.

Prone to having hellish nightmares about the destruction of her home planet and when she was tortured. One sure way to sleep peacefully was sleeping with her MP3 player on and let the music kill off those nightmares. Although she hates to admit it but hugging a pillow sometimes helps as well...or a someone's limb if there's a sleepover party. She's also a bit of a hazardous sleepwalker... Luckily, Nu'Renai do not need to sleep very much and so only require 2-3 hours of sleep to be fully energized.
[x] Despite her horrible experiences with the Dracg she is not mentally broken and that is perhaps the reason why Raxien loved her. She is still the humorous, smart, and caring person she was from the start. However, there are those rare times when during a fight a sort of bloodlust triggers and becomes incredibly violent with anyone around her. Although she probably wont go as far as killing someone from the crew but she might hurt them is highly suggested that those in the The Moonage Daydream wear some protective body gear when wild-beast mode is turned on.
[x] Is fascinated with human culture and loves the movies, comics, books, video games, and music. She owns an mp3 player that is filled with different types of music from classic rock to hip hop.
[x] When unable to eloquently describe her feelings while using her own words then she will resort to singing or saying lyrics to a song or quoting a movie.
[x] Sings in the shower while sporting a soapy Mohawk...she's actually not that bad of a singer.
[x] Has an unquenchable curiosity, which has gotten her into some interesting situations.
[x] Scared of ghosts, paranormal activity, and haunted places, so try to limit any sudden movements during those types of scenarios 'cause she will kill it with fire! or something.
[x] A sucker for anyone that can make her laugh.
[x] Has an eidetic memory which is both gift and a curse.

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Suddenly making a barrel roll, Dylan swerved hard to the right and tried to confuse the ship behind him
I feel compelled to point out that barrel rolls don't work like that.
But then again, I'm a stickler for details, so sue me.
Oh dear.

I spot a very attractive signup thread, message the GM to request a participation delayed by a couple of days in which I will be occupied. I go away for those couple of days and everything happens.

Hello folks.

I am, as of this moment, still not yet out of that state of being occupied.

Here's a work-in-progress character sheet for a potential on-board medic, in apology for the lateness. I intend to complete it tomorrow.


Emily Goodnight

(with the propagation of human culture into its colonies, it also diverged in its development as each world was a semi-isolated environment. That is most evident in language, where emergence of a regional accent and/or an idiosyncratic system of words and phrases elsewhere unrecognized is but inevitable. Words don't always still mean what they started out meaning.

The probability wasn't terribly slim for one word to go from a somewhat common and concise evening greeting to a family name.)




5'7'' (approx.170 cm). Considers herself "reasonably tall".

She had a pale turquoise complexion, typical for Legendri from around Port City. The colour deepens near her joints and at the nose and ears. A darker mix of pigments resulted in a deeper shade of bluish green in her hair, which at the moment drapes halfway down her back when let down, with evidence of the colour being bleached out earlier at the tips.

Her typical attire consisted almost entirely of dress shirts, mostly white. Beneath it she wears a cropped vest top and shorts, allowing space for the gills to move when breathing liquid was available.

And no, this was the era of commonplace space travel, and suspenders are apparently not out of style.

She doesn't always wear the white high-collared longcoats that were the medical uniform on her homeworld when in service. When she does it was because that those coats were pretty, and sometimes quite intimidating to look at, and that helps with things sometimes.

In Terra's distant memory, there was a time long before the first wave of human expansion into its outer colonies by which it realized that its human population might soon grow beyond what it can sustain. One of the popular proposals at the time were to expand human territory into the remaining 70% of the planet's surface, yet largely uninhabited by man.

There was a really good reason why no people lived in the oceans, though: humans are generally incapable of staying alive underwater for prolonged periods.

