Institute of Gifted

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Corrie, though she had been silent for the entire argument, found herself peering strangely at Virgil. It seemed that there was another side to him that she hadn't expected- not that that was a bad thing. Just different.
Virgil looked at Lyric. "Are you okay Lyric?" He said in a concerned tone.
"Hey lyric you okay i'm not dead yet so you dont have to cry"Ethan said softly.
She immediately turned her attention to the two with a slight confused face, but then noticed the tears, and how pathetic she probably looked.

She wiped her cheeks softly and nodded while she sniffed. She didn't want them worried or anything. She hated being treated like a baby, but she knew if she were to say one word, she would have a break down.
"Sorry I didn't mean to baby you i'm just worried about you. Because well people almost killing each other is scary." Ethan remarked.
She nodded, and wondered if he read her mind or something. Lyric relaxed, not even knowing she was tensed before.
"So cheer up will ya"Ethan joked while rubbing her head violently.
Lyric winced a little; she was never used to people doing that. She looked down and subtly drew random shapes in the air, or thats how it looked. Soon after she was done, a medium sized dry-erase board with a marker attached appeared in her lap. Drawing always lightened her mood, so why not cheer up with it?
"Wait now did you just do what I think you did?Because if you did that was totally awesome."Ethan Said excitedly.
A small smile pulled at Lyric's lips as she shrugged. What did he think she did? She didn't really think it was special, probably because she's had it for a while. But it made her feel good when he got excited about it and called it awesome.
She didn't make eye contact with him, too busy drawing. But she responded quietly while she drew. "I guess, why?"
"Well I still had this in my pocket when I woke up here you can play it if you want"Ethan said while holding out a Nintendo ds.
She gently put the erase board down and softly took the DS. She gave him a small smile and said, "Thank you." And carefully opened it, watching the screens come to life. Her eyes grow eager as the intro plays, and she is suddenly in a trance, like a little boy playing his favorite Xbox game.
"Your welcome I don't know why they didn't take it but i'm glad they didn't" Ethan said proudly.
She nodded slightly, half listening. Usually when she got into things she likes, she got really into it.
"Just make sure sydra doesn't get hold of it"Ethan said.I wonder if syndra is ok after that argument.
She took a quick glance at Ethan, then quickly when back to the DS. "Why?"
Sydra snorted "I heard that." Rolling her eyes she flopped back on the floor
"Oh well it kinda seems like she hates me but i'm sure she'll get used by to me" Ethan said calmly.
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