Institute of Gifted

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She stared into his eyes unknowingly. She processed what he said and and nodded slightly. She felt something, but wasn't sure what. She then heard Corrie and looked at her, abit more fearful. "You stab people?" She asked fearfully.
"You gotta shank a couple of fools to keep living on i wouldn't blame her especially if the fools were like me" ,Ethan said jokingly.
"Unintentionally," Corrie responded, figuring she should at least give the girl some fair warning. "But I'm getting better at controlling it now."
"I think corrie is really nice on the inside she just acts all tough so no one thinks they can just use her or run over her" ,Ethan said aloud.
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"Or, maybe I just get really fed up with people who act like they know everything," Corrie suggested, a large, mocking smile on her face. Of course she regretted it as soon as the words were out of her mouth, like she usually did. After all, he was only a kid. "I- sorry. That was uncalled for."
"Its okay but I think you got it backwards I know everything you think i don't think I know everything" ,Ethan joked
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Corrie blinked, trying to figure out whether he was joking or serious. Probably both, she decided, and forced herself to smile at his joke. She finally moved her hands out from between her knees, confident that she wouldn't flare again.
Feeling more confident Ethan said,"I'm sorry Corrie once you get to know me I'll be a asshole ,but don't worry you'll get used to it"
All the talking the others were doing was really starting to grate on Sydra's nerves. And it wasn't helping her headache either. "Keep it down over there, will ya? You're splitting my head wide open" she glared in Ethan's direction. He seemed to happy for her tastes. Happy people always seemed to annoy her. Huffing she hit her head on her knee, attempting to beat the pain and hurt away.
"Now, there's a peculiar face..." thought the old man, leaning back in his chair. A sigh of both equal parts of fatigue and relief left him, but not even his reinstatement coming out of left field was enough to drive him away from doing his job. After all, this entire facility had become their new world, and the 'gifted' (especially ones so young) would need an orator most experienced to foretell of their daily dues. It wasn't pretty; the thought that he'd been long enough at what he does to be considered an experienced fellow, but he resolves to live up to that. If only for their sake. "...or should I say, mind." the old man quipped at the scarfed boy's antics, getting up from his chair and snatching the clear folder from where it rested upon the desk in front of him. He sent an arm forward and fiddled with the keys that governed the computer in front of it, but another glance at the new batch of subjects from the camera feed within their room persuaded him to keep its window open, and with a slight grunt he turned around and headed for the door, his ears wide open for any further development in that span of a few seconds. He wasn't sure what to think of it; that he'd only hear snippets of wonderfully average conversations as he walked out the door.

Perhaps he should be thankful.

Before his lips can curl into a smile, two persons walked into his view from around the corner of the hallways, and he returned a surprised gaze as much as they looked at him with an odd countenance; either they were mere moments from having indulged in the others' intimacy, or he had the Reaper following behind.

"Oh! Do- Doc Indigo. You're back, sir." the youth seemed to choke a bit on his words, but he felt and was indeed lucky. His female companion beside him struck a gaze and it seemed to bring him out of his trance. That seemed to seal the deal, and Frederick felt oddly like a principal. "Welcome back, sir." said the youth, more at ease now. His female companion simply nodded, but seemed just as flustered, and her hair strung into a ponytail moved in waves when she nodded at her friend's words. "How was... " the young man found no word fitting, and thus was the trio was left there, standing in the middle of the hallways, looking at one another blankly for a good half minute or so. On Frederick's part, this was partly in due to recalling their respective identities, and his eyes lit up when it was finally done. Some strange sort of happiness, perhaps you can call it relief, settled on Frederick, seeing the two stand more comfortably in their guard attire.

"...Rest, Alastor? I suppose you can call it that, my boy. I would hold nothing against you, so ease up on the shoulders, eh?" Frederick 'Indigo' Fawkes-Lisbeth laughed slightly, and with an open smile patted the youth, Alastor, on the side of the shoulder. "Keep this up, and you won't be impressing your lady friend anytime soon." he said with another bellow of laughter, looking at Nache, her face flaring into a red. "It's good to see you two again, still at it." he finished, and the awkward grins etched on both Alastor's and Nache's faces turned into a milder smile. They had a few tales to tell him, but wondered if he could tarry like so.
Ethan hadn't even noticed this other girl beforehe can't help but feel stupid.This girl Must be feisty lets just test her sense of humor."I'm sorry syndra was it I didn't mean to upset you in any way its just that I like to get to know people i'm Locked up with",Ethan said calmly "but if you want me to shut up you could always come kill me",He said joking.
Lyrics eyes went wide, again, as she slowly turned her gaze to Sydra. If she was anything like Corrie, she just might.
Clematis had been meditating through their conversations. Whenever she switched rooms she had to get used to the atmosphere or she'd break out in rashes or pain or both, and that meant a lot of sitting and deep breathing, and sometimes yoga. But she usually waited until the people were sleeping for the yoga part, and that seemed to be a good decision for this bunch. Clematis knew that she couldn't influence the group yet, or force happy, more peaceful feelings into the room without causing damage to herself so she sighed and opened her eyes again. "Can we just calm down and not kill each other today?" she asked, getting fed up with their useless arguing and feeling a headache brewing that she wanted to keep at bay.
Sydra narrowed her eyes at Ethan, standing up. "It's Sydra, not Syndra and don't test me. Judging by your scrawny frame I probably could very easily." She looked him up and down. He had to be what? 12? 13? She could probably quite easily kill him if she wanted to. But she didn't really want to. She just wanted him to stop being so annoyingly happy. And if that meant a punch to the jaw... So be it.
"Punching me is not going to help anything.", Ethan remarked "I can help your headache if you want." ,He said. I wonder if she will let me help her? " By the way I'm 14and I'm not always this happy ",He stated.
"I don't need your help," she was now visibly shaking with anger. "And the rest of you SHOULD be bitter. Because if I'm correct in my thinking you were all kidnapped like me. And yet you sit here chatting away as if nothing happened. While the kidnappers and murderers who put us here are still somewhere out there." Her voice was rising higher in pith and volume the more angry she got. "All of us in here have special powers, I'm guessing, right? And those people on the outside are normal. And you let them keep you locked in here??" She paced the floor, the metal in the room shaking and creaking as she walked past. "I say we break out. It should be easy if we do it together"
Corrie sighed, leaning back against the wall. "Don't you think everyone who's been here longer than two days has tried already?" She asked, an eyebrow raised questioningly. "I don't know about everyone else, but I'm currently on a lot of drugs. They keep me hopped so I can't control anything more than a little bit of snow, maybe some frost." She said this all matter-of-factly, completely convinced that breaking out would result in nothing more than quite a few injuries, and none on the guards.
Sydra whirled around to face the rest of the room. "Just because you've given up doesn't mean the rest of us should. Besides I saw what you did when you got mad at the kid" she jerked her thumb in Ethan's direction. "You got mad at him... Yet a bunch of smart thugs keeping us locked up together doesn't make you angry?" Walking over to the wall she stood facing it, feeling her anger surge through her like a hot liquid. She hated sitting in here doing nothing. Even if no one tried to help her she'd make an escape attempt. The first time they caught her off guard but she wasn't about to let that happen again. In frustration she morphed her hand and punched the wall, creating a large dent.
" Sydra sit down and calm down think about it.", Ethan said. She's going to put everyone on edge." the last thing we need is to turn on each other if you wanna break out I'm with you ,but we have to plan it we can't just storm out." ,Ethan said trying to reason with her.
Sydra faced Ethan, her eyes blazing with unspoken anger "Don't tell me to calm down when you know nothing about me except my first name."
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