There were, at a time, extensive surgical and genetic engineering attempts to derive a variation on the typical human that was compatible with that environment. Those events, even if existent, at least remained largely unpublicized. Reasonably so, because mankind caught onto a distraction later on, forgot about the overpopulation problem and instead spent a considerable amount of time being busy colonizing its corner of the galaxy.
The world of Legendre(luh-zhahn-der) II was identified after mankind had run out of names of Greek gods but before they exhausted the names of prominent figures in scientific history as well.
Legendre II was quite an amusing planet to come by. If a landing mission was carried out, say, a century or so earlier, mankind would've been ecstatic in finding that it had, in abundance, the element that has always been considered an essential precursor to the development and sustenance of life. In truth, however, the planet was instead categorized as not being suitable for settlement, for the large ice caps themselves were devoid of economic value, and any mineral resources that might exist in its crust are buried deep beneath an ocean five kilometres at its thinnest.

Uninterested, man left Legendre alone for quite a long time. It was much later, when humans turned back from its hasty expansion to establish a better integrity in its territory, that the Legendre system was brought back into light. With developments in technology - improved proficiency in altering the face of planets to their preference, and in getting from one of those planets to another - the second of planets that orbited the red dwarf that was the centre of the system, a watery world, became then an available candidate for a satellite settlement to colonies that existed nearby.

The Legendri today are the descendants of the members of the first experimental communities dispatched from Terra at that time.


The Legendri's most prominent difference from humans was their respiratory and cardiovascular systems: instead of the lungs and heart found in man, Legendre had both what appeared to be lungs and gills that they breathed with - allowing for respiration both underwater and in air, relying on the other when one was not available. The gills were a trait that was transplanted over from the genes of a number of amphibian species of earth (instead of any kind of fish, which is the common misconception). From those species they also inherited the three-chambered heart, allowing for the regulation of blood flow between respiratory organs and systemic circulation.

Legendri gills are located to the sides of the torso, along the bottom rim of what would've been the ribcage in a human body. What was once the last three pairs of ribs was now modified to support a large, yet delicate system of filaments. The system of gills were independent from their lungs - gasses are exchanged directly through the surface of the gills and into the bloodstream. While the gills were soft themselves, muscle tissue existed in the supporting structures, and enabling movement that allowed the gills to be pushed outwards into the environment and expanded to sustain a more efficient respiration, and to be moved around to stir up stagnant water when the body wasn't on the move.

On land, the gills are usually kept inside what seemed to be slits on the body, where they were covered with protrusions of skin. Partially collapsed, they retain a small capability of gas exchange when kept sufficiently moist - a marginal level that would sustain a resting body for a while - and the body will switch to mainly relying on the lungs instead.

Some Legendri are born with sharp teeth - purely a mostly superficial side-effect of their engineering (this has more than once in history become some sort of a cosmetic trend, however). Their skin is usually of a similar texture to human skin, with some variation in pigments that may give them a slightly different colorization, differing in hus and pattern by the individual. Legendre skin colour falls most often in the green-blue-purple part of the spectrum, or sometimes a slight orange tint.
Aside from those, their physiology is much identical to that of humans. Strictly speaking, they are a human subspecies - their genetic composition are (quite surprisingly) compatible, and mixed offspring may posses part of or all of the traits of either parent. The gills and heart seem to be but phenotypical variations, although quite dramatic ones.

A rather young society, Legendre culture still ties heavily back to that of it's predecessor; which means language and customs are largely inherited, albeit with changes undergone over time. It is notably homogeneous, owing to their common origination as a handful of settlements from Earth. However, the homeworld Legendre II now itself hosts a diverse population, with its vast surface cities at the poles and the submerged and subterranean constructions inhabited by species originating from the nearby systems and further out in the galaxy. Legendre and humans are usually regarded by other species to be very closely related or sometimes even under the same category; although a clear distinction is usually made in both of their communities; quite evident in the colloquial expressions of "air/water breather" with which they refer to the species, and references to the "fish-people of Legendre", which sometimes carries a derogatory context.

Weapons & Equipment:
Several international, interplanetary, and intersystem conventions and regulations decree that medical service enter battlefields as independent entities. They treat wounds regardless of faction and are protected from the conflict. They are required to identify themselves via appropriate insignia, and do not carry weapons. Failure to comply to those conditions implies forfeiting of that protection.
Medics, however, carry weapons anyway since most modern conflicts involve forces that do not respect those conventions.


The Model 91 was standard issue in many of Legendre's military and law enforcement departments, and in the mean time, commonly available from various alternative, if less legitimate, sources.

Not an outstandingly powerful firearm, usually purposed as a backup weapon. It ran on batteries - plasma weapons were a technology considerably younger than the firearms prevalent on Terra preceding it, yet a rather mature one by this time. There was considerably less recoil, and the light weapon did more damage than a gunpowder firearm of comparable size. A cartridge can release six rounds before it was depleted.


Light, rather reliable, and simple to operate; Emily found that its minimalist design ideal for use, as she often had to carry other equipment.


Despite being reluctant to harm anyone, when given a sufficiently good reason to do so, it would be fair to say that she is capable of doing some damage. Her profession demanded that she know how an organism worked in order to keep it working. Incidentally, that same knowledge seems to be equally, if not more, helpful in deriving ways in which to have the organism stop working. Even with only little training in combat skills and a physique inherently weaker than many other species, when given the correct resources, it is quite surprising how much harm can be done with some quick reacting and improvised weaponry.


Despite having been a spacecraft crew member for quite a while already, much of her outward personality still carried the traits that indicated an uneventful life on the surface of a planet. Still a city dweller, some will say - a composed, dispassionate regular demeanor, if with the tendency to be amused easily, sometimes by things that more experienced space travellers see as everyday encounters.

Friendly, and quite outgoing once she gains familiarity with the environment, most find her to be a pleasant person to be around most of the time. Her outlook is surprisingly cheerful - bordering on hopelessly optimistic, sometimes. Then again, anything but an optimist is not of much use when leading a life that is fifty percent conditions of extreme desperation.

She adapts a strictly no-nonsense attitude towards anything related to her profession - in a split-second personality swap sort of way. There the timidness that appears from time to time in her demeanor disappears entirely, as she aggressively ensures the carrying out of all procedures being done the way she intended them to be.

Most of her confidence also stems from her proficiency in what she does, and thus she is very - perhaps overly - devoted to making sure that everything she considers herself to have taken responsibility over survives and recovers properly. While it doesn't compromise her doing her work properly, she often becomes visibly upset when a significant frustration is met.


Following exposition into space, many of the less fortunate species were confronted with a very immediate, uncircumventable difficulty: the sheer scale of the inhabited universe made a single life a terribly short time to accomplish anything significant.

In this very specific case, that significant thing happens to be an attempt to cram into one's understanding a knowledge on the anatomies of the thirty-odd known intelligent species in the inhabited galaxy. An average human body following the model of the medical education of the old days would have been long past its prime by the time its intelligence had a good enough grasp at everything. The alternatives were to specialize, or just to start at it very early.

"Not that anyone is complaining, though" - at least that was what Emily would have said. From very early on in her life, she had found herself with a near obsessive interest over all things living. She could not have imagined a world in which the entirety of biological knowledge was restricted to a fraction of what they now had access to. She had established a very clear idea of what she wanted to do.

What she wanted to do, however, was not exactly spending twelve hours a day in an academic facility.

Throughout her entire academic life she was probably best known for poor attendance and a tendency to attempt innovation under the most untimely of circumstances. The former part was an objective truth, yet the latter was not observed on her end, since most of the times she relied as much on what she picked up on lectures, as on the relative ease with which she could grasp an intuitive understanding of just about any biological system she laid eyes upon.

That led to the result of all of her instructors remembering her name. That was not a good thing in that "more often than not" is usually insufficient when the goal at hand was to keep something or someone from dying. It became evident soon that she had to make up for that. After some meticulous calculations involving the minimum requirements for successful graduation, in those two or three years, the twelve hours became eighteen.

In the twentieth year of her life, she began service at the local spaceport. That environment was, to her, entirely new - and, also, as she would say - the stuff of which her dreams were made. Legendre having started out as a merchant city in its corner of the galaxy, the spaceport provided an abundance of cases on various species, of just about any sort of injury or disease available. The only things that were less than satisfactory were the fact that as an apprentice, she had, at most times, no clearance to do anything outside of perpetually scurrying around taking care of mundane, marginal aspects of the scene; and that the shifts were excruciatingly tiring. Yet she did well, and by age 24, she had, above the talent that she always relied on, a layer of practical experience, and a much expanded view on what has always been her fixation - life, and everything related in its workings. All that she needed now was the qualification as a fully authorized medical operator, which was little more than one year away.

The eventual verdict to those ventures was, quite anti-climatically, never delivered; for she was no longer at the spaceport the following year, and was never there to receive her final professional examinations. The reason behind that was a very curious turning point, the details of which are obviously so obfuscated it is hopeless to ever articulate clearly - all that is for sure was this: it was an incident involving a scavenger ship, a very charming sailor with a kneecap injury, and a plasma-powered dining fork.

  • Serves aboard the Daydream as part of the ship's medical staff. Her proficiency in her specialization as an emergency physician she refers to as "one of the best to be found in this quadrant". She will also admit that it was an exaggeration - but a slight one at most. That's the bottom line.
  • She is not particularly fond of machinery. Sure, essential to living; but she found that there was just this...profound lack of elegance in many of them.
  • In particular, smoke. And flames, sometimes. The kind of stuff that comes out when you take something organic and reduce it into little black particles. Even though the inevitable exposure to it throughout her travelling life has made her more or less used to it, she loathes that scent no less than she ever did. She tries not to complain about that, but in the specific case of lighting something on fire and deliberately inhaling the products of its combustion, it will take a great deal of effort to talk her into stop her pestering over it.
  • Possibly worth noting: she is one of those people with black-and-white morality guidelines. It is only rarely noticeable because her line between acceptable and not acceptable curls and writhes around in very strange ways and sometimes intersects itself.
  • Some inherent weaknesses: the nature of their kind as a young species and a result of artificial engineering means that there are several components in their physiology that are simply not as elegantly structured as those selected by nature. Legendre breathe both air and water, yet does neither particularly efficiently; which reflects as a generally lower capability to sustain demanding physical activities for prolonged periods.
  • Also, the nerve bundles that run along and under the gills. Don't touch them.

"We are sorry for the inconvenience." - God, in his final message to his creation
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XD meh, its just a theory. A GAAAAAAME THEORY!

And @four, looks good to me! Just finish the sheet and it'll be good ^^
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Hey ole buddy, ole chum. We got to keep meeting like this.
I reused my species because... lazy. Though Eiger is no Dutch. He is still rude though, but on an entirely different level.

I'm excited to play with you again.

Also. All dese aliens be blue.

Hey ole buddy, ole chum. We got to keep meeting like this.
I reused my species because... lazy. Though Eiger is no Dutch. He is still rude though, but on an entirely different level.

I'm excited to play with you again.

Also. All dese aliens be blue.

Get posting in the IC, Mr. "I'm online right now".

Hey ole buddy, ole chum. We got to keep meeting like this.
Ey, greetings @Sofa King Fancy .

Pleasure to meet you again.

I reused my species because... lazy.
At least you weren't trying to hide that fact just by swapping out the name of the person the homeworld's named after. (shifty eyes)

Though Eiger is no Dutch. He is still rude though, but on an entirely different level.
I see.

Aw, Dutch. Dutch was amazing, I must say - such misfortune that game stalled before anyone got to see him in full glory.

I'm excited to play with you again.
Anticipating this too.

Also. All dese aliens be blue.
Red too eye-catching, green too mainstream. Our options are limited.

Either way, goodnight for now. Be back tomorrow.
I am at work. I can throw some OOC messages because my phone can handle that. I really don't want to type an entire post on my phone. But I will if you want one ASAP. It'll be subpar though.
I'm kidding, take your time people!

I'm a patient guy :3
